Trump interview with Tucker where he calls Europe stupid for letting in migrants airs 1hour from now

If you say so.

Then again Obama demanded that all questions be submitted in advance, and told journalists which questions will not be allowed.
always blame someone else...Obama is class eventhough I didnt vote for him....the orange is trash and low class.
Your judgement is up your ass.....
Most Americans agree, also most of the world...and we also know that the orange poop attracts your kind.
What is good for America isn't what is best for the world. Every country must look out for their own welfare, and does.....except Democrats.
Their major concern is how popular America is with people that are jealous of us.
Most of them are Socialist countries.....and Socialism is government approved theft of wealth and resources from taxpayers.
Other countries don't like America because they feel we're too big and powerful.
Socialism is destructive to their economies and their quality of life.
So America is too rich and we all live too comfortable of lives in comparison to Europeans and 3rd World countries.
The Democrat's solution is ruin the economy and make America as poor as the rest of the world.
They plan on doing this by bringing millions of other country's poor here to use up our wealth concentrations, and then maybe they'll stop wanting to come here.
Then they plan to institute Socialism to keep other countries from hating America.
Meanwhile we're poor....and how are we going to take care of all of the other Socialist countries that are stealing from us????
This is why Democrats feel what the UN wants is more important than what the American People want......yet their new 2018 slogan is "For The People".

It should be "Fuck The People".
I have been all over the world apart from the wealthy in the US , Europeand they have much better quality of life (free education, universal health care, etc...) when you land in Europe you see a much healthier well dressed people than in the US in general.
The US is very good for those who make it to the top 15% or 1%.
Just about every NATO country has a decent quality of life. Non-NATO countries, not so much. The former Soviet Block Countries had terrible economies.

To be honest, I'd rather live in Germany. Who needs television and double-wide frig. It's nice to have to walk to the store every day because the food is more fresh than when it sits in a frig for over a week.
Course I don't like my money going to the government and they tell me how much I need. So unless I'm born into a rich family, forget about becoming wealthy. You also can't drive your car in Europe much except on weekends because the cost of gas is 4 times what it is in the US. Forget about all of the high quality of life when you retire now because the government decided to use up your retirement taking care of refugees that don't appreciate your help, then turn around to commit murder and rape.
Also, not having a closet, because it's considered a taxable room, forget about it. Instead you put everything in shrunks, which is just a big stand up trunk that fits against the walls of your house or apartment. Every 6 months all of your furniture is taxed again by the government.

Most Germans work 2 and 3 jobs for 6 months, then quit and collect welfare for the rest of the year. This effects productivity, and since the incentive to earn is totally gone in a Socialist country, why work for next to nothing. Course this option has been erased thanks to millions of refugees soaking up all of the benefits you worked for all of your lives.

But yes, the quality of life in parts of Europe is good compared to some parts of America. But most Americans wouldn't want that kind of life.....mainly because freedom to do what you want is tough to find in European countries. Socialists in America think the government will take care of them and pay for all of their stuff. This will never happen unless you're an illegal or a refugee from a Muslim or Socialist country.
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Take your family on a vacation to Europe. Visit virtually ANY major city in Europe and you'll lucky if you and your family escape stepping on muslim shit on the sidewalks. Being physically/sexually assaulted. Being offered black tar heroin on every street corner by 'young muslim men'. Being pick pocketed.
Being spat on behind your back.
Those are the memories your little girl and wife will bring home.
Take your family on a vacation to Europe. Visit virtually ANY major city in Europe and you'll lucky if you and your family escape stepping on muslim shit on the sidewalks. Being physically/sexually assaulted. Being offered black tar heroin on every street corner by 'young muslim men'. Being pick pocketed.
Being spat on behind your back.
Those are the memories your little girl and wife will bring home.
Nah....they're all Socialist Utopian perfection.
There's no poverty or crime.
Everyone there is a Swedish model wearing nothing but silk.
Once again, the man is Spot On. Western Europeans allowed their Soros-owned Globalist cretins too much power. They systematically dismantled Immigration Systems all across Western Europe. It's NWO madness.

Let's just hope & pray Soros' US Puppets are prevented from creating the same awful mess. Hopefully most Americans have caught onto the NWO Globalist Agendas. Hopefully they'll vigorously oppose them.
always blame someone else...Obama is class eventhough I didnt vote for him....the orange is trash and low class.
Your judgement is up your ass.....
Most Americans agree, also most of the world...and we also know that the orange poop attracts your kind.
What is good for America isn't what is best for the world. Every country must look out for their own welfare, and does.....except Democrats.
Their major concern is how popular America is with people that are jealous of us.
Most of them are Socialist countries.....and Socialism is government approved theft of wealth and resources from taxpayers.
Other countries don't like America because they feel we're too big and powerful.
Socialism is destructive to their economies and their quality of life.
So America is too rich and we all live too comfortable of lives in comparison to Europeans and 3rd World countries.
The Democrat's solution is ruin the economy and make America as poor as the rest of the world.
They plan on doing this by bringing millions of other country's poor here to use up our wealth concentrations, and then maybe they'll stop wanting to come here.
Then they plan to institute Socialism to keep other countries from hating America.
Meanwhile we're poor....and how are we going to take care of all of the other Socialist countries that are stealing from us????
This is why Democrats feel what the UN wants is more important than what the American People want......yet their new 2018 slogan is "For The People".

It should be "Fuck The People".
I have been all over the world apart from the wealthy in the US , Europeand they have much better quality of life (free education, universal health care, etc...) when you land in Europe you see a much healthier well dressed people than in the US in general.
The US is very good for those who make it to the top 15% or 1%.
Just about every NATO country has a decent quality of life. Non-NATO countries, not so much. The former Soviet Block Countries had terrible economies.

To be honest, I'd rather live in Germany. Who needs television and double-wide frig. It's nice to have to walk to the store every day because the food is more fresh than when it sits in a frig for over a week.
Course I don't like my money going to the government and they tell me how much I need. So unless I'm born into a rich family, forget about becoming wealthy. You also can't drive your car in Europe much except on weekends because the cost of gas is 4 times what it is in the US. Forget about all of the high quality of life when you retire now because the government decided to use up your retirement taking care of refugees that don't appreciate your help, then turn around to commit murder and rape.
Also, not having a closet, because it's considered a taxable room, forget about it. Instead you put everything in shrunks, which is just a big stand up trunk that fits against the walls of your house or apartment. Every 6 months all of your furniture is taxed again by the government.

Most Germans work 2 and 3 jobs for 6 months, then quit and collect welfare for the rest of the year. This effects productivity, and since the incentive to earn is totally gone in a Socialist country, why work for next to nothing. Course this option has been erased thanks to millions of refugees soaking up all of the benefits you worked for all of your lives.

But yes, the quality of life in parts of Europe is good compared to some parts of America. But most Americans wouldn't want that kind of life.....mainly because freedom to do what you want is tough to find in European countries. Socialists in America think the government will take care of them and pay for all of their stuff. This will never happen unless you're an illegal or a refugee from a Muslim or Socialist country.
You didnt just exaggerate but you made up some lies aa well. I know both western Europe and the US like the palm of my me if you are not too 15% in the US you have a poor life compared to a European...yes we have bigger homes here, what for ? When most cant afford healthy food, education, health and in most cases decent living spaces.....I swear everytime I go to Europe and come back I see a huge difference in the well being of the two populations...God bless Americans but most are obese and dress poorly, contrary to Europeans. Europe generally is cleaner and neater than the US.
Your judgement is up your ass.....
Most Americans agree, also most of the world...and we also know that the orange poop attracts your kind.
What is good for America isn't what is best for the world. Every country must look out for their own welfare, and does.....except Democrats.
Their major concern is how popular America is with people that are jealous of us.
Most of them are Socialist countries.....and Socialism is government approved theft of wealth and resources from taxpayers.
Other countries don't like America because they feel we're too big and powerful.
Socialism is destructive to their economies and their quality of life.
So America is too rich and we all live too comfortable of lives in comparison to Europeans and 3rd World countries.
The Democrat's solution is ruin the economy and make America as poor as the rest of the world.
They plan on doing this by bringing millions of other country's poor here to use up our wealth concentrations, and then maybe they'll stop wanting to come here.
Then they plan to institute Socialism to keep other countries from hating America.
Meanwhile we're poor....and how are we going to take care of all of the other Socialist countries that are stealing from us????
This is why Democrats feel what the UN wants is more important than what the American People want......yet their new 2018 slogan is "For The People".

It should be "Fuck The People".
I have been all over the world apart from the wealthy in the US , Europeand they have much better quality of life (free education, universal health care, etc...) when you land in Europe you see a much healthier well dressed people than in the US in general.
The US is very good for those who make it to the top 15% or 1%.
Just about every NATO country has a decent quality of life. Non-NATO countries, not so much. The former Soviet Block Countries had terrible economies.

To be honest, I'd rather live in Germany. Who needs television and double-wide frig. It's nice to have to walk to the store every day because the food is more fresh than when it sits in a frig for over a week.
Course I don't like my money going to the government and they tell me how much I need. So unless I'm born into a rich family, forget about becoming wealthy. You also can't drive your car in Europe much except on weekends because the cost of gas is 4 times what it is in the US. Forget about all of the high quality of life when you retire now because the government decided to use up your retirement taking care of refugees that don't appreciate your help, then turn around to commit murder and rape.
Also, not having a closet, because it's considered a taxable room, forget about it. Instead you put everything in shrunks, which is just a big stand up trunk that fits against the walls of your house or apartment. Every 6 months all of your furniture is taxed again by the government.

Most Germans work 2 and 3 jobs for 6 months, then quit and collect welfare for the rest of the year. This effects productivity, and since the incentive to earn is totally gone in a Socialist country, why work for next to nothing. Course this option has been erased thanks to millions of refugees soaking up all of the benefits you worked for all of your lives.

But yes, the quality of life in parts of Europe is good compared to some parts of America. But most Americans wouldn't want that kind of life.....mainly because freedom to do what you want is tough to find in European countries. Socialists in America think the government will take care of them and pay for all of their stuff. This will never happen unless you're an illegal or a refugee from a Muslim or Socialist country.
You didnt just exaggerate but you made up some lies aa well. I know both western Europe and the US like the palm of my me if you are not too 15% in the US you have a poor life compared to a European...yes we have bigger homes here, what for ? When most cant afford healthy food, education, health and in most cases decent living spaces.....I swear everytime I go to Europe and come back I see a huge difference in the well being of the two populations...God bless Americans but most are obese and dress poorly, contrary to Europeans. Europe generally is cleaner and neater than the US.
I didn't exaggerate a thing.
I lived there back in the 80s.
I know the differences.
Europe isn't cleaner and neater than America. In Italy the beaches are covered with trash and garbage.

The primary difference between Europeans and Americans when it comes to health is in Europe the food doesn't have all of this garbage in it. In America food producers put sugar in just about everything. Then add to that the simple fact that our weather swings from highs to lows that Europe couldn't handle. The last time a heatwave hit Europe hundreds of people died as heat casualties. However, in the US most people just veg out on the couch in the AC. This, added with all of the sugary foods and drinks, makes people fat. Nevermind the fact that we have stores that stay open 24 hrs, something that I don't remember being the case in Germany. During the week the stores all close by 6pm. On Saturday they close by 2pm.....and nothing is open other than church and bars on Sunday.
This makes Europeans skinny. Less food, more exercise.

Back in the 60s Germany was having the same health problems America suffers from today. They created Volksmarching. Every Saturday and Sunday they hold events all over Germany that gets people out walking. 10k...20k events. On holidays they have them Friday, Saturday, and Sunday....some events are 30k. In a 4 month period I went to 40 events and did 500 kilometers all over Germany.
Most Americans agree, also most of the world...and we also know that the orange poop attracts your kind.
What is good for America isn't what is best for the world. Every country must look out for their own welfare, and does.....except Democrats.
Their major concern is how popular America is with people that are jealous of us.
Most of them are Socialist countries.....and Socialism is government approved theft of wealth and resources from taxpayers.
Other countries don't like America because they feel we're too big and powerful.
Socialism is destructive to their economies and their quality of life.
So America is too rich and we all live too comfortable of lives in comparison to Europeans and 3rd World countries.
The Democrat's solution is ruin the economy and make America as poor as the rest of the world.
They plan on doing this by bringing millions of other country's poor here to use up our wealth concentrations, and then maybe they'll stop wanting to come here.
Then they plan to institute Socialism to keep other countries from hating America.
Meanwhile we're poor....and how are we going to take care of all of the other Socialist countries that are stealing from us????
This is why Democrats feel what the UN wants is more important than what the American People want......yet their new 2018 slogan is "For The People".

It should be "Fuck The People".
I have been all over the world apart from the wealthy in the US , Europeand they have much better quality of life (free education, universal health care, etc...) when you land in Europe you see a much healthier well dressed people than in the US in general.
The US is very good for those who make it to the top 15% or 1%.
Just about every NATO country has a decent quality of life. Non-NATO countries, not so much. The former Soviet Block Countries had terrible economies.

To be honest, I'd rather live in Germany. Who needs television and double-wide frig. It's nice to have to walk to the store every day because the food is more fresh than when it sits in a frig for over a week.
Course I don't like my money going to the government and they tell me how much I need. So unless I'm born into a rich family, forget about becoming wealthy. You also can't drive your car in Europe much except on weekends because the cost of gas is 4 times what it is in the US. Forget about all of the high quality of life when you retire now because the government decided to use up your retirement taking care of refugees that don't appreciate your help, then turn around to commit murder and rape.
Also, not having a closet, because it's considered a taxable room, forget about it. Instead you put everything in shrunks, which is just a big stand up trunk that fits against the walls of your house or apartment. Every 6 months all of your furniture is taxed again by the government.

Most Germans work 2 and 3 jobs for 6 months, then quit and collect welfare for the rest of the year. This effects productivity, and since the incentive to earn is totally gone in a Socialist country, why work for next to nothing. Course this option has been erased thanks to millions of refugees soaking up all of the benefits you worked for all of your lives.

But yes, the quality of life in parts of Europe is good compared to some parts of America. But most Americans wouldn't want that kind of life.....mainly because freedom to do what you want is tough to find in European countries. Socialists in America think the government will take care of them and pay for all of their stuff. This will never happen unless you're an illegal or a refugee from a Muslim or Socialist country.
You didnt just exaggerate but you made up some lies aa well. I know both western Europe and the US like the palm of my me if you are not too 15% in the US you have a poor life compared to a European...yes we have bigger homes here, what for ? When most cant afford healthy food, education, health and in most cases decent living spaces.....I swear everytime I go to Europe and come back I see a huge difference in the well being of the two populations...God bless Americans but most are obese and dress poorly, contrary to Europeans. Europe generally is cleaner and neater than the US.
I didn't exaggerate a thing.
I lived there back in the 80s.
I know the differences.
Europe isn't cleaner and neater than America. In Italy the beaches are covered with trash and garbage.

The primary difference between Europeans and Americans when it comes to health is in Europe the food doesn't have all of this garbage in it. In America food producers put sugar in just about everything. Then add to that the simple fact that our weather swings from highs to lows that Europe couldn't handle. The last time a heatwave hit Europe hundreds of people died as heat casualties. However, in the US most people just veg out on the couch in the AC. This, added with all of the sugary foods and drinks, makes people fat. Nevermind the fact that we have stores that stay open 24 hrs, something that I don't remember being the case in Germany. During the week the stores all close by 6pm. On Saturday they close by 2pm.....and nothing is open other than church and bars on Sunday.
This makes Europeans skinny. Less food, more exercise.

Back in the 60s Germany was having the same health problems America suffers from today. They created Volksmarching. Every Saturday and Sunday they hold events all over Germany that gets people out walking. 10k...20k events. On holidays they have them Friday, Saturday, and Sunday....some events are 30k. In a 4 month period I went to 40 events and did 500 kilometers all over Germany.
You said it yourself you were in the 80s I go there constantly I have friends and relatives all over europe....I love america and it works for me as a business person but for most Americans is very shitty, long work hours, shitty health care, expensive education, short vacation times, long work hours, poor health. Europe is much better for low and middle income classes than the US. So many friends they were shocked at how most parts of the US look beaten up and old except few pockets,. The US is ran by corporate lobbies and the 1%, they have enslaved the majority...teying to mask these facts is honestly ridiculous.
I suggest you go visit Europe and compare.
What is good for America isn't what is best for the world. Every country must look out for their own welfare, and does.....except Democrats.
Their major concern is how popular America is with people that are jealous of us.
Most of them are Socialist countries.....and Socialism is government approved theft of wealth and resources from taxpayers.
Other countries don't like America because they feel we're too big and powerful.
Socialism is destructive to their economies and their quality of life.
So America is too rich and we all live too comfortable of lives in comparison to Europeans and 3rd World countries.
The Democrat's solution is ruin the economy and make America as poor as the rest of the world.
They plan on doing this by bringing millions of other country's poor here to use up our wealth concentrations, and then maybe they'll stop wanting to come here.
Then they plan to institute Socialism to keep other countries from hating America.
Meanwhile we're poor....and how are we going to take care of all of the other Socialist countries that are stealing from us????
This is why Democrats feel what the UN wants is more important than what the American People want......yet their new 2018 slogan is "For The People".

It should be "Fuck The People".
I have been all over the world apart from the wealthy in the US , Europeand they have much better quality of life (free education, universal health care, etc...) when you land in Europe you see a much healthier well dressed people than in the US in general.
The US is very good for those who make it to the top 15% or 1%.
Just about every NATO country has a decent quality of life. Non-NATO countries, not so much. The former Soviet Block Countries had terrible economies.

To be honest, I'd rather live in Germany. Who needs television and double-wide frig. It's nice to have to walk to the store every day because the food is more fresh than when it sits in a frig for over a week.
Course I don't like my money going to the government and they tell me how much I need. So unless I'm born into a rich family, forget about becoming wealthy. You also can't drive your car in Europe much except on weekends because the cost of gas is 4 times what it is in the US. Forget about all of the high quality of life when you retire now because the government decided to use up your retirement taking care of refugees that don't appreciate your help, then turn around to commit murder and rape.
Also, not having a closet, because it's considered a taxable room, forget about it. Instead you put everything in shrunks, which is just a big stand up trunk that fits against the walls of your house or apartment. Every 6 months all of your furniture is taxed again by the government.

Most Germans work 2 and 3 jobs for 6 months, then quit and collect welfare for the rest of the year. This effects productivity, and since the incentive to earn is totally gone in a Socialist country, why work for next to nothing. Course this option has been erased thanks to millions of refugees soaking up all of the benefits you worked for all of your lives.

But yes, the quality of life in parts of Europe is good compared to some parts of America. But most Americans wouldn't want that kind of life.....mainly because freedom to do what you want is tough to find in European countries. Socialists in America think the government will take care of them and pay for all of their stuff. This will never happen unless you're an illegal or a refugee from a Muslim or Socialist country.
You didnt just exaggerate but you made up some lies aa well. I know both western Europe and the US like the palm of my me if you are not too 15% in the US you have a poor life compared to a European...yes we have bigger homes here, what for ? When most cant afford healthy food, education, health and in most cases decent living spaces.....I swear everytime I go to Europe and come back I see a huge difference in the well being of the two populations...God bless Americans but most are obese and dress poorly, contrary to Europeans. Europe generally is cleaner and neater than the US.
I didn't exaggerate a thing.
I lived there back in the 80s.
I know the differences.
Europe isn't cleaner and neater than America. In Italy the beaches are covered with trash and garbage.

The primary difference between Europeans and Americans when it comes to health is in Europe the food doesn't have all of this garbage in it. In America food producers put sugar in just about everything. Then add to that the simple fact that our weather swings from highs to lows that Europe couldn't handle. The last time a heatwave hit Europe hundreds of people died as heat casualties. However, in the US most people just veg out on the couch in the AC. This, added with all of the sugary foods and drinks, makes people fat. Nevermind the fact that we have stores that stay open 24 hrs, something that I don't remember being the case in Germany. During the week the stores all close by 6pm. On Saturday they close by 2pm.....and nothing is open other than church and bars on Sunday.
This makes Europeans skinny. Less food, more exercise.

Back in the 60s Germany was having the same health problems America suffers from today. They created Volksmarching. Every Saturday and Sunday they hold events all over Germany that gets people out walking. 10k...20k events. On holidays they have them Friday, Saturday, and Sunday....some events are 30k. In a 4 month period I went to 40 events and did 500 kilometers all over Germany.
You said it yourself you were in the 80s I go there constantly I have friends and relatives all over europe....I love america and it works for me as a business person but for most Americans is very shitty, long work hours, shitty health care, expensive education, short vacation times, long work hours, poor health. Europe is much better for low and middle income classes than the US. So many friends they were shocked at how most parts of the US look beaten up and old except few pockets,. The US is ran by corporate lobbies and the 1%, they have enslaved the majority...teying to mask these facts is honestly ridiculous.
I suggest you go visit Europe and compare.
I lived there in the 80s.
I didn't say I haven't been back since then.
I was there before and after the Iron Curtain came down.

And I think you're a bit off the subject.
Quality of life isn't same as being an economic power, which the US is.
Europeans can thank the US for their life-styles....because Socialist countries in Europe have been stealing from the US for decades.....with the help of crooked American politicians. Many of them are running the 3rd World shithole cities you mentioned. Democrats
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I have been all over the world apart from the wealthy in the US , Europeand they have much better quality of life (free education, universal health care, etc...) when you land in Europe you see a much healthier well dressed people than in the US in general.
The US is very good for those who make it to the top 15% or 1%.
Just about every NATO country has a decent quality of life. Non-NATO countries, not so much. The former Soviet Block Countries had terrible economies.

To be honest, I'd rather live in Germany. Who needs television and double-wide frig. It's nice to have to walk to the store every day because the food is more fresh than when it sits in a frig for over a week.
Course I don't like my money going to the government and they tell me how much I need. So unless I'm born into a rich family, forget about becoming wealthy. You also can't drive your car in Europe much except on weekends because the cost of gas is 4 times what it is in the US. Forget about all of the high quality of life when you retire now because the government decided to use up your retirement taking care of refugees that don't appreciate your help, then turn around to commit murder and rape.
Also, not having a closet, because it's considered a taxable room, forget about it. Instead you put everything in shrunks, which is just a big stand up trunk that fits against the walls of your house or apartment. Every 6 months all of your furniture is taxed again by the government.

Most Germans work 2 and 3 jobs for 6 months, then quit and collect welfare for the rest of the year. This effects productivity, and since the incentive to earn is totally gone in a Socialist country, why work for next to nothing. Course this option has been erased thanks to millions of refugees soaking up all of the benefits you worked for all of your lives.

But yes, the quality of life in parts of Europe is good compared to some parts of America. But most Americans wouldn't want that kind of life.....mainly because freedom to do what you want is tough to find in European countries. Socialists in America think the government will take care of them and pay for all of their stuff. This will never happen unless you're an illegal or a refugee from a Muslim or Socialist country.
You didnt just exaggerate but you made up some lies aa well. I know both western Europe and the US like the palm of my me if you are not too 15% in the US you have a poor life compared to a European...yes we have bigger homes here, what for ? When most cant afford healthy food, education, health and in most cases decent living spaces.....I swear everytime I go to Europe and come back I see a huge difference in the well being of the two populations...God bless Americans but most are obese and dress poorly, contrary to Europeans. Europe generally is cleaner and neater than the US.
I didn't exaggerate a thing.
I lived there back in the 80s.
I know the differences.
Europe isn't cleaner and neater than America. In Italy the beaches are covered with trash and garbage.

The primary difference between Europeans and Americans when it comes to health is in Europe the food doesn't have all of this garbage in it. In America food producers put sugar in just about everything. Then add to that the simple fact that our weather swings from highs to lows that Europe couldn't handle. The last time a heatwave hit Europe hundreds of people died as heat casualties. However, in the US most people just veg out on the couch in the AC. This, added with all of the sugary foods and drinks, makes people fat. Nevermind the fact that we have stores that stay open 24 hrs, something that I don't remember being the case in Germany. During the week the stores all close by 6pm. On Saturday they close by 2pm.....and nothing is open other than church and bars on Sunday.
This makes Europeans skinny. Less food, more exercise.

Back in the 60s Germany was having the same health problems America suffers from today. They created Volksmarching. Every Saturday and Sunday they hold events all over Germany that gets people out walking. 10k...20k events. On holidays they have them Friday, Saturday, and Sunday....some events are 30k. In a 4 month period I went to 40 events and did 500 kilometers all over Germany.
You said it yourself you were in the 80s I go there constantly I have friends and relatives all over europe....I love america and it works for me as a business person but for most Americans is very shitty, long work hours, shitty health care, expensive education, short vacation times, long work hours, poor health. Europe is much better for low and middle income classes than the US. So many friends they were shocked at how most parts of the US look beaten up and old except few pockets,. The US is ran by corporate lobbies and the 1%, they have enslaved the majority...teying to mask these facts is honestly ridiculous.
I suggest you go visit Europe and compare.
I lived there in the 80s.
I didn't say I haven't been back since then.
I was there before and after the Iron Curtain came down.

And I think you're a bit off the subject.
Quality of life isn't same as being an economic power, which the US is.
Europeans can thank the US for their life-styles....because Socialist countries in Europe have been stealing from the US for decades.....with the help of crooked American politicians. Many of them are running the 3rd World shithole cities you mentioned. Democrats
Most scientists, innovators, are progressives if it was for the conservatives of this country we would be like Afghanistan and I'm conservative.
So again quality of life for most Europeans is better compared to most Americans.
Just about every NATO country has a decent quality of life. Non-NATO countries, not so much. The former Soviet Block Countries had terrible economies.

To be honest, I'd rather live in Germany. Who needs television and double-wide frig. It's nice to have to walk to the store every day because the food is more fresh than when it sits in a frig for over a week.
Course I don't like my money going to the government and they tell me how much I need. So unless I'm born into a rich family, forget about becoming wealthy. You also can't drive your car in Europe much except on weekends because the cost of gas is 4 times what it is in the US. Forget about all of the high quality of life when you retire now because the government decided to use up your retirement taking care of refugees that don't appreciate your help, then turn around to commit murder and rape.
Also, not having a closet, because it's considered a taxable room, forget about it. Instead you put everything in shrunks, which is just a big stand up trunk that fits against the walls of your house or apartment. Every 6 months all of your furniture is taxed again by the government.

Most Germans work 2 and 3 jobs for 6 months, then quit and collect welfare for the rest of the year. This effects productivity, and since the incentive to earn is totally gone in a Socialist country, why work for next to nothing. Course this option has been erased thanks to millions of refugees soaking up all of the benefits you worked for all of your lives.

But yes, the quality of life in parts of Europe is good compared to some parts of America. But most Americans wouldn't want that kind of life.....mainly because freedom to do what you want is tough to find in European countries. Socialists in America think the government will take care of them and pay for all of their stuff. This will never happen unless you're an illegal or a refugee from a Muslim or Socialist country.
You didnt just exaggerate but you made up some lies aa well. I know both western Europe and the US like the palm of my me if you are not too 15% in the US you have a poor life compared to a European...yes we have bigger homes here, what for ? When most cant afford healthy food, education, health and in most cases decent living spaces.....I swear everytime I go to Europe and come back I see a huge difference in the well being of the two populations...God bless Americans but most are obese and dress poorly, contrary to Europeans. Europe generally is cleaner and neater than the US.
I didn't exaggerate a thing.
I lived there back in the 80s.
I know the differences.
Europe isn't cleaner and neater than America. In Italy the beaches are covered with trash and garbage.

The primary difference between Europeans and Americans when it comes to health is in Europe the food doesn't have all of this garbage in it. In America food producers put sugar in just about everything. Then add to that the simple fact that our weather swings from highs to lows that Europe couldn't handle. The last time a heatwave hit Europe hundreds of people died as heat casualties. However, in the US most people just veg out on the couch in the AC. This, added with all of the sugary foods and drinks, makes people fat. Nevermind the fact that we have stores that stay open 24 hrs, something that I don't remember being the case in Germany. During the week the stores all close by 6pm. On Saturday they close by 2pm.....and nothing is open other than church and bars on Sunday.
This makes Europeans skinny. Less food, more exercise.

Back in the 60s Germany was having the same health problems America suffers from today. They created Volksmarching. Every Saturday and Sunday they hold events all over Germany that gets people out walking. 10k...20k events. On holidays they have them Friday, Saturday, and Sunday....some events are 30k. In a 4 month period I went to 40 events and did 500 kilometers all over Germany.
You said it yourself you were in the 80s I go there constantly I have friends and relatives all over europe....I love america and it works for me as a business person but for most Americans is very shitty, long work hours, shitty health care, expensive education, short vacation times, long work hours, poor health. Europe is much better for low and middle income classes than the US. So many friends they were shocked at how most parts of the US look beaten up and old except few pockets,. The US is ran by corporate lobbies and the 1%, they have enslaved the majority...teying to mask these facts is honestly ridiculous.
I suggest you go visit Europe and compare.
I lived there in the 80s.
I didn't say I haven't been back since then.
I was there before and after the Iron Curtain came down.

And I think you're a bit off the subject.
Quality of life isn't same as being an economic power, which the US is.
Europeans can thank the US for their life-styles....because Socialist countries in Europe have been stealing from the US for decades.....with the help of crooked American politicians. Many of them are running the 3rd World shithole cities you mentioned. Democrats
Most scientists, innovators, are progressives if it was for the conservatives of this country we would be like Afghanistan and I'm conservative.
So again quality of life for most Europeans is better compared to most Americans.
Most Republicans today are former there goes your talking point.

Anyone who doubts that can literally look up the party registration of baby boomers throughout the years, Gen Xers and Millennials/Gen Y. Baby boomers' parents were mostly Republicans or at least conservative from the start I believe, but they are mostly dead now.

Anyone who uses the left wing media for their news is a certified idiot(hell, anyone who trusts Fox News fully is an idiot after the 2016 election, but they are nowhere near as bad as the others yet). I don't give a fuck what you invent.
Just about every NATO country has a decent quality of life. Non-NATO countries, not so much. The former Soviet Block Countries had terrible economies.

To be honest, I'd rather live in Germany. Who needs television and double-wide frig. It's nice to have to walk to the store every day because the food is more fresh than when it sits in a frig for over a week.
Course I don't like my money going to the government and they tell me how much I need. So unless I'm born into a rich family, forget about becoming wealthy. You also can't drive your car in Europe much except on weekends because the cost of gas is 4 times what it is in the US. Forget about all of the high quality of life when you retire now because the government decided to use up your retirement taking care of refugees that don't appreciate your help, then turn around to commit murder and rape.
Also, not having a closet, because it's considered a taxable room, forget about it. Instead you put everything in shrunks, which is just a big stand up trunk that fits against the walls of your house or apartment. Every 6 months all of your furniture is taxed again by the government.

Most Germans work 2 and 3 jobs for 6 months, then quit and collect welfare for the rest of the year. This effects productivity, and since the incentive to earn is totally gone in a Socialist country, why work for next to nothing. Course this option has been erased thanks to millions of refugees soaking up all of the benefits you worked for all of your lives.

But yes, the quality of life in parts of Europe is good compared to some parts of America. But most Americans wouldn't want that kind of life.....mainly because freedom to do what you want is tough to find in European countries. Socialists in America think the government will take care of them and pay for all of their stuff. This will never happen unless you're an illegal or a refugee from a Muslim or Socialist country.
You didnt just exaggerate but you made up some lies aa well. I know both western Europe and the US like the palm of my me if you are not too 15% in the US you have a poor life compared to a European...yes we have bigger homes here, what for ? When most cant afford healthy food, education, health and in most cases decent living spaces.....I swear everytime I go to Europe and come back I see a huge difference in the well being of the two populations...God bless Americans but most are obese and dress poorly, contrary to Europeans. Europe generally is cleaner and neater than the US.
I didn't exaggerate a thing.
I lived there back in the 80s.
I know the differences.
Europe isn't cleaner and neater than America. In Italy the beaches are covered with trash and garbage.

The primary difference between Europeans and Americans when it comes to health is in Europe the food doesn't have all of this garbage in it. In America food producers put sugar in just about everything. Then add to that the simple fact that our weather swings from highs to lows that Europe couldn't handle. The last time a heatwave hit Europe hundreds of people died as heat casualties. However, in the US most people just veg out on the couch in the AC. This, added with all of the sugary foods and drinks, makes people fat. Nevermind the fact that we have stores that stay open 24 hrs, something that I don't remember being the case in Germany. During the week the stores all close by 6pm. On Saturday they close by 2pm.....and nothing is open other than church and bars on Sunday.
This makes Europeans skinny. Less food, more exercise.

Back in the 60s Germany was having the same health problems America suffers from today. They created Volksmarching. Every Saturday and Sunday they hold events all over Germany that gets people out walking. 10k...20k events. On holidays they have them Friday, Saturday, and Sunday....some events are 30k. In a 4 month period I went to 40 events and did 500 kilometers all over Germany.
You said it yourself you were in the 80s I go there constantly I have friends and relatives all over europe....I love america and it works for me as a business person but for most Americans is very shitty, long work hours, shitty health care, expensive education, short vacation times, long work hours, poor health. Europe is much better for low and middle income classes than the US. So many friends they were shocked at how most parts of the US look beaten up and old except few pockets,. The US is ran by corporate lobbies and the 1%, they have enslaved the majority...teying to mask these facts is honestly ridiculous.
I suggest you go visit Europe and compare.
I lived there in the 80s.
I didn't say I haven't been back since then.
I was there before and after the Iron Curtain came down.

And I think you're a bit off the subject.
Quality of life isn't same as being an economic power, which the US is.
Europeans can thank the US for their life-styles....because Socialist countries in Europe have been stealing from the US for decades.....with the help of crooked American politicians. Many of them are running the 3rd World shithole cities you mentioned. Democrats
Most scientists, innovators, are progressives if it was for the conservatives of this country we would be like Afghanistan and I'm conservative.
So again quality of life for most Europeans is better compared to most Americans.
Actually, if we got rid of our Democrats and progressives this country wouldn't be in the shape it's in right now.
Democrats are trying to destroy the economy and rebuild it into a socialist state. Obama believes in Keynesian Economics, where you cause demand to swamp available resources causing a total collapse of the system.
Venezuela is undergoing this change in their economy.
The people there are starving.
Viva La Communista.
You didnt just exaggerate but you made up some lies aa well. I know both western Europe and the US like the palm of my me if you are not too 15% in the US you have a poor life compared to a European...yes we have bigger homes here, what for ? When most cant afford healthy food, education, health and in most cases decent living spaces.....I swear everytime I go to Europe and come back I see a huge difference in the well being of the two populations...God bless Americans but most are obese and dress poorly, contrary to Europeans. Europe generally is cleaner and neater than the US.
I didn't exaggerate a thing.
I lived there back in the 80s.
I know the differences.
Europe isn't cleaner and neater than America. In Italy the beaches are covered with trash and garbage.

The primary difference between Europeans and Americans when it comes to health is in Europe the food doesn't have all of this garbage in it. In America food producers put sugar in just about everything. Then add to that the simple fact that our weather swings from highs to lows that Europe couldn't handle. The last time a heatwave hit Europe hundreds of people died as heat casualties. However, in the US most people just veg out on the couch in the AC. This, added with all of the sugary foods and drinks, makes people fat. Nevermind the fact that we have stores that stay open 24 hrs, something that I don't remember being the case in Germany. During the week the stores all close by 6pm. On Saturday they close by 2pm.....and nothing is open other than church and bars on Sunday.
This makes Europeans skinny. Less food, more exercise.

Back in the 60s Germany was having the same health problems America suffers from today. They created Volksmarching. Every Saturday and Sunday they hold events all over Germany that gets people out walking. 10k...20k events. On holidays they have them Friday, Saturday, and Sunday....some events are 30k. In a 4 month period I went to 40 events and did 500 kilometers all over Germany.
You said it yourself you were in the 80s I go there constantly I have friends and relatives all over europe....I love america and it works for me as a business person but for most Americans is very shitty, long work hours, shitty health care, expensive education, short vacation times, long work hours, poor health. Europe is much better for low and middle income classes than the US. So many friends they were shocked at how most parts of the US look beaten up and old except few pockets,. The US is ran by corporate lobbies and the 1%, they have enslaved the majority...teying to mask these facts is honestly ridiculous.
I suggest you go visit Europe and compare.
I lived there in the 80s.
I didn't say I haven't been back since then.
I was there before and after the Iron Curtain came down.

And I think you're a bit off the subject.
Quality of life isn't same as being an economic power, which the US is.
Europeans can thank the US for their life-styles....because Socialist countries in Europe have been stealing from the US for decades.....with the help of crooked American politicians. Many of them are running the 3rd World shithole cities you mentioned. Democrats
Most scientists, innovators, are progressives if it was for the conservatives of this country we would be like Afghanistan and I'm conservative.
So again quality of life for most Europeans is better compared to most Americans.
Most Republicans today are former there goes your talking point.

Anyone who doubts that can literally look up the party registration of baby boomers throughout the years, Gen Xers and Millennials/Gen Y. Baby boomers' parents were mostly Republicans or at least conservative from the start I believe, but they are mostly dead now.

Anyone who uses the left wing media for their news is a certified idiot(hell, anyone who trusts Fox News fully is an idiot after the 2016 election, but they are nowhere near as bad as the others yet). I don't give a fuck what you invent.
You got that right.

It's easy to see the advocacy of leftist journalists on CNN, MSNBC, and all of the networks.
What's difficult is trying to spot them on Fox News.....because Fox likes to show both sides, but in reality they're just a bunch of liberals trying to pull the wool over the eyes of voters. Many of the conservatives on Fox have either been fired or left and aren't working for anyone. Sean Hannity is one of the last conservatives left.....and earlier this year they tried to get rid of him, but he responded with massive lawsuits.
Love Tucker Carlson... Thanks.

Allowing unfettered immigration is a fools game. Immigration where the immigrant has a desire to join a nation based upon it's freedom, culture, character, employment opportunities, security and people is a great thing, but this misplaced migration of people whom really don't like the nation they are accessing is a fools game, because it becomes abusive, corruting, exploitive, and ultimately usery.

Yup. All they want is the US dollars to send back home. They don't want to become Americans.
Love Tucker Carlson... Thanks.

Allowing unfettered immigration is a fools game. Immigration where the immigrant has a desire to join a nation based upon it's freedom, culture, character, employment opportunities, security and people is a great thing, but this misplaced migration of people whom really don't like the nation they are accessing is a fools game, because it becomes abusive, corruting, exploitive, and ultimately usery.

Yup. All they want is the US dollars to send back home. They don't want to become Americans.

Another favourite right wing lie.

The right is promoting the idiot’s lie that Democrats want unrestricted borders. In reality, it’s Republicans wanting cheap labour and employee withholding taxes from workers who will never apply for benefits who are blocking immigration reform.

Cheap labour keeps the white Republican base from getting too uppity and demanding wage increases.

Here’s a clue: illegals aren’t stealing American wages. They’re helping your overlords keep you from getting raises.
Love Tucker Carlson... Thanks.

Allowing unfettered immigration is a fools game. Immigration where the immigrant has a desire to join a nation based upon it's freedom, culture, character, employment opportunities, security and people is a great thing, but this misplaced migration of people whom really don't like the nation they are accessing is a fools game, because it becomes abusive, corruting, exploitive, and ultimately usery.

Yup. All they want is the US dollars to send back home. They don't want to become Americans.

Another favourite right wing lie.

The right is promoting the idiot’s lie that Democrats want unrestricted borders. In reality, it’s Republicans wanting cheap labour and employee withholding taxes from workers who will never apply for benefits who are blocking immigration reform.

Cheap labour keeps the white Republican base from getting too uppity and demanding wage increases.

Here’s a clue: illegals aren’t stealing American wages. They’re helping your overlords keep you from getting raises.

The only lie I see is yours.
human kindness has never weakened the stamina of a free people. a nation does not have to be cruel to be tough
"why are europeans seeing us all as dogs and criminals. they are not good with us. why?" - afghan refugee
^ Answer...Because the illegal invaders are lower than incests on the evolutionary scale. The low IQ savages have ruined everywhere they have existed including Africa. This is literally a second black plague.
the only culture that is not allowed to be celebrated is the one that allowed all these other cultures to be celebrated in the first place!
"why are europeans seeing us all as dogs and criminals. they are not good with us. why?" - afghan refugee

Not dogs but members of the death cult just the same. In fact they consider dogs to be unclean.

Hell. I'd take a dog over a Muslim any day. My dog won't stab me in the back or set up an IED to kill my ass. A member of the death cult will.

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