Trump: 'If You Impeach Me Now, I Shall Become More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine'


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Nancy Pelosi is reportedly starting impeachment proceedings against President Trump. It's not clear why but at least it will be fun for all involved, which is good because the news cycle has been a little slow over the summer. We all need a good public spectacle once in a while.

But Trump is a good sport and wanted to warn the Democrats about what they're going to do: "If you impeach me now, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine," he said in an open address to his political foes. "Seriously, I will have huge power, believe me. Maybe the most power of anyone ever."

When pressed for what would happen, Trump admitted that he would probably be impeached and die but they wouldn't find a body: only a folded-up suit and his orange toupee. Then, he would appear to his replacement, Mike Pence, in visions and whisper advice. "For instance, if he were at a state dinner with a foreign diplomat and the salads come out, I'd tell him to use the fork."

Trump: 'If You Impeach Me Now, I Shall Become More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine'
The Demtards just never give up. They’re not even close to having the votes they need and now they are really going to piss people off. It should be funny to watch the Demtards spew there bullshit

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WASHINGTON, D.C.—Nancy Pelosi is reportedly starting impeachment proceedings against President Trump. It's not clear why but at least it will be fun for all involved, which is good because the news cycle has been a little slow over the summer. We all need a good public spectacle once in a while.

But Trump is a good sport and wanted to warn the Democrats about what they're going to do: "If you impeach me now, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine," he said in an open address to his political foes. "Seriously, I will have huge power, believe me. Maybe the most power of anyone ever."

When pressed for what would happen, Trump admitted that he would probably be impeached and die but they wouldn't find a body: only a folded-up suit and his orange toupee. Then, he would appear to his replacement, Mike Pence, in visions and whisper advice. "For instance, if he were at a state dinner with a foreign diplomat and the salads come out, I'd tell him to use the fork."

Trump: 'If You Impeach Me Now, I Shall Become More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine'
lol Trump is a funny guy, but he is right. Nancy has lost control of the Party and is doing what she had said she wouldn't do, announce impeachment proceedings before she had the facts to support the process. This is good news for Republicans.
The Demtards just never give up. They’re not even close to having the votes they need and now they are really going to piss people off. It should be funny to watch the Demtards spew there bullshit

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Pelosi can't back away now, she locked herself in.

THE BABYLON BEE BECAME THE PAPER OF RECORD SO GRADUALLY I BARELY NOTICED: Democrats Introduce Resolution To Impeach Trump With Reasons To Be Filled In Later.

Trump vows to release the transcript of the finest most perfect conversation between two presidents ever held.
Trump thinks he is Obi-Wan

Obi-Wan is a pussy compared to the Great President Trump.
Trump is a clairvoyant. An X-Man.
With a single comment he is in the heads of millions.
A telepathic master more powerful than the Shadow King Farouk.
Trump thinks he is Obi-Wan

Obi-Wan is a pussy compared to the Great President Trump.

You understand Obi-Wan doesn't exist, don't you? He's just an imaginary figure in a movie. On the other hand, Trump is a spoiled orange baby from a reality show.
Rambo doesn't exist either, an imaginary figure in a movie, but somehow has also triggered liberals, the real spoiled baby's .
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Nancy Pelosi is reportedly starting impeachment proceedings against President Trump. It's not clear why but at least it will be fun for all involved, which is good because the news cycle has been a little slow over the summer. We all need a good public spectacle once in a while.

But Trump is a good sport and wanted to warn the Democrats about what they're going to do: "If you impeach me now, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine," he said in an open address to his political foes. "Seriously, I will have huge power, believe me. Maybe the most power of anyone ever."

When pressed for what would happen, Trump admitted that he would probably be impeached and die but they wouldn't find a body: only a folded-up suit and his orange toupee. Then, he would appear to his replacement, Mike Pence, in visions and whisper advice. "For instance, if he were at a state dinner with a foreign diplomat and the salads come out, I'd tell him to use the fork."

Trump: 'If You Impeach Me Now, I Shall Become More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine'

power to do what?

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