

    Organized, Well

    If I have a well organized militia then I can refer to its organizational laws or rules, right? I wouldn't have to follow onward to the 3rd or even the 4th of the Constitution of the US. Great. Thanks.
  2. Robert Urbanek

    Abbot and Costello get woke

    The woke crowd will eventually claim that the West appropriated the number zero from India, which fully developed the concept of zero in the seventh century A.D. Which could lead to an Abbot and Costello-type routine: Abbot: We should be ashamed of ourselves for stealing zero from India...
  3. toobfreak

    Trump In India (The Full Story The Media Isn't Readily Telling You)

    OK, yes, there has been other threads sorta covering this in part, but I thought this really needed its own thread, mods. Is the media hiding the story from you? No, I did not watch every news channel at every time or every website to see the coverage and yes, there has been some press, but to...
  4. Litwin

    To who belongs religious site in the city of Ayodhya? To Muslims or to Hindus ? Ayodhya dispute: I

    To who belongs religious site in the city of Ayodhya ,To Muslims or to Hindus ? Ayodhya dispute: Indian Supreme Court due to rule on holy site... Hindus believe that the site of the mosque is the birthplace of one of their most revered deities, Lord Ram, and they want to build a temple there...
  5. EvilEyeFleegle

    Pakistan stunned, worried as India revokes Kashmir's autonomous rights

    As two other Nuclear powers inch closer to a long-overdue clash: Pakistan stunned, worried as India retracts Kashmir’s autonomous rights "Pakistan reacted with shock and anger Tuesday to India’s sudden decree revoking a 65-year-old law that had granted limited political autonomy to the...
  6. JGalt

    About to hit the fan in Pakistan?

    Both India and Pakistan own nuclear weapons. On Thursday there was a Pakistani suicide attack on an Indian paramilitary convoy that killed at least 41 soldiers in disputed Kashmir. But looks at the bright side: If it does escalate and go nuclear, at least most of those call center jobs will...
  7. AsianTrumpSupporter

    People of Massachusetts can replace DemoKKKrat, Elizabeth Warren, with an actual Indian this year

    He may not be a Native American, but I'm sure he's more than 1% Indian unlike Lieawatha.
  8. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Illegal immigrants from India arrested for illegally entering U.S. nearly triples

    Indians arrested for illegally entering U.S. nearly triples | Reuters (Reuters) - The number of Indians arrested for illegally entering the United States has nearly tripled so far in 2018, making them one of the largest groups of illegal aliens apprehended, U.S. Customs and Border Protection...
  9. AveryJarhman

    UNDERGROUND: Risk of FGM Increasing for Women in the U.S., says CDC

    Risk of FGM Increasing for Women in the U.S., says CDC “This is something that is viewed as 'child abuse', and it’s something that is happening to a girl that doesn’t have the capacity yet to consent to it,” Taher said. This isn't just "Child Abuse", it is felony criminal child abuse and human...
  10. L

    India: banks no longer accept 500+ rupee notes: why beyond cattle's comprehension

    India: banks no longer accept 500+ rupee notes: why beyond cattle's comprehension Poster writes: Stunning scene caught on video after Indian banks reopen!!! This is after the anouncement that 500 and 1000 rupee notes would no longer be accepted in banks! Why India did this is beyond anyones...
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