Trump: I'm still waiting for Democrats to make a deal to end shutdown

I love it! Trump is playing the Democrats.

He is in Washington doing the peoples business while Pelosi is working on her suntan in Hawaii....Hey Nancy the OPTICS seems to say fuck you, with the crime and drugs....just give us freeloading voters....FREE SHIT PAYS DIVIDENDS!!!

Donald J. Trump is the author of "Art of the Deal", no one plays his adversaries better than The Donald.

Take a look at Mr. Trump's dealings with wrestling billionaire Vincent K. McMahon when he sold back Monday Night Raw back to him for a cool million dollar profit in just one week.

Even as President, you can see how he renegotiated the NAFTA deals in America's favor, got the Eurotrash to pay their fair share of NATO, etc. We're in the middle of a trade dispute with Red China. As long as Trump is President I have no doubt America will come out on top in it- in spite of the whole Media rooting against America and hoping the we get our comeuppance because Trump is our President.

I suppose America might return to the days of defeat and malaise we suffered under B Hussein O again, I suppose The Donald could be forced to abdicate, the Almighty Media is still very powerful in this country. Look at the results last fall, a lot of people are looking for a return to mediocrity. Trump's reduction of black unemployment to all time lows is very unpopular in liberal quarters.

But America is forever changed. A new Liberal Regime in Washington is going to have a lot more difficulty ruling that B.Hussein O did, the people will be expecting victory

uh... president dotard can't read, let alone actually write a book. he had tony schwartz, who spent 18 months with trump, write it. & schwartz.... after spending all that time with donny.... says the big orange man baby is outa his fucking mind. BUT, he does have his dupes defend every lunatic thing he does & has you pegged.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.”

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