Trump informs our allies that we will withdraw from Paris Accord

Next up, Dump that money sucking,worthless organization known as the UN. Turn the NY complex into a Veterns home.
You know someday you'll have to pull a link out of your ass--and I have yet to see you do that. The entire point is the Ass Clown you have elected DOES not have the authority to rip up 90 different signed agreements with 90 foreign countries WITHOUT congressional approval FIRST.

Sure he does. Didn't you hear? Trump has a pen and Trump has a cell phone. :banana::banana::banana:

Nope he doesn't have the authority: You've been duped again.

While Trump could not single-handedly scrap the agreement which Washington and Beijing had rallied more than 190 countries to join — he could withdraw the US, the second largest greenhouse gas emitter after China, or block the action needed to cut emissions to the levels promised by Mr Obama.
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In this enviroment with Republicans necks in the noose--I believe the very last thing they would do is lower standards for emissions--so Democrats could campaign on it in 2018.

The article you cited admits that he can.

It doesn't matter. This is something he should not do.

He sure as hell should do it. The Paris agreement is a hot poker up the ass of American consumers.
Try your best to stay on topic OK?

Not only on topic but NEVER not gonna be funny.

Well no, it's off topic because we re not discussing mein kampf. It's not funny because you are trolling.

Uncle Sam is a made up fictional cartoon. And Trump is doing his best to turn us all into that same cartoon.

But I see you are already there. You're so happy to be with Trump you went 2 thumbs up.


You might want to quit trolling before you get embarrassed patches.
I love this president

It really is nice enough to have a leader that looks out for the USA first and foremost!

Report: Trump Tells Allies He Plans to Remove U.S. From Paris Climate Agreement - Breitbart
Climate deniers are the fucking dumbest people there are.

It is science.

You are dooming your own kids to a harder life.

Why? Because you listen to assholes like Trump instead of the scientists.
Indeed! What do we need science for when we can enrich the polluters and oil companies. That was the orange clown's plan all along.

Who gives us jobs, polluters or science? Who does more for our economy, oil companies or science?
Wow, this is really stupid.

Science gives us competitive manufacturing, health, higher crop production, cleaner environment.

The idea that you have that companies need to pollute to be competitive is totally sick.
Washington Post.

Insyread on running in circles screamoing "Link Link", become better informed.

because these polls are always spot on accurate - right?

I want a link, not just to the WaPo article, but to the actual poll

was the question worded like this, "Do you agree that Trump should be stopped from destroying the environment?"

polls can be manipulated to show just about any result desired from the author & the WaPo is not known for impartiality

but you would know this if you were #betterinformed
I love this president

It really is nice enough to have a leader that looks out for the USA first and foremost!

Report: Trump Tells Allies He Plans to Remove U.S. From Paris Climate Agreement - Breitbart
Climate deniers are the fucking dumbest people there are.

It is science.

You are dooming your own kids to a harder life.

Why? Because you listen to assholes like Trump instead of the scientists.
Indeed! What do we need science for when we can enrich the polluters and oil companies. That was the orange clown's plan all along.

Who gives us jobs, polluters or science? Who does more for our economy, oil companies or science?
Wow, this is really stupid.

Science gives us competitive manufacturing, health, higher crop production, cleaner environment.

The idea that you have that companies need to pollute to be competitive is totally sick.

What's even sicker is chasing jobs away because of more taxation and regulation. Did you ever ask yourself why so many companies have moved out of the US? That's right, it's because of the cost of production.

And how long have we been making this country greener, and how long have you on the left been complaining about it?

It's the Ray from Cleveland's rule: You can't make an environmentalist happy. It just isn't possible. We could take every dollar away from every American today, put that towards green, and the environmentalists would still be complaining. How do I know this? Because it's been going on for nearly 50 years.

If we can never make you people happy, then what's the point of waisting trillions more to try???
71% in favor of the Paris agreement.

Even 57% of the backwards Republican Party in favor.

Will Trump go with the people or the fossil fuel industry v& the idiots?

That's adorable that you still believe in polls ... The faith of children is steadfast.
71% in favor of the Paris agreement.

Even 57% of the backwards Republican Party in favor.

Will Trump go with the people or the fossil fuel industry v& the idiots?

Washington Post.

Insyread on running in circles screamoing "Link Link", become better informed.

Yes, I found it. It only let me in once. But nowhere in the article or the actual poll itself does it say how many from each group were asked. All it stated is how Democrats and Republicans felt. But if they asked 1,500 Democrats and 600 Republicans, what kind of results do you think that would produce?

They also made sure to highlight that many may have not known what the Paris Accord was. It's likely since it's not been a news item until now, and nobody wants to look uninformed when asked such questions, so they just blurt out an answer.
71% in favor of the Paris agreement.

Even 57% of the backwards Republican Party in favor.

Will Trump go with the people or the fossil fuel industry v& the idiots?

Here you go climate denier.
Trump wants to dump the Paris climate deal, but 71 percent of Americans support it, survey finds
Funny how you DEPLORABLES are always wrong about everything.
How is it "wrong" due to popular belief? That doesn't begin to make any sense. Why do you MAGGOTS say such stupid things?
71% in favor of the Paris agreement.

Even 57% of the backwards Republican Party in favor.

Will Trump go with the people or the fossil fuel industry v& the idiots?

Here you go climate denier.
Trump wants to dump the Paris climate deal, but 71 percent of Americans support it, survey finds
Funny how you DEPLORABLES are always wrong about everything.
How is it "wrong" due to popular belief? That doesn't begin to make any sense. Why do you MAGGOTS say such stupid things?

The "wrongness" had to do with the statement that most people were against the Paris Accord.

You really breed to become better informed.

As for climate change, it is science its "realness" has nothing to do you or your orange buddy's views on it.
71% in favor of the Paris agreement.

Even 57% of the backwards Republican Party in favor.

Will Trump go with the people or the fossil fuel industry v& the idiots?

Washington Post.

Insyread on running in circles screamoing "Link Link", become better informed.

Yes, I found it. It only let me in once. But nowhere in the article or the actual poll itself does it say how many from each group were asked. All it stated is how Democrats and Republicans felt. But if they asked 1,500 Democrats and 600 Republicans, what kind of results do you think that would produce?

They also made sure to highlight that many may have not known what the Paris Accord was. It's likely since it's not been a news item until now, and nobody wants to look uninformed when asked such questions, so they just blurt out an answer.
Funny chit, you don't mind looking uninformed.
71% in favor of the Paris agreement.

Even 57% of the backwards Republican Party in favor.

Will Trump go with the people or the fossil fuel industry v& the idiots?

Here you go climate denier.
Trump wants to dump the Paris climate deal, but 71 percent of Americans support it, survey finds
Funny how you DEPLORABLES are always wrong about everything.
How is it "wrong" due to popular belief? That doesn't begin to make any sense. Why do you MAGGOTS say such stupid things?

The "wrongness" had to do with the statement that most people were against the Paris Accord.

You really breed to become better informed.

As for climate change, it is science its "realness" has nothing to do you or your orange buddy's views on it.

Orange buddies views? You do know there are scientists that say MMGW is all bullshit, don't you?