Trump Gets A- on Economic Performance!


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
Well, we all knew it. Now all snowflakes can say is he got a minus. :)


Trump’s grade on the economy ticks back up to A-
It's always been about the economy. Citizens will learn that the fallacy of globalization is that other countries didn't become more like America with free markets, liberty and Right to Self Determination, but instead, these nations have and are working to make America more in THEIR image. Socialists, corrupt and failed

Thankfully, Trump, Ross and others aren't blind to this assault on America and thus the economy will be free and protected from foreign abuses.
I'll give him an A+ for not fucking up the economic roll Obama is on.

Thank jeezus congress has his sorry old ass on a short leash.
We seem to have a recession about every ten years....when the next one hits Trump will of course be blamed even though his policies are helping the economy.
We seem to have a recession about every ten years....when the next one hits Trump will of course be blamed even though his policies are helping the economy.

My opinion is that the government cannot help the economy, only not harm it. What I refer to in that regard is that when government frees the private market and does not prop up or over rely on government intervention, the economy will thrive.

This is what we are seeing here. Trump basically has to undo all of the former damage and excessive intervention. Quite frankly, I believe he had to roll the economy back even further than the policy changes that Reagan ordered. Trump has rolled back more regulations than any president in history, in less than a year if he continues down this path, the economy only has one way to go. Libertarian economics.

As you suggest, you can't avoid the booms and busts, but it has to occur naturally. Government doing little in this situations is ideal (within reason), and in a real free market, new businesses will always fill the gap as failed businesses are weeded out. We say Obama spend trillions bailing out failed and corrupt businesses, in my opinion, poor decisions are the purview of corporate boards and lawsuits to address. If need be, jailtime for abusers of the shareholders. This shouldn't be about bailouts and gifts for harming investors.
we could explain what a piss poor "economist" this joker at yahoo is… but you wouldn't understand.

Just keep in mind… economists, real economists look at 5-10-30 year trends for cause and effect.

Nothing Trump has done (which is nothing) has any direct effect on current economic measurements/rates/markets/trends…

Underline direct… as in intentional.

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