Trump is jealous of Elizabeth Warren

Well, it seems like Pocohontas is ahead on points just now...
Let's hear it for the Orange Turd!

Trump has grabbed more pussies than Warren.
Trump has stiffed more contractors than Warren.
Trump has denied rentals to more minorities than warren.....

And on and on, the man's a fucken legend!

We love liberal Butt Hurt...

Please do some more...

Trump is SPANKING your asses day in and day out.

You fold, I win the debate of who is the more righteous person. Got nothing hey.

By their fruits ye shall know them.

You are just Butt Hurt because Trump exposed lying Pocahontas.

It takes little effort on his part to show her and yours for

the lying fools you are…

liberals quoting the Bible is like Colonel Sanders

marching for Chickens Rights.

Trump is Spanking liberal ass and “takin” names…………..

Sounds like you might be jealous of her as well. Hey is Sessions can do it I can do it. Its one of my favorite verses,

You shall know them by their fruits. Trump has no good fruit.
Well, it seems like Pocohontas is ahead on points just now...
Let's hear it for the Orange Turd!

Trump has grabbed more pussies than Warren.
Trump has stiffed more contractors than Warren.
Trump has denied rentals to more minorities than warren.....

And on and on, the man's a fucken legend!

We love liberal Butt Hurt...

Please do some more...

Trump is SPANKING your asses day in and day out.

You fold, I win the debate of who is the more righteous person. Got nothing hey.

By their fruits ye shall know them.

You are just Butt Hurt because Trump exposed lying Pocahontas.

It takes little effort on his part to show her and yours for

the lying fools you are…

liberals quoting the Bible is like Colonel Sanders

marching for Chickens Rights.

Trump is Spanking liberal ass and “takin” names…………..

Sounds like you might be jealous of her as well. Hey is Sessions can do it I can do it. Its one of my favorite verses,

You shall know them by their fruits. Trump has no good fruit.

liberal fruit is hate and violence….
Tiggs, go back and look at Trump's business in relation to when his dad gave him money. The statement is wrong.
According to Trump, dad gave him a loan of 1 $million dollars. Trump has made his billions before his inheritance.
Tiggs, go back and look at Trump's business in relation to when his dad gave him money. The statement is wrong.
According to Trump, dad gave him a loan of 1 $million dollars. Trump has made his billions before his inheritance.
Yet she is not a compulsive liar and has done hard honorable work all her life. Go figure.
Elizabeth "Lie-a-watha" Warren constantly rants and raves about the evil corporations to her base of looney leftist liberals.

Yet, she had an extensive private law practice, and several of her clients where major corporations which she defend as a lawyer in court, and made a lot of money representing them.

Liberalism and hypocracy go hand in hand with each other. ... :cuckoo:
Elizabeth "Lie-a-watha" Warren is a radical lefty liberal who continually blasts the rich as evil people. Yet, she is a multi millionaire who lives in a mansion. .... :cuckoo:

Oh is she, really a multi millionaire, well at least she worked for it, and worked darn hard and has been since the age of 13. Also her husband is a Harvard Law professor. They both are intelligent and have not lived off of failed businesses and what does Melania do? again, oh she was a model and now she is what? Married to an adulterer and pussy grabber.
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Tiggs, go back and look at Trump's business in relation to when his dad gave him money. The statement is wrong.
According to Trump, dad gave him a loan of 1 $million dollars. Trump has made his billions before his inheritance.

Trump has bankrupted his businesses 5 times and made money off a failed IPO. Then he became a reality TV personality. One big fail.

There is no proof he is even a billionaire, lets see his tax returns for the last few years.
Trump was raised with a silver spoon, Warren raised in a working family.

Trump at age 13 went to a private school, Warren at age 13 waited tables.

Trump got college paid for by Daddy, Warren did it on her own.

Trump went to college to get out of the draft, then got out of it by daddy paying a doc to dx a bone spur.

Warren went to college because of good grades and she wanted to.

Trump got a BS in econ, Warren got a BS in speech pathology.

Trump went into the family business, Warren taught children with disabilities.

Trump married a model , and Warren married the HS sweetheart, and actually carried and gave birth to 2 kids.

Warren went on to further college, and became a lawyer.

Besides working as a lawyer, she also taught at law at universities.

Trump became a reality TV person after his businesses failed and after 5 bankruptcies.

Warren went on to become a Senator.

So trump calling her Pocahontas only means he is jealous of her.

He probably mixed up Pocahontas with Pinocchio (which is what his nickname should be)
You’re about as far out on the Lame Scale as one can get.

Shall we call Trump Pinocchio?? He fits the description.
Warren "got it on her own?"....... Warren LIED on her college app and took money meant for a REAL native American.

You might want to get your lies correct.

Warren went to college in the 1970s.

Warren claimed she has Cherokee in her family when she was working as a teacher in the 1980s.

She didn't claim she was Cherokee when she went to college nor did she get any money for college because she was Cherokee.

She had graduated from college a decade before she claimed she has Cherokee in her family.

The lie that's being peddled about her is that she used having Cherokee in her family to get her teaching job.

Which she didn't say she was Cherokee until AFTER she got the job.

On a side personal note, it's been a very old story on one side of my family that there's Cherokee in our family from hundreds of years ago. We all thought it was just a cute story that some on one side of my family just liked to tell. I didn't believe there was any Cherokee in my family.

In 2015 I had my DNA tested. Sure enough there's a very small part of my DNA that has Native American Indian. It's very small which confirms that it entered that side of the family hundreds of years ago.

I'm not saying the same thing is true for Warren but those old family stories sometimes turns out to be true.
Trump is President Pinocchio and his followers are Pinos and Pinettes: all loving the lie.
Tiggs, go back and look at Trump's business in relation to when his dad gave him money. The statement is wrong.
According to Trump, dad gave him a loan of 1 $million dollars. Trump has made his billions before his inheritance.

Trump has bankrupted his businesses 5 times and made money off a failed IPO. Then he became a reality TV personality. One big fail.

There is no proof he is even a billionaire, lets see his tax returns for the last few years.
Tax return tell you nothing as income can be deferred. He has filed financial disclosure statements which lists assets and liabilities. Trump has never filed personal bankruptcies. 8 out of ten business' fail (Five Reasons 8 Out Of 10 Businesses Fail) and Trump has started hundreds of businesses (The Companies Donald Trump Owns). if for some reason 5 of them have to reorganize to pay off's a damn good record.
Tiggs, go back and look at Trump's business in relation to when his dad gave him money. The statement is wrong.
According to Trump, dad gave him a loan of 1 $million dollars. Trump has made his billions before his inheritance.

Trump has bankrupted his businesses 5 times and made money off a failed IPO. Then he became a reality TV personality. One big fail.

There is no proof he is even a billionaire, lets see his tax returns for the last few years.
Tax return tell you nothing as income can be deferred. He has filed financial disclosure statements which lists assets and liabilities. Trump has never filed personal bankruptcies. 8 out of ten business' fail (Five Reasons 8 Out Of 10 Businesses Fail) and Trump has started hundreds of businesses (The Companies Donald Trump Owns). if for some reason 5 of them have to reorganize to pay off's a damn good record.

No, one can tell a lot about tax returns, and also Trump has lots of businesses that are LLC's because he can have lots of write offs and gets out of paying taxes. He is a failure as a business owner if he can't even borrow money. Businesses fail as they grow too big too fast or the owner lives beyond their means. In Trumps case I suspect both, and all that glitters is not gold.

He keeps bragging about his money and his billions, lets see it.
With a little help from his friends and only due to 80,000 votes in 3 states, Warren never ran.

Of course she didnt. She saw Hillary try the "I'm a woman (sorta)" card and fail. Warrens "I'm a poor little Indian woman" will fare as badly.

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