Trump is DOJ target

Donald J. Trump 304
Hillary R. Clinton 227

Hey Assmender, you blithering fool, did you and BackAgain take the same honors classes at Trump University?

As I recall, the Rapist and Traitor called his Russian Supported win one of best in U.S. History, not that the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Putin Butt Boy knows a damn thing about U.S. History.

Electoral Vote 2020

Joe Biden - 306.

Rapist and Traitor - 232.

The Rapist and Traitor also lost the Popular Vote for the Second Time, the only U.S. President ever to do so.

The Orange Shit Stain lost by almost the margin in 2020 that HRC got in 2016.

Biden received 2 - more electoral votes than Mango Mussolini received in 2016.

The Rapist and Traitor received 5-More Electoral Votes than HRC received in 2016.

The Rapist and Traitor FIRED Director of Cyber Security Christopher Krebs AFTER Mr. Krebs that 2020 Election was one most secure Presidential Elections in recent history.

No Voting Machines switched votes from the Rapist and Traitor to Mr. Biden.

No Poll Workers switched votes or destroyed ballots.

The Fucking Rapist and Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
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It is more than interesting that Ghouli has NOT received a Target Letter. He also had a sit down with Special Prosecutor Jack Smith BEFORE the Rapist and Traitor received his Target Letter.

Ghouli had ringside seat in days after the Rapist and Traitor lost the election. Even money he spilled on Mango Mussolini. Ghouli either got immunity or a reduced sentence. Ghouli also knows that the Rapist and Traitor would be more than willing to kick him to curb.

Every man for self time.
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The Electoral College is a leftover from colonial days when there were strong rivalries between the states. It was a give to the smaller states to keep them happy. It should have been dismantled long ago.
Wrong again. They are the unrepresented the Electoral College protects.
Well I can't disagree that Trump does like to keep dollar general type lawyers.

But..I'm of the view that Trump is part of the establishment agenda. A willing participant. I'm of the view that he's playing a role.

The fact of the matter is that the establishment needs Trump to be a constant ''bad guy.''

For without this convenience, the establishment, both in politics and from so-called ''journalists'' in mainstream media, who run interference for the establishment narrative, cannot continue to falsely create the illusion that America is under siege by the electorate itself.

And without the convenience of having Trump constantly under so-called Legal scrutiny and in the spotlight, the establishment cannot use the image they've consistently tried to create, and continue to create, of America being under siege in order to grow their agenda into a full throttle assault on things like the 1st, 2nd amendments, and just a whole bunch of tyrannies. Even going so far as to use the illusion they;re creating in order to try to remove elected representatives in Congress who don't agree with them.
Interesting viewpoint and quite possibly true. why would they be given immunity? :badgrin:

some people just cannot follow the bouncing ball. the ones that did take the immunity deal - were angry that the lawyer 'representing' & paid for by donny ...were never told that immunity was offered; something a lawyer is obligated to tell their client

Fulton DA offered immunity to ‘fake’ electors, asks for attorney to removed from case, motion shows​

By News StaffApril 18, 2023 at 3:15 pm EDT

ATLANTA — The Fulton County District Attorney’s Office has offered immunity deals to several fake electors who gathered at the State Capitol in 2020 to cast Electoral College votes for former President Donald Trump.
The revelation was made public on Tuesday in a filing from the DA’s office, which also asked that one of the attorneys representing those electors be disqualified from the case.
According to the filing, Kimberly Burroughs Debrow, who represents 10 of the electors, failed to inform her clients about the potential immunity deals after they were offered last summer.

In the filing, Willis said Debrow’s representation of the 10 electors has become an “impracticable and ethical mess” after interviews with some of the electors last week showed that they told the investigation team that “no potential offer of immunity was ever brought to them in 2022.”

The court documents said the electors had been told by Debrow and her then-co-counsel, Holly Pierson, on Aug. 5, 2022, that none of their clients were interested in immunity.

At least 11 electors are part of Willis’ investigation into potential tampering in the 2020 presidential election.
Channel 2 political reporter Richard Elliot was in the room in December 2020 as 16 GOP false electors signed a document declaring their votes for Trump.
Fulton DA offered immunity to âfakeâ electors, asks for attorney to removed from case, motion shows

hmmmmm .... now why would the lawyer(s) not say a word to their clients & LIE that they were told, but ' not interested '? :heehee:
some people just cannot follow the bouncing ball. the ones that did take the immunity deal - were angry that the lawyer 'representing' & paid for by donny ...were never told that immunity was offered; something a lawyer is obligated to tell their client

Fulton DA offered immunity to ‘fake’ electors, asks for attorney to removed from case, motion shows​

By News StaffApril 18, 2023 at 3:15 pm EDT

ATLANTA — The Fulton County District Attorney’s Office has offered immunity deals to several fake electors who gathered at the State Capitol in 2020 to cast Electoral College votes for former President Donald Trump.
The revelation was made public on Tuesday in a filing from the DA’s office, which also asked that one of the attorneys representing those electors be disqualified from the case.
According to the filing, Kimberly Burroughs Debrow, who represents 10 of the electors, failed to inform her clients about the potential immunity deals after they were offered last summer.

In the filing, Willis said Debrow’s representation of the 10 electors has become an “impracticable and ethical mess” after interviews with some of the electors last week showed that they told the investigation team that “no potential offer of immunity was ever brought to them in 2022.”

The court documents said the electors had been told by Debrow and her then-co-counsel, Holly Pierson, on Aug. 5, 2022, that none of their clients were interested in immunity.

At least 11 electors are part of Willis’ investigation into potential tampering in the 2020 presidential election.
Channel 2 political reporter Richard Elliot was in the room in December 2020 as 16 GOP false electors signed a document declaring their votes for Trump.
Fulton DA offered immunity to âfakeâ electors, asks for attorney to removed from case, motion shows

hmmmmm .... now why would the lawyer(s) not say a word to their clients & LIE that they were told, but ' not interested '? :heehee:
WOW ! So is that lawyer and/ or trump being tried for obstruction of justice ?
WOW ! So is that lawyer and/ or trump being tried for obstruction of justice ?

i'm sure it's on fani willis' radar... probably something she's filed away for a later time, OR the hammer will come down with the impending indictments coming soon enough.
Of course it does, which is why I asked you why a president can't pardon themselves in cases of impeachment.

To be clear, I'm not asking you to cite the reason being that's what the Constitution states... I'm asking why did the Founding Fathers want that?
Charges against his while in office is why. Check and balance.
Charges against his while in office is why. Check and balance.
And if the president is guilty of major crimes which adversely affect his judgment to the degree that he believes he can pardon himself I ' m sure the other two branches of government would exert their equal powers ( checks and balances ) to have him removed from office - no matter who's in control of those branches. It's their duty to confront such an egregious act.
And if the president is guilty of major crimes which adversely affect his judgment to the degree that he believes he can pardon himself I ' m sure the other two branches of government would exert their equal powers ( checks and balances ) to have him removed from office - no matter who's in control of those branches. It's their duty to confront such an egregious act.
That's what the impeachment process is for, you idiot.
That's what the impeachment process is for, you idiot.
Not only that,o the Supreme Court could rule on it as unconstitutional. Revoking the pardon. You're the idiot, not me. You keep insisting this ludicrous idea is supported by the Constitution, it blatantly isn't. Try to have a good day. I'm having a great day in the garden. It's a little too warm but those weeds, like any cantankerous problem, have to be dealt with.

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