Trump goes Joe Pesci, "why do I like Oprah? What kind of question is that? We have a comedian here"


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
What a great news conference, Trump at his best battling self. I love it. America and the West needs this! Media clown tries to attack Trump as they always do and they end up looking silly.

Give it to them Trump, some of these anti-American sob's are so angry, $5.2B total spent on both sides and they can't deal with policies and issues and they lose Senate seats. STILL trying to paint Trump as "pitting Americans against one another", angry global socialist puppets in many cases.

The Caravan is viewed as a nice group of friendly illegals coming to add to the 22M already in your country. They don't want borders, ICE or even police in some cases. Some of them are bloody nuts.
I think this relates as to why Alec Baldwin hates the Trumpster so much.

Mr. Baldwin plays Trump on TV- he tries to amuse people, make them laugh.

Yet, the truth of the matter is that Trump himself does a better Trump- the President is just a funny guy.
What a great news conference, Trump at his best battling self. I love it. America and the West needs this! Media clown tries to attack Trump as they always do and they end up looking silly.

Give it to them Trump, some of these anti-American sob's are so angry, $5.2B total spent on both sides and they can't deal with policies and issues and they lose Senate seats. STILL trying to paint Trump as "pitting Americans against one another", angry global socialist puppets in many cases.

The Caravan is viewed as a nice group of friendly illegals coming to add to the 22M already in your country. They don't want borders, ICE or even police in some cases. Some of them are bloody nuts.
/----/ Trump gives Jim-Bo the boot. About time.
CNN’s Jim Acosta Denied White House Entry After Trump Presser Dust-Up
That’s a de facto banning that Press Secretary Sarah Sanders says is because of the way the longtime Trump foil interacted with a White House intern during the post-midterm elections press conference

“President Trump believes in a free press and expects and welcomes tough questions of him and his Administration,” Sanders said in a statement this evening. “We will, however, never tolerate a reporter placing his hands on a young woman just trying to do her job as a White House intern. This conduct is absolutely unacceptable.”

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