Trump has been consistant with his views for thirty Years

Did you watch the video in the OP? You didn't notice that was Donald Trump to whom Oprah (the black woman with the microphone) was talking, right?

You didn't watch it. What's Oprah's race have to do with anything?:cuckoo:

Oprah's race has nothing in particular to do with anything in the context of my post other than it's a physical trait that distinguishes her from other people, but seeing as someone wanted me to provide reference links for the stuff I noted Trump had said, I figured they may not have been aware that Trump and Oprah were the two main speakers in the video found in the OP.

What do you mean by saying I didn't watch it? How would I know what Trump said in the interview if I didn't watch it?

Selective watching then..You watched, but you didn't hear..Watch it again, it might help you
Selective reading. Go back and read the entirety of my original (first) post.

You're focusing on this..Whats the problem with this comment again?:dunno:

No sooner had he said he lacked the inclination to run for President, he also said he wouldn't want to rule it out.

Here's the whole "paragraph" of related ideas. You figure it out.

He said he doesn't think he has the inclination to run for President.
  • Clearly he didn't know himself very well at all at the time of that interview. I know that Trump was at the time 39 and should have by that point in his life known what he is and is not inclined for. Alternatively, he should have known enough not to make a statement like that. He knew neither.
  • Then as now, he talked out of both sides of his mouth. No sooner had he said he lacked the inclination to run for President, he also said he wouldn't want to rule it out.
  • Can you imagine being a dissembling person for the entirety of your adult life of ~50 years? That's got to be tiring. How could you keep up with all those lies and all that doublespeak?

Sadly, Rush isn't the only person "playing" the grassroots GOP electorate.

Very True--We're going to see if FOX NEWS survives this, and any other right wing talk show hosts that promoted this Chimpanzee. But I imagine the fall out is going to be BIG.

After all it was they that gave Trump an unprecedented 2 billion in free news coverage during the primry. So much that Trump stated he felt he didn't need to do T.V. advertisements because he got so much free publicity. Sean Hannity has literally turned into Trump's campaign adviser, and FOX NEWS has taken a major hit in ratings and viewership. Millions have turned off FOX and turned on CNN.

Fox News, meanwhile, has given Donald Trump the level of positive coverage that money could never (legally) buy, and as a result, they’ve dropped in the ratings. It’s no coincidence that as Trump enablers and outright supporters have focused more and more on Trump, their level of appeal has dropped. They don’t have the diversity of panelists CNN has managed to grab, and they don’t have hosts who allow both sides to speak freely. What’s more, the rising star of Fox News, Megyn Kelly, was fast becoming the most popular personality, and then Donald Trump not only insulted her, but the network on multiple occasions met with Trump to try to work things out and get him to come back on the air. If Kelly decided not to remain with Fox News when her contract is up, Fox News would fall even further – and they would deserve it. The quality of coverage is key, and Fox News is not providing it. What they have failed to realize is that Donald Trump is but a blip in the ratings. What people will perceive of you when he has come and gone is what will decide your fate. And, if the numbers continue to fall, you can pretty much guess what life is going to be like for them after Trump has gone. But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState

And here's a great article regarding these right wing talk show hosts, and what may happen in the aftermath.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

You're delusional..CNN isn't crushing anybody

This week's cable ratings - Media Life Magazine
You didn't watch it. What's Oprah's race have to do with anything?:cuckoo:

Oprah's race has nothing in particular to do with anything in the context of my post other than it's a physical trait that distinguishes her from other people, but seeing as someone wanted me to provide reference links for the stuff I noted Trump had said, I figured they may not have been aware that Trump and Oprah were the two main speakers in the video found in the OP.

What do you mean by saying I didn't watch it? How would I know what Trump said in the interview if I didn't watch it?

Selective watching then..You watched, but you didn't hear..Watch it again, it might help you
Selective reading. Go back and read the entirety of my original (first) post.

You're focusing on this..Whats the problem with this comment again?:dunno:

No sooner had he said he lacked the inclination to run for President, he also said he wouldn't want to rule it out.

Here's the whole "paragraph" of related ideas. You figure it out.

He said he doesn't think he has the inclination to run for President.
  • Clearly he didn't know himself very well at all at the time of that interview. I know that Trump was at the time 39 and should have by that point in his life known what he is and is not inclined for. Alternatively, he should have known enough not to make a statement like that. He knew neither.
  • Then as now, he talked out of both sides of his mouth. No sooner had he said he lacked the inclination to run for President, he also said he wouldn't want to rule it out.
  • Can you imagine being a dissembling person for the entirety of your adult life of ~50 years? That's got to be tiring. How could you keep up with all those lies and all that doublespeak?
Trump was clearly thinking about it, which is why Oprah asked him about it....Why would he say yes he'd run, if he didn't plan on it at the time? He said he'd rather not, and i'm sure he would rather not have had to run. I guess he felt, with things going the way they are, he had to ..whats the problem again?:dunno:
He said the same thing 30 years ago as he's saying today
When Iraq invaded Kuwait, the Kuwaitis had a per capital income that was about ten times higher than the per capita income in Iraq.

We kicked Iraq out of Kuwait because the overwhelming majority (as in all) of Republicans thought is was in our national interest.

If Trump thinks we should have waited for Kuwait to hire us for the job, then he can send his money grubbing, ungrateful sons to be mercenaries.

But let's be clear who benefitted the most from Desert Storm. That would be people like Donald Trump. Because it certainly wasn't better for coal miners in Kentucky.

Trump benefited? We just said we should have been paid back with a share of the oil revenue..Whats the problem?
Trump benefitted because the “national interests” in question were the interests of filthy rich international businesses, who don't have their wealth “trickle down” on the rest of us.

Dah...Bernie Sanders much?:slap:..Simple minded..You leftist, crony, establishment, types, put people out of work then, put them on assistance, and think you've helped them. Trump created thousands of Jobs, signed paychecks, paid for their health insurance. What have Hillary and Bernie created again?
He said the same thing 30 years ago as he's saying today

Yes, he has said same thing 30 years ago but he's also said the opposite. Trump has changed political parties at least 5 times. He was for the war in Iraq before he was against the war. In 2016, he said he supported water boarding and even tougher interrogation techniques. Now he says as president, he would not give the order to use such techniques. Trump for 5 years claimed Obama was not a citizen. Then he runs for president and says Obama is a citizen. He's supported Clinton in previous elections, now clams she's a liar and criminal. He claims the Clinton Foundation is a scam, yet he's donated more than $100,000 to the foundation.

Donald Trump is about as consistent as a leaf in windstorm. Anyone that put's any faith in what Trump says is just a bit dense
[Trump created thousands of Jobs,
After benefitting from American troops kicking Iraq out of Kuwait. And guess who didn't pay their fair share for that little mission?

It wasn't Kuwait!

It was Donald Trump, who paid nothing and sacrificed nothing, to keep his international shipping lanes open.
He said the same thing 30 years ago as he's saying today

Yes, he has said same thing 30 years ago but he's also said the opposite. Trump has changed political parties at least 5 times. He was for the war in Iraq war before he was against the war in Iraq. In 2016, he said he supported water boarding and even tougher interrogation techniques. Now he says as president, he would not give the order to use such techniques. Trump for 5 years claimed Obama was not a citizen. Then he runs for president and says Obama is a citizen. He's supported Clinton in previous elections, now clams she's a liar and criminal. He claims the Clinton Foundation is a scam, yet he's donated more than $100,000 to the foundation.

Donald Trump is about as consistent as a leaf in windstorm. Anyone that put's any faith in what Trump says is just a bit dense

Trump changed parties 5 times? ..Wtf? Do you have proof of that assertion? Trump was never "for the war" He has also never been in government, and had the intelligence briefings Hillary had..Why are you for Corruption in government?

[Trump created thousands of Jobs,
After benefitting from American troops kicking Iraq out of Kuwait. And guess who didn't pay their fair share for that little mission?

It wasn't Kuwait!

It was Donald Trump, who paid nothing and sacrificed nothing, to keep his international shipping lanes open.

He paid 100s of millions in taxes..what was your point again?
[Trump created thousands of Jobs,
After benefitting from American troops kicking Iraq out of Kuwait. And guess who didn't pay their fair share for that little mission?

It wasn't Kuwait!

It was Donald Trump, who paid nothing and sacrificed nothing, to keep his international shipping lanes open.

He paid 100s of millions in taxes..what was your point again?
He has paid ZERO in taxes.

And you and everyone else knows it.
He said the same thing 30 years ago as he's saying today

Yes, he has said same thing 30 years ago but he's also said the opposite. Trump has changed political parties at least 5 times. He was for the war in Iraq war before he was against the war in Iraq. In 2016, he said he supported water boarding and even tougher interrogation techniques. Now he says as president, he would not give the order to use such techniques. Trump for 5 years claimed Obama was not a citizen. Then he runs for president and says Obama is a citizen. He's supported Clinton in previous elections, now clams she's a liar and criminal. He claims the Clinton Foundation is a scam, yet he's donated more than $100,000 to the foundation.

Donald Trump is about as consistent as a leaf in windstorm. Anyone that put's any faith in what Trump says is just a bit dense

Trump changed parties 5 times? ..Wtf? Do you have proof of that assertion? Trump was never "for the war" He has also never been in government, and had the intelligence briefings Hillary had..Why are you for Corruption in government?

Donald Trump changed political parties at least five times: report

"I'm no warmonger. But the fact is, if we decide a strike against Iraq is necessary, it is madness not to carry the mission to its conclusion. When we don't, we have the worst of all worlds: Iraq remains a threat, and now has more incentive than ever to attack us." (Trump's 2000 book, The America We Deserve)
What did Donald Trump say on the Iraq war and when did he say it?
He said the same thing 30 years ago as he's saying today

Yes, he has said same thing 30 years ago but he's also said the opposite. Trump has changed political parties at least 5 times. He was for the war in Iraq war before he was against the war in Iraq. In 2016, he said he supported water boarding and even tougher interrogation techniques. Now he says as president, he would not give the order to use such techniques. Trump for 5 years claimed Obama was not a citizen. Then he runs for president and says Obama is a citizen. He's supported Clinton in previous elections, now clams she's a liar and criminal. He claims the Clinton Foundation is a scam, yet he's donated more than $100,000 to the foundation.

Donald Trump is about as consistent as a leaf in windstorm. Anyone that put's any faith in what Trump says is just a bit dense

Trump changed parties 5 times? ..Wtf? Do you have proof of that assertion? Trump was never "for the war" He has also never been in government, and had the intelligence briefings Hillary had..Why are you for Corruption in government?

Donald Trump changed political parties at least five times: report

"I'm no warmonger. But the fact is, if we decide a strike against Iraq is necessary, it is madness not to carry the mission to its conclusion. When we don't, we have the worst of all worlds: Iraq remains a threat, and now has more incentive than ever to attack us." (Trump's 2000 book, The America We Deserve)
What did Donald Trump say on the Iraq war and when did he say it?

The smoking gun reported..That's nice Trump must have been unhappy with both establishment parties and those are weak examples of any support for the Iraq war genius. Hillary was in government and pushed for the removal of Saddam Hussein people are so weak..:slap:

"I cast this vote with conviction"

There has been very few topics on which his views have not changed.

Come on really?:slap:

She changed her mind from 12 years ago?

You didn't. Don't you still want all gays dead? I believe most Republicans do.

12 years? How about couple months...

Being progressive doesn't mean you are radical.

But it does seem that being Republican certainly means you're racist. Look at what they stand for.
He said the same thing 30 years ago as he's saying today

Yes, he has said same thing 30 years ago but he's also said the opposite. Trump has changed political parties at least 5 times. He was for the war in Iraq war before he was against the war in Iraq. In 2016, he said he supported water boarding and even tougher interrogation techniques. Now he says as president, he would not give the order to use such techniques. Trump for 5 years claimed Obama was not a citizen. Then he runs for president and says Obama is a citizen. He's supported Clinton in previous elections, now clams she's a liar and criminal. He claims the Clinton Foundation is a scam, yet he's donated more than $100,000 to the foundation.

Donald Trump is about as consistent as a leaf in windstorm. Anyone that put's any faith in what Trump says is just a bit dense

Trump changed parties 5 times? ..Wtf? Do you have proof of that assertion? Trump was never "for the war" He has also never been in government, and had the intelligence briefings Hillary had..Why are you for Corruption in government?

Donald Trump changed political parties at least five times: report

"I'm no warmonger. But the fact is, if we decide a strike against Iraq is necessary, it is madness not to carry the mission to its conclusion. When we don't, we have the worst of all worlds: Iraq remains a threat, and now has more incentive than ever to attack us." (Trump's 2000 book, The America We Deserve)
What did Donald Trump say on the Iraq war and when did he say it?

Just the fact that he said they only need to give us the finger and we will blow them out of the water should be enough to give any sane person pause.
He said the same thing 30 years ago as he's saying today

Yes, he has said same thing 30 years ago but he's also said the opposite. Trump has changed political parties at least 5 times. He was for the war in Iraq war before he was against the war in Iraq. In 2016, he said he supported water boarding and even tougher interrogation techniques. Now he says as president, he would not give the order to use such techniques. Trump for 5 years claimed Obama was not a citizen. Then he runs for president and says Obama is a citizen. He's supported Clinton in previous elections, now clams she's a liar and criminal. He claims the Clinton Foundation is a scam, yet he's donated more than $100,000 to the foundation.

Donald Trump is about as consistent as a leaf in windstorm. Anyone that put's any faith in what Trump says is just a bit dense

Trump changed parties 5 times? ..Wtf? Do you have proof of that assertion? Trump was never "for the war" He has also never been in government, and had the intelligence briefings Hillary had..Why are you for Corruption in government?

Donald Trump changed political parties at least five times: report

"I'm no warmonger. But the fact is, if we decide a strike against Iraq is necessary, it is madness not to carry the mission to its conclusion. When we don't, we have the worst of all worlds: Iraq remains a threat, and now has more incentive than ever to attack us." (Trump's 2000 book, The America We Deserve)
What did Donald Trump say on the Iraq war and when did he say it?

The smoking gun reported..That's nice Trump must have been unhappy with both establishment parties and those are weak examples of any support for the Iraq war genius. Hillary was in government and pushed for the removal of Saddam Hussein people are so weak..:slap:

"I cast this vote with conviction"

Everyone knows that it was Hillary's single vote that took us to war.

I feel sorry, not only for her, but for everyone who, like me, was convinced by Republicans that Iraq was behind 9/11.
jroc, as a decent man. you do not honestly believe donald j trump is a decent man. quit trolling on some partisanship tip.
He said the same thing 30 years ago as he's saying today

Yes, he has said same thing 30 years ago but he's also said the opposite. Trump has changed political parties at least 5 times. He was for the war in Iraq war before he was against the war in Iraq. In 2016, he said he supported water boarding and even tougher interrogation techniques. Now he says as president, he would not give the order to use such techniques. Trump for 5 years claimed Obama was not a citizen. Then he runs for president and says Obama is a citizen. He's supported Clinton in previous elections, now clams she's a liar and criminal. He claims the Clinton Foundation is a scam, yet he's donated more than $100,000 to the foundation.

Donald Trump is about as consistent as a leaf in windstorm. Anyone that put's any faith in what Trump says is just a bit dense

Trump changed parties 5 times? ..Wtf? Do you have proof of that assertion? Trump was never "for the war" He has also never been in government, and had the intelligence briefings Hillary had..Why are you for Corruption in government?

Donald Trump changed political parties at least five times: report

"I'm no warmonger. But the fact is, if we decide a strike against Iraq is necessary, it is madness not to carry the mission to its conclusion. When we don't, we have the worst of all worlds: Iraq remains a threat, and now has more incentive than ever to attack us." (Trump's 2000 book, The America We Deserve)
What did Donald Trump say on the Iraq war and when did he say it?

The smoking gun reported..That's nice Trump must have been unhappy with both establishment parties and those are weak examples of any support for the Iraq war genius. Hillary was in government and pushed for the removal of Saddam Hussein people are so weak..:slap:

"I cast this vote with conviction"

Everyone knows that it was Hillary's single vote that took us to war.

I feel sorry, not only for her, but for everyone who, like me, was convinced by Republicans that Iraq was behind 9/11.

You are not running for president, it is not your judgment that people are questioning.

Hillary was incompetent (at best) for voting for the Iraqi war. Do you really want that judgement in the next president? I sure as hell don't.

Then in 06 Dems were overwhelmingly voted into Congress to end the war.

Then Obama promised to get out within the the first 18(?) months of his presidency.

The Democrats are not the party of peace like they pretend to be.
He said the same thing 30 years ago as he's saying today

Yes, he has said same thing 30 years ago but he's also said the opposite. Trump has changed political parties at least 5 times. He was for the war in Iraq war before he was against the war in Iraq. In 2016, he said he supported water boarding and even tougher interrogation techniques. Now he says as president, he would not give the order to use such techniques. Trump for 5 years claimed Obama was not a citizen. Then he runs for president and says Obama is a citizen. He's supported Clinton in previous elections, now clams she's a liar and criminal. He claims the Clinton Foundation is a scam, yet he's donated more than $100,000 to the foundation.

Donald Trump is about as consistent as a leaf in windstorm. Anyone that put's any faith in what Trump says is just a bit dense

Trump changed parties 5 times? ..Wtf? Do you have proof of that assertion? Trump was never "for the war" He has also never been in government, and had the intelligence briefings Hillary had..Why are you for Corruption in government?

Donald Trump changed political parties at least five times: report

"I'm no warmonger. But the fact is, if we decide a strike against Iraq is necessary, it is madness not to carry the mission to its conclusion. When we don't, we have the worst of all worlds: Iraq remains a threat, and now has more incentive than ever to attack us." (Trump's 2000 book, The America We Deserve)
What did Donald Trump say on the Iraq war and when did he say it?

The smoking gun reported..That's nice Trump must have been unhappy with both establishment parties and those are weak examples of any support for the Iraq war genius. Hillary was in government and pushed for the removal of Saddam Hussein people are so weak..:slap:

"I cast this vote with conviction"

Everyone knows that it was Hillary's single vote that took us to war.

I feel sorry, not only for her, but for everyone who, like me, was convinced by Republicans that Iraq was behind 9/11.
The authorization to to give Bush the authority to invade Iraq passed the Senate by and overwhelming majority on October 11, 2002, by a vote of 77-23. Most of the objections in the Senate was not about approving the war but putting limitations on Bush.
5 Myths (And One Big Truth) About Hillary's 2002 Iraq War Vote | Huffington Post
jroc, as a decent man. you do not honestly believe donald j trump is a decent man. quit trolling on some partisanship tip.

Actually i do....Do you believe Hillary to be a decent person? In my opinion she's as low as they come
Yes, he has said same thing 30 years ago but he's also said the opposite. Trump has changed political parties at least 5 times. He was for the war in Iraq war before he was against the war in Iraq. In 2016, he said he supported water boarding and even tougher interrogation techniques. Now he says as president, he would not give the order to use such techniques. Trump for 5 years claimed Obama was not a citizen. Then he runs for president and says Obama is a citizen. He's supported Clinton in previous elections, now clams she's a liar and criminal. He claims the Clinton Foundation is a scam, yet he's donated more than $100,000 to the foundation.

Donald Trump is about as consistent as a leaf in windstorm. Anyone that put's any faith in what Trump says is just a bit dense

Trump changed parties 5 times? ..Wtf? Do you have proof of that assertion? Trump was never "for the war" He has also never been in government, and had the intelligence briefings Hillary had..Why are you for Corruption in government?

Donald Trump changed political parties at least five times: report

"I'm no warmonger. But the fact is, if we decide a strike against Iraq is necessary, it is madness not to carry the mission to its conclusion. When we don't, we have the worst of all worlds: Iraq remains a threat, and now has more incentive than ever to attack us." (Trump's 2000 book, The America We Deserve)
What did Donald Trump say on the Iraq war and when did he say it?

The smoking gun reported..That's nice Trump must have been unhappy with both establishment parties and those are weak examples of any support for the Iraq war genius. Hillary was in government and pushed for the removal of Saddam Hussein people are so weak..:slap:

"I cast this vote with conviction"

Everyone knows that it was Hillary's single vote that took us to war.

I feel sorry, not only for her, but for everyone who, like me, was convinced by Republicans that Iraq was behind 9/11.
The authorization to to give Bush the authority to invade Iraq passed the Senate by and overwhelming majority on October 11, 2002, by a vote of 77-23. Most of the objections in the Senate was not about approving the war but putting limitations on Bush.
5 Myths (And One Big Truth) About Hillary's 2002 Iraq War Vote | Huffington Post

Don't believe your ears believe your leftist pundits...Sheep:slap:

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