Trump is jealous of Elizabeth Warren

Trump was raised with a silver spoon, Warren raised in a working family.

Trump at age 13 went to a private school, Warren at age 13 waited tables.

Trump got college paid for by Daddy, Warren did it on her own.

Trump went to college to get out of the draft, then got out of it by daddy paying a doc to dx a bone spur.

Warren went to college because of good grades and she wanted to.

Trump got a BS in econ, Warren got a BS in speech pathology.

Trump went into the family business, Warren taught children with disabilities.

Trump married a model , and Warren married the HS sweetheart, and actually carried and gave birth to 2 kids.

Warren went on to further college, and became a lawyer.

Besides working as a lawyer, she also taught at law at universities.

Trump became a reality TV person after his businesses failed and after 5 bankruptcies.

Warren went on to become a Senator.

So trump calling her Pocahontas only means he is jealous of her.

He probably mixed up Pocahontas with Pinocchio (which is what his nickname should be)
I think you've become morally bankrupt when you start admiring a lying opportunist like Pocahontas.
It is not even a little bit surprising that Fauxcohontas is a hero to mindless drones like Pinheadlope.

I hope like hell she is the democrook nominee. It would be the most entertaining election in decades and at least as crushing as the Reagan/Mondale contest.

It's really sad and pathetic that faux pocahontas is the worse made up nonsense you can level against her. This is the derangement of some of you righties. You have to manufacture nonsense that amounts to total insignificance to justify hating good politicians.
Tiggs, go back and look at Trump's business in relation to when his dad gave him money. The statement is wrong.
According to Trump, dad gave him a loan of 1 $million dollars. Trump has made his billions before his inheritance.

Trump has bankrupted his businesses 5 times and made money off a failed IPO. Then he became a reality TV personality. One big fail.

There is no proof he is even a billionaire, lets see his tax returns for the last few years.

Five out of what,five hundred?

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