Trump Is Coming Back!!! :D

You TDS’ing dumbfucks just can’t get out of your own way…you’re all over the place with your sorry ass bullshit…you have ZERO credibility.

Nope, I have been 100% consistent. That is why all you have are childish insults and nothing to actually back up your empty claims.
Over and over again you and King TDS’er Mac1958 busted your asses to prove that Trumps economy was in fact the Kenyans economy….I don’t make this shit up and you know it.

Nope, not once. You can repeat this lie as much as you like, but it will never make it true.

But you have never cared about truth or integrity. They are foreign concepts to you.
You're a racist AND an idiot, cockroach.
Trust me, this shit isn’t easy….I’m trying to become racist as fuck…the problem I have is I hate white liberals more than I hate any other class of ‘American’….that’s tough to reconcile.
My Auschwitz would be full of white liberals first…followed by your beloved wetbacks.
Repeating the same trite, racist bullshit over and over is hard for you? Maybe you really are that stupid, you lazy cockroach.
This wetback invasion shit has to end Teach…it’s my thing, my pet peeve….I’ve watched neighborhood after neighborhood turn to dirty, disgusting foreign shithole here in Mexifornia, I’ve watched all blue collar trades be ruined by wetbacks, I’ve watched our education go to shit because of wetbacks, I’ve watched our healthcare system go to shit because of wetbacks….Americans are foreigners here in many cities….thats not what our founders wanted for this nation.
There is no bigger more significant issue in America….Wetbacks have to be stopped or Democrats will run the nation forever.
That's quite the perverted imagination ya got there, Stumpy. Reveals more about you than it does the Biden's.
Maybe after you are done licking Putin's balls, you could go searching "the unexplored jungles of Wuhan" for the next pandemic?

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