Trump Has Been Arrested For Creating Illegal Electors In Seven States

That's how blind and ignorant you are!
You and your fellow TRUMPHUMPERS are the fascists! But you will ride that train all the way to the cliffs, praising your leader as he destroys you! He doesn't give a fuck about you! He's all about himself. Did you read where he threw Eric under the train? That's what he will do to you!
Name one fascist policy of Trumps.
The alternative electors were and are completely legal. They are needed to challenge an election
No fucking way!

The alternative electors were and are completely legal. They are needed to challenge an election.
You can keep saying it, repeating it over and over but it will never be true.

If alternate electors in Michigan were legit why would they need to hide in the Capitol overnight so they could comply with the law by being in the Capitol on December 14 when they actually somewhere else cast their vote for the loser but signed an official document saying Trump won the State of Michigan and they signed their document while present in the Michigan Capitol.

There was no challenge to the Michigan popular vote count by the Trump Campaign on the 14th of December and none were pending from that day forward.

You’ve been had Saint Lastamender. Send Trump some money - I’m begging you. It will keep him from taking a plea deal to stay out of prison m

Trump had summoned Shirkey and former House Speaker Lee Chatfield to the White House 17 days after the election, urging them to block – or at least delay – the Electoral College vote that would certify Biden’s win.​

Ex-GOP Chair: Trump fake electors plotted to hide overnight in Michigan Capitol​

The Michigan lawmakers refused, telling Trump they “were going to follow the law” requiring the state award electors to the winner of the popular vote,” Shirkey told investigators in testimony aired Tuesday.​
Trump did not stop there. Instead, his campaign aired television ads urging viewers to contact lawmakers in several swing states he was contesting. Trump also used social media to pressure lawmakers, and posted Shirkey’s personal cell phone number on Facebook.​
Shirkey was flooded with text messages — nearly 4,000 “in a short period of time” — telling him the Michigan Legislature could “change electors,” he told the congressional panel.​
“They were believing things that weren’t true,” Shirkey said of Trump supporters who sent the messages.​
What’s so funny Saint Lastamender ?

Trump said on Jan6 that if Pence did the right thing on that day Trump wins and MAGA will be the happiest people.

Trump did not say if Pence recognizes the slates of electors that Rudy Guliani and John Eastman and the good Christian woman who is totally infatuated with me, Jenna Ellis, put together with my Chief of staff Mark Meadows, So Pence can say I will not count votes that have two sets of electors because we have to wait a couple weeks to give us time to prove with all new evidence we just discovered and then have a new certification by seven states and then the victory based on proof the election was stolen we win.

No what Trump said on Jan 6 was if Pence does the right thing we win but it was not based on presenting evidence. The plan did not call for presenting evidence to win

The plan called for Pence to not count seven states that had two slates of electors and then count the electors without those seven states and then announce Trump wins right there on Jan6
To make every Biden voter in the country angry to a point there’d be violence in the streets.

The goal of being declared the winner according to the written coup plot was to create chaos and a Constitutional crisis where the only remedy would be a vote in the House that had a majority of Republicans by rules that would apply when there is a problem at the state level.such as two sets of electors.

The problem that you will come to know someday is the chaos was to be caused by the fraudulent certificates that Rudy had printed in his dirty trucks garage.

And Pence knew it so he foiled the coup.

Pence needs a speedy trial so he can pry the loyal Evangelicals sticking with trump
away en masse.
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I'm absolutely going to LOVE IT, when these obsessed fools finally have their trusted media sources explain to them that despite all of these indictments, he CANNOT be stopped from running and their efforts have actually made him stronger. It's going to make them lose what little sense they have left.
BS. His popularity is dropping because being charged with 91 felonies will do that.

To make that mean something with any hope that you have a grasp on reality you will have to challenge the following on a factual basis.


December 14, 2020 is the pivotal date.
Electors Meet to Cast Their Votes
The Twelfth Amendment requires the electors to meet to cast their votes “by ballot” for President and Vice President “in their respective states.” Federal law specifies that the electors meet and cast their votes “on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December” following election day at a location “in each State as the legislature of such State shall direct.”

December 14, 2020 All fifty states certified their election

December 14, 2020 The election was over according to the Constitution and Federal Law.

December 14, 2020 Was the day Donald J Trump should’ve began packing his shit and prepare to get out of the White House.

December 14, 2020 meant he lied when Trump told his assembled mob on January 6th if Pence did the right thing (cite fake electors as cause to declare Trump the winner.) . . . . . WE WIN!!!!!!!! No legal path to a win for Trump. Zero.

When tied to the fake elector documents conspiracy to commit fraud against the Congress on January 6th Trump committed a crime.

There was zero way legally that Trump/ Pence could win.

There is evidence that Trump was involved in the fake electors plot which went beyond saying he won. Trump was involved in actions that enacted a plot to defraud the people of the United States fur the purpose of overturning the election he lost.

Mike Pence foiled the plot. The plot is still a crime even though the plot was foiled,


All facts above your quote Saint BackAgain and an explanation that LEGAL challenges ended on December 14fh for reasons expressed
Do you not grasp the concept that challenging an election with a legal strategy that is shot down by the courts has NEVER been a crime until now? We have a system in place to deal with legal challenges to elections. The system did it's job. These indictments are nothing more than a party in power attempting to kneecap the campaign of it's biggest political rival with their people in the DOJ. It's sleazy. It's far more dangerous to our nation than anything that happened on Jan. 6th. It's what happens in places like Russia, China and Cuba! I never thought I'd see it happening here and with the approval of the main stream media! It's shameful and shortsighted.
What’s so funny Saint Lastamender ?

Trump said on Jan6 that if Pence did the right thing on that day Trump wins and MAGA will be the happiest people.

Trump did not say if Pence recognizes the slates of electors that Rudy Guliani and John Eastman and the good Christian woman who is totally infatuated with me, Jenna Ellis, put together with my Chief of staff Mark Meadows, So Pence can say I will not count votes that have two sets of electors because we have to wait a couple weeks to give us time to prove with all new evidence we just discovered and then have a new certification by seven states and then the victory based on proof the election was stolen we win.

No what Trump said on Jan 6 was if Pence does the right thing we win but it was not based on presenting evidence. The plan did not call for presenting evidence to win

The plan called for Pence to not count seven states that had two slates of electors and then count the electors without those seven states and then announce Trump wins right there on Jan6
To make every Biden voter in the country angry to a point there’d be violence in the streets.

The goal of being declared the winner according to the written coup plot was to create chaos and a Constitutional crisis where the only remedy would be a vote in the House that had a majority of Republicans by rules that would apply when there is a problem at the state level.such as two sets of electors.

The problem that you will come to know someday is the chaos was to be caused by the fraudulent certificates that Rudy had printed in his dirty trucks garage.

And Pence knew it so he foiled the coup.

Pence needs a speedy trial so he can pry the loyal Evangelicals sticking with trump
away en masse.
Those certificates were not fraudulent. They said they were another set of electors by people who objected to the results of the election. Again perfectly legal. If the election really was not stolen what are you assholes so worried about?
Those certificates were not fraudulent. They said they were another set of electors by people who objected to the results of the election. Again perfectly legal. If the election really was not stolen what are you assholes so worried about?
Certificates were not stating that they objecting to the election results.

They were statements that each person signing the document electors representing the winner of the popular vote in the state which they stated was Donald Trump.

The Michigan fake electors were saying they conducted official business that was taking place in the Michigan state capital.

That was a lie. Video for 16 Michigan State electors trying to get in the Capitol on December 14 brother please turned
them away and they never got in
Certificates were not stating that they objecting to the election results.

They were statements that each person signing the document electors representing the winner of the popular vote in the state which they stated was Donald Trump.

The Michigan fake electors were saying they conducted official business that was taking place in the Michigan state capital.

That was a lie. Video for 16 Michigan State electors trying to get in the Capitol on December 14 brother please turned
them away and they never got in
Show us where any document they signed says that. You are lying.

The Federalist explained it's happened before.

"The naming of contingent Republican electors during the 2020 election closely mirrors efforts taken during the 1960 presidential contest between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. As The Federalist’s Margot Cleveland previously reported, a dispute over who won Hawaii’s electoral votes prompted both Kennedy and Nixon electors to cast their votes for their respective candidates. While Hawaii’s acting Republican governor initially certified the election for Nixon, a legal challenge and subsequent court decision resulted in the state’s electoral votes being awarded to Kennedy."


You're such a retard, Liemender.

No, Hawaii did NOT send fake electors to Congress. JFK, a Democrat, won Hawaii. So Hawaii legally sent a slate of Democrat electors to Congress.

You're such a retard, Liemender.

No, Hawaii did NOT send fake electors to Congress. JFK, a Democrat, won Hawaii. So Hawaii legally sent a slate of Democrat electors to Congress.
He did not win until after a legal challenge. There were two sets of electors. No one was charged or went to jail. Stop lying troll.
Show us where any document they signed says that. You are lying.

See PDF copy here:


WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, being the duly elected and qualified Electors for President and Vice President of the United States of America from the State of Michigan, do hereby certify the following:

(A) That we convened and organized in the State Capitol, in the City of Lansing, Michigan, and at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on the 14th day of December, 2020, performed the duties enjoined upon us;

(B)That being so assembled and duly organized, we proceeded to vote by ballot, and balloted first for President and then for Vice President, by distinct ballots; and

(C) That the following are two distinct lists, one, of all the votes for President; and the other, of all the votes for Vice President, so cast as aforesaid:

Names of the Person Voted For;
DONALD J. TRUMP of the State of Florida

Names of Person Voted For MICHAEL R .PENCE of the State of Indiana

Number of Votes 16
Number ofVotes 16
See PDF copy here:


WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, being the duly elected and qualified Electors for President and Vice President of the United States of America from the State of Michigan, do hereby certify the following:

(A) That we convened and organized in the State Capitol, in the City of Lansing, Michigan, and at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on the 14th day of December, 2020, performed the duties enjoined upon us;

(B)That being so assembled and duly organized, we proceeded to vote by ballot, and balloted first for President and then for Vice President, by distinct ballots; and

(C) That the following are two distinct lists, one, of all the votes for President; and the other, of all the votes for Vice President, so cast as aforesaid:

Names of the Person Voted For;
DONALD J. TRUMP of the State of Florida

Names of Person Voted For MICHAEL R .PENCE of the State of Indiana

Number of Votes 16
Number ofVotes 16
Where does it say they claimed Trump won the popular vote? You said it did. It clearly does not.
He did not win until after a legal challenge. There were two sets of electors. No one was charged or went to jail. Stop lying troll.


  • Unlike Trump's fake electors, both of Hawaii’s slates were certified by the governor.
  • Unlike Trump's fake electors, Hawaii’s Democratic slate was only certified and sent to Congress AFTER a recount showed Kennedy won the state.
  • Unlike Trump's fake electors, there was dispute over the counting of the ballots. The dispute wasn't manufactured lies about election fraud which was never proven.
  • Unlike Trump's fake electors, Hawaii was the only state in dispute and had no impact on the election; whereas Trump contested 7 states with the intent of flipping a landslide loss.
  • Unlike Trump's fake electors, Hawaii's slates were legally appointed & certified by the state; while Trump's slate was illegally appointed by Trump and not legally certified.
They have no case. They will find out.


Drools the liar who's been wrong every step of the way.


  • Unlike Trump's fake electors, both of Hawaii’s slates were certified by the governor.
  • Unlike Trump's fake electors, Hawaii’s Democratic slate was only certified and sent to Congress AFTER a recount showed Kennedy won the state.
  • Unlike Trump's fake electors, there was dispute over the counting of the ballots. The dispute wasn't manufactured lies about election fraud which was never proven.
  • Unlike Trump's fake electors, Hawaii was the only state in dispute and had no impact on the election; whereas Trump contested 7 states with the intent of flipping a landslide loss.
  • Unlike Trump's fake electors, Hawaii's slates were legally appointed & certified by the state; while Trump's slate was illegally appointed by Trump and not legally certified.
Same shit, different day. They have no case.

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