Trump hates wealthy citizens...the proof is in his property tax deduction cap.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
As many of us here in Mexifornia get ready to pay our last round of property taxes for 2019 we’re reminded that we are held to maximum deduction of only a $10,000 for the year. Such a tax code fucks the living shit out of those of us who own high end properties and or multiple properties while the filth among us are totally unaware of what’s going on.
What’s odd is; the Left would normally cheer any policy that sticks it to those whom pay their way, but in this case, because it’s Trumps policy we hear nothing from them.
Come to think of it, the filthy Left even took this to court in Loon York with the hopes to protect the bank accounts of the wealthy elite they normally claim to hate. WTF...all this crazy ass shit that goes on in LibTardia is unBeFuckinLievable!
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The real estate cap is aimed at punishing blue states where property values are higher
The real estate cap is aimed at punishing blue states where property values are higher

Seems like his cap was more aimed at Republicans if we get away from your opinion and lean on the
I’m thinking high earners, regardless of where they reside are paying property tax amounts that far exceed $10K per

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