Trump is bad but he is no Hitler

Nazism is closer to nationalism than socialism. Nazism was driven by emphasizing the will of the charismatic dictator as the sole source of inspiration of a people and a nation.
Nationalism driven by a charismatic leader. Does that sound familiar?
Nazism is socialism, The government controls everything
Nazism is closer to a dictatorship
Socialism is the perfect incubator for dictatorships
Trump would prefer the US to be a dictatorship. He has openly admired the control that Kim Jong Un has over his people. That should concern you.

Trump would prefer the US to be a dictatorship.


Who does he think he is......Thomas Friedman?
Trump will go down as the the most immoral president in the history of the USA. He is bad but not close to the depraved individual Hitler was.
But those who support Trump are very much like those who supported Hitler. They are mindless minions, falling for a false promise, the leader, will make their country much better, especially for Caucasians.
They rationalize the immorality and enable their leader to do horrible things with the hope their lives will be made better.

Exactly. In a way, Trump is a blessing in disguise. As offensive as he might be, he's not Hitler - he doesn't have any ongoing agenda, other than attending to his own ego. But his followers would be willing if he did - and that's what's disturbing.
Nazism is socialism, The government controls everything
You trying to tell me that ISN'T what Trump wants? Hah! Especially when he AND HIS DOJ choose with impunity which laws they will obey. Especially when he AND HIS DOJ squelch lawful pursuit.
He is not forcing an progressive agenda on the people… Americans don’t want socialized medicine/healthcare forced on them, they don’t want fucked up frivolous gun control laws forced on them, Americans don’t want unnecessary environmental regulations forced on them.... etc.

So no, he’s not some fucked up socialist....
Socialist? Trump? How can you read me so wrong? I know Trump is not one of those hopeful idealists that wants a Utopia for EVERYONE, even though that's not obtainable this side of heaven. No..He's a bleeping despot-in-progress who wants that Utopia for himself and the God-like power to bestow it on a few suck-up favorites! Everybody else get scraps and should love it or go to Hell.
As a conservative I don’t expect shit from the governor...
Nazism is socialism, The government controls everything
Nazism the government controls everything.
Socialism SOCIETY controls everything.
Best joke I’ve heard all day… Socialism is pure evil
Power hungry people can make any type of government pure evil. It is evil people more than evil ideology.
Socialism is pure evil...
All dictators embrace it... fact
Trump will go down as the the most immoral president in the history of the USA. He is bad but not close to the depraved individual Hitler was.
But those who support Trump are very much like those who supported Hitler. They are mindless minions, falling for a false promise, the leader, will make their country much better, especially for Caucasians.
They rationalize the immorality and enable their leader to do horrible things with the hope their lives will be made better.

Romney and McCain were considered to be Literally Hitler by the left, EM.

And Dubya was considered to be literally Genghis Khan.

Who WOULD you compare Trump to instead of Hitler? Attila the Hun? Ivan the Terrible? Tamarlane?
Trump is not that comparable.

I was reading about Duterte, Duterte is comparable to Hitler sort of, 20,000 dead so far. He also called the Pope and Obama sons of whores. jair Bolsonaro is also in the same category, although maybe not quite Duterte level yet. Still worse than Trump.

Trump also does not have the power those dictators have, even if he wanted to do something similar.
FDR imprisoned American citizens without due process. Hillary's husband turned an intern into a prostitute and you think President Trump is immoral because of propaganda generated by foreign agents, rogue intelligence officials and Media Matters?

Change a few words and that could be Hitler, or Stalin, advising Obama.
Tramp even got his MAGA directly from his hero Hitler's "make Germany great again."

After 8 years of Obama crapping on America...…..
Hitler wannabe Tramp has done nothing but piss on America and the Constitution.

You miss Stalin wannabe Obama, don't you?
Trump will go down as the the most immoral president in the history of the USA. He is bad but not close to the depraved individual Hitler was.
But those who support Trump are very much like those who supported Hitler. They are mindless minions, falling for a false promise, the leader, will make their country much better, especially for Caucasians.
They rationalize the immorality and enable their leader to do horrible things with the hope their lives will be made better.
Are you an identity politics supporter? I think for myself buddy, Trump does some good things and some bad things just like everybody else-Obama included. I don't need him or anybody else to make my life better-that is my responsibility.
JFK (yes the JFK) was an immoral womanizer who dallied with Hollywood celebs and Mafia babes. Jackie must have been humiliated when her husband's girlfriend sang that sexy happy birthday song in front of a worldwide audience but the media covered for him. Imagine a republican using the CIA to raise, house, train and equip an illegal invasion army but JFK got away with it. What President Trump is dealing with is foreign agent generated propaganda designed to undermine everything that is great about the USA and angry incoherent hysterical hypocritical lefties fall for it every time.
What President Trump is dealing with is foreign agent generated propaganda designed to undermine everything that is great about the USA and angry incoherent hysterical hypocritical lefties fall for it every time.
The question remains: if Trump could "exterminate" the people who crossed the border illegally, and he had the power and could get away with it, would he do it if he could gain from it?

It's too hypothetical of a question, and there would be many factors at play. I would rather not say if it's one way or the other.
Trump will go down as the the most immoral president in the history of the USA. He is bad but not close to the depraved individual Hitler was.
But those who support Trump are very much like those who supported Hitler. They are mindless minions, falling for a false promise, the leader, will make their country much better, especially for Caucasians.
They rationalize the immorality and enable their leader to do horrible things with the hope their lives will be made better.
Are you an identity politics supporter? I think for myself buddy, Trump does some good things and some bad things just like everybody else-Obama included. I don't need him or anybody else to make my life better-that is my responsibility.
Taking responsibility for making your life better is an ethical and moral decision.
I would like to see our President show those same ethics and morals. He does not.

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