Trump is a Shameless, Anti Gay Bigot and this Crusade by His State Department Proves it


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA

What interest do they have in pursuing this other than a wish to discriminate!?

Derek Mize and Jonathan Gregg filed a lawsuit in July 2019 after the State Department refused to recognize their daughter Simone as a U.S. citizen. Simone was born in July 2018, three years after the couple got married.
Both Mize and Gregg are U.S. citizens and are listed as her parents on the birth certificate, but the State Department treated her as if she was born outside of marriage, since only one of them has a biological connection to her, and that triggered additional conditions for the recognition of citizenship.

This would never happen to a heterosexual couple regardless of whether they are both the biological parents.
The State Department....Career bureaucrats who have been there for decades are now the proxies for the evil Orange Man.

The State Department....Career bureaucrats who have been there for decades are now the proxies for the evil Orange Man.
No, it would be his political appointee who run the department that will do his bidding, just the DOJ
Oh bullshit....The State Department is filled with bureaucrats who have been a thorn in Trump's side since day one.

You just saw an opportunity to bitch about the evil Orange Man and wave your virtue beacon in everyone's faces, and reached around to grab it.
Trump is a Shameless, Anti Gay Bigot and this Crusade by His State Department Proves it

Just one more example to demonstrate just how f•••ed-up the modern left wrong in general, and TheOppressiveFaggot in particular, is.

Standing against evil, madness, and perversion, in their mind, makes one a “shameless bigot”. If there is anything to be ashamed of, the most shameful thing would not to be considered a “bigot” by their kind.

What interest do they have in pursuing this other than a wish to discriminate!?

Derek Mize and Jonathan Gregg filed a lawsuit in July 2019 after the State Department refused to recognize their daughter Simone as a U.S. citizen. Simone was born in July 2018, three years after the couple got married.
Both Mize and Gregg are U.S. citizens and are listed as her parents on the birth certificate, but the State Department treated her as if she was born outside of marriage, since only one of them has a biological connection to her, and that triggered additional conditions for the recognition of citizenship.

This would never happen to a heterosexual couple regardless of whether they are both the biological parents.

This reflects reality.

As a matter of undeniable, immutable scientific fact, a child has a mother and a father, not two mothers. Only one of the two women is an actual parent to the child, and the child, is in fact, one who was born outside of any genuine marriage.

Hard science and biology are “bigotry” to sick perverts like the OP.

And of course, this post is based on one of the OP's favorite themes, which is his advocacy of putting vulnerable children under the control of dangerous, morally-depraved sexual deviants.

Does anyone here wonder why he is so obsessed with this? I think the answer is obvious, though it's against the rules in this forum to come out and say it.

Is there a millstone in the world big enough, or a spot in the ocean deep enough, to properly deal with him?
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You just saw an opportunity to bitch about the evil Orange Man and wave your virtue beacon in everyone's faces, and reached around to grab it.

What is truly bizarre is that left wrong-wing filth such as TheOppressiveFaggot somehow think they can signal “virtue” by waving the sickest, most unvirtuous perversions around in the faces of normal people, and trying to tell us that we're the ones being unvirtuouus for rejecting this sickness.

Modern LIbEralism truly is a mental disease and a moral disease; and TheOppressiveFaggot just cannot help proving this over and over and over again, while trying to refute it.

Two freakazoids demanding to be treated as normal. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

2 gays with the same constitutional rights as every one else demanding that those rights be protected

fuk you nazi
Except blaming the President is ACTUALLY RETARDED, a President NEVER hears about Births abroad at any time, there is no process to report them to a President, they are handled at the State department By CAREER bureaucrats. And any case involving challenging a ruling would never be reported to the President either.

What interest do they have in pursuing this other than a wish to discriminate!?

Derek Mize and Jonathan Gregg filed a lawsuit in July 2019 after the State Department refused to recognize their daughter Simone as a U.S. citizen. Simone was born in July 2018, three years after the couple got married.
Both Mize and Gregg are U.S. citizens and are listed as her parents on the birth certificate, but the State Department treated her as if she was born outside of marriage, since only one of them has a biological connection to her, and that triggered additional conditions for the recognition of citizenship.

This would never happen to a heterosexual couple regardless of whether they are both the biological parents.

Not one single time was Trump's name mentioned in the Huffpo article.
the faggot rights fans and 'Progressives' are very pedo friendly, no doubts at all about that.

Be careful saying that. Everyone knows that it's true, of course, and he cannot help proving it over and over and over again, with almost every thread; but it is against the rules on this forum to come out and say it.

Over half my warnings are over pedophile fans sniveling. Too bad for them the public record is still out there on faggots and their long history with NAMBLA and their European partners, and they aren't going away.

What interest do they have in pursuing this other than a wish to discriminate!?

Derek Mize and Jonathan Gregg filed a lawsuit in July 2019 after the State Department refused to recognize their daughter Simone as a U.S. citizen. Simone was born in July 2018, three years after the couple got married.
Both Mize and Gregg are U.S. citizens and are listed as her parents on the birth certificate, but the State Department treated her as if she was born outside of marriage, since only one of them has a biological connection to her, and that triggered additional conditions for the recognition of citizenship.

This would never happen to a heterosexual couple regardless of whether they are both the biological parents.

Not one single time was Trump's name mentioned in the Huffpo article.

But but he's supposed to jump whenever some sniveling deviant has an Issue!!!

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