Trump Impeachment an exercise in leftist Anti-White racism


May 23, 2014
This is all about a generational demonizing of the World War Two generation that liberated the camps of the Holocaust and was our greatest generation. The following pussified coward milqoutoast generation of Bill Clinton and the 1990's has led to the takeover of the Democratic Party by hard core Marxist and the election of an incompotent idiot as POTUS. Now the new Orwellian "1984" generation and leftist news media propoganda want to prevent a private citizen from holding public office again. Why? Because Congress (whose approval ratings are at about 15% in most polls) turned chickenshits when the common folks put fear in their criminal syndicate asses in Versailles (aka Washington D.C.) According to cancel culture Democrats White people who live in rural areas are ignorant racist and not those people who wear the uniform and serve our country. Trump Impeachment is Democrats way to put white patriot conservatives on a Stalinist show trial.
I am woke and racist against my own white people because I joined BLM and the MSM, :rolleyes: :D :D
This is all about a generational demonizing of the World War Two generation that liberated the camps of the Holocaust and was our greatest generation. The following pussified coward milqoutoast generation of Bill Clinton and the 1990's has led to the takeover of the Democratic Party by hard core Marxist and the election of an incompotent idiot as POTUS. Now the new Orwellian "1984" generation and leftist news media propoganda want to prevent a private citizen from holding public office again. Why? Because Congress (whose approval ratings are at about 15% in most polls) turned chickenshits when the common folks put fear in their criminal syndicate asses in Versailles (aka Washington D.C.) According to cancel culture Democrats White people who live in rural areas are ignorant racist and not those people who wear the uniform and serve our country. Trump Impeachment is Democrats way to put white patriot conservatives on a Stalinist show trial.

Racism in America, actual racism against minority fellow citizens, died in the late 1970's. From then until about 2008 racism was just about the last thing on the minds of most hard working, law-abiding Americans. But then along came President Barack Hussein Obama and the radical Left wanted all Black Americans to suddenly believe they were living in the segregated south of forty years earlier. Out of that vile propaganda from the Obama administration grew the modern day hatred of White, Asian and other non-black Americans. America had conquered racism, had slain that beast, and then Obama and his ideologues bent over backwards to resurrect it, weaponize it, and use it to poison the minds of an entire young American generation. The hatred of White Americans we are experiencing today is the living legacy of the Obama administration.
This is all about a generational demonizing of the World War Two generation that liberated the camps of the Holocaust and was our greatest generation. The following pussified coward milqoutoast generation of Bill Clinton and the 1990's has led to the takeover of the Democratic Party by hard core Marxist and the election of an incompotent idiot as POTUS. Now the new Orwellian "1984" generation and leftist news media propoganda want to prevent a private citizen from holding public office again. Why? Because Congress (whose approval ratings are at about 15% in most polls) turned chickenshits when the common folks put fear in their criminal syndicate asses in Versailles (aka Washington D.C.) According to cancel culture Democrats White people who live in rural areas are ignorant racist and not those people who wear the uniform and serve our country. Trump Impeachment is Democrats way to put white patriot conservatives on a Stalinist show trial.

Racism in America, actual racism against minority fellow citizens, died in the late 1970's. From then until about 2008 racism was just about the last thing on the minds of most hard working, law-abiding Americans. But then along came President Barack Hussein Obama and the radical Left wanted all Black Americans to suddenly believe they were living in the segregated south of forty years earlier. Out of that vile propaganda from the Obama administration grew the modern day hatred of White, Asian and other non-black Americans. America had conquered racism, had slain that beast, and then Obama and his ideologues bent over backwards to resurrect it, weaponize it, and use it to poison the minds of an entire young American generation. The hatred of White Americans we are experiencing today is the living legacy of the Obama administration.
100% correct !

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