'Trump Is Blessed With REALLY Stupid Enemies


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"How did Trump luck out by getting such hopeless geebos for opponents? It can’t just be chance. At every turn, these dummies choose to lock themselves into the most implausible and indefensible positions imaginable, then push all their chips into the center of the table."

"Look at NATO. The entire foreign policy establishment is scandalized that Trump says he expects the Europeans to cover their fair share of the NATO nut. Now a normal American is going to think “Yeah, I think they ought to pay their share of their own defense. Sounds reasonable.”


Here’s a test. Leave DC or New York, drive a few hours out to America, find a random guy on the street and ask, “Hey, don’t you think it’s awful that Trump wants our allies to increase their contributions to their own defense to just about half of what the U.S. pays?” You can safely assume he’ll respond, “Wait, why only half?”

The Latest USSC Pick:
"The Normal/Elite disconnect was also in full effect regarding the new SCOTUS dude. The establishment decided it’s going to bork Brett by pointing out that he bought baseball tickets and apparently liked beer in college...

Then the establishment attacked Brett’s family for looking like a normal family instead of a traveling freak show. The Kavanaugh kids didn’t have nose rings or teen tatts, and they presumably know which bathroom to use. This, to the establishment, is unforgiveable. To Normal Americans, this constant social warfare against people who don’t want to be sketchy mutants is just more inspiration for more militancy."

'Abolish ICE'
"The Democrats have also decided that they want to go into November on the platform of abolishing ICE and opening the borders to future Democrat voters from festering Third World hellholes. Perhaps they didn’t read the polls, but Normal Americans – the ones not appearing on CNN, working for Soros-funded agitator collectives, or in college squandering their dads’ money on degrees in Oppression Studies – actually like borders."

Obama / FBI Anti-Trump
"And then there is the Mueller/ FBI/Collusion/Treason charade, which has normal people asking, “Is that still a thing?” Yeah, kind of, though it becomes less thingy every day as it becomes obvious that Sad Bassett Hound Mueller and the Conflict-of-Interest Crew’s got no-thing.

The establishment is convinced that Peter Strzok came out of that hearing not looking like a guy who probably has a sex dungeon in his basement. But he totally looked like he has a sex dungeon in his basement, thereby launching
a thousand memes of him leering, smirking, and generally channeling Paul Lynde.

Despite the best efforts of borderline mental defectives like Ted Lieu and whoever that dork was who wanted to give Strzok a Purple Heart, this paragon of the establishment came off to Normals as exactly who he is – a skeevy bureaucrat who delights in jamming up other people with the rules he ignores.

The FBI Motto is “
Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity,” and that married serial sexting hack blew two of those just by cavorting with his gal pal. He and his establishment supporters somehow think Normals aren’t going to figure out that if his wife can’t trust him not to nail the chick at the next desk, we can’t trust his explanation for why he didn’t nail the woman with classified material all over her emails who was supposed to be the next president.

One of the secrets of Trump’s success is having really, really stupid enemies, enemies who are so tone-deaf and out-of-touch that they simply cannot adopt commonsense positions that resonate among normal Americans. The establishment instead insists on telling Americans that up is down, black is white, and girls can have penises."

:p Bwuhahahahahaha!

It’s Undeniable: Trump Is Blessed With Really Stupid Enemies
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Trump was exposed as a treasonous fool.

Time to impeach.

No pardon, Pence. (Don't do what Ford did)
Trump was exposed as a treasonous fool. Time to impeach.No pardon, Pence. (Don't do what Ford did)
Thank you for that demonstration that supports the thread's 1st post......and for all the evidence you and your fellow snowflakes have provided in the last 3 years to prove / support your accusations. :p
The left has tacked hard left into a marxist/nihilist type dystopia. There is no common ground between the parties now.

Plenty of common ground between center right and center left.
But Trump and his fluffing minions have gone off the rails on a crazy train.
Cooler heads will prevail - and it won't be long. Tick Tock

The left has tacked hard left into a marxist/nihilist type dystopia. There is no common ground between the parties now.

Plenty of common ground between center right and center left.
But Trump and his fluffing minions have gone off the rails on a crazy train.
Cooler heads will prevail - and it won't be long. Tick Tock

Provide the Link you used to watch Trump do what you accuse him of doing.
"How did Trump luck out by getting such hopeless geebos for opponents? It can’t just be chance. At every turn, these dummies choose to lock themselves into the most implausible and indefensible positions imaginable, then push all their chips into the center of the table."

"Look at NATO. The entire foreign policy establishment is scandalized that Trump says he expects the Europeans to cover their fair share of the NATO nut. Now a normal American is going to think “Yeah, I think they ought to pay their share of their own defense. Sounds reasonable.”


Here’s a test. Leave DC or New York, drive a few hours out to America, find a random guy on the street and ask, “Hey, don’t you think it’s awful that Trump wants our allies to increase their contributions to their own defense to just about half of what the U.S. pays?” You can safely assume he’ll respond, “Wait, why only half?”

The Latest USSC Pick:
"The Normal/Elite disconnect was also in full effect regarding the new SCOTUS dude. The establishment decided it’s going to bork Brett by pointing out that he bought baseball tickets and apparently liked beer in college...

Then the establishment attacked Brett’s family for looking like a normal family instead of a traveling freak show. The Kavanaugh kids didn’t have nose rings or teen tatts, and they presumably know which bathroom to use. This, to the establishment, is unforgiveable. To Normal Americans, this constant social warfare against people who don’t want to be sketchy mutants is just more inspiration for more militancy."

'Abolish ICE'
"The Democrats have also decided that they want to go into November on the platform of abolishing ICE and opening the borders to future Democrat voters from festering Third World hellholes. Perhaps they didn’t read the polls, but Normal Americans – the ones not appearing on CNN, working for Soros-funded agitator collectives, or in college squandering their dads’ money on degrees in Oppression Studies – actually like borders."

Obama / FBI Anti-Trump
"And then there is the Mueller/ FBI/Collusion/Treason charade, which has normal people asking, “Is that still a thing?” Yeah, kind of, though it becomes less thingy every day as it becomes obvious that Sad Bassett Hound Mueller and the Conflict-of-Interest Crew’s got no-thing.

The establishment is convinced that Peter Strzok came out of that hearing not looking like a guy who probably has a sex dungeon in his basement. But he totally looked like he has a sex dungeon in his basement, thereby launching
a thousand memes of him leering, smirking, and generally channeling Paul Lynde.

Despite the best efforts of borderline mental defectives like Ted Lieu and whoever that dork was who wanted to give Strzok a Purple Heart, this paragon of the establishment came off to Normals as exactly who he is – a skeevy bureaucrat who delights in jamming up other people with the rules he ignores.

The FBI Motto is “
Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity,” and that married serial sexting hack blew two of those just by cavorting with his gal pal. He and his establishment supporters somehow think Normals aren’t going to figure out that if his wife can’t trust him not to nail the chick at the next desk, we can’t trust his explanation for why he didn’t nail the woman with classified material all over her emails who was supposed to be the next president.

One of the secrets of Trump’s success is having really, really stupid enemies, enemies who are so tone-deaf and out-of-touch that they simply cannot adopt commonsense positions that resonate among normal Americans. The establishment instead insists on telling Americans that up is down, black is white, and girls can have penises."

:p Bwuhahahahahaha!

It’s Undeniable: Trump Is Blessed With Really Stupid Enemies
I am amazed at how hard trumpanzees work to excuse the stupidity of the fake president.
I know I'm glad moonbats are stupid.

They're dangerously stupid as it is. Can you imagine if the mother fuckers had any brains at all and still believed in Santa Marx and his 8 Unicorns?

The left has tacked hard left into a marxist/nihilist type dystopia. There is no common ground between the parties now.

Plenty of common ground between center right and center left.
But Trump and his fluffing minions have gone off the rails on a crazy train.
Cooler heads will prevail - and it won't be long. Tick Tock


Just more sophistry and emotion. Yes, the left has moved into a marxist state.

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