Trump hatred.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
It is sad but many in the country would vote for a rock rather than Donald Trump. They have been programmed by the state to do what they are told. They are told that Trump is bad and they react in a conditioned response like Pavlov's dogs. Hate is not a good emotion to follow to bring about a change of government. Hate is so strong that minds cannot be reached. It is a national sickness. I hope we can survive this because we will never be free of government oppression if we do not act to stop it.
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We had 8 years of Obama hate from you lot...

Why the sudden change?
What cities burned? What cops were executed? What businesses were destroyed? What riots took pace? Did Obama opponents incite the people to throw Molotov cocktails at merchants protecting their livelihoods?
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It is sad but many in the country would vote for a rock rather than Donald Trump. They have been programmed by the state to do what they are told. They are told that Trump is bad and they react in a conditioned response like Pavlov's dogs. Hate is not a good emotion to follow to bring about a change of government. Hate is so strong that minds cannot be reached. It is a national sickness. I hope we can survive this because we will never be free of government oppression if we do not act to stop it.
See, what you misunderstand is that hating Trump has more to do than with policy. It’s more because he’s a stupid, corrupt, whiny little bitch.
I guess libs hate not continuing the war....and hate a growing great economy that puts people first and not politicians....good thing their numbers are small....
We had 8 years of Obama hate from you lot...

Why the sudden change?
What cities burned? What cops were executed? What businesses were destroyed? What riots took pace? Did Obama opponents incite the people to throw Molotov cocktails at merchants protecting their livelihoods?

And you're under the impression that rioters are politically active?
It is sad but many in the country would vote for a rock rather than Donald Trump. They have been programmed by the state to do what they are told. They are told that Trump is bad and they react in a conditioned response like Pavlov's dogs. Hate is not a good emotion to follow to bring about a change of government. Hate is so strong that minds cannot be reached. It is a national sickness. I hope we can survive this because we will never be free of government oppression if we do not act to stop it.
See, what you misunderstand is that hating Trump has more to do than with policy. It’s more because he’s a stupid, corrupt, whiny little bitch.
Well, that sounds like incited hatred to me.
It is sad but many in the country would vote for a rock rather than Donald Trump. They have been programmed by the state to do what they are told. They are told that Trump is bad and they react in a conditioned response like Pavlov's dogs. Hate is not a good emotion to follow to bring about a change of government. Hate is so strong that minds cannot be reached. It is a national sickness. I hope we can survive this because we will never be free of government oppression if we do not act to stop it.

Welp, in the case of a Orange Virus loss you have your rationalization down pat. :dunno:
It is sad but many in the country would vote for a rock rather than Donald Trump. They have been programmed by the state to do what they are told. They are told that Trump is bad and they react in a conditioned response like Pavlov's dogs. Hate is not a good emotion to follow to bring about a change of government. Hate is so strong that minds cannot be reached. It is a national sickness. I hope we can survive this because we will never be free of government oppression if we do not act to stop it.
You got it right....TRUMP has challenged the FASCIST POWER STRUCTURE, and It follows that they are using all their propaganda organs to attack TRUMP.

And the vast majority of BILLIONAIRES are lined so against TRUMP, so it is understandable that many citizens have begun to Hate TRUMP.
The Trump hate is the longest temper tantrum in the history of this country.

The left were told ...........they would have it all........but Hillary was so bad they lost a rigged election.

Leftist didn't get the belt enough when they were kids.
We had 8 years of Obama hate from you lot...

Why the sudden change?

Obama brought it upon himself.

Dummy, thats exactly what Trump haters would say about Trump.

No one actually thinks to themself that their hate is not justified.

Ours obviously is justified.

Thats exactly what every Trump hater thinks....OBVIOUSLY

History supports it. Obama despises America.

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