Trump made Barry lose his cool is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.

Yep, thats why he was a subject of a criminal obstruction investigation,
Thats why he was twice impeached,
Thats why his lawyer, campaign chair, national security advisor and other close associates were convicted or plead guilty.
Thats why he is currently the subject of three more criminal investigations.

That damn corrupt Obama, if only he could be like Trump.
Twice impeached....simply because they voted to impeach....not because they had any fucking evidence of wrongdoing.
Do you want me to go over the details, or are you willing to concede that they impeached him over absolute nonsense?

Bullshit. At least 8 Senate Republicans ADMITTED Trump corruptly pressured Ukraine with millitary aid to help him with election.

10 House Republicans held Trump responsible for Jan 6th attack on the Congress and voted to impeach.

Trump got impeached because he was, and still is, a corrupt asshole. Obama didn't beacuse he wasn't. It's as simple as that.
Ovomit should have been impeached for Fast & Furious
For what exactly?
Selling/giving traceable military grade weapons to drug cartels.

They were given to cartels to BUST THE CARTELS. Now you may disagree with the policy, but it was a LEGITIMATE policy goal and therefore these actions did not constitute a crime or misdameanor, they were at most bad policy and a screw up.

So tell me again, what is there to impeach for here?

On the other hand I can explain to you EXACTLY what Trump was impeached for - he was impeached for ABUSING HIS OFFICE for personal interests. He was impeached for illegitimately holding up congressionally aproved millitary aid to squeeze Ukraine to prosecute his political oppostion to help him win an election.
WOW!!!! Are you seriously this stupid???

So you give drug cartels military grade weapons so that they could destroy themselves? Do you think the guns will just start shooting drug cartel members all by themselves?
Do you really honestly believe that absolute nonsense? How well did arming ISIS work for Obama? Huh?

I've got news for you, bud. The only thing Obama wanted to do was create a war on the border. The racist in him wanted to kill a bunch of white farmers just like his buddies in South Africa are doing today.

How the Hell can someone bust something up by giving them better weapons than the Border Patrol? If anything, it gives them a huge advantage. At the same time you're disarming the cops you're arming drug cartels. What could possibly go wrong?
My understanding is Obama was giving them crew served....belt fed weapons to put holes in choppers. And after the border guards are gone...what do you think happens to the ranchers that own property along the border?

If you believe that nonsense....then you'll believe just about Trump was guilty of a crime when he put conditions on foreign aide. Every president has the right to do that, but for some reason you idiots on the left wanted to make everything Trump did (that was done before by other presidents and is specifically within his authority) illegal and grounds for impeachment.

I honestly am beginning to believe that being a LIBERAL is a mental disorder.

Here's an example of insanity when you have a LIBERAL supporting terrorism.

Biden restarted Palestinian aide that Trump had cut off.

The only thing that happens when you give money and arms to terrorists is give them an opportunity to commit terrorist acts.

Thats a lot of words to say nothing at all.

Fact is gun walking operations by ATF predate Obama admistration so your theory about Obama supposedly coming up with it in some sort of sinister plot to help Mexican cartels obviously doesn't add up.

You make up some bullshit and then just belive it because you like how it sounds.

Well....we've never had a communist president before.
Obama is trying to keep the borders open and trying to murder white farmers because despite the media....Obama is a racist SOB who makes George Wallace seem like Gandhi. He hates white people and especially people who keep clutching their guns and their religion. He has a burning hatred for gun owners and Christians. He wouldn't even talk to them in college. He has well documented friendships with leaders in South Africa and Kenya who are murdering white farmers and their own people. I can link to dozens of stories that cover this.

Why is it that so many despots end up rubbing elbows with Democrat leaders? Why is Obama is so close to Hamas, a terrorist group, and so standoffish with Israel? Don't you think that this is so because they have alot in common with Hamas? They don't give a shit about the people of their countries, and they all want to oppress their people. This is why Democrats keep quoting Chairman Mao, one of the worse mass-murderers in history.

I think you need to start using that grey-matter in your skull and get wise to what's going on. Stop being a one-issue dumbass voter like most Democrats are.
Last edited: is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.

Yep, thats why he was a subject of a criminal obstruction investigation,
Thats why he was twice impeached,
Thats why his lawyer, campaign chair, national security advisor and other close associates were convicted or plead guilty.
Thats why he is currently the subject of three more criminal investigations.

That damn corrupt Obama, if only he could be like Trump.
Twice impeached....simply because they voted to impeach....not because they had any fucking evidence of wrongdoing.
Do you want me to go over the details, or are you willing to concede that they impeached him over absolute nonsense?

Bullshit. At least 8 Senate Republicans ADMITTED Trump corruptly pressured Ukraine with millitary aid to help him with election.

10 House Republicans held Trump responsible for Jan 6th attack on the Congress and voted to impeach.

Trump got impeached because he was, and still is, a corrupt asshole. Obama didn't beacuse he wasn't. It's as simple as that.
Ovomit should have been impeached for Fast & Furious
For what exactly?
Selling/giving traceable military grade weapons to drug cartels.

They were given to cartels to BUST THE CARTELS. Now you may disagree with the policy, but it was a LEGITIMATE policy goal and therefore these actions did not constitute a crime or misdameanor, they were at most bad policy and a screw up.

So tell me again, what is there to impeach for here?

On the other hand I can explain to you EXACTLY what Trump was impeached for - he was impeached for ABUSING HIS OFFICE for personal interests. He was impeached for illegitimately holding up congressionally aproved millitary aid to squeeze Ukraine to prosecute his political oppostion to help him win an election.
WOW!!!! Are you seriously this stupid???

So you give drug cartels military grade weapons so that they could destroy themselves? Do you think the guns will just start shooting drug cartel members all by themselves?
Do you really honestly believe that absolute nonsense? How well did arming ISIS work for Obama? Huh?

I've got news for you, bud. The only thing Obama wanted to do was create a war on the border. The racist in him wanted to kill a bunch of white farmers just like his buddies in South Africa are doing today.

How the Hell can someone bust something up by giving them better weapons than the Border Patrol? If anything, it gives them a huge advantage. At the same time you're disarming the cops you're arming drug cartels. What could possibly go wrong?
My understanding is Obama was giving them crew served....belt fed weapons to put holes in choppers. And after the border guards are gone...what do you think happens to the ranchers that own property along the border?

If you believe that nonsense....then you'll believe just about Trump was guilty of a crime when he put conditions on foreign aide. Every president has the right to do that, but for some reason you idiots on the left wanted to make everything Trump did (that was done before by other presidents and is specifically within his authority) illegal and grounds for impeachment.

I honestly am beginning to believe that being a LIBERAL is a mental disorder.

Here's an example of insanity when you have a LIBERAL supporting terrorism.

Biden restarted Palestinian aide that Trump had cut off.

The only thing that happens when you give money and arms to terrorists is give them an opportunity to commit terrorist acts.

Thats a lot of words to say nothing at all.

Fact is gun walking operations by ATF predate Obama admistration so your theory about Obama supposedly coming up with it in some sort of sinister plot to help Mexican cartels obviously doesn't add up.

You make up some bullshit and then just belive it because you like how it sounds.

Well....we've never had a communist president before.
Obama is trying to keep the borders open and trying to murder white farmers because despite the media....Obama is a racist SOB who makes LBJ seem like a nice guy. He hates white people and especially people who keep clutching their guns and their religion. He hates gun owners and Christians with a passion. He has friends in South Africa and Kenya who are murdering white farmers. I can link to dozens of stories that cover this.

Why is it that half of the despots on the planet ends up rubbing elbows with Obama/Biden and other Democrat leaders? Don't you think that this is so because they have alot in common? They don't give a shit about the people of their countries, and they all want to oppress their people. This is why they keep quoting Chairman Mao. One of the worse mass-murderers in history.

I think you need to start using that grey-matter in your skull and get wise to what's going on. Stop being a one-issue dumbass voter like most Democrats are.

You are pathetically ignorant.. That sure is fuel for your hatreds.
Just type in to any search engine

Obama gay cocaine

And you'll understand. Coke heads as old as homO really start to lose it....

You're getting desperate now.
Type in idiot. The first thing us trump.
You've got nothing but bile and hatred. Suck eggs.
You've got nothing but bile and hatred. typical scum demonRAT
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Comment: You're a fucking idiot, just like 99% of the other Trump bootlickers.

Barry has always been cool. Drumpf has NEVER been cool.

The world loves Barry. The world hates Drumpf.
You're a fucking idiot, just like 100% of the other scum demonRATS.
barrag-o has always been a treasonist traitor. and has NEVER been cool.
The world can't stand the racist piece of shit, barrag-o
Obama you mad bro? lol Obama is just miffed that the American people rejected Obama and his dumb ass policies. Obama put his 'legacy' on the line in 2016 and America handed Trump the keys. Poor Obama, the no experience retard gets thrown under the bus, tissue?

You must have missed the two elections that Obama won in a landslide.

Obama put NOTHING on the line in 2016. Had he been able to run, the American people would never have elected Trump. In fact, the American people have NEVER elected Donald Trump - to ANYTHING.

He lost the popular vote in 2016, 2018 and 2020. The American People have rejected Trump three times, and he keeps making false claims that he won, and that the people love him.
the best part---TRUMP put hit-lery in its place in that election, and TRUMP was YOUR president....chew on that, shit stain
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

What a load of rubbish.
Check out obamas last media dinner and watch how he demolished trump like a kid.

The author has been a Republican lackey all his life. What would you expect and you sucked in like fact.
Obama is happy Biden is taking the worst president title from him.
We just had the worst president ever which is why Biden won.
Biden didn't win and Trump is and will be again our greatest president.

Biden didn't win???
In case it's slipped your notice, he was sworn in as POTUS.
Trump will never hold any public office where he relies on people to vote him in.
It was his original followers who put
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Comment: You're a fucking idiot, just like 99% of the other Trump bootlickers.

Barry has always been cool. Drumpf has NEVER been cool.

The world loves Barry. The world hates Drumpf.
You're a fucking idiot, just like 100% of the other scum demonRATS.
barrag-o has always been a treasonist traitor. and has NEVER been cool.
The world can't stand the racist piece of shit, barrag-o

You've got a so tender turn of phrase when youre unable to win a point.
That is exactly the reason I wrote a post called why the hatred. You've responded accordingly.

It's you who is the racist. Your hate is breathtaking purely because your a repig.
There is absolutely no reason for such hatred on political basis alone.
That is why the country is divided after trump fooled you all into believing democrats ruin the country. There is no proof of it. There is no communist conspiracy.

Your problem is you hate the thought of someone getting something for free. Welfare irritates you except when you get it.
It's not as if trumps presidency put money in your pocket. In fact, t hge only people who got money was his mates in wall street.

So Settle down you foul mouthed ignoramus.
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

What a load of rubbish.
Check out obamas last media dinner and watch how he demolished trump like a kid.

The author has been a Republican lackey all his life. What would you expect and you sucked in like fact.
Obama is happy Biden is taking the worst president title from him.
We just had the worst president ever which is why Biden won.
Biden didn't win and Trump is and will be again our greatest president.

Biden didn't win???
In case it's slipped your notice, he was sworn in as POTUS.
Trump will never hold any public office where he relies on people to vote him in.
It was his original followers who put
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Comment: You're a fucking idiot, just like 99% of the other Trump bootlickers.

Barry has always been cool. Drumpf has NEVER been cool.

The world loves Barry. The world hates Drumpf.
You're a fucking idiot, just like 100% of the other scum demonRATS.
barrag-o has always been a treasonist traitor. and has NEVER been cool.
The world can't stand the racist piece of shit, barrag-o

You've got a so tender turn of phrase when youre unable to win a point.
That is exactly the reason I wrote a post called why the hatred. You've responded accordingly.

It's you who is the racist. Your hate is breathtaking purely because your a repig.
There is absolutely no reason for such hatred on political basis alone.
That is why the country is divided after trump fooled you all into believing democrats ruin the country. There is no proof of it. There is no communist conspiracy.

Your problem is you hate the thought of someone getting something for free. Welfare irritates you except when you get it.
It's not as if trumps presidency put money in your pocket. In fact, t hge only people who got money was his mates in wall street.

So Settle down you foul mouthed ignoramus.
the cult is strong in this one lol
Obama you mad bro? lol Obama is just miffed that the American people rejected Obama and his dumb ass policies. Obama put his 'legacy' on the line in 2016 and America handed Trump the keys. Poor Obama, the no experience retard gets thrown under the bus, tissue?

You must have missed the two elections that Obama won in a landslide.

Obama put NOTHING on the line in 2016. Had he been able to run, the American people would never have elected Trump. In fact, the American people have NEVER elected Donald Trump - to ANYTHING.

He lost the popular vote in 2016, 2018 and 2020. The American People have rejected Trump three times, and he keeps making false claims that he won, and that the people love him.
the best part---TRUMP put hit-lery in its place in that election, and TRUMP was YOUR president....chew on that, shit stain
English maga knuckle dragger is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.

Yep, thats why he was a subject of a criminal obstruction investigation,
Thats why he was twice impeached,
Thats why his lawyer, campaign chair, national security advisor and other close associates were convicted or plead guilty.
Thats why he is currently the subject of three more criminal investigations.

That damn corrupt Obama, if only he could be like Trump.
Twice impeached....simply because they voted to impeach....not because they had any fucking evidence of wrongdoing.
Do you want me to go over the details, or are you willing to concede that they impeached him over absolute nonsense?

Bullshit. At least 8 Senate Republicans ADMITTED Trump corruptly pressured Ukraine with millitary aid to help him with election.

10 House Republicans held Trump responsible for Jan 6th attack on the Congress and voted to impeach.

Trump got impeached because he was, and still is, a corrupt asshole. Obama didn't beacuse he wasn't. It's as simple as that.
Ovomit should have been impeached for Fast & Furious
For what exactly?
Selling/giving traceable military grade weapons to drug cartels.

They were given to cartels to BUST THE CARTELS. Now you may disagree with the policy, but it was a LEGITIMATE policy goal and therefore these actions did not constitute a crime or misdameanor, they were at most bad policy and a screw up.

So tell me again, what is there to impeach for here?

On the other hand I can explain to you EXACTLY what Trump was impeached for - he was impeached for ABUSING HIS OFFICE for personal interests. He was impeached for illegitimately holding up congressionally aproved millitary aid to squeeze Ukraine to prosecute his political oppostion to help him win an election.
WOW!!!! Are you seriously this stupid???

So you give drug cartels military grade weapons so that they could destroy themselves? Do you think the guns will just start shooting drug cartel members all by themselves?
Do you really honestly believe that absolute nonsense? How well did arming ISIS work for Obama? Huh?

I've got news for you, bud. The only thing Obama wanted to do was create a war on the border. The racist in him wanted to kill a bunch of white farmers just like his buddies in South Africa are doing today.

How the Hell can someone bust something up by giving them better weapons than the Border Patrol? If anything, it gives them a huge advantage. At the same time you're disarming the cops you're arming drug cartels. What could possibly go wrong?
My understanding is Obama was giving them crew served....belt fed weapons to put holes in choppers. And after the border guards are gone...what do you think happens to the ranchers that own property along the border?

If you believe that nonsense....then you'll believe just about Trump was guilty of a crime when he put conditions on foreign aide. Every president has the right to do that, but for some reason you idiots on the left wanted to make everything Trump did (that was done before by other presidents and is specifically within his authority) illegal and grounds for impeachment.

I honestly am beginning to believe that being a LIBERAL is a mental disorder.

Here's an example of insanity when you have a LIBERAL supporting terrorism.

Biden restarted Palestinian aide that Trump had cut off.

The only thing that happens when you give money and arms to terrorists is give them an opportunity to commit terrorist acts.

Thats a lot of words to say nothing at all.

Fact is gun walking operations by ATF predate Obama admistration so your theory about Obama supposedly coming up with it in some sort of sinister plot to help Mexican cartels obviously doesn't add up.

You make up some bullshit and then just belive it because you like how it sounds.

Well....we've never had a communist president before.
Obama is trying to keep the borders open and trying to murder white farmers because despite the media....Obama is a racist SOB who makes George Wallace seem like Gandhi. He hates white people and especially people who keep clutching their guns and their religion. He has a burning hatred for gun owners and Christians. He wouldn't even talk to them in college. He has well documented friendships with leaders in South Africa and Kenya who are murdering white farmers and their own people. I can link to dozens of stories that cover this.

Why is it that so many despots end up rubbing elbows with Democrat leaders? Why is Obama is so close to Hamas, a terrorist group, and so standoffish with Israel? Don't you think that this is so because they have alot in common with Hamas? They don't give a shit about the people of their countries, and they all want to oppress their people. This is why Democrats keep quoting Chairman Mao, one of the worse mass-murderers in history.

I think you need to start using that grey-matter in your skull and get wise to what's going on. Stop being a one-issue dumbass voter like most Democrats are.

When it was done under Bush admin that's not because communism. When exactly same thing is done under Obama it's because communism.

Coherency - got any? is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.

Yep, thats why he was a subject of a criminal obstruction investigation,
Thats why he was twice impeached,
Thats why his lawyer, campaign chair, national security advisor and other close associates were convicted or plead guilty.
Thats why he is currently the subject of three more criminal investigations.

That damn corrupt Obama, if only he could be like Trump.
Twice impeached....simply because they voted to impeach....not because they had any fucking evidence of wrongdoing.
Do you want me to go over the details, or are you willing to concede that they impeached him over absolute nonsense?

Bullshit. At least 8 Senate Republicans ADMITTED Trump corruptly pressured Ukraine with millitary aid to help him with election.

10 House Republicans held Trump responsible for Jan 6th attack on the Congress and voted to impeach.

Trump got impeached because he was, and still is, a corrupt asshole. Obama didn't beacuse he wasn't. It's as simple as that.
Ovomit should have been impeached for Fast & Furious
For what exactly?
Selling/giving traceable military grade weapons to drug cartels.

They were given to cartels to BUST THE CARTELS. Now you may disagree with the policy, but it was a LEGITIMATE policy goal and therefore these actions did not constitute a crime or misdameanor, they were at most bad policy and a screw up.

So tell me again, what is there to impeach for here?

On the other hand I can explain to you EXACTLY what Trump was impeached for - he was impeached for ABUSING HIS OFFICE for personal interests. He was impeached for illegitimately holding up congressionally aproved millitary aid to squeeze Ukraine to prosecute his political oppostion to help him win an election.
WOW!!!! Are you seriously this stupid???

So you give drug cartels military grade weapons so that they could destroy themselves? Do you think the guns will just start shooting drug cartel members all by themselves?
Do you really honestly believe that absolute nonsense? How well did arming ISIS work for Obama? Huh?

I've got news for you, bud. The only thing Obama wanted to do was create a war on the border. The racist in him wanted to kill a bunch of white farmers just like his buddies in South Africa are doing today.

How the Hell can someone bust something up by giving them better weapons than the Border Patrol? If anything, it gives them a huge advantage. At the same time you're disarming the cops you're arming drug cartels. What could possibly go wrong?
My understanding is Obama was giving them crew served....belt fed weapons to put holes in choppers. And after the border guards are gone...what do you think happens to the ranchers that own property along the border?

If you believe that nonsense....then you'll believe just about Trump was guilty of a crime when he put conditions on foreign aide. Every president has the right to do that, but for some reason you idiots on the left wanted to make everything Trump did (that was done before by other presidents and is specifically within his authority) illegal and grounds for impeachment.

I honestly am beginning to believe that being a LIBERAL is a mental disorder.

Here's an example of insanity when you have a LIBERAL supporting terrorism.

Biden restarted Palestinian aide that Trump had cut off.

The only thing that happens when you give money and arms to terrorists is give them an opportunity to commit terrorist acts.

Damn man, you are straight nuts.

There is no evidence for any of these insane conspiracy theories and motivations you ascribe to people.

Gun walking operations started in 2006, well before Obama was the president:

No evidence?

I just have years of tactical knowledge from my time in the military.
If you give criminals a massively more effective weapon system.....that weapon isn't going to bust that person up.
What you're going to do is create a threat against everyone else in the area....that includes innocent civilians.
I bet Democrats are trying to figure out how to get small tactical nukes to terrorists as we speak without getting caught. I wouldn't put it past their traitorous asses one bit. All they have to do is get nimrods like yourself to think it's a positive thing and nobody is going to say jack squat about it. What do you think all of the Anti-Semitic rhetoric and attacks are about? They aren't priming that pump just for shits and giggles.

Benghazi was about Obama selling Stinger surface to air missiles to the enemy.....and one of them shot down a Chinook filled with Special Forces fucking dumbass.

Maybe you need to go review 8 Republican investigations into Benghazi. Let me know if you find any such bs.

And you seem to think that Republicans can't be bribed or blackmailed into silence?

...and the inevitable running off to yet another grand conspiracy theory.

Yep, Republicans that made making Obama a one term president their top priority were all bribed and blackmailed.

You post this shit JUST LIKE THAT, with zero evidence with absolutely NOTHING to back it up. You just jump all in on it just because your stupid fantasies don't add up.
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

What a load of rubbish.
Check out obamas last media dinner and watch how he demolished trump like a kid.

The author has been a Republican lackey all his life. What would you expect and you sucked in like fact.
Obama is happy Biden is taking the worst president title from him.
We just had the worst president ever which is why Biden won.
Biden didn't win and Trump is and will be again our greatest president.

Biden didn't win???
In case it's slipped your notice, he was sworn in as POTUS.
Trump will never hold any public office where he relies on people to vote him in.
It was his original followers who put
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Comment: You're a fucking idiot, just like 99% of the other Trump bootlickers.

Barry has always been cool. Drumpf has NEVER been cool.

The world loves Barry. The world hates Drumpf.
You're a fucking idiot, just like 100% of the other scum demonRATS.
barrag-o has always been a treasonist traitor. and has NEVER been cool.
The world can't stand the racist piece of shit, barrag-o

You've got a so tender turn of phrase when youre unable to win a point.
That is exactly the reason I wrote a post called why the hatred. You've responded accordingly.

It's you who is the racist. Your hate is breathtaking purely because your a repig.
There is absolutely no reason for such hatred on political basis alone.
That is why the country is divided after trump fooled you all into believing democrats ruin the country. There is no proof of it. There is no communist conspiracy.

Your problem is you hate the thought of someone getting something for free. Welfare irritates you except when you get it.
It's not as if trumps presidency put money in your pocket. In fact, t hge only people who got money was his mates in wall street.

So Settle down you foul mouthed ignoramus.
its quite obvious you know NOTHING about me...because you are WRONG again...and if you don't like the adjectives or nouns i use---to fucking bad is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.

Yep, thats why he was a subject of a criminal obstruction investigation,
Thats why he was twice impeached,
Thats why his lawyer, campaign chair, national security advisor and other close associates were convicted or plead guilty.
Thats why he is currently the subject of three more criminal investigations.

That damn corrupt Obama, if only he could be like Trump.
Twice impeached....simply because they voted to impeach....not because they had any fucking evidence of wrongdoing.
Do you want me to go over the details, or are you willing to concede that they impeached him over absolute nonsense?

Bullshit. At least 8 Senate Republicans ADMITTED Trump corruptly pressured Ukraine with millitary aid to help him with election.

10 House Republicans held Trump responsible for Jan 6th attack on the Congress and voted to impeach.

Trump got impeached because he was, and still is, a corrupt asshole. Obama didn't beacuse he wasn't. It's as simple as that.
Ovomit should have been impeached for Fast & Furious
For what exactly?
Selling/giving traceable military grade weapons to drug cartels.

They were given to cartels to BUST THE CARTELS. Now you may disagree with the policy, but it was a LEGITIMATE policy goal and therefore these actions did not constitute a crime or misdameanor, they were at most bad policy and a screw up.

So tell me again, what is there to impeach for here?

On the other hand I can explain to you EXACTLY what Trump was impeached for - he was impeached for ABUSING HIS OFFICE for personal interests. He was impeached for illegitimately holding up congressionally aproved millitary aid to squeeze Ukraine to prosecute his political oppostion to help him win an election.
WOW!!!! Are you seriously this stupid???

So you give drug cartels military grade weapons so that they could destroy themselves? Do you think the guns will just start shooting drug cartel members all by themselves?
Do you really honestly believe that absolute nonsense? How well did arming ISIS work for Obama? Huh?

I've got news for you, bud. The only thing Obama wanted to do was create a war on the border. The racist in him wanted to kill a bunch of white farmers just like his buddies in South Africa are doing today.

How the Hell can someone bust something up by giving them better weapons than the Border Patrol? If anything, it gives them a huge advantage. At the same time you're disarming the cops you're arming drug cartels. What could possibly go wrong?
My understanding is Obama was giving them crew served....belt fed weapons to put holes in choppers. And after the border guards are gone...what do you think happens to the ranchers that own property along the border?

If you believe that nonsense....then you'll believe just about Trump was guilty of a crime when he put conditions on foreign aide. Every president has the right to do that, but for some reason you idiots on the left wanted to make everything Trump did (that was done before by other presidents and is specifically within his authority) illegal and grounds for impeachment.

I honestly am beginning to believe that being a LIBERAL is a mental disorder.

Here's an example of insanity when you have a LIBERAL supporting terrorism.

Biden restarted Palestinian aide that Trump had cut off.

The only thing that happens when you give money and arms to terrorists is give them an opportunity to commit terrorist acts.

Damn man, you are straight nuts.

There is no evidence for any of these insane conspiracy theories and motivations you ascribe to people.

Gun walking operations started in 2006, well before Obama was the president:

No evidence?

I just have years of tactical knowledge from my time in the military.
If you give criminals a massively more effective weapon system.....that weapon isn't going to bust that person up.
What you're going to do is create a threat against everyone else in the area....that includes innocent civilians.
I bet Democrats are trying to figure out how to get small tactical nukes to terrorists as we speak without getting caught. I wouldn't put it past their traitorous asses one bit. All they have to do is get nimrods like yourself to think it's a positive thing and nobody is going to say jack squat about it. What do you think all of the Anti-Semitic rhetoric and attacks are about? They aren't priming that pump just for shits and giggles.

Benghazi was about Obama selling Stinger surface to air missiles to the enemy.....and one of them shot down a Chinook filled with Special Forces fucking dumbass.

Maybe you need to go review 8 Republican investigations into Benghazi. Let me know if you find any such bs.

And you seem to think that Republicans can't be bribed or blackmailed into silence?

...and the inevitable running off to yet another grand conspiracy theory.

Yep, Republicans that made making Obama a one term president their top priority were all bribed and blackmailed.

You post this shit JUST LIKE THAT, with zero evidence with absolutely NOTHING to back it up. You just jump all in on it just because your stupid fantasies don't add up.

Yep, scum demonRATS that made making TRUMP a one term president their top priority were all bribed and blackmailed, and LIED to
You post this shit JUST LIKE THAT, with zero evidence with absolutely NOTHING to back it up. You just jump all in on it just because your stupid fantasies don't add up.
Obama you mad bro? lol Obama is just miffed that the American people rejected Obama and his dumb ass policies. Obama put his 'legacy' on the line in 2016 and America handed Trump the keys. Poor Obama, the no experience retard gets thrown under the bus, tissue?

Obama was beaten by Trump???
You're not quite up to speed with the constitution son. He never contested the elevtion. Duuuuuuuuh
Trump defeated Obama and his legacy try to keep up. :itsok:

Trump defeated Obama???
Trump has never faced Obama in an election. You're not real smart son.
I'd do some research before you make another fool of yourself.
Who knows what they're told in their world.
Who knows what you're told in your little world.
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'
dOnald tRump would try mother Theresa's patience. is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.

Yep, thats why he was a subject of a criminal obstruction investigation,
Thats why he was twice impeached,
Thats why his lawyer, campaign chair, national security advisor and other close associates were convicted or plead guilty.
Thats why he is currently the subject of three more criminal investigations.

That damn corrupt Obama, if only he could be like Trump.
Twice impeached....simply because they voted to impeach....not because they had any fucking evidence of wrongdoing.
Do you want me to go over the details, or are you willing to concede that they impeached him over absolute nonsense?

Bullshit. At least 8 Senate Republicans ADMITTED Trump corruptly pressured Ukraine with millitary aid to help him with election.

10 House Republicans held Trump responsible for Jan 6th attack on the Congress and voted to impeach.

Trump got impeached because he was, and still is, a corrupt asshole. Obama didn't beacuse he wasn't. It's as simple as that.
Ovomit should have been impeached for Fast & Furious
For what exactly?
Selling/giving traceable military grade weapons to drug cartels.

They were given to cartels to BUST THE CARTELS. Now you may disagree with the policy, but it was a LEGITIMATE policy goal and therefore these actions did not constitute a crime or misdameanor, they were at most bad policy and a screw up.

So tell me again, what is there to impeach for here?

On the other hand I can explain to you EXACTLY what Trump was impeached for - he was impeached for ABUSING HIS OFFICE for personal interests. He was impeached for illegitimately holding up congressionally aproved millitary aid to squeeze Ukraine to prosecute his political oppostion to help him win an election.
WOW!!!! Are you seriously this stupid???

So you give drug cartels military grade weapons so that they could destroy themselves? Do you think the guns will just start shooting drug cartel members all by themselves?
Do you really honestly believe that absolute nonsense? How well did arming ISIS work for Obama? Huh?

I've got news for you, bud. The only thing Obama wanted to do was create a war on the border. The racist in him wanted to kill a bunch of white farmers just like his buddies in South Africa are doing today.

How the Hell can someone bust something up by giving them better weapons than the Border Patrol? If anything, it gives them a huge advantage. At the same time you're disarming the cops you're arming drug cartels. What could possibly go wrong?
My understanding is Obama was giving them crew served....belt fed weapons to put holes in choppers. And after the border guards are gone...what do you think happens to the ranchers that own property along the border?

If you believe that nonsense....then you'll believe just about Trump was guilty of a crime when he put conditions on foreign aide. Every president has the right to do that, but for some reason you idiots on the left wanted to make everything Trump did (that was done before by other presidents and is specifically within his authority) illegal and grounds for impeachment.

I honestly am beginning to believe that being a LIBERAL is a mental disorder.

Here's an example of insanity when you have a LIBERAL supporting terrorism.

Biden restarted Palestinian aide that Trump had cut off.

The only thing that happens when you give money and arms to terrorists is give them an opportunity to commit terrorist acts.

Thats a lot of words to say nothing at all.

Fact is gun walking operations by ATF predate Obama admistration so your theory about Obama supposedly coming up with it in some sort of sinister plot to help Mexican cartels obviously doesn't add up.

You make up some bullshit and then just belive it because you like how it sounds.

Well....we've never had a communist president before.
Obama is trying to keep the borders open and trying to murder white farmers because despite the media....Obama is a racist SOB who makes George Wallace seem like Gandhi. He hates white people and especially people who keep clutching their guns and their religion. He has a burning hatred for gun owners and Christians. He wouldn't even talk to them in college. He has well documented friendships with leaders in South Africa and Kenya who are murdering white farmers and their own people. I can link to dozens of stories that cover this.

Why is it that so many despots end up rubbing elbows with Democrat leaders? Why is Obama is so close to Hamas, a terrorist group, and so standoffish with Israel? Don't you think that this is so because they have alot in common with Hamas? They don't give a shit about the people of their countries, and they all want to oppress their people. This is why Democrats keep quoting Chairman Mao, one of the worse mass-murderers in history.

I think you need to start using that grey-matter in your skull and get wise to what's going on. Stop being a one-issue dumbass voter like most Democrats are.

When it was done under Bush admin that's not because communism. When exactly same thing is done under Obama it's because communism.

Coherency - got any?

Well....Obama was raised by communists......but I don't remember Bush trying to take our guns or ruin our economy. is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.

Yep, thats why he was a subject of a criminal obstruction investigation,
Thats why he was twice impeached,
Thats why his lawyer, campaign chair, national security advisor and other close associates were convicted or plead guilty.
Thats why he is currently the subject of three more criminal investigations.

That damn corrupt Obama, if only he could be like Trump.
Twice impeached....simply because they voted to impeach....not because they had any fucking evidence of wrongdoing.
Do you want me to go over the details, or are you willing to concede that they impeached him over absolute nonsense?

Bullshit. At least 8 Senate Republicans ADMITTED Trump corruptly pressured Ukraine with millitary aid to help him with election.

10 House Republicans held Trump responsible for Jan 6th attack on the Congress and voted to impeach.

Trump got impeached because he was, and still is, a corrupt asshole. Obama didn't beacuse he wasn't. It's as simple as that.
Ovomit should have been impeached for Fast & Furious
For what exactly?
Selling/giving traceable military grade weapons to drug cartels.

They were given to cartels to BUST THE CARTELS. Now you may disagree with the policy, but it was a LEGITIMATE policy goal and therefore these actions did not constitute a crime or misdameanor, they were at most bad policy and a screw up.

So tell me again, what is there to impeach for here?

On the other hand I can explain to you EXACTLY what Trump was impeached for - he was impeached for ABUSING HIS OFFICE for personal interests. He was impeached for illegitimately holding up congressionally aproved millitary aid to squeeze Ukraine to prosecute his political oppostion to help him win an election.
WOW!!!! Are you seriously this stupid???

So you give drug cartels military grade weapons so that they could destroy themselves? Do you think the guns will just start shooting drug cartel members all by themselves?
Do you really honestly believe that absolute nonsense? How well did arming ISIS work for Obama? Huh?

I've got news for you, bud. The only thing Obama wanted to do was create a war on the border. The racist in him wanted to kill a bunch of white farmers just like his buddies in South Africa are doing today.

How the Hell can someone bust something up by giving them better weapons than the Border Patrol? If anything, it gives them a huge advantage. At the same time you're disarming the cops you're arming drug cartels. What could possibly go wrong?
My understanding is Obama was giving them crew served....belt fed weapons to put holes in choppers. And after the border guards are gone...what do you think happens to the ranchers that own property along the border?

If you believe that nonsense....then you'll believe just about Trump was guilty of a crime when he put conditions on foreign aide. Every president has the right to do that, but for some reason you idiots on the left wanted to make everything Trump did (that was done before by other presidents and is specifically within his authority) illegal and grounds for impeachment.

I honestly am beginning to believe that being a LIBERAL is a mental disorder.

Here's an example of insanity when you have a LIBERAL supporting terrorism.

Biden restarted Palestinian aide that Trump had cut off.

The only thing that happens when you give money and arms to terrorists is give them an opportunity to commit terrorist acts.

Damn man, you are straight nuts.

There is no evidence for any of these insane conspiracy theories and motivations you ascribe to people.

Gun walking operations started in 2006, well before Obama was the president:

No evidence?

I just have years of tactical knowledge from my time in the military.
If you give criminals a massively more effective weapon system.....that weapon isn't going to bust that person up.
What you're going to do is create a threat against everyone else in the area....that includes innocent civilians.
I bet Democrats are trying to figure out how to get small tactical nukes to terrorists as we speak without getting caught. I wouldn't put it past their traitorous asses one bit. All they have to do is get nimrods like yourself to think it's a positive thing and nobody is going to say jack squat about it. What do you think all of the Anti-Semitic rhetoric and attacks are about? They aren't priming that pump just for shits and giggles.

Benghazi was about Obama selling Stinger surface to air missiles to the enemy.....and one of them shot down a Chinook filled with Special Forces fucking dumbass.

Maybe you need to go review 8 Republican investigations into Benghazi. Let me know if you find any such bs.

And you seem to think that Republicans can't be bribed or blackmailed into silence?

...and the inevitable running off to yet another grand conspiracy theory.

Yep, Republicans that made making Obama a one term president their top priority were all bribed and blackmailed.

You post this shit JUST LIKE THAT, with zero evidence with absolutely NOTHING to back it up. You just jump all in on it just because your stupid fantasies don't add up.

Weird how slowly over time all of these so-called conspiracies end up being the truth. Like the fact that the media ignored Wuhan as a source of the virus until this week. We're insulting a great friend in China for no reason.......according to you leftists. Now we discovered this week that not only is a lab in Wuhan the most likely source but Obama helped fund their Gain of Function research that made it contagious to humans.
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

What a load of rubbish.
Check out obamas last media dinner and watch how he demolished trump like a kid.

The author has been a Republican lackey all his life. What would you expect and you sucked in like fact.
Obama is happy Biden is taking the worst president title from him.
We just had the worst president ever which is why Biden won.
Biden didn't win and Trump is and will be again our greatest president.

Biden didn't win???
In case it's slipped your notice, he was sworn in as POTUS.
Trump will never hold any public office where he relies on people to vote him in.
It was his original followers who put
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.'

Obama is the most corrupt and dishonest president that America has ever suffered under.
Trump is not a "madman".
Trump is very mainstream.
Trump is not a racist.
Yea, can't deny that Trump is a sexist.
Trump has never even met Barry's mother.

Obama called Trump a 'racist, sexist pig' and a 'f***ing lunatic'

Comment: You're a fucking idiot, just like 99% of the other Trump bootlickers.

Barry has always been cool. Drumpf has NEVER been cool.

The world loves Barry. The world hates Drumpf.
You're a fucking idiot, just like 100% of the other scum demonRATS.
barrag-o has always been a treasonist traitor. and has NEVER been cool.
The world can't stand the racist piece of shit, barrag-o

You've got a so tender turn of phrase when youre unable to win a point.
That is exactly the reason I wrote a post called why the hatred. You've responded accordingly.

It's you who is the racist. Your hate is breathtaking purely because your a repig.
There is absolutely no reason for such hatred on political basis alone.
That is why the country is divided after trump fooled you all into believing democrats ruin the country. There is no proof of it. There is no communist conspiracy.

Your problem is you hate the thought of someone getting something for free. Welfare irritates you except when you get it.
It's not as if trumps presidency put money in your pocket. In fact, t hge only people who got money was his mates in wall street.

So Settle down you foul mouthed ignoramus.
its quite obvious you know NOTHING about me...because you are WRONG again...and if you don't like the adjectives or nouns i use---to fucking bad

I know nothing about you because there is nothing to know. You're an intellectual desert. Your vivid descriptions don't intimidate me but prove what a foul mouthed sap you are.
Get it all off your chest now tough guy. Keep replying and I get another whack at you. You have laid a glove on me.

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