Trump is scared he will lose his base

I predicted Trump would lose both the primary and the general election. Fortunately, the Democrat Party nominated Hillary.

I actually don't like Trump much.. He's an obnoxious jerk. He's like Lane Kiffen (former Crimson Tide Offensive Coordinator). He might be a jerk, but he does his job well.

I support Trump because he's hitched his wagon to American prosperity. IOW - anything good for America is good for Trump. Trump wants Americans to prosper (in part so Trump can take credit for it).

Democrats are the opposite. Anything good for Trump (like American prosperity) is bad for them. Democrats want Americans to suffer, and blame Trump for the suffering.
How are you measuring prosperity? Trump is maximizing short term gains at the cost of future prosperity.
He is bringing Coal jobs back while China is focusing on high tech growth including AI
Trump is focusing on the southern border as our biggest security risk while our intelligence say that is not the case
Trump gives tax breaks that are increasing the debt so our children will pay for current gains.
Hate crimes have increased under Trump
The polarization of America has never been greater.
Our foreign relations have declined
Spare me the talking points.

I'm glad you discovered the debt, but America is much better off than 3 years ago.
Check your facts. Trump said he would decrease the debt. He has increased the annual debt during both of his first two years in office as compared to Obama's last year in office.
If so, it's because of the damage the past has caused this nation. Of course it cost to fix an old broken down house back up. Are you ignorant ?? Until this nation gets a handle on what is causing the problem/damage , and finds out who is causing the problem the most, then the house will need repaired over and over again.
If so? You are the ignorant one if you do not know what I said is fact. It comes from the OMB.
Trump is cutting taxes and not cutting expenses proportionately. He is to blame for the debt in his first two years.
Quit being a minion lackey.
Trump is fixing the old house back up, now if that bothers you then ohh well. Each administration has it's ideas on doing things, and right now it's the conservatives turn.
Please point to the politician who is not "afraid s/he will lose his/her base."

But here's the thing. Trump's base is loyal because his proposals made sense to the American Working Class, and he has tried his best to fulfill every proposal. He will "lose" his base when they get the impression that he is not still trying to meet his promises. The Democrat "base" has gone "Bat-shit Crazy" since Trump was elected, with the idiotic mascot of some fat, ugly woman wearing a Pussy Hat.

Catering to THAT base may generate enthusiasm in the primaries, but it is a big time LOSER in a general election (outside the coastal Peoples' Republics).

Which is why we Republicans are not the least bit concerned with Trump losing his base, or with losing the election in 2020 as the Democrat Clown Car becomes more and more crowded with nitwits. "Green New Deal"? You gotta be shittin' me!
I see politics isn't your thing please move on and find something you're good at because politics isn't for you.

I can see English isn’t for you, maybe you can find another country to perpetrate your fraud.

That was not a good comeback, maybe I can teach you about life,politics things that lord knows you need it.

Like I care what a moron like you thinks? Lol! Thanks for the laughs you dummies are amusing.
I can tell you are pissed. Settle down.

Lol! Over what? A troll? You aren’t worth getting pissed at, this is strictly for laughs and I laugh at your stupidity and ignorance all the time, thanks snowflake, let your butt hurt flow.
Now, now, settle down. I do agree with you about the two parties but they are changing. The two parties used to be in lockstep but now there are big differences within each party from extreme to moderate. I supported Kasich in 2016. He was no Donald Trump. Klobacher is no warren or Sanders.
What concerns me is that both parties put up a candidate that is an extremist.
You know OP. They also make a mouth wash with this stuff....kills distemper!

Please point to the politician who is not "afraid s/he will lose his/her base."

But here's the thing. Trump's base is loyal because his proposals made sense to the American Working Class, and he has tried his best to fulfill every proposal. He will "lose" his base when they get the impression that he is not still trying to meet his promises. The Democrat "base" has gone "Bat-shit Crazy" since Trump was elected, with the idiotic mascot of some fat, ugly woman wearing a Pussy Hat.

Catering to THAT base may generate enthusiasm in the primaries, but it is a big time LOSER in a general election (outside the coastal Peoples' Republics).

Which is why we Republicans are not the least bit concerned with Trump losing his base, or with losing the election in 2020 as the Democrat Clown Car becomes more and more crowded with nitwits. "Green New Deal"? You gotta be shittin' me!
All Presidents protect their base but then try, and usually succeed, in expanding their base. They are President for all people. Trump has been President to only his base who are less than 40% of voting americans.
The Democrats better get their sh*t together or they could facilitate a second term for the worst President in history. Trump would not be President if it were not for an inept Democratic party.
Trump is scared he will lose his base. There is no one that Trump will not double cross except his current base.
Trump lies, bullies, extorts, double crosses to advance himself. One group he has been surprisingly loyal to is his base. He is sticking with the ridiculous promises that he conned them with. At the forefront is the wall.
Trump knows his only hope of any support in the American electorate is the minority of voters who bought his lies and continue to buy his lies. They are brainless, minions but they are his lackies.
Except for this decreasing group of minions, the more Americans see of Trump, the less they like him.

Trump knows the minions are his only hope. Watch out minions. As soon as Trump does not see value in your support he will sell you down the river.

They're more secure now than when he was elected. Even the independent vote is more secure for Trump now. That's really what youre worried about.
You are getting you information from other Trump minions. All polls show Trump's approval declining and his disapproval increasing. He has the lowest approval rating of any modern day President in the second year in office.
He is adding no one to his base and some of the base are falling off. His disapproval is increasing.
Trump Job Approval Sets New Record for Polarization
/——/ Rasmussen has him at 50%
Please point to the politician who is not "afraid s/he will lose his/her base."

But here's the thing. Trump's base is loyal because his proposals made sense to the American Working Class, and he has tried his best to fulfill every proposal. He will "lose" his base when they get the impression that he is not still trying to meet his promises. The Democrat "base" has gone "Bat-shit Crazy" since Trump was elected, with the idiotic mascot of some fat, ugly woman wearing a Pussy Hat.

Catering to THAT base may generate enthusiasm in the primaries, but it is a big time LOSER in a general election (outside the coastal Peoples' Republics).

Which is why we Republicans are not the least bit concerned with Trump losing his base, or with losing the election in 2020 as the Democrat Clown Car becomes more and more crowded with nitwits. "Green New Deal"? You gotta be shittin' me!
All Presidents protect their base but then try, and usually succeed, in expanding their base. They are President for all people. Trump has been President to only his base who are less than 40% of voting americans.
The Democrats better get their sh*t together or they could facilitate a second term for the worst President in history. Trump would not be President if it were not for an inept Democratic party.
Why do you use broad speculation that isn't real or true ?? Trump is being the president for all American's who see themselves as American's. The job numbers tell it all. Now go get you some of that butt hurt solve offered up above.
Trump is scared he will lose his base. There is no one that Trump will not double cross except his current base.
Trump lies, bullies, extorts, double crosses to advance himself. One group he has been surprisingly loyal to is his base. He is sticking with the ridiculous promises that he conned them with. At the forefront is the wall.
Trump knows his only hope of any support in the American electorate is the minority of voters who bought his lies and continue to buy his lies. They are brainless, minions but they are his lackies.
Except for this decreasing group of minions, the more Americans see of Trump, the less they like him.

Trump knows the minions are his only hope. Watch out minions. As soon as Trump does not see value in your support he will sell you down the river.

They're more secure now than when he was elected. Even the independent vote is more secure for Trump now. That's really what youre worried about.
You are getting you information from other Trump minions. All polls show Trump's approval declining and his disapproval increasing. He has the lowest approval rating of any modern day President in the second year in office.
He is adding no one to his base and some of the base are falling off. His disapproval is increasing.
Trump Job Approval Sets New Record for Polarization
/——/ Rasmussen has him at 50%
Rasmussen, today, shows 37% strongly approve of Trump and 44% strongly disapprove. This is the most favorable poll for Trump.
Trump is scared he will lose his base. There is no one that Trump will not double cross except his current base.
Trump lies, bullies, extorts, double crosses to advance himself. One group he has been surprisingly loyal to is his base. He is sticking with the ridiculous promises that he conned them with. At the forefront is the wall.
Trump knows his only hope of any support in the American electorate is the minority of voters who bought his lies and continue to buy his lies. They are brainless, minions but they are his lackies.
Except for this decreasing group of minions, the more Americans see of Trump, the less they like him.

Trump knows the minions are his only hope. Watch out minions. As soon as Trump does not see value in your support he will sell you down the river.

They're more secure now than when he was elected. Even the independent vote is more secure for Trump now. That's really what youre worried about.
You are getting you information from other Trump minions. All polls show Trump's approval declining and his disapproval increasing. He has the lowest approval rating of any modern day President in the second year in office.
He is adding no one to his base and some of the base are falling off. His disapproval is increasing.
Trump Job Approval Sets New Record for Polarization
/——/ Rasmussen has him at 50%
Rasmussen, today, shows 37% strongly approve of Trump and 44% strongly disapprove. This is the most favorable poll for Trump.
But the Hildebeast polls said she won by 93%!!!!!...ROTFLMFAO
Please point to the politician who is not "afraid s/he will lose his/her base."

But here's the thing. Trump's base is loyal because his proposals made sense to the American Working Class, and he has tried his best to fulfill every proposal. He will "lose" his base when they get the impression that he is not still trying to meet his promises. The Democrat "base" has gone "Bat-shit Crazy" since Trump was elected, with the idiotic mascot of some fat, ugly woman wearing a Pussy Hat.

Catering to THAT base may generate enthusiasm in the primaries, but it is a big time LOSER in a general election (outside the coastal Peoples' Republics).

Which is why we Republicans are not the least bit concerned with Trump losing his base, or with losing the election in 2020 as the Democrat Clown Car becomes more and more crowded with nitwits. "Green New Deal"? You gotta be shittin' me!
All Presidents protect their base but then try, and usually succeed, in expanding their base. They are President for all people. Trump has been President to only his base who are less than 40% of voting americans.
The Democrats better get their sh*t together or they could facilitate a second term for the worst President in history. Trump would not be President if it were not for an inept Democratic party.

Boy you Just dont get it do you? The more they campaign against Trump the more divided they become. It's Hilarious because they simply are unable to stop themselves.

Please point to the politician who is not "afraid s/he will lose his/her base."

But here's the thing. Trump's base is loyal because his proposals made sense to the American Working Class, and he has tried his best to fulfill every proposal. He will "lose" his base when they get the impression that he is not still trying to meet his promises. The Democrat "base" has gone "Bat-shit Crazy" since Trump was elected, with the idiotic mascot of some fat, ugly woman wearing a Pussy Hat.

Catering to THAT base may generate enthusiasm in the primaries, but it is a big time LOSER in a general election (outside the coastal Peoples' Republics).

Which is why we Republicans are not the least bit concerned with Trump losing his base, or with losing the election in 2020 as the Democrat Clown Car becomes more and more crowded with nitwits. "Green New Deal"? You gotta be shittin' me!
All Presidents protect their base but then try, and usually succeed, in expanding their base. They are President for all people. Trump has been President to only his base who are less than 40% of voting americans.
The Democrats better get their sh*t together or they could facilitate a second term for the worst President in history. Trump would not be President if it were not for an inept Democratic party.
Why do you use broad speculation that isn't real or true ?? Trump is being the president for all American's who see themselves as American's. The job numbers tell it all. Now go get you some of that butt hurt solve offered up above.
The words of a very narrow minded human who cannot see past their own very small world. There is a big, diverse world out there that is very interesting and could make your life more enjoyable but you will never see it or never understand it. That is your loss. In a way it makes you disabled.
Trump is scared he will lose his base. There is no one that Trump will not double cross except his current base.
Trump lies, bullies, extorts, double crosses to advance himself. One group he has been surprisingly loyal to is his base. He is sticking with the ridiculous promises that he conned them with. At the forefront is the wall.
Trump knows his only hope of any support in the American electorate is the minority of voters who bought his lies and continue to buy his lies. They are brainless, minions but they are his lackies.
Except for this decreasing group of minions, the more Americans see of Trump, the less they like him.

Trump knows the minions are his only hope. Watch out minions. As soon as Trump does not see value in your support he will sell you down the river.

They're more secure now than when he was elected. Even the independent vote is more secure for Trump now. That's really what youre worried about.
You are getting you information from other Trump minions. All polls show Trump's approval declining and his disapproval increasing. He has the lowest approval rating of any modern day President in the second year in office.
He is adding no one to his base and some of the base are falling off. His disapproval is increasing.
Trump Job Approval Sets New Record for Polarization
/——/ Rasmussen has him at 50%
Rasmussen, today, shows 37% strongly approve of Trump and 44% strongly disapprove. This is the most favorable poll for Trump.
But the Hildebeast polls said she won by 93%!!!!!...ROTFLMFAO

Shhhhhh...Hillary is actually the President
So keep it quiet!

Trump is scared he will lose his base. There is no one that Trump will not double cross except his current base.
Trump lies, bullies, extorts, double crosses to advance himself. One group he has been surprisingly loyal to is his base. He is sticking with the ridiculous promises that he conned them with. At the forefront is the wall.
Trump knows his only hope of any support in the American electorate is the minority of voters who bought his lies and continue to buy his lies. They are brainless, minions but they are his lackies.
Except for this decreasing group of minions, the more Americans see of Trump, the less they like him.

Trump knows the minions are his only hope. Watch out minions. As soon as Trump does not see value in your support he will sell you down the river.

They're more secure now than when he was elected. Even the independent vote is more secure for Trump now. That's really what youre worried about.
You are getting you information from other Trump minions. All polls show Trump's approval declining and his disapproval increasing. He has the lowest approval rating of any modern day President in the second year in office.
He is adding no one to his base and some of the base are falling off. His disapproval is increasing.
Trump Job Approval Sets New Record for Polarization
/——/ Rasmussen has him at 50%
Rasmussen, today, shows 37% strongly approve of Trump and 44% strongly disapprove. This is the most favorable poll for Trump.


Gives no indication of who they will vote for.
You guys are gonna learn this lesson again huh?
Please point to the politician who is not "afraid s/he will lose his/her base."

But here's the thing. Trump's base is loyal because his proposals made sense to the American Working Class, and he has tried his best to fulfill every proposal. He will "lose" his base when they get the impression that he is not still trying to meet his promises. The Democrat "base" has gone "Bat-shit Crazy" since Trump was elected, with the idiotic mascot of some fat, ugly woman wearing a Pussy Hat.

Catering to THAT base may generate enthusiasm in the primaries, but it is a big time LOSER in a general election (outside the coastal Peoples' Republics).

Which is why we Republicans are not the least bit concerned with Trump losing his base, or with losing the election in 2020 as the Democrat Clown Car becomes more and more crowded with nitwits. "Green New Deal"? You gotta be shittin' me!
All Presidents protect their base but then try, and usually succeed, in expanding their base. They are President for all people. Trump has been President to only his base who are less than 40% of voting americans.
The Democrats better get their sh*t together or they could facilitate a second term for the worst President in history. Trump would not be President if it were not for an inept Democratic party.

Boy you Just dont get it do you? The more they campaign against Trump the more divided they become. It's Hilarious because
They simply are unable to stop themselves.

We will see. The Republicans looked very divided in 2016. There is a much larger portion of the voting population that disapproves of Trump than approves of Trump.
Amazingly, those who disapprove of Trump are doing better economically than his supporters. They have the skills to thrive in the 21st century. They are less motivated to vote.
The Trump base is counting on Trump rolling the world back to 1950 where their skill were in demand. It will not happen but Trump's lies are their only hope.
Trump is scared he will lose his base. There is no one that Trump will not double cross except his current base.
Trump lies, bullies, extorts, double crosses to advance himself. One group he has been surprisingly loyal to is his base. He is sticking with the ridiculous promises that he conned them with. At the forefront is the wall.
Trump knows his only hope of any support in the American electorate is the minority of voters who bought his lies and continue to buy his lies. They are brainless, minions but they are his lackies.
Except for this decreasing group of minions, the more Americans see of Trump, the less they like him.

Trump knows the minions are his only hope. Watch out minions. As soon as Trump does not see value in your support he will sell you down the river.

They're more secure now than when he was elected. Even the independent vote is more secure for Trump now. That's really what youre worried about.
You are getting you information from other Trump minions. All polls show Trump's approval declining and his disapproval increasing. He has the lowest approval rating of any modern day President in the second year in office.
He is adding no one to his base and some of the base are falling off. His disapproval is increasing.
Trump Job Approval Sets New Record for Polarization
/——/ Rasmussen has him at 50%
Rasmussen, today, shows 37% strongly approve of Trump and 44% strongly disapprove. This is the most favorable poll for Trump.


Gives no indication of who they will vote for.
You guys are gonna learn this lesson again huh?
Make your mind up. Is Rasmussen meaningful or not?

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