Trump Hangs Up on Australian PM


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Read the last sentence and you know why. I am truly pleased beyond all expectations I with Trump.

It said the call had been scheduled to last an hour but Trump cut it short after 25 minutes when Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull tried to turn to subjects such as Syria. Turnbull told reporters the call with Trump at the weekend had been frank and candid but refused to give further details.

“I do stand up for Australia. My job is to defend Australian interests,” the former Goldman employee said in Melbourne. Turnbull refused to confirm the Post report that Trump, who had earlier spoken to world leaders including Russian President Vladimir Putin and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, had angrily told him that the call was “the worst so far”.

Political analysts were dumbfounded and said such acrimony was unprecedented, surpassing even the difficult relations between former U.S. President Richard Nixon and then Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, who pulled Australian troops out of the Vietnam War. “Even that was always done in the language of foreign policy niceties,” said Harry Phillips, a political analyst of 40 years experience at Edith Cowan and Curtin universities in Perth.

As reports of the conversation hit headlines on both sides of the world, Trump tweeted shortly before midnight in Washington: “Do you believe it? The Obama Administration agreed to take thousands of illegal immigrants from Australia. Why? I will study this dumb deal.”

Pundits Stunned After Trump Hangs Up On Australia Prime Minister, Slamming "Dumb Deal" | Zero Hedge
No wonder New Yorker's hate their fellow New Yorker trump. His jackassery has no bounds. His neighbors know he is an asshole of epic proportions.
Read the last sentence and you know why. I am truly pleased beyond all expectations I with Trump.

It said the call had been scheduled to last an hour but Trump cut it short after 25 minutes when Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull tried to turn to subjects such as Syria. Turnbull told reporters the call with Trump at the weekend had been frank and candid but refused to give further details.

“I do stand up for Australia. My job is to defend Australian interests,” the former Goldman employee said in Melbourne. Turnbull refused to confirm the Post report that Trump, who had earlier spoken to world leaders including Russian President Vladimir Putin and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, had angrily told him that the call was “the worst so far”.

Political analysts were dumbfounded and said such acrimony was unprecedented, surpassing even the difficult relations between former U.S. President Richard Nixon and then Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, who pulled Australian troops out of the Vietnam War. “Even that was always done in the language of foreign policy niceties,” said Harry Phillips, a political analyst of 40 years experience at Edith Cowan and Curtin universities in Perth.

As reports of the conversation hit headlines on both sides of the world, Trump tweeted shortly before midnight in Washington: “Do you believe it? The Obama Administration agreed to take thousands of illegal immigrants from Australia. Why? I will study this dumb deal.”

Pundits Stunned After Trump Hangs Up On Australia Prime Minister, Slamming "Dumb Deal" | Zero Hedge

you are "pleased" because you have zero concern or understanding for what an insane moron you elected.

but then again that's what happens with uneducated rightwingnut bigots
cool. he knows it is a dumb deal, but will start studying it soon. awesome.
What could possibly be smart about taking in thousands of refugees from Australia? You think they are being persecuted and murdered in Australia, dufus?
how about studying the deal, and then commenting on it. that is what responsible people do.

which is why you really can't expect the o/p to do that. he'd rather blindly follow the orange sociopath
cool. he knows it is a dumb deal, but will start studying it soon. awesome.
What could possibly be smart about taking in thousands of refugees from Australia? You think they are being persecuted and murdered in Australia, dufus?
how about studying the deal, and then commenting on it. that is what responsible people do.

which is why you really can't expect the o/p to do that. he'd rather blindly follow the orange sociopath
Sure, stick to taking in refugees from AUSTRALIA, it is why Trump is President.
1. New Yorkers often end phone conversations without the customary, "Good bye." Hence, outsiders may consider that they were hung-up on, while for a New Yorker, the conversation just ran out of gas. For the rest of the world it is ignorant, but not so much for New Yorkers, where "ignorant" is kinda normal.

2. Trump knows that a "deal" is an exchange of benefits, and he is opposed to any "deal" where the U.S. accepts a pile of manure in exchange for...??? Nothing at all? That is not a "deal" at all, is it?

3. How noble of Barry O; accepting "refugees" after the end of his term.
Chastising Trump for commenting on a plan he hasn't read and neither have they. Funny stuff. He has advisors, you have your media.
Zoos are full of kangaroos. How many do they want to send over here?

Australians don't want to live in Australia, who is not doing their job?
Trump should send a plane. Put the 1200 fighters in manacles and leg cuffs. Load them up on the plane and drop them off in Iraq. Iraq could use some trained fighters.
There's nothing to study. obama agreed to take in 1200 fighting men that were vetted by Australia and found to be too dangerous to allow into the country. They were held on an island. What's to study?

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