Trump is literally creating a military junta

Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.

"Pedro" you probably have reason to be paranoid of the Trump administration...but you might be over doing it.
He's assembled a team of tough bad-asses that aren't going to be scared to make decisions beneficial for the people who should benefit...Think about it; aren't you sick and tired of pussies leading this country who only make decisions that benefit illegals, low-lifes and general piece of shits?
America is about to become American again...Enjoy the ride!
You don't know that to be true...but even so... He is still a conservative.

You don't know what you are talking about, you're a babbling fool
You are the one babbling. I challenge you to point to anything liberal about Farrakhan or the NOI?

I didn't say they were liberal, where do you get this crap?
But I DID say they were conservative and you have been reduced to babbling because you can't address my premise.

Talk about a contrived standard. There certainly are conservative views they have like that blacks shouldn't be on welfare they should take care of themselves. You sure are moonbat enough for them.

However, the NOI isn't head over heels in love with the Democrat party like you are, they hate Democrats
I have seen no evidence that the NOI hates the Democratic Party. BTW there are plenty of conservative Democrats. Your problem is you keep trying to put every political persuasion into neat little packages. That isn't reality. If it were, one party would be in power all the time.
You don't know what you are talking about, you're a babbling fool
You are the one babbling. I challenge you to point to anything liberal about Farrakhan or the NOI?

I didn't say they were liberal, where do you get this crap?
But I DID say they were conservative and you have been reduced to babbling because you can't address my premise.

Talk about a contrived standard. There certainly are conservative views they have like that blacks shouldn't be on welfare they should take care of themselves. You sure are moonbat enough for them.

However, the NOI isn't head over heels in love with the Democrat party like you are, they hate Democrats
I have seen no evidence that the NOI hates the Democratic Party. BTW there are plenty of conservative Democrats. Your problem is you keep trying to put every political persuasion into neat little packages. That isn't reality. If it were, one party would be in power all the time.


OMG, you don't know anything about the Nation of Islam.

And go ahead, name some present day "conservative" Democrats
That's right. In fact, I've learned from people like teabaggers, libertarians and alaska independence people like Sarah Palin if you want to change a party you have to change it from within.

So I'm the Ayn Rand Republican. I'm an atheist. Don't give a fuck about gay issues. I'm like Trump. Abortion is cool with me. I'm fiscally conservative which is greek for I have money.

And I'm white, white collar, racist, greedy, already got mine, a male. I'm a perfect candidate to be a Republican
You epitomize the Modern LWL, a perfect foil for the modern RWNJ. You're racist, misandrist, socialist, atheist and strongly bigoted toward anyone to the right of your political views. Although the Republican party is slightly ahead of you in the self-implosion department, with members like you, the Democrat party is close behind.

If you young gay black muslim mexican women don't like it maybe you should vote. Us white people do. That's why for at least 4 years this country is ours. Want to change that? Vote. But you can't even do that because liberals are bad citizens. Or at least the people who liberals care about. I've always said if you don't vote then you don't matter well they didn't vote so they no longer matter to me.

If blacks don't like getting shot maybe they should vote. If kids want affordable college maybe they should vote. If gays want to adopt they should vote. If the poor want foodstamps they should vote for it.
When are you going to realize that all those people DID vote. Hillary won the popular vote by 2 million and they are still counting. Other votes simply weren't counted and dumped.

:lmao: Another retard leftist who thinks the candidates ran for the popular vote! What a tool of Democrats you are ...

I am neither a retard or a leftist,nor do I think the candidates ran for the popular vote. I have known about the Electoral College since high school and am throughly familiar with it. But the popular vote is important in determining which party's electors will cast a vote on Dec 19. I'm just an informed American trying to be as objective as I can be.
You are the one babbling. I challenge you to point to anything liberal about Farrakhan or the NOI?

I didn't say they were liberal, where do you get this crap?
But I DID say they were conservative and you have been reduced to babbling because you can't address my premise.

Talk about a contrived standard. There certainly are conservative views they have like that blacks shouldn't be on welfare they should take care of themselves. You sure are moonbat enough for them.

However, the NOI isn't head over heels in love with the Democrat party like you are, they hate Democrats
I have seen no evidence that the NOI hates the Democratic Party. BTW there are plenty of conservative Democrats. Your problem is you keep trying to put every political persuasion into neat little packages. That isn't reality. If it were, one party would be in power all the time.


OMG, you don't know anything about the Nation of Islam.

And go ahead, name some present day "conservative" Democrats
I know more than you do. You didn't know they were conservatives until I told YOU!
I'd rather see Generals and Business Professionals in the Executive Branch than the incompetent and corrupt politicians and political insiders that we have there now. Generals and Business Professionals know how to effectively manage organizations while politicians only know how to steal from them.
Oh, I'm sorry. I guess you want to see every single defense-related cabinet position led by some former general. Michael Flynn literally accused Obama of not doing enough against ISIS. Is that someone you want in charge of your children's safety? What an asshole that guy is. At least Hillary would've picked someone qualified like Biden.

Are you attempting to imply that Castro wasn't a "bad guy" ?
Are you attempting to imply that Justin Trudeau, John Kerry, Pope Francis, Xi Jinping, Bashar al-Assad, President Obama, Ban Ki Moon, and the other legitimate world leaders who mourned the passing of a personal friend when Castro died are poor judges of character?

Obama could actually be impeached based on things that he has said and done. So is Flynn the kind of guy I'd like to be in charge of things? A guy who will honestly say what he feels, and do his job to advise Obama (Worst President In History)?

DemScum can move to Cuba if they want socialist-communist society. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.
Repugs can move to Alabama if they want a totalitarian RW republic.

Please provide proof that we are going to embark on Totalitarianism. I am pretty confident that you are confused as to what the actual definition is of Totalitarianism. But no one ever accused a Libtard of being smart.

You don't know that to be true...but even so... He is still a conservative.
He hasn't been convicted and he's only admitted to being partially to blame. There's no statute of limitations on murder, so he'd be stupid to confess to it unless he's on his deathbed.

Farrakhan Admits Role in Murder of Malcolm X
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan admits his complicity in the 1965 murder of Malcolm X while seated across the table from the civil rights leader's oldest daughter in a "60 Minutes" interview to be broadcast May 14.

Attallah Shabazz later issued a statement thanking Farrakhan for acknowledging his role and said: "I wish him peace."

Shabazz, then 6, saw her father gunned down in the Audobon Ballroom in New York's Harlem area on February 21, 1965. Three men with ties to the Nation of Islam were convicted in the slaying.

A year earlier, Malcolm X's criticism of Nation of Islam spiritual leader Elijah Muhammad had caused a bitter split with church leaders, including Farrakhan. Farrakhan called Malcolm X a traitor and wrote, two months before the killing, that "such a man is worthy of death."

Farrakhan has denied ordering the assassination but previously admitted to having "helped create the atmosphere" that led to it.

His four-hour meeting with Shabazz and "60 Minutes" correspondent Mike Wallace, organized at her request, took place at Farrakhan's home in Arizona.

Farrakhan told them that he "truly loved" Malcolm X and carried his picture after his death. Shabazz's body visibly stiffened, arms crossed over her chest, when Wallace quoted from Farrakhan's writings about Malcolm X before he died.

During the interview, Farrakhan said that the U.S. government spied on black leaders and were concerned about a "black messiah" who could unite the community. "This is bigger than the Nation of Islam," he said.

Shabazz, struggling to keep control of her emotions, said that while she believed the FBI had something to do with her father's death, it was young black men who shot him.

"You can't keep pointing fingers," she said. "My father was not killed from a grassy knoll."

Farrakhan said: "Yes, it is true that black men pulled the trigger. We cannot deny any responsibility in this. Where we are responsible, where our hands are a part of this, we beg God's mercy and forgiveness."

"I genuinely hope that perhaps a healing can come to Miss Shabazz and her family," he continued. "As I may have been complicit in words that I spoke leading up to February 21, I acknowledge that and regret that any word that I have said caused the loss of life of a human being."

Shabazz's reaction to these words isn't shown. Wallace said she needed time to absorb them. She issued a statement this week.

"He's never admitted this before publicly," she said. "Until now, he's never caressed my father's children. I thank him for acknowledging his culpability, and I wish him peace."

Shabazz's mother, Betty Shabazz, who died in 1997, had publicly accused Farrakhan of a role in the murder. She reconciled with him after her daughter Qubilah was charged in 1994 with plotting to hire a hitman to kill him. The charges were later dropped.

Wallace said he believed that Farrakhan, who has battled prostate cancer and other health problems, is making amends partly because he has faced his own mortality.

Earlier this year, Farrakhan publicly embraced W. Deen Mohammed, son of Elijah Muhammad, in an attempt to heal wounds that have split African-American Muslims into competing factions.

"I think that he has thought seriously about the people he has disaffected," Wallace said in an interview.

Shabazz said it was still difficult for her to meet with Farrakhan on camera. "I did not know if I wanted to sit across from him," she said. "I did not know if my heart could handle it."
I'd rather see Generals and Business Professionals in the Executive Branch than the incompetent and corrupt politicians and political insiders that we have there now. Generals and Business Professionals know how to effectively manage organizations while politicians only know how to steal from them.
Oh, I'm sorry. I guess you want to see every single defense-related cabinet position led by some former general. Michael Flynn literally accused Obama of not doing enough against ISIS. Is that someone you want in charge of your children's safety? What an asshole that guy is. At least Hillary would've picked someone qualified like Biden.

Are you attempting to imply that Castro wasn't a "bad guy" ?
Are you attempting to imply that Justin Trudeau, John Kerry, Pope Francis, Xi Jinping, Bashar al-Assad, President Obama, Ban Ki Moon, and the other legitimate world leaders who mourned the passing of a personal friend when Castro died are poor judges of character?

Obama could actually be impeached based on things that he has said and done. So is Flynn the kind of guy I'd like to be in charge of things? A guy who will honestly say what he feels, and do his job to advise Obama (Worst President In History)?

DemScum can move to Cuba if they want socialist-communist society. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.
Repugs can move to Alabama if they want a totalitarian RW republic.

Please provide proof that we are going to embark on Totalitarianism. I am pretty confident that you are confused as to what the actual definition is of Totalitarianism. But no one ever accused a Libtard of being smart.


Look closely at my siggie. Most all the major pieces are there. Add the historical significance or populist demagogues and the predictions become valid fears.
You don't know that to be true...but even so... He is still a conservative.
He hasn't been convicted and he's only admitted to being partially to blame. There's no statute of limitations on murder, so he'd be stupid to confess to it unless he's on his deathbed.

Farrakhan Admits Role in Murder of Malcolm X
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan admits his complicity in the 1965 murder of Malcolm X while seated across the table from the civil rights leader's oldest daughter in a "60 Minutes" interview to be broadcast May 14.

Attallah Shabazz later issued a statement thanking Farrakhan for acknowledging his role and said: "I wish him peace."

Shabazz, then 6, saw her father gunned down in the Audobon Ballroom in New York's Harlem area on February 21, 1965. Three men with ties to the Nation of Islam were convicted in the slaying.

A year earlier, Malcolm X's criticism of Nation of Islam spiritual leader Elijah Muhammad had caused a bitter split with church leaders, including Farrakhan. Farrakhan called Malcolm X a traitor and wrote, two months before the killing, that "such a man is worthy of death."

Farrakhan has denied ordering the assassination but previously admitted to having "helped create the atmosphere" that led to it.

His four-hour meeting with Shabazz and "60 Minutes" correspondent Mike Wallace, organized at her request, took place at Farrakhan's home in Arizona.

Farrakhan told them that he "truly loved" Malcolm X and carried his picture after his death. Shabazz's body visibly stiffened, arms crossed over her chest, when Wallace quoted from Farrakhan's writings about Malcolm X before he died.

During the interview, Farrakhan said that the U.S. government spied on black leaders and were concerned about a "black messiah" who could unite the community. "This is bigger than the Nation of Islam," he said.

Shabazz, struggling to keep control of her emotions, said that while she believed the FBI had something to do with her father's death, it was young black men who shot him.

"You can't keep pointing fingers," she said. "My father was not killed from a grassy knoll."

Farrakhan said: "Yes, it is true that black men pulled the trigger. We cannot deny any responsibility in this. Where we are responsible, where our hands are a part of this, we beg God's mercy and forgiveness."

"I genuinely hope that perhaps a healing can come to Miss Shabazz and her family," he continued. "As I may have been complicit in words that I spoke leading up to February 21, I acknowledge that and regret that any word that I have said caused the loss of life of a human being."

Shabazz's reaction to these words isn't shown. Wallace said she needed time to absorb them. She issued a statement this week.

"He's never admitted this before publicly," she said. "Until now, he's never caressed my father's children. I thank him for acknowledging his culpability, and I wish him peace."

Shabazz's mother, Betty Shabazz, who died in 1997, had publicly accused Farrakhan of a role in the murder. She reconciled with him after her daughter Qubilah was charged in 1994 with plotting to hire a hitman to kill him. The charges were later dropped.

Wallace said he believed that Farrakhan, who has battled prostate cancer and other health problems, is making amends partly because he has faced his own mortality.

Earlier this year, Farrakhan publicly embraced W. Deen Mohammed, son of Elijah Muhammad, in an attempt to heal wounds that have split African-American Muslims into competing factions.

"I think that he has thought seriously about the people he has disaffected," Wallace said in an interview.

Shabazz said it was still difficult for her to meet with Farrakhan on camera. "I did not know if I wanted to sit across from him," she said. "I did not know if my heart could handle it."
I liked Malcolm too, but Farrakhan has accomplished far more. He is truly a conservative in every sense. He may have played a role in the death of Malcolm but that is something White people aren't usually too concerned about except as a tool to divide Blacks. Farrakhan is still the most viable Black leader in America and he doesn't apologize for it nor does he ask for any damn thing from White people.
I'd rather see Generals and Business Professionals in the Executive Branch than the incompetent and corrupt politicians and political insiders that we have there now. Generals and Business Professionals know how to effectively manage organizations while politicians only know how to steal from them.
Oh, I'm sorry. I guess you want to see every single defense-related cabinet position led by some former general. Michael Flynn literally accused Obama of not doing enough against ISIS. Is that someone you want in charge of your children's safety? What an asshole that guy is. At least Hillary would've picked someone qualified like Biden.

Are you attempting to imply that Castro wasn't a "bad guy" ?
Are you attempting to imply that Justin Trudeau, John Kerry, Pope Francis, Xi Jinping, Bashar al-Assad, President Obama, Ban Ki Moon, and the other legitimate world leaders who mourned the passing of a personal friend when Castro died are poor judges of character?

Obama could actually be impeached based on things that he has said and done. So is Flynn the kind of guy I'd like to be in charge of things? A guy who will honestly say what he feels, and do his job to advise Obama (Worst President In History)?

DemScum can move to Cuba if they want socialist-communist society. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.
Repugs can move to Alabama if they want a totalitarian RW republic.

Please provide proof that we are going to embark on Totalitarianism. I am pretty confident that you are confused as to what the actual definition is of Totalitarianism. But no one ever accused a Libtard of being smart.


Look closely at my siggie. Most all the major pieces are there. Add the historical significance or populist demagogues and the predictions become valid fears.
Your signature is sophomoric and moronic. People like you brainwashed in your own dogma, are who allow people like Fidel Castro to come to power and become dictators and impose a grey socialist dystopia over once free people.

You are completely uneducated about Fascism & Totalitarianism. This is why I had to post The Political Spectrum in order to educate you so that you can have a conversation with adults and perhaps appear to know what you are talking about.

Trump has put two military guys in traditionally cibilian jobs.

Why. What is he planning. Troops on the border? Troops patrolling our streets?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


"Obama’s initial team included, as pointed out by the Washington Examiner’s Jamie McIntyre on Wednesday: retired Marine Gen. Jim Jones as national security adviser; retired Army Gen. Eric Shinseki as veterans affairs secretary; and retired Navy Adm. Dennis Blair as director of national intelligence."

Remember when Obama had three generals on his team? - Hot Air
That's right. In fact, I've learned from people like teabaggers, libertarians and alaska independence people like Sarah Palin if you want to change a party you have to change it from within.

So I'm the Ayn Rand Republican. I'm an atheist. Don't give a fuck about gay issues. I'm like Trump. Abortion is cool with me. I'm fiscally conservative which is greek for I have money.

And I'm white, white collar, racist, greedy, already got mine, a male. I'm a perfect candidate to be a Republican
You epitomize the Modern LWL, a perfect foil for the modern RWNJ. You're racist, misandrist, socialist, atheist and strongly bigoted toward anyone to the right of your political views. Although the Republican party is slightly ahead of you in the self-implosion department, with members like you, the Democrat party is close behind.

If you young gay black muslim mexican women don't like it maybe you should vote. Us white people do. That's why for at least 4 years this country is ours. Want to change that? Vote. But you can't even do that because liberals are bad citizens. Or at least the people who liberals care about. I've always said if you don't vote then you don't matter well they didn't vote so they no longer matter to me.

If blacks don't like getting shot maybe they should vote. If kids want affordable college maybe they should vote. If gays want to adopt they should vote. If the poor want foodstamps they should vote for it.
When are you going to realize that all those people DID vote. Hillary won the popular vote by 2 million and they are still counting. Other votes simply weren't counted and dumped.

:lmao: Another retard leftist who thinks the candidates ran for the popular vote! What a tool of Democrats you are ...

I am neither a retard or a leftist,nor do I think the candidates ran for the popular vote. I have known about the Electoral College since high school and am throughly familiar with it. But the popular vote is important in determining which party's electors will cast a vote on Dec 19. I'm just an informed American trying to be as objective as I can be.

The popular vote would be relevant if they ... hello ... ran for the popular vote. Why did Hillary campaign in close States if she thinks it's irrelevant to the vote and they'd vote the same way anyway? Are you calling Hillary stupid?
I didn't say they were liberal, where do you get this crap?
But I DID say they were conservative and you have been reduced to babbling because you can't address my premise.

Talk about a contrived standard. There certainly are conservative views they have like that blacks shouldn't be on welfare they should take care of themselves. You sure are moonbat enough for them.

However, the NOI isn't head over heels in love with the Democrat party like you are, they hate Democrats
I have seen no evidence that the NOI hates the Democratic Party. BTW there are plenty of conservative Democrats. Your problem is you keep trying to put every political persuasion into neat little packages. That isn't reality. If it were, one party would be in power all the time.


OMG, you don't know anything about the Nation of Islam.

And go ahead, name some present day "conservative" Democrats
I know more than you do. You didn't know they were conservatives until I told YOU!

Bullshit. I've respected Malcolm X for his message to blacks to stop being dependent and for black men to man up to the kids they create far longer than I've known you
That's right. In fact, I've learned from people like teabaggers, libertarians and alaska independence people like Sarah Palin if you want to change a party you have to change it from within.

So I'm the Ayn Rand Republican. I'm an atheist. Don't give a fuck about gay issues. I'm like Trump. Abortion is cool with me. I'm fiscally conservative which is greek for I have money.

And I'm white, white collar, racist, greedy, already got mine, a male. I'm a perfect candidate to be a Republican
You epitomize the Modern LWL, a perfect foil for the modern RWNJ. You're racist, misandrist, socialist, atheist and strongly bigoted toward anyone to the right of your political views. Although the Republican party is slightly ahead of you in the self-implosion department, with members like you, the Democrat party is close behind.

If you young gay black muslim mexican women don't like it maybe you should vote. Us white people do. That's why for at least 4 years this country is ours. Want to change that? Vote. But you can't even do that because liberals are bad citizens. Or at least the people who liberals care about. I've always said if you don't vote then you don't matter well they didn't vote so they no longer matter to me.

If blacks don't like getting shot maybe they should vote. If kids want affordable college maybe they should vote. If gays want to adopt they should vote. If the poor want foodstamps they should vote for it.
When are you going to realize that all those people DID vote. Hillary won the popular vote by 2 million and they are still counting. Other votes simply weren't counted and dumped.

And they stopped the recount in MI. Very shady. Hearing there were voting irregularities in heavily democratic districts. Wouldn't surprise me.

Show me these people get it by them showing up in 2018. Are they going to? They better or they are fucked.
Oh, I'm sorry. I guess you want to see every single defense-related cabinet position led by some former general. Michael Flynn literally accused Obama of not doing enough against ISIS. Is that someone you want in charge of your children's safety? What an asshole that guy is. At least Hillary would've picked someone qualified like Biden.

Are you attempting to imply that Justin Trudeau, John Kerry, Pope Francis, Xi Jinping, Bashar al-Assad, President Obama, Ban Ki Moon, and the other legitimate world leaders who mourned the passing of a personal friend when Castro died are poor judges of character?

Obama could actually be impeached based on things that he has said and done. So is Flynn the kind of guy I'd like to be in charge of things? A guy who will honestly say what he feels, and do his job to advise Obama (Worst President In History)?

DemScum can move to Cuba if they want socialist-communist society. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.
Repugs can move to Alabama if they want a totalitarian RW republic.

Please provide proof that we are going to embark on Totalitarianism. I am pretty confident that you are confused as to what the actual definition is of Totalitarianism. But no one ever accused a Libtard of being smart.


Look closely at my siggie. Most all the major pieces are there. Add the historical significance or populist demagogues and the predictions become valid fears.
Your signature is sophomoric and moronic. People like you brainwashed in your own dogma, are who allow people like Fidel Castro to come to power and become dictators and impose a grey socialist dystopia over once free people.

You are completely uneducated about Fascism & Totalitarianism. This is why I had to post The Political Spectrum in order to educate you so that you can have a conversation with adults and perhaps appear to know what you are talking about.


When you realize you are the only person on earth that thinks of me that way, come on back and let's talk.
Nice chart, though.. But it is missing a few things like racism, White male supremacy and misogyny. Add those ingredients and the linear graph would become a circle where the perceived ideologies in your model meet at an origination point.
You epitomize the Modern LWL, a perfect foil for the modern RWNJ. You're racist, misandrist, socialist, atheist and strongly bigoted toward anyone to the right of your political views. Although the Republican party is slightly ahead of you in the self-implosion department, with members like you, the Democrat party is close behind.

If you young gay black muslim mexican women don't like it maybe you should vote. Us white people do. That's why for at least 4 years this country is ours. Want to change that? Vote. But you can't even do that because liberals are bad citizens. Or at least the people who liberals care about. I've always said if you don't vote then you don't matter well they didn't vote so they no longer matter to me.

If blacks don't like getting shot maybe they should vote. If kids want affordable college maybe they should vote. If gays want to adopt they should vote. If the poor want foodstamps they should vote for it.
When are you going to realize that all those people DID vote. Hillary won the popular vote by 2 million and they are still counting. Other votes simply weren't counted and dumped.

:lmao: Another retard leftist who thinks the candidates ran for the popular vote! What a tool of Democrats you are ...

I am neither a retard or a leftist,nor do I think the candidates ran for the popular vote. I have known about the Electoral College since high school and am throughly familiar with it. But the popular vote is important in determining which party's electors will cast a vote on Dec 19. I'm just an informed American trying to be as objective as I can be.

The popular vote would be relevant if they ... hello ... ran for the popular vote. Why did Hillary campaign in close States if she thinks it's irrelevant to the vote and they'd vote the same way anyway? Are you calling Hillary stupid?
The popular votes in battleground states determines the electoral votes in those states, fool. You are getting caught up in semantics.
If you young gay black muslim mexican women don't like it maybe you should vote. Us white people do. That's why for at least 4 years this country is ours. Want to change that? Vote. But you can't even do that because liberals are bad citizens. Or at least the people who liberals care about. I've always said if you don't vote then you don't matter well they didn't vote so they no longer matter to me.

If blacks don't like getting shot maybe they should vote. If kids want affordable college maybe they should vote. If gays want to adopt they should vote. If the poor want foodstamps they should vote for it.
When are you going to realize that all those people DID vote. Hillary won the popular vote by 2 million and they are still counting. Other votes simply weren't counted and dumped.

:lmao: Another retard leftist who thinks the candidates ran for the popular vote! What a tool of Democrats you are ...

I am neither a retard or a leftist,nor do I think the candidates ran for the popular vote. I have known about the Electoral College since high school and am throughly familiar with it. But the popular vote is important in determining which party's electors will cast a vote on Dec 19. I'm just an informed American trying to be as objective as I can be.

The popular vote would be relevant if they ... hello ... ran for the popular vote. Why did Hillary campaign in close States if she thinks it's irrelevant to the vote and they'd vote the same way anyway? Are you calling Hillary stupid?
The popular votes in battleground states determines the electoral votes in those states, fool. You are getting caught up in semantics.

I am? No ... you're being an idiot. No one ran for the popular vote, yet you're going on about your butt hurt that Hillary won that. In the big blue States, Democrats are a well oiled machine and there are tens of millions of Republicans with no reason to bother voting for President.

The national popular vote is irrelevant, you're just another Democrat partisan hack. No one ran to win the popular vote and the campaigns and who would show up would be completely different
I think you are hallucinating if you think Democrats hate the military. There are just too many Democrats IN the military to support that premise.
There are some Republicans in the military but most are content to avoid military service; and, send their children attend college while Democrat's children go to war.
You RW GOP lovers talk patriotism but the Democrats are actively engaged in it.
It's true some Democrats have joined the military, but most don't stick around very long which is why most of the military, especially the officers and NCOs, lean right.

Yes, as I posted before, too many RWers are chickenhawks. A good reason to bring back the draft.

Funny you label me with " You RW GOP lovers" since I'm not a Republican but I am a retired veteran.

BTW, Louis Farrakhan is "conservative" just like the Taliban and ISIS are "conservative".
And they stopped the recount in MI. Very shady. Hearing there were voting irregularities in heavily democratic districts. Wouldn't surprise me.

Show me these people get it by them showing up in 2018. Are they going to? They better or they are fucked.
Maybe you should support Voter ID.
And they stopped the recount in MI. Very shady. Hearing there were voting irregularities in heavily democratic districts. Wouldn't surprise me.

Show me these people get it by them showing up in 2018. Are they going to? They better or they are fucked.
Maybe you should support Voter ID.
Isn't it strange trump trashed Goldman Sachs on the campaign trail but then appoints one of them to a cabinet position.

This administration is turning out to be a liberals nightmare.

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