Trump - Hillary. War Is NOT The Way

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Jul 15, 2016
I heard talk of war on the news yesterday. Don't those fools know that's what muslims want? Take what happened in Russia some years back. Some muslim "extremists" took over a school there and murdered a number of people. Then they held well over 100 women and children captive. Most of whom they eventually murdered too.

Why do the muslims want war? Well war is basically breaking your enemy. And there is an old saying that if you break it, you bought it. After we defeat them we will have to spend money we don't have to rebuild the place. Making things much harder on the American people. Only a fool would give the muslims what they want. Also, in France, they have something like 10,000 muslims who are "on their radar" as potential terrorists. But only 5000 people to keep track of them. The same kind of imbalance probably exists here in the U.S. That IS a losing strategy!

There is only one solution. One that most people probably won't agree with. Because it would work!!! That is separation. Not segregation. But actual "ship them off" separation.
I think you are fundamentally wrong on a variety of fronts. A radical theology-based ideology declared war on Western civilization about 20 years ago. They have infiltrated our countries where they are now deploying tactical attacks on our people and killing many. A certain segment of our society wants to stick it's head in the sand and politicize this as xenophobia and racism when some of us want to take the war to the enemy.

Secondly... there is no "place." Radical Islam is spread across the middle east, across northern Africa, permeating Europe and even taking over in places like Dearborne, Michigan. It is not a nation, it is a widespread theological ideology. Their mission and goal is to ultimately have the world submit to Sharia Law. Their apologists will claim they only wish for Sharia Law in their own countries but this is not true... they already have Sharia Law in their own countries.

Among the things they believe: Women are to be subservient to men, with no political voice or power. Homosexuals are to be exterminated. Death, terror and violence is viewed as a legitimate way to achieve a political result. All Jews must die... they do not have the right to exist. All non-adherents to Sharia (Infidels) must also die... they do not have the right to exist.

You seem to think that we can someone win this war which THEY declared by ignoring the war. As if, they are eventually going to get tired of killing us and wreaking havoc on our civilization. Furthermore, you have the audacity to blame your indifference on "the cost" involved in confronting them. Had people such as yourself been in power during WWII, we would have never won it. You have a wrongheaded world view. You somehow think that when someone is beating the living hell out of you, it's a "winning strategy" to not fight back. Personally, I believe it is a form of cowardice. You are simply scared shitless of these people and fear pissing them off even more.

It's high time to stop pussyfooting around and take this enemy serious... because THEY are serious! They fully intend to implement their plans of Caliphate and world domination. They aren't going to get bored and stop. There is no alternate solution... we have to fight them and defeat them in no uncertain terms and we should have been doing this YESTERDAY!
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I think you are fundamentally wrong on a variety of fronts. A radical theology-based ideology declared war on Western civilization about 20 years ago. They have infiltrated our countries where they are now deploying tactical attacks on our people and killing many. A certain segment of our society wants to stick it's head in the sand and politicize this as xenophobia and racism when some of us want to take the war to the enemy.

Secondly... there is no "place." Radical Islam is spread across the middle east, across northern Africa, permeating Europe and even taking over in places like Dearborne, Michigan. It is not a nation, it is a widespread theological ideology. Their mission and goal is to ultimately have the world submit to Sharia Law. Their apologists will claim they only wish for Sharia Law in their own countries but this is not true... they already have Sharia Law in their own countries.

Among the things they believe: Women are to be subservient to men, with no political voice or power. Homosexuals are to be exterminated. Death, terror and violence is viewed as a legitimate way to achieve a political result. All Jews must die... they do not have the right to exist. All non-adherents to Sharia (Infidels) must also die... they do not have the right to exist.

You seem to think that we can someone win this war which THEY declared by ignoring the war. As if, they are eventually going to get tired of killing us and wreaking havoc on our civilization. Furthermore, you have the audacity to blame your indifference on "the cost" involved in confronting them. Had people such as yourself been in power during WWII, we would have never won it. You have a wrongheaded world view. You somehow think that when someone is beating the living hell out of you, it's a "winning strategy" to not fight back. Personally, I believe it is a form of cowardice. You are simply scared shitless of these people and fear pissing them off even more.

It's high time to stop pussyfooting around and take this enemy serious... because THEY are serious! They fully intend to implement their plans of Caliphate and world domination. They aren't going to get bored and stop. There is no alternate solution... we have to fight them and defeat them in no uncertain terms and we should have been doing this YESTERDAY!

Somehow, you managed to get everything I was getting at wrong. War is NOT the way. Didn't Iraq show you that? All we did was spend about 4 trillion dollars, lose many lives and make things there worse. And no matter where in the world muslim "extremists" are to be found, if we go to war with them, we will end up with the same result. The only real solution is to have nothing to do with them. If they aren't around, they can't cause us any harm. That means getting rid of them ALL! The "good" ones as well as the bad ones. As to your metaphor, if they aren't around to "beat the hell out of me," I would't need to fight back. Because the assault wouldn't have happened to begin with.
Political wars simply don't work. If you are going to go to war, prepare to win it or you will lose it.

If you plan to win it, prepare to completely vanquish your enemy and then stay for a very long time.

Take Nazi Germany, for example. The allies sat their for about 10 years dealing with insurgencies from Nazi fanatics, even with no help from surrounding governments. However, in Iraq you were surrounded by enemies that supplied troops and arms to the rebels fighting the US. You can't win this way.

Look at North Korea. The US did not finish the job and now North Korea is threatening the world with a nuclear holocaust some half a century later.
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