Trump In India (The Full Story The Media Isn't Readily Telling You)


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
OK, yes, there has been other threads sorta covering this in part, but I thought this really needed its own thread, mods. Is the media hiding the story from you? No, I did not watch every news channel at every time or every website to see the coverage and yes, there has been some press, but to be fair, PBS is one of the better MSM, I find them a bit slanted but tolerable and this coverage I caught on their news channel, but THEY DIDN'T have the story on until the LAST QUARTER of the news, this was at like 3AM, second to last story! And is the other Big Three pushing this story? I'd say no. And as soon as they got into it, they deflected off to emphasizing the protests against Trump and the fact that India is coming under heat for blocking Muslims from entering their country.

Seems the Hindus do NOT like the Muslims.

So, no, the MSM isn't really telling you the story I'm about to show you, pictures you likely have not seen elsewhere, and if this had been Obama there, it would be heralded as a front page story at the top of the news hour with live coverage around the clock!!!!

Trump had a previous mission there to India last September and it was attended by 50,000. This time it was attended by over 100,000, possibly 125,000 in the largest stadium of its kind possibly larger than any in the USA! It dwarfed the Superbowl! People waited for hours in the hot sun and no single picture can do justice to the scope of the event. To even try to take it all in, you need a fish-eye lens where the individual people can no longer even be seen!

I apologize for the picture quality as these were taken hand-held off my TV.

Here is one shot where I arrow off all the red, white and blue TRUMP signs I can count in the picture.

800 copy.jpeg
is the best they have in india is a 1998 cell phone to take pictures with?

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