Trump is DOJ target

You continue to be a total asshole. It doesn't matter of it's spelled out or not. No one gets to be their own judge, we don't have kings in America. That's why we are such a great nation. No one is above the law stated or inherrant. Your crusade is a farce. It's utterly ridiculous and I have wasted enough of my time with you. Go troll somewhere else.
You need to review you COTUS......again, you are full of crap.

I dare you to prove me wrong.
You need to review you COTUS......again, you are full of crap.

I dare you to prove me wrong.
There is something seriously wrong with you.There is nothing in it either way. Because the whole idea is preposterous. Are you a child ? Why on earth would you even indulge one of trump's biggest, far out there fantasies. I'm sure he wishes it were possible. Do anything and everything you want to them never having to pay the price for his indiscretions and crimes. That would make his world perfect. Fortunately it doesn't work that way. Like I said I have to many real obligations to waste any more of my time on your insanity. Grow up. Good night.
Enemy democrats think this ends with Trump. All they have to do is get Trump and it's over. Get Trump and there will be someone else. Someone after that. They don't get it. We are done.

It's going to end with younger voters teabagging you into political extinction. Getting Trump is just the death of hope for your lot. Which other candidate is going to play carnival barker to all the inane conspiracies and desires of MAGAt? You clowns won't settle for anyone who doesn't promise to govern in such a way that they are promised to catch a case like Trump has.
You need to review you COTUS......again, you are full of crap.

I dare you to prove me wrong.
It's not even getting that far. 😄

Every year, about 4 million Americans turn 18 and gain the right to vote. In the eight years between the 2016 and 2024 elections, that’s 32 million new eligible voters.

Also every year, 2½ million older Americans die. So in the same eight years, that’s as many as 20 million fewer older voters.

Which means that between Trump’s election in 2016 and the 2024 election, the number of Gen Z (born in the late 1990s and early 2010s) voters will have advanced by a net 52 million against older people. That’s about 20 percent of the total 2020 eligible electorate of 258 million Americans.
Enemy democrats think this ends with Trump. All they have to do is get Trump and it's over. Get Trump and there will be someone else. Someone after that. They don't get it. We are done.
Hopefully there will never be such a scoundrel as trump in the White House ever again. No one could be that bad unless the government is overthrown and a dictator is installed by you crazy people.
Hopefully there will never be such a scoundrel as trump in the White House ever again. No one could be that bad unless the government is overthrown and a dictator is installed by you crazy people.
That's all very melodramatic but the 'dictator', 'slayer to Dem / Marxist hurt feelings' and general shrill screeching about TDS, we're never blessed with Dems / Marxists making case for anything beyond their hurt feelings.

Give us some specifics about Trump's open borders, his record inflation, his war to protect Ukraine's borders, his subservience to China, his explosive deficits and his radical Marxist policies.
That's all very melodramatic but the 'dictator', 'slayer to Dem / Marxist hurt feelings' and general shrill screeching about TDS, we're never blessed with Dems / Marxists making case for anything beyond their hurt feelings.

Give us some specifics about Trump's open borders, his record inflation, his war to protect Ukraine's borders, his subservience to China, his explosive deficits and his radical Marxist policies.
TDS is your problem , not mine. Your thinking is deranged because you follow that nut case.
Hopefully there will never be such a scoundrel as trump in the White House ever again. No one could be that bad unless the government is overthrown and a dictator is installed by you crazy people.
Cannot happen soon enough. Tyrannies such as what enemy democrats have imposed always end in dictatorship. A dictator ends Democrat oppression.
TDS is your problem , not mine. Your thinking is deranged because you follow that nut case.
As expected, you can't offer a single example of your 'Trump dictator' conspiracy theory or a single example of Trump's open borders, his record inflation, his war to protect Ukraine's borders, his subservience to China, his explosive deficit spending or his radical Marxist policies.
A dictator ends freedom for everyone you fool. People live in fear of their government when a dictator rules.
Well that's only partly true. A dictator will end freedom for his political opponents.

So tell us about Biden's Stasi and his targeting of parents at public schoolboard meetings who question trans policies. Tell us about Biden's Stasi sending IRS goons to try and intimidate journalists. Tell us about Biden's Stasi aiding and abetting a years long Russi collusion hoax they knew was phony and contrived. Tell us about the Biden Crime Family Syndicate and his lackeys in the FBI and DOJ trying to cover up the $millions of dollars received from China, Ukraine and buried in 20 different shell companies.
That's different from democrat tyranny in what way?
What laws did Democrats change that criminalize women, or transgenders or gay people ? None ! You can't say that for these crazy new republicans because they want to control others, that destroys freedom . That's what fascism and dictators do.
What laws did Democrats change that criminalize women, or transgenders or gay people ? None ! You can't say that for these crazy new republicans because they want to control others, that destroys freedom . That's what fascism and dictators do.
Democrats have criminalized normalcy, threatened parents and weaponized the government.
Democrats have criminalized normalcy, threatened parents and weaponized the government.
Right expanding help to ALL families is something only the Democrats seem to do. These new crazy republicans don't seem to care if the fetuses ever eat, get educated or have happy lives. No funding there. And forget about grandma and grandpa unless they're veterans, then they get special treatment but only enough to survive, not flourish. The big picture on republicans helping anyone but themselves is a big fat zero.
There is nothing in it either way. Because the whole idea is preposterous. Are you a child ? Why on earth would you even indulge one of trump's biggest, far out there fantasies.

So you can't prove anything. Got it.

Trump's biggest, far out fantasies are causing your favorite political party nightmares......biggly.

“This Constitutional Amendment would explicitly prohibit a self-pardon, pardons of family members, administration officials, and campaign employees.

Congressman Cohen Introduces an Amendment to the Constitution to Limit the Presidential Pardon Power

I beg your pardon?
Right expanding help to ALL families is something only the Democrats seem to do. These new crazy republicans don't seem to care if the fetuses ever eat, get educated or have happy lives. No funding there. And forget about grandma and grandpa unless they're veterans, then they get special treatment but only enough to survive, not flourish. The big picture on republicans helping anyone but themselves is a big fat zero.
Nothing you say could suggest to me that democrats should be allowed to exist.

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