Trump has already accomplished more than Obama

Trump's biggest accomplishment is 3 ongoing investigations--the Senate, the House and the FBI investigations into his ties to Russia.
Nah...desperate Dumbocrat witch hunts aren't "accomplishments" (except in the eyes of fellow Dumbocrats).

President Trump has restored constitutional government, overseen an economy with a booming stock market and booming job market, cut $68 billion from the debt, secured the borders, nominated a constitutionalist to the Supreme Court, and renegotiated a favorable trade agreement for the U.S. with China. Those are the facts and they are indisputable.
Trump's biggest accomplishment is 3 ongoing investigations--the Senate, the House and the FBI investigations into his ties to Russia.
Nah...desperate Dumbocrat witch hunts aren't "accomplishments" (except in the eyes of fellow Dumbocrats).

President Trump has restored constitutional government, overseen an economy with a booming stock market and booming job market, cut $68 billion from the debt, secured the borders, nominated a constitutionalist to the Supreme Court, and renegotiated a favorable trade agreement for the U.S. with China. Those are the facts and they are indisputable.

First of all I was a life-long Republican before you nominated this Ass Clown--switched my party status and am never going back to the Republican party. Stock market--what goes up--always comes down & it is not a sentiment of what's going to happen tomorrow. When it does--people pay more attention to price earnings ratio P/E and then it comes crashing down to even lower than where it started.

Trump has not secured the borders nor will he. Congress has already stated it will not appropriate money for a wall. If walls and fences could keep illegals out there would be no illegals in this country in the first place. He's already stated he is not going to deport ALL illegals. He is doing exactly what other Presidents have done--deport the criminal element. In fact, Obama deported more illegals than any other President before him.
Congress may stiff Trump on wall funding
Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

Job market--no one can be stupid enough to believe that Obama left office with a 4.6 unemployment rate--while Trump claimed the unemployment numbers were wrong, then the very next day takes credit for those same job numbers--LOL

Your new China Trade agreement JUST COLLAPSED.
Trump made a deal with the Chinese Prime Minister last week. If he would stop attacking trade, they would get on Kim Jun Un over the missles. Apparently that worked--because the Prime Minister called Kim Jun Un and stated if he didnt knock it off they would cut off his oil.

Supreme Court justice Niel Gorsuch is a judge that Democrats LOVE. Democrats just threatened a filibuster over republicans not allowing a vote on their nominee Merrick Garland. Partisan politics.
Here Are the Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in 2006

All you're doing is regurgitating what he campainged on, not what he has accomplished.


As far as cutting 58 billiion from the budget--hell you're going to need that to pay for his weekly trips down to Mar a Lago--at 700K per trip.
Trump's Family Trips Cost Taxpayers Nearly As Much In A Month As Obama's Cost In A Whole Year
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In just a few months he

  • Drastically cut illegal immigration down to record lows.
  • Enforced Obama's chicken shit "red line in the sand" when the coward wouldn't do a damn thing over there.
  • Cut Government Spending in many departments where services are duplicated.
  • He has gotten all kinds of corporations to come back to America and tax reform isn't even done yet. Just regulatory easing.
  • He has gotten NATO members to pull more of their own weight.
  • He got China to stop manipulating their currency.
  • He had Gorsuch Confirmed to SCOTUS.
  • He has China willing to help us reign in North Korea.
  • And he has Russia on notice, and finally respectful of The US again.
  • He is moving forward with plans to secure our border.
  • He removed the onerous penalties of Obamacare
  • And there will be a new and better BIPARTISAN Healthcare bill & Tax Reform.

Pretty good just for being in office for under 4 months. More accomplished in 4 months than in Obama's 8 years.
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First of all I was a life-long Republican before you nominated this Ass Clown--switched my party status and am never going back to the Republican party.
Typical left-wing liar. Snowflake...your posts predate President Trump's nonimation and nearly all of them support the bat-shit crazy left-wing ideology.
In just a few months he drastically cut illegal immigration down to record lows.
  • He enforced Obama's chicken shit "red line in the sand" when the coward wouldn't do a damn thing over there.
  • He has gotten all kinds of corporations to come back to America and tax reform isn't even done yet. Just regulatory easing.
  • He has gotten NATO members to pull more of their own weight.
  • He got China to stop manipulating their currency.
  • He had Gorsuch Confirmed to SCOTUS.
  • He has China willing to help us reign in North Korea.
  • And he has Russia on notice, and finally respectful of The US again.
  • He is moving forward with plans to secure our border.
  • He removed the onerous penalties of Obamacare
  • And there will be a new and better BIPARTISAN Healthcare bill & Tax Reform.

Pretty good just for being in office for under 4 months. More accomplished in 4 months than in Obama's 8 years.

  • Obama asked for Congressional permission to go into Syria, and when Congress refused his request, Obama respected Congress and didn't go in. Trump attacked without asking Congress, and that attack has resulted in what Trump has admitted is the "worst relations with Russia ever". And you were worried that if Hillary was elected, she'd declare war on Russia. Trump didn't declare war, he's just blundering into it.
  • Trumpbots keep saying there but there is no evidence of it actually happening. In fact, new job numbers for March, 2017 are less than half of what were expected (90,000 new jobs versus projections of 190,000), and job numbers for February were adjusted downward by 30,000. March of 2017 is the first month since 2011 that less than 200,000 new full-time jobs were created.
  • He has been reminded by NATO members that NATO countries are taking in the refugees being created by US foreign policy in the Middle East. That the costs are being bourn by Canada, Germany, France and other NATO members with no help whatsoever from the US. Basically, NATO told Donnie to go fuck himself.
  • No Trump stopped making the false claim that China was manipulating their currency. He did so because the Chinese Premier told him to go fuck himself and refused to speak to Trump or to meet with him until he dropped this claim, and agreed to the One China policy. Trump caved completely on both requests. This isn't Trump winning. This is Trump talking tough and caving completely - just like the Trump University case.
  • Yes - by moving the fleet to N. Korea and threatening to bomb the North Koreans.
  • I'll give you that one.
  • By Trump's own admission, relations with Russia are at their lowest point in history. That hasn't happened by accident. All treaties and agreements have been torn up. How is this "winning". This is the WORST foreign policy nightmare since the Cuban Missile Crisis, and just as serious.
  • No he didn't, no he hasn't, and no he won't.
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Trump has not secured the borders nor will he.
You are a pathological liar. No wonder you are a Dumbocrat to your core.

View attachment 121582

Illegal Aliens are Self Deporting Themselves…To Canada

Ha.ha.--yeah 200 have. I believe there is 11 to 13 million illegals in this country--LOL It is a FACT that Obama deported more illegals in this country than any other President before him.

Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President
Why Has President Obama Deported More Immigrants Than Any President in US History?
Activist Janet Murguía calls Obama 'deporter-in-chief,' says he has deported more immigrants than other presidents

In fact one of your favorites--admitted that he didn't believe Trump on his immigration stance, after a caller was able to sneak onto his program and corner him.

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Trump has not secured the borders nor will he.
You are a pathological liar. No wonder you are a Dumbocrat to your core.

View attachment 121582

Illegal Aliens are Self Deporting Themselves…To Canada
Ha.ha.--yeah 200 have. I believe there is 11 to 13 million illegals in this country--LOL It is a FACT that Obama deported more illegals in this country than any other President before him. just got bent over in front of everyone. Don't attempt to move the goalposts now. Nobody mentioned Barack Obama. We were talking about President Trump and you just got caught lying.
In fact one of your favorites--admitted that he didn't believe Trump, after a caller was able to sneak onto his program and corner him.

Another egregious lie. You're setting a record here today, snowflake. I've never listens to Rush Limbaugh. Not once. Ever. Couldn't even tell you what channel he is on.
Beating the Beast is the only comparable thing Obama has done relative to Trump.

But then that was just a party nomination.

Trump is defining Obama in no uncertain terms: Weak, Vacillating and Incompetent.
In fact one of your favorites--admitted that he didn't believe Trump, after a caller was able to sneak onto his program and corner him.

Another egregious lie. You're setting a record here today, snowflake. I've never listens to Rush Limbaugh. Not once. Ever. Couldn't even tell you what channel he is on.

Don't bullshit me. You're either listening to Trump's fairy Godfather, Sean Hannity or one of the other Reich wing talk show hosts to come up with the Bullshit you're spewing out.

Campaigning and accomplishing things that he campaigned on are two different things. Over the last 100 days--Obamacare exploded--the Wall exploded--Immigration he flipped on as soon as he won the nomination--Executive orders collapsed under the law. 2 foreign policy conflicts that could bring us to the edge of war--(which will make your stock market COLLAPSE)--China trade agreement COLLAPSED & 3 Russian investigations that are never going away.

This is who you have installed in the White House. Every day another scandal with serious implications. Every day another blunder. This will be your life (defending the indefensible) for as long as he is in office, and I am going to enjoy every single second of it.


You couldn't have given Democrats a more powerful WEAPON than electing Donald Trump. If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a good education of what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution means.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution
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Beating the Beast is the only comparable thing Obama has done relative to Trump.

But then that was just a party nomination.

Trump is defining Obama in no uncertain terms: Weak, Vacillating and Incompetent.

Trump is defining Trump in those terms. No President ever gets to define another President. Presidents define themselves. Trump is defining himself as the "Liar-in-Chief" leading the most mendacious, untrustworthy and irresponsible administration in history.

In less than three months, Trump has taken the entire world from a standing of peace in the world outside of the Middle East, to the brink of another world war, on two fronts. The spectacular level of ignorance and incompetence this shows is unprecedented.
Trump is defining Trump in those terms. No President ever gets to define another President. Presidents define themselves. Trump is defining himself as the "Liar-in-Chief" leading the most mendacious, untrustworthy and irresponsible administration in history.

In less than three months, Trump has taken the entire world from a standing of peace in the world outside of the Middle East, to the brink of another world war, on two fronts. The spectacular level of ignorance and incompetence this shows is unprecedented.
Bullshit. Reagan defined Carter as a loser in no uncertain terms just as Trump is defining Obama. The former is history, the latter will be.
Don't bullshit me.
Says the die-hard progressive who is trying to convince everyone that he just left the Republican Party :lmao:
You're either listening to Trump's fairy Godfather, Sean Hannity or one of the other Reich wing talk show hosts to come up with the Bullshit you're spewing out.
It's called the news, snowflake. You should try turning it on sometime. I've provided links to everything I have stated (and everything which you denied). You look incredibly foolish right now. You have no credibility left with anyone on here. Might as well stop posting unless you're just interested in trolling.
Campaigning and accomplishing things that he campaigned on are two different things.
And in only 100 days, he's accomplished nearly everything he campaigned on. It's been incredible. You can really see the difference between having a businessman in charge and a politician in charge. Trump flat out gets it done. Can you imagine what he could achieve in 8 years?
The premise of this thread is even funnier in the wake of Trump's history making failure to repeal Obamacare.
President Trump sits in the executive branch, snowflake. Only the legislative branch (that would be Congress for you uneducated left-wingers) can repeal Obamacare. Because President Trump actually adhere's to the U.S. Constitution (unlike Obama), not only cannot he not repeal it, he didn't even try. Oops....someone just got caught lying again. :eusa_whistle:

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