Trump is now confiscating supplies from hospitals after telling hospitals to get supplies themselves!


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard

Although President Trump has directed states and hospitals to secure what supplies they can, the federal government is quietly seizing orders, leaving medical providers across the country in the dark about where the material is going and how they can get what they need to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

Hospital and clinic officials in seven states described the seizures in interviews over the past week. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is not publicly reporting the acquisitions, despite the outlay of millions of dollars of taxpayer money, nor has the administration detailed how it decides which supplies to seize and where to reroute them.

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Although President Trump has directed states and hospitals to secure what supplies they can, the federal government is quietly seizing orders, leaving medical providers across the country in the dark about where the material is going and how they can get what they need to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

Hospital and clinic officials in seven states described the seizures in interviews over the past week. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is not publicly reporting the acquisitions, despite the outlay of millions of dollars of taxpayer money, nor has the administration detailed how it decides which supplies to seize and where to reroute them.

No political motive here, betcha.

Just like the sad sack that said in the presser "300 hospitals can't get the shit they need"

Well, mam, that survey was done a fucking month ago.
The link

thank you. I'll edit my thread. I am so flabbergasted by this I …. am still mystified. I mean are masks so scarce the feds have to come into hospitals and take them literally from the nurses? Is Trump insane?

Luke Darby, known Trump hating libtardo that was crying 2 hours ago, AW, Bernie is dropping out.

The link

thank you. I'll edit my thread. I am so flabbergasted by this I …. am still mystified. I mean are masks so scarce the feds have to come into hospitals and take them literally from the nurses? Is Trump insane?

Fake news. Not one source named in the article.

Although President Trump has directed states and hospitals to secure what supplies they can, the federal government is quietly seizing orders, leaving medical providers across the country in the dark about where the material is going and how they can get what they need to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

Hospital and clinic officials in seven states described the seizures in interviews over the past week. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is not publicly reporting the acquisitions, despite the outlay of millions of dollars of taxpayer money, nor has the administration detailed how it decides which supplies to seize and where to reroute them.

10,000 Fake Chinese Twitter account discovered created for the sole purpose of attacking The US with Propaganda aimed at The President, and now he is running the country. Numerous other fake accounts all across Social Media and Message Boards just like this one.

Don't you have some bat soup to go eat?

Luke Darby, Stronger and gayer than ever. Twitter signature.

Now who the fuck would put that on their top line. Yup, the author of this Trump hating snowflake.

Better get this thread taken down before it's a turd hanging around your neck.

He didn't cite one persons name as a source. All third hand hearsay. No facts. He's Bernie bro and sings his praises on his twitter feed.
Luke Darby, Impulse bought a deck of tarrot cards so how's everyone else coping? twitter

So now we know the dark spirits wrote the article. Who'd a thought Satan doesn't like Trump.

So who's this FEMA person he's quoting?

So who's this hospital "representative" he's quoting?

Although President Trump has directed states and hospitals to secure what supplies they can, the federal government is quietly seizing orders, leaving medical providers across the country in the dark about where the material is going and how they can get what they need to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

Hospital and clinic officials in seven states described the seizures in interviews over the past week. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is not publicly reporting the acquisitions, despite the outlay of millions of dollars of taxpayer money, nor has the administration detailed how it decides which supplies to seize and where to reroute them.

Fake news.

The closest I can find to even the smallest grain of truth in this, is that possible the Feds are giving bids on medical supplies, and some states are being out-bid by the Feds on medical supplies.

Now this is an interesting catch-22 that left-wingers love.

If the state out-bids the Feds for medical supplies, then the left-wing democrats go "Why isn't Trump helping the states?".

But if the Feds out-bid the states on medical supplies, the left-wing democrats go "Why did Trump take our medical supplies?"

The amount of resources in the universe is not infinite. If Trump does not out bid states on supplies, then he has none, and people attack him for not providing support. If Trump does out bid states on supplies, then you decry him for "seizing supplies" from states.

In short, nothing will make you people happy, because you are just flat out evil left-wing trash.

Grow up.

Although President Trump has directed states and hospitals to secure what supplies they can, the federal government is quietly seizing orders, leaving medical providers across the country in the dark about where the material is going and how they can get what they need to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

Hospital and clinic officials in seven states described the seizures in interviews over the past week. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is not publicly reporting the acquisitions, despite the outlay of millions of dollars of taxpayer money, nor has the administration detailed how it decides which supplies to seize and where to reroute them.

Trump is leading us through this crisis. Have to ship supplies to meet critical needs. Generals often must shift troops around to meet enemy threat. What else did Trump do today in your psychotic liberal world? Run through hostpitals laughing and unplugging respirators? Nuts.
Trump is drowning live puppies on TV right now!! Quick, turn on MSNBC!
That's a good one. He will win 2020 in a landslide because liberals have attacked the man that the vast majority of Americans feel, and know, is doing a great job.
The link

thank you. I'll edit my thread. I am so flabbergasted by this I …. am still mystified. I mean are masks so scarce the feds have to come into hospitals and take them literally from the nurses? Is Trump insane?
No, but you are. Let me voted for Hillary?

Although President Trump has directed states and hospitals to secure what supplies they can, the federal government is quietly seizing orders, leaving medical providers across the country in the dark about where the material is going and how they can get what they need to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

Hospital and clinic officials in seven states described the seizures in interviews over the past week. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is not publicly reporting the acquisitions, despite the outlay of millions of dollars of taxpayer money, nor has the administration detailed how it decides which supplies to seize and where to reroute them.

Tell us how many MDs and nurses you know across the US that can confirm this.
I know several thousand from my Facebook group and this is total bullshit.

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