Trump just retweeted a picture or Obama and friends behind bars!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
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This originated from "the Trump Train" but POTUS retweeted it and you can just bet the farm that liberal heads will explode everywhere!....DAMN ,he knows how to troll the ABNORMALS!!

Can someone tell me who in the Obama administration has been indicted and sentenced to prison?

Thought so.
Can someone tell me who in the Obama administration has been indicted and sentenced to prison?

Thought so.
No one. Holder was Obama's wing man. Then Lynch took over. The media didn't care.
Can someone tell me who in the Obama administration has been indicted and sentenced to prison?

Thought so.
The Facts

White House spokesman Eric Schultz said the assertions are “based on the fact that there’s been no scandals over the past eight years the likes of which we’ve seen plague previous Administrations — as reaffirmed by journalists from across the spectrum.”

Schultz provided links to a number of opinion articles, including by David Brooks of the New York Times (“The Obama administration has been remarkably scandal-free. Think of the way Iran-Contra or the Lewinsky scandals swallowed years from Reagan and Clinton”), USA Today(“Obama has been a largely classy, mature and personally scandal-free presence in the White House”), and Paul Waldman in the Week (“Barack Obama will be president for less than eight more months, and he’s had only piddling little scandalettes.”)

In other words, the Obama team is pointing to not having the kind of major, all-encompassing scandal that nearly sank the White House, especially in a second-term administration. Watergate ended Richard Nixon’s presidency early, Iran-Contra hobbled Ronald Reagan’s presidency and Bill Clinton was impeached for lying to a grand jury about an affair with a White House intern.

Obama has certainly had his share of controversies, but some of the most-covered became murky or faded over time. A Justice Department Inspector General found no evidence that Attorney General Eric Holder knew about the Fast and Furious operation before 2011. Numerous Benghazi probes uncovered missteps about security before the attacks, White House spin after the attacks — and uncovered Hillary Clinton’s private email server. That led to an FBI investigation, but no charges were filed. The IRS probe led to the resignation of several officials, but a Justice Department investigation found only “substantial evidence of mismanagement, poor judgment and institutional inertia,” not criminal activity.

Another well-reported controversy was over wait times at Veterans Affairs hospitals, which led to the resignation of Eric Shinseki, the secretary for Veterans Affairs, in 2014. He is the only Obama Cabinet official to resign under pressure.

Though not Cabinet rank, then-CIA Director David Petreaus resigned in 2012 after the discovery of an extramarital affair with his biographer; he later pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of unauthorized removal and retention of classified material, which he had shared with his mistress.

Petreaus’s crime was more of a personal nature than related to policy; it also did not involve a White House official.

However, James E. “Hoss” Cartwright, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, also pleaded guilty to falsely denying that he was the source of classified information for two reporters. He was pardoned by Obama on Jan. 17.


In any case, we are going to leave this without a rating. As we noted, scandals are in the eye of the beholder. Many Republicans thought the charges against Libby were politically motivated, just as Democrats dismissed Clinton’s impeachment. So whether something is a scandal or not — or whether an administration is “scandal-free” — is more a matter of opinion, bound to be fiercely disputed by partisans in either camp.

Has the Obama White House been ‘historically free of scandal’?
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This originated from "the Trump Train" but POTUS retweeted it and you can just bet the farm that liberal heads will explode everywhere!....DAMN ,he knows how to troll the ABNORMALS!!

I must have missed where Russian collusion is a proven lie.

Me to. I must have missed the proof of Russian collusion.

Oh and how many times have we seen the lefty loons with Trump behind bars??

Must be a slow day in lefty loon land.
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This originated from "the Trump Train" but POTUS retweeted it and you can just bet the farm that liberal heads will explode everywhere!....DAMN ,he knows how to troll the ABNORMALS!!

I must have missed where Russian collusion is a proven lie.
Well, it is REAL BUT the Hildebeast, and the mulatto are the ones that did it....Hildebeast spends $5 million on a phony Russian dossier mulatto tells Russian PM to tell Putin he will have MORE FLEXIBILITY after the elections... how much more do you need...Blow Jpb going to Moscow to give a speech and collecting HALF A MILLION for it?
Can someone tell me who in the Obama administration has been indicted and sentenced to prison?

Thought so.
No one. Holder was Obama's wing man. Then Lynch took over. The media didn't care.
Holder is not AG....Lynch is not AG

What is stopping Trump's AG from prosecuting Obama if he is so clearly criminal?

Or is this type of shit just pictures you guys use when having your circle jerk parties??
Good to see Trump is behaving like his usual presidential self.....
Well. He could always lead from behind, like The Obomanation did,

Or he could actually try to be a positive influence on the country instead of an offensive dickhead all the time and maybe you wouldn't have just lost 40 seats in the House, seven governorships, and multiple state legislative majorities.

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