Trump has never bought groceries; yet flyover yokels think they're just like him

Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

At least he said something that made a lot of sense, un like this idiotic post.
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

As an official "fly-over yokel" living better than most of the coastal nutbags -- I dont think his supporters actually believe he's "just like us". That's just moronic leftist projection. I think they DO believe "he actually CARES about us". Which is whole different story..

Nobody in Nebraska can look at his style and roll and mistake that. Except maybe a leftist journalist with a deadline for something trumpy..

Trump has never cared for even a second about Nebraska. Holy crap, dude. Trump is a guy who spent his life trying to fuck Miss America contestants and sucking up to the Clintons. He just passed a massive, permanent tax cut for the wealthiest "coastal nutbags," as you call them. He created a trade war that specifically punishes one of Nebraska's main industries. He doesn't give a fuck.
The wealthy coastal nut bags are in the process of suing for a tax cut.

Regarding trade, why do the Dems support unfair trade deals that screw the US and favor China and the EU? There will be pain points along the way, but we are on a course to correct the horrific deals by past administrations.
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

Man the crybaby snowflake sour grape tears just never stop for you, do they?
MORE POWER TO TRUMP if he never has to buy groceries in his lifetime! Not exactly a party at the checkout.
Ah welcome, proud peasant. How many people would Trump have to murder in the middle of 5th Avenue before you'd start to get concerned?
Less than the number hillary had killed.
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.
/----/ From your link: "He may have been referring to stores that ask to see IDs from credit card holders, " Hey dumbass, go to the grocery store and try to buy alcohol and tobacco without showing ID. In NY Stop & Shop you get ID's no matter how old you look. and there's this:
Legal Requirements for the Sale and Purchase of Drug ... - FDA
Legal Requirements for the Sale and Purchase of Drug Products Containing Pseudoephedrine, Ephedrine, and Phenylpropanolamine
The act bans over-the-counter sales of cold medicines that contain the ... limited and individuals arerequired to present photo identification to purchase products ... will be allowed to purchase over a 30-day period for specific product you use.
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

Man the crybaby snowflake sour grape tears just never stop for you, do they?
MORE POWER TO TRUMP if he never has to buy groceries in his lifetime! Not exactly a party at the checkout.
Ah welcome, proud peasant. How many people would Trump have to murder in the middle of 5th Avenue before you'd start to get concerned?
/----/ Ask Vince Foster -- oh wait, never mind.
He don’t care about us. He doesn’t even act like it unless he’s acting
...said the guy who defends a terrorist enabler who illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, & USSC Justices, used the IRS as a weapon against Americans, & who abandoned Americans to die....
You balev dat?
Yes, we just watched his actions, you were to busy polishing his knob.
Moreover...Trump's point is well taken! You need valid ID to get on a plane. You need valid ID to open a bank account. Why would you NOT need valid ID to vote?
Because you already produced a valid ID when you registered to vote and were given a voter registration card, at least here in NJ you were.

So why would it be an issue to produce that same valid ID when you go to vote?
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

Your post headline had nothing to do with the op. I feel cheated and duped into reading this thread. You’re phonier than Trump. Nice work, you should run for office.
Did you not read the OP?

Or maybe you just didn't understand it?

They are the same subject.

You bombed the comprehension portion of the SATs, didn’t you.
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

Your post headline had nothing to do with the op. I feel cheated and duped into reading this thread. You’re phonier than Trump. Nice work, you should run for office.
Did you not read the OP?

Or maybe you just didn't understand it?

They are the same subject.

You bombed the comprehension portion of the SATs, didn’t you.
Lol, I'm not the one having trouble comprehending the OP.
Moreover...Trump's point is well taken! You need valid ID to get on a plane. You need valid ID to open a bank account. Why would you NOT need valid ID to vote?
Because you already produced a valid ID when you registered to vote and were given a voter registration card, at least here in NJ you were.

So why would it be an issue to produce that same valid ID when you go to vote?
It shouldn't be except it is not a photo ID so the voter supressionists say it is not a valid ID. When I vote they simply compare my signature to the one I have on my voter registration.
Walmart wouldn't let me buy milk today because I left my driver's license at home. :oops:

Did you write a check for it, funny girl?

A lot of people do.

Cash doesn't require an ID. Checks do.

Many Visa and MasterCards have a photo of the cardholder on them.

And, as any dimocrap should know, SNAP Cards and WIC Cards almost always require showing a Photo ID.

You people are just simply children. You're like the recalcitrant 3rd Grader who sits and waits all day for the Teacher to make the tiniest mistake so they can jump on it.

You're also stupid and gullible sheep
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

I'd have to hear the whole event in context to come to the conclusion that President Trump doesn't know about buying groceries.

The Media is big on Fake News, they could easily be contorting his words. And since the media refuses to preempt their regular programming and broadcast important Presidential rallies, its just "their word", which isn't good enough.

Although in any event, the fact that President Trump shows respect to the People of Fly Over Country, while the libs call them "deplorables clinging to their firearms and bibles" means he doesn't have anything to worry about even if he isn't informed about grocery shopping.
It shouldn't be except it is not a photo ID so the voter supressionists say it is not a valid ID. When I vote they simply compare my signature to the one I have on my voter registration.

It's that way in Florida.

Look, here's the deal.

dimocrap scumbag activist gets hold of 20 or 30 Voter ID Cards from various places, people sent off to jail, people that have moved out of State, people that have died (just look in the Obits and you can get hundreds a day)

The dimocrap scumbag activists then give the voter ID to some low-life gutter-dwellers in exchange for cash, beer, drugs..... Whatever.

We all know that dimocrap scum literally buy votes. Look at the dirtbag that gave away $300k in an effort to buy votes in Chitcago Chicago mayoral candidate gives out hundreds of thousands of dollars to potential voters at church

I know dimocrap scum do it, Prosecutors know dimocrap scum do it, even dimocrap scum know dimocrap scum do it.

The PROBLEM is.......

Even if you catch Box Car Gumpy voting illegally, all he's gotta do is say, "My buddy who is (in prison, dead, moved out of State, etc) wanted me to vote for him.


No conviction for fraud is possible. Ask any Lawyer.

But if they show a Photo ID, if they sign their signature, and THEN try to vote???

It's a slam-dunk conviction for fraud.

dimocrap scum are too stupid to understand this. Most of them.

Their Judas Goat leaders know, but they ain't talking
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

I'd have to hear the whole event in context to come to the conclusion that President Trump doesn't know about buying groceries.

The Media is big on Fake News, they could easily be contorting his words. And since the media refuses to preempt their regular programming and broadcast important Presidential rallies, its just "their word", which isn't good enough.

Although in any event, the fact that President Trump shows respect to the People of Fly Over Country, while the libs call them "deplorables clinging to their firearms and bibles" means he doesn't have anything to worry about even if he isn't informed about grocery shopping.
Yeah he shows as much respect as any king that swindles his peasants.
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

I'd have to hear the whole event in context to come to the conclusion that President Trump doesn't know about buying groceries.

The Media is big on Fake News, they could easily be contorting his words. And since the media refuses to preempt their regular programming and broadcast important Presidential rallies, its just "their word", which isn't good enough.

Although in any event, the fact that President Trump shows respect to the People of Fly Over Country, while the libs call them "deplorables clinging to their firearms and bibles" means he doesn't have anything to worry about even if he isn't informed about grocery shopping.
Yeah he shows as much respect as any king that swindles his peasants.

The real question is when the Democrat Party is going to move to the center and compete for the votes of the peasants.
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

I'd have to hear the whole event in context to come to the conclusion that President Trump doesn't know about buying groceries.

The Media is big on Fake News, they could easily be contorting his words. And since the media refuses to preempt their regular programming and broadcast important Presidential rallies, its just "their word", which isn't good enough.

Although in any event, the fact that President Trump shows respect to the People of Fly Over Country, while the libs call them "deplorables clinging to their firearms and bibles" means he doesn't have anything to worry about even if he isn't informed about grocery shopping.
Yeah he shows as much respect as any king that swindles his peasants.

The real question is when the Democrat Party is going to move to the center and compete for the votes of the peasants.
We have more votes than there are Trump cultists. Rust belters can come running back if they like, now that Trump’s tariffs have left them begging for government handouts. All we need is turnout. You won’t have the Russians and broken electoral college to save you this November.
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.
Boy, he just pisses you off doesn’t he? Lol
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.
Boy, he just pisses you off doesn’t he? Lol
Obviously. Are you stupid? :cuckoo:

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