Trump gears up for war with his own party

General tickets were $330 for the conference. It's now sold out. I wonder how many fans will be attending now that they have to pay to see him.
President Trump is fund-raising again?


The GOP keeps sending me fund-raising emails, letters and texts.


I'll send it to Trump and let the President decide whom to share with...not the GOP.
Doesn't appear that Miss Lindsey's kum ba yah trip to West Palm did a bit of good. Donnie's Revenge Tour is about to begin. We warned you in 2015 that Donald would destroy the Republican Party. We were not mistaken.

For weeks now, Trump has rejected meetings with everyone from former South Carolina governor and 2024 hopeful Nikki Haley to House and Senate GOP candidates vying for his ear — preferring to spend his days leisurely calling friends, binging cable news, golfing with a rotating cast of partners and basking in standing ovations whenever he arrives for dinner on Mar-a-Lago’s outdoor patio. One person close to the ex-president said he’s become “unreachable” to anyone outside his limited circle of loyal aides, longtime friends and die-hard political allies.​
That's about to change. According to three people familiar with the planning, Trump will soon begin vetting candidates at Mar-a-Lago who are eager to fulfill his promise to exact vengeance upon incumbent Republicans who’ve scorned him, and to ensure every open GOP seat in the 2022 midterms has a MAGA-approved contender vying for it.​
Earlier this week, Trump met with his former campaign manager Brad Parscale to discuss online fundraising components to support his efforts and how he can utilize social media despite his ban from popular websites like Twitter. Trump also met with House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), and his eldest son Don Jr. earlier this week.​
“We are in the process of putting together a more formal schedule for candidates who want to come get his endorsement,” said senior Trump adviser Jason Miller, noting that Trump’s meetings so far have been limited to golf friends, Mar-a-Lago members and “folks with the ability to contact him themselves.”​

Why would President Trump meet with Gov. Haley, AFTER she disrespected him?

She should meet with President Biden IMHO.
She was so good to trump When she resigned. Everyone knows she will run for President. Is she now a rino?

Ms. Haley denounced President Trump this year. She isn't an ally of him, why should he meet her at all? They aren't friends, they aren't allies, and Haley has political ambitions where she is pandering to the Anti-Trump vote. I'd say she should feel herself fortunate that he didn't agree to the photo ops considering her ambitions and her anti-Trump base.
You can’t hate her for appealing to old school republicans.

No she won’t be like trump but she would appoint conservative judges and sign republican legislation.

Would she open up the keystone pipeline?

I don't know what she would do, really. She really doesn't have a record to show that she supports Presidents who appoint conservative judges or open pipelines. Maybe she would, but she really needs to achieve a record of accomplishment. Just saying "me too" to Trump's accomplishments-a man she despises, while at the same time brutalizing the man, sends a mixed message.

If Ms. Haley could build a record of success in the field of Excellence, I would certainly consider voting for her.
How come Ben Carson isn’t on your short list?

Short list for what?

The Republican list for 2024 is just one individual, Donald J. Trump, if they are interested in winning. For 2028, sure Dr. Carson would be a tremendous choice.

But Carson is too mild mannered to fight back IMHO with the Democrats. I don't think he has the temperament to take the media to task.
Good reply.

Trump is too old and out of shape. He won’t be alive in 2024. The court cases are going to kill him.

Trump is in tremendous shape. The man has a signed letter from a top medical expert verifying that he is without a doubt, "The Healthiest President Almighty God ever created"

Trump's doctor died and he said Trump wrote that letter. Trump weighs 300 pounds and can't walk.
It’s funny tr7mp supporters see him differently than the rest of us. To them he looks honest when he’s clearly full of shit. And he seems thin and handsome to them when he’s really fat and ugly.

My favorite was when that woman at the debate told him he has a great smile then he smiled and he soooo doesn’t have a good smile. Tom Brady has a nice smile. Trump?

View attachment 459790
I think poor old senile joe needs a fresh depends

Thank you for your input Karen.
General tickets were $330 for the conference. It's now sold out. I wonder how many fans will be attending now that they have to pay to see him.
President Trump is fund-raising again?


The GOP keeps sending me fund-raising emails, letters and texts.


I'll send it to Trump and let the President decide whom to share with...not the GOP.
The tickets to the CPAC Conference were $330, not for Trump's speech. But to see him, they would have had to pay it. I don't know who gets those ticket sales, but it isn't Trump.

I've heard he will probably be going on the paid speaker tour, though, since hiring stadiums and auditoriums isn't free and he hasn't got the GOP picking up the tab anymore.
this is my favorite quote from the piece...i wonder who said it? Ben Carson? Ivanka? Barron?

“If you’re Trump, you don’t gotta play nice with these people anymore. You don’t have to do the whole fake political thing where you pretend to like people you don’t actually like,” said a person close to the president,
Doesn't appear that Miss Lindsey's kum ba yah trip to West Palm did a bit of good. Donnie's Revenge Tour is about to begin. We warned you in 2015 that Donald would destroy the Republican Party. We were not mistaken.

For weeks now, Trump has rejected meetings with everyone from former South Carolina governor and 2024 hopeful Nikki Haley to House and Senate GOP candidates vying for his ear — preferring to spend his days leisurely calling friends, binging cable news, golfing with a rotating cast of partners and basking in standing ovations whenever he arrives for dinner on Mar-a-Lago’s outdoor patio. One person close to the ex-president said he’s become “unreachable” to anyone outside his limited circle of loyal aides, longtime friends and die-hard political allies.​
That's about to change. According to three people familiar with the planning, Trump will soon begin vetting candidates at Mar-a-Lago who are eager to fulfill his promise to exact vengeance upon incumbent Republicans who’ve scorned him, and to ensure every open GOP seat in the 2022 midterms has a MAGA-approved contender vying for it.​
Earlier this week, Trump met with his former campaign manager Brad Parscale to discuss online fundraising components to support his efforts and how he can utilize social media despite his ban from popular websites like Twitter. Trump also met with House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), and his eldest son Don Jr. earlier this week.​
“We are in the process of putting together a more formal schedule for candidates who want to come get his endorsement,” said senior Trump adviser Jason Miller, noting that Trump’s meetings so far have been limited to golf friends, Mar-a-Lago members and “folks with the ability to contact him themselves.”​

There is no war.

Trump has turned the GOP into his own cult of personality.
Taking a page from snowflakes everyone they hear anyone being up Hillary or Barry, why is anyone talking about Trump? He is out of office, Biden has reversed everything he did (to include successes), none of what he did still exists, he was 'Impeached' twice, and its completely the CCP Biden show now.

Oh, I forgot.....Trump still has a permanent corner in their tiny little minds.

Trump's doctor died and he said Trump wrote that letter. Trump weighs 300 pounds and can't walk.

Hell, Fat Donnie couldn't walk four freaking years ago! ;)
Doesn't appear that Miss Lindsey's kum ba yah trip to West Palm did a bit of good. Donnie's Revenge Tour is about to begin. We warned you in 2015 that Donald would destroy the Republican Party. We were not mistaken.

For weeks now, Trump has rejected meetings with everyone from former South Carolina governor and 2024 hopeful Nikki Haley to House and Senate GOP candidates vying for his ear — preferring to spend his days leisurely calling friends, binging cable news, golfing with a rotating cast of partners and basking in standing ovations whenever he arrives for dinner on Mar-a-Lago’s outdoor patio. One person close to the ex-president said he’s become “unreachable” to anyone outside his limited circle of loyal aides, longtime friends and die-hard political allies.​
That's about to change. According to three people familiar with the planning, Trump will soon begin vetting candidates at Mar-a-Lago who are eager to fulfill his promise to exact vengeance upon incumbent Republicans who’ve scorned him, and to ensure every open GOP seat in the 2022 midterms has a MAGA-approved contender vying for it.​
Earlier this week, Trump met with his former campaign manager Brad Parscale to discuss online fundraising components to support his efforts and how he can utilize social media despite his ban from popular websites like Twitter. Trump also met with House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), and his eldest son Don Jr. earlier this week.​
“We are in the process of putting together a more formal schedule for candidates who want to come get his endorsement,” said senior Trump adviser Jason Miller, noting that Trump’s meetings so far have been limited to golf friends, Mar-a-Lago members and “folks with the ability to contact him themselves.”​

Why would President Trump meet with Gov. Haley, AFTER she disrespected him?

She should meet with President Biden IMHO.
She was so good to trump When she resigned. Everyone knows she will run for President. Is she now a rino?

Ms. Haley denounced President Trump this year. She isn't an ally of him, why should he meet her at all? They aren't friends, they aren't allies, and Haley has political ambitions where she is pandering to the Anti-Trump vote. I'd say she should feel herself fortunate that he didn't agree to the photo ops considering her ambitions and her anti-Trump base.
You can’t hate her for appealing to old school republicans.

No she won’t be like trump but she would appoint conservative judges and sign republican legislation.

Would she open up the keystone pipeline?

I don't know what she would do, really. She really doesn't have a record to show that she supports Presidents who appoint conservative judges or open pipelines. Maybe she would, but she really needs to achieve a record of accomplishment. Just saying "me too" to Trump's accomplishments-a man she despises, while at the same time brutalizing the man, sends a mixed message.

If Ms. Haley could build a record of success in the field of Excellence, I would certainly consider voting for her.
How come Ben Carson isn’t on your short list?

Short list for what?

The Republican list for 2024 is just one individual, Donald J. Trump, if they are interested in winning. For 2028, sure Dr. Carson would be a tremendous choice.

But Carson is too mild mannered to fight back IMHO with the Democrats. I don't think he has the temperament to take the media to task.
Good reply.

Trump is too old and out of shape. He won’t be alive in 2024. The court cases are going to kill him.

Trump is in tremendous shape. The man has a signed letter from a top medical expert verifying that he is without a doubt, "The Healthiest President Almighty God ever created"

Trump's doctor died and he said Trump wrote that letter. Trump weighs 300 pounds and can't walk.
It’s funny tr7mp supporters see him differently than the rest of us. To them he looks honest when he’s clearly full of shit. And he seems thin and handsome to them when he’s really fat and ugly.

My favorite was when that woman at the debate told him he has a great smile then he smiled and he soooo doesn’t have a good smile. Tom Brady has a nice smile. Trump?

View attachment 459790

Dentures ^ Guaranteed :)
Doesn't appear that Miss Lindsey's kum ba yah trip to West Palm did a bit of good. Donnie's Revenge Tour is about to begin. We warned you in 2015 that Donald would destroy the Republican Party. We were not mistaken.

For weeks now, Trump has rejected meetings with everyone from former South Carolina governor and 2024 hopeful Nikki Haley to House and Senate GOP candidates vying for his ear — preferring to spend his days leisurely calling friends, binging cable news, golfing with a rotating cast of partners and basking in standing ovations whenever he arrives for dinner on Mar-a-Lago’s outdoor patio. One person close to the ex-president said he’s become “unreachable” to anyone outside his limited circle of loyal aides, longtime friends and die-hard political allies.​
That's about to change. According to three people familiar with the planning, Trump will soon begin vetting candidates at Mar-a-Lago who are eager to fulfill his promise to exact vengeance upon incumbent Republicans who’ve scorned him, and to ensure every open GOP seat in the 2022 midterms has a MAGA-approved contender vying for it.​
Earlier this week, Trump met with his former campaign manager Brad Parscale to discuss online fundraising components to support his efforts and how he can utilize social media despite his ban from popular websites like Twitter. Trump also met with House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), and his eldest son Don Jr. earlier this week.​
“We are in the process of putting together a more formal schedule for candidates who want to come get his endorsement,” said senior Trump adviser Jason Miller, noting that Trump’s meetings so far have been limited to golf friends, Mar-a-Lago members and “folks with the ability to contact him themselves.”​

Doesn't appear that Miss Lindsey's kum ba yah trip to West Palm did a bit of good. Donnie's Revenge Tour is about to begin. We warned you in 2015 that Donald would destroy the Republican Party. We were not mistaken.

For weeks now, Trump has rejected meetings with everyone from former South Carolina governor and 2024 hopeful Nikki Haley to House and Senate GOP candidates vying for his ear — preferring to spend his days leisurely calling friends, binging cable news, golfing with a rotating cast of partners and basking in standing ovations whenever he arrives for dinner on Mar-a-Lago’s outdoor patio. One person close to the ex-president said he’s become “unreachable” to anyone outside his limited circle of loyal aides, longtime friends and die-hard political allies.​
That's about to change. According to three people familiar with the planning, Trump will soon begin vetting candidates at Mar-a-Lago who are eager to fulfill his promise to exact vengeance upon incumbent Republicans who’ve scorned him, and to ensure every open GOP seat in the 2022 midterms has a MAGA-approved contender vying for it.​
Earlier this week, Trump met with his former campaign manager Brad Parscale to discuss online fundraising components to support his efforts and how he can utilize social media despite his ban from popular websites like Twitter. Trump also met with House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), and his eldest son Don Jr. earlier this week.​
“We are in the process of putting together a more formal schedule for candidates who want to come get his endorsement,” said senior Trump adviser Jason Miller, noting that Trump’s meetings so far have been limited to golf friends, Mar-a-Lago members and “folks with the ability to contact him themselves.”​

Why would President Trump meet with Gov. Haley, AFTER she disrespected him?

She should meet with President Biden IMHO.
She was so good to trump When she resigned. Everyone knows she will run for President. Is she now a rino?

Ms. Haley denounced President Trump this year. She isn't an ally of him, why should he meet her at all? They aren't friends, they aren't allies, and Haley has political ambitions where she is pandering to the Anti-Trump vote. I'd say she should feel herself fortunate that he didn't agree to the photo ops considering her ambitions and her anti-Trump base.
You can’t hate her for appealing to old school republicans.

No she won’t be like trump but she would appoint conservative judges and sign republican legislation.

Would she open up the keystone pipeline?

I don't know what she would do, really. She really doesn't have a record to show that she supports Presidents who appoint conservative judges or open pipelines. Maybe she would, but she really needs to achieve a record of accomplishment. Just saying "me too" to Trump's accomplishments-a man she despises, while at the same time brutalizing the man, sends a mixed message.

If Ms. Haley could build a record of success in the field of Excellence, I would certainly consider voting for her.
How come Ben Carson isn’t on your short list?

Short list for what?

The Republican list for 2024 is just one individual, Donald J. Trump, if they are interested in winning. For 2028, sure Dr. Carson would be a tremendous choice.

But Carson is too mild mannered to fight back IMHO with the Democrats. I don't think he has the temperament to take the media to task.
Good reply.

Trump is too old and out of shape. He won’t be alive in 2024. The court cases are going to kill him.

Trump is in tremendous shape. The man has a signed letter from a top medical expert verifying that he is without a doubt, "The Healthiest President Almighty God ever created"

Trump's doctor died and he said Trump wrote that letter. Trump weighs 300 pounds and can't walk.
It’s funny tr7mp supporters see him differently than the rest of us. To them he looks honest when he’s clearly full of shit. And he seems thin and handsome to them when he’s really fat and ugly.

My favorite was when that woman at the debate told him he has a great smile then he smiled and he soooo doesn’t have a good smile. Tom Brady has a nice smile. Trump?

View attachment 459790

Dentures ^ Guaranteed :)
That is such a forced smile on trumps face. It almost looks like it hurts.

Doesn't appear that Miss Lindsey's kum ba yah trip to West Palm did a bit of good. Donnie's Revenge Tour is about to begin. We warned you in 2015 that Donald would destroy the Republican Party. We were not mistaken.

For weeks now, Trump has rejected meetings with everyone from former South Carolina governor and 2024 hopeful Nikki Haley to House and Senate GOP candidates vying for his ear — preferring to spend his days leisurely calling friends, binging cable news, golfing with a rotating cast of partners and basking in standing ovations whenever he arrives for dinner on Mar-a-Lago’s outdoor patio. One person close to the ex-president said he’s become “unreachable” to anyone outside his limited circle of loyal aides, longtime friends and die-hard political allies.​
That's about to change. According to three people familiar with the planning, Trump will soon begin vetting candidates at Mar-a-Lago who are eager to fulfill his promise to exact vengeance upon incumbent Republicans who’ve scorned him, and to ensure every open GOP seat in the 2022 midterms has a MAGA-approved contender vying for it.​
Earlier this week, Trump met with his former campaign manager Brad Parscale to discuss online fundraising components to support his efforts and how he can utilize social media despite his ban from popular websites like Twitter. Trump also met with House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), and his eldest son Don Jr. earlier this week.​
“We are in the process of putting together a more formal schedule for candidates who want to come get his endorsement,” said senior Trump adviser Jason Miller, noting that Trump’s meetings so far have been limited to golf friends, Mar-a-Lago members and “folks with the ability to contact him themselves.”​

Why would President Trump meet with Gov. Haley, AFTER she disrespected him?

She should meet with President Biden IMHO.
She was so good to trump When she resigned. Everyone knows she will run for President. Is she now a rino?

Ms. Haley denounced President Trump this year. She isn't an ally of him, why should he meet her at all? They aren't friends, they aren't allies, and Haley has political ambitions where she is pandering to the Anti-Trump vote. I'd say she should feel herself fortunate that he didn't agree to the photo ops considering her ambitions and her anti-Trump base.
You can’t hate her for appealing to old school republicans.

No she won’t be like trump but she would appoint conservative judges and sign republican legislation.

Would she open up the keystone pipeline?

I don't know what she would do, really. She really doesn't have a record to show that she supports Presidents who appoint conservative judges or open pipelines. Maybe she would, but she really needs to achieve a record of accomplishment. Just saying "me too" to Trump's accomplishments-a man she despises, while at the same time brutalizing the man, sends a mixed message.

If Ms. Haley could build a record of success in the field of Excellence, I would certainly consider voting for her.
How come Ben Carson isn’t on your short list?

Short list for what?

The Republican list for 2024 is just one individual, Donald J. Trump, if they are interested in winning. For 2028, sure Dr. Carson would be a tremendous choice.

But Carson is too mild mannered to fight back IMHO with the Democrats. I don't think he has the temperament to take the media to task.
Good reply.

Trump is too old and out of shape. He won’t be alive in 2024. The court cases are going to kill him.

Trump is in tremendous shape. The man has a signed letter from a top medical expert verifying that he is without a doubt, "The Healthiest President Almighty God ever created"

Trump's doctor died and he said Trump wrote that letter. Trump weighs 300 pounds and can't walk.
It’s funny tr7mp supporters see him differently than the rest of us. To them he looks honest when he’s clearly full of shit. And he seems thin and handsome to them when he’s really fat and ugly.

My favorite was when that woman at the debate told him he has a great smile then he smiled and he soooo doesn’t have a good smile. Tom Brady has a nice smile. Trump?

View attachment 459790

Dentures ^ Guaranteed :)
Here is a picture of someone with a good smile standing next to someone who doesn’t have a good smile

Doesn't appear that Miss Lindsey's kum ba yah trip to West Palm did a bit of good. Donnie's Revenge Tour is about to begin. We warned you in 2015 that Donald would destroy the Republican Party. We were not mistaken.

For weeks now, Trump has rejected meetings with everyone from former South Carolina governor and 2024 hopeful Nikki Haley to House and Senate GOP candidates vying for his ear — preferring to spend his days leisurely calling friends, binging cable news, golfing with a rotating cast of partners and basking in standing ovations whenever he arrives for dinner on Mar-a-Lago’s outdoor patio. One person close to the ex-president said he’s become “unreachable” to anyone outside his limited circle of loyal aides, longtime friends and die-hard political allies.​
That's about to change. According to three people familiar with the planning, Trump will soon begin vetting candidates at Mar-a-Lago who are eager to fulfill his promise to exact vengeance upon incumbent Republicans who’ve scorned him, and to ensure every open GOP seat in the 2022 midterms has a MAGA-approved contender vying for it.​
Earlier this week, Trump met with his former campaign manager Brad Parscale to discuss online fundraising components to support his efforts and how he can utilize social media despite his ban from popular websites like Twitter. Trump also met with House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), and his eldest son Don Jr. earlier this week.​
“We are in the process of putting together a more formal schedule for candidates who want to come get his endorsement,” said senior Trump adviser Jason Miller, noting that Trump’s meetings so far have been limited to golf friends, Mar-a-Lago members and “folks with the ability to contact him themselves.”​

Why would President Trump meet with Gov. Haley, AFTER she disrespected him?

She should meet with President Biden IMHO.
She was so good to trump When she resigned. Everyone knows she will run for President. Is she now a rino?

Ms. Haley denounced President Trump this year. She isn't an ally of him, why should he meet her at all? They aren't friends, they aren't allies, and Haley has political ambitions where she is pandering to the Anti-Trump vote. I'd say she should feel herself fortunate that he didn't agree to the photo ops considering her ambitions and her anti-Trump base.
You can’t hate her for appealing to old school republicans.

No she won’t be like trump but she would appoint conservative judges and sign republican legislation.

Would she open up the keystone pipeline?

I don't know what she would do, really. She really doesn't have a record to show that she supports Presidents who appoint conservative judges or open pipelines. Maybe she would, but she really needs to achieve a record of accomplishment. Just saying "me too" to Trump's accomplishments-a man she despises, while at the same time brutalizing the man, sends a mixed message.

If Ms. Haley could build a record of success in the field of Excellence, I would certainly consider voting for her.
How come Ben Carson isn’t on your short list?

Short list for what?

The Republican list for 2024 is just one individual, Donald J. Trump, if they are interested in winning. For 2028, sure Dr. Carson would be a tremendous choice.

But Carson is too mild mannered to fight back IMHO with the Democrats. I don't think he has the temperament to take the media to task.
Good reply.

Trump is too old and out of shape. He won’t be alive in 2024. The court cases are going to kill him.

Trump is in tremendous shape. The man has a signed letter from a top medical expert verifying that he is without a doubt, "The Healthiest President Almighty God ever created"

Trump's doctor died and he said Trump wrote that letter. Trump weighs 300 pounds and can't walk.
It’s funny tr7mp supporters see him differently than the rest of us. To them he looks honest when he’s clearly full of shit. And he seems thin and handsome to them when he’s really fat and ugly.

My favorite was when that woman at the debate told him he has a great smile then he smiled and he soooo doesn’t have a good smile. Tom Brady has a nice smile. Trump?

View attachment 459790

Dentures ^ Guaranteed :)
That is such a forced smile on trumps face. It almost looks like it hurts.

Those phony chompers didn't come cheap. And rumor has it, Mexico refused to pay for them. :D
Doesn't appear that Miss Lindsey's kum ba yah trip to West Palm did a bit of good. Donnie's Revenge Tour is about to begin. We warned you in 2015 that Donald would destroy the Republican Party. We were not mistaken.

For weeks now, Trump has rejected meetings with everyone from former South Carolina governor and 2024 hopeful Nikki Haley to House and Senate GOP candidates vying for his ear — preferring to spend his days leisurely calling friends, binging cable news, golfing with a rotating cast of partners and basking in standing ovations whenever he arrives for dinner on Mar-a-Lago’s outdoor patio. One person close to the ex-president said he’s become “unreachable” to anyone outside his limited circle of loyal aides, longtime friends and die-hard political allies.​
That's about to change. According to three people familiar with the planning, Trump will soon begin vetting candidates at Mar-a-Lago who are eager to fulfill his promise to exact vengeance upon incumbent Republicans who’ve scorned him, and to ensure every open GOP seat in the 2022 midterms has a MAGA-approved contender vying for it.​
Earlier this week, Trump met with his former campaign manager Brad Parscale to discuss online fundraising components to support his efforts and how he can utilize social media despite his ban from popular websites like Twitter. Trump also met with House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), and his eldest son Don Jr. earlier this week.​
“We are in the process of putting together a more formal schedule for candidates who want to come get his endorsement,” said senior Trump adviser Jason Miller, noting that Trump’s meetings so far have been limited to golf friends, Mar-a-Lago members and “folks with the ability to contact him themselves.”​


You still lie for this guy?

Doesn't appear that Miss Lindsey's kum ba yah trip to West Palm did a bit of good. Donnie's Revenge Tour is about to begin. We warned you in 2015 that Donald would destroy the Republican Party. We were not mistaken.

For weeks now, Trump has rejected meetings with everyone from former South Carolina governor and 2024 hopeful Nikki Haley to House and Senate GOP candidates vying for his ear — preferring to spend his days leisurely calling friends, binging cable news, golfing with a rotating cast of partners and basking in standing ovations whenever he arrives for dinner on Mar-a-Lago’s outdoor patio. One person close to the ex-president said he’s become “unreachable” to anyone outside his limited circle of loyal aides, longtime friends and die-hard political allies.​
That's about to change. According to three people familiar with the planning, Trump will soon begin vetting candidates at Mar-a-Lago who are eager to fulfill his promise to exact vengeance upon incumbent Republicans who’ve scorned him, and to ensure every open GOP seat in the 2022 midterms has a MAGA-approved contender vying for it.​
Earlier this week, Trump met with his former campaign manager Brad Parscale to discuss online fundraising components to support his efforts and how he can utilize social media despite his ban from popular websites like Twitter. Trump also met with House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), and his eldest son Don Jr. earlier this week.​
“We are in the process of putting together a more formal schedule for candidates who want to come get his endorsement,” said senior Trump adviser Jason Miller, noting that Trump’s meetings so far have been limited to golf friends, Mar-a-Lago members and “folks with the ability to contact him themselves.”​

If Trump is so reviled, why wouldn't his snub of Ms. Haley be a feather in her cap as she seeks votes from leftists in her possible 2024 run?

Sounds like he would be doing her a solid, no?
Doesn't appear that Miss Lindsey's kum ba yah trip to West Palm did a bit of good. Donnie's Revenge Tour is about to begin. We warned you in 2015 that Donald would destroy the Republican Party. We were not mistaken.

For weeks now, Trump has rejected meetings with everyone from former South Carolina governor and 2024 hopeful Nikki Haley to House and Senate GOP candidates vying for his ear — preferring to spend his days leisurely calling friends, binging cable news, golfing with a rotating cast of partners and basking in standing ovations whenever he arrives for dinner on Mar-a-Lago’s outdoor patio. One person close to the ex-president said he’s become “unreachable” to anyone outside his limited circle of loyal aides, longtime friends and die-hard political allies.​
That's about to change. According to three people familiar with the planning, Trump will soon begin vetting candidates at Mar-a-Lago who are eager to fulfill his promise to exact vengeance upon incumbent Republicans who’ve scorned him, and to ensure every open GOP seat in the 2022 midterms has a MAGA-approved contender vying for it.​
Earlier this week, Trump met with his former campaign manager Brad Parscale to discuss online fundraising components to support his efforts and how he can utilize social media despite his ban from popular websites like Twitter. Trump also met with House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), and his eldest son Don Jr. earlier this week.​
“We are in the process of putting together a more formal schedule for candidates who want to come get his endorsement,” said senior Trump adviser Jason Miller, noting that Trump’s meetings so far have been limited to golf friends, Mar-a-Lago members and “folks with the ability to contact him themselves.”​


You still lie for this guy?

"Spaz" is a perfect nick for this asshole. Lock 'im up!

Doesn't appear that Miss Lindsey's kum ba yah trip to West Palm did a bit of good. Donnie's Revenge Tour is about to begin. We warned you in 2015 that Donald would destroy the Republican Party. We were not mistaken.

For weeks now, Trump has rejected meetings with everyone from former South Carolina governor and 2024 hopeful Nikki Haley to House and Senate GOP candidates vying for his ear — preferring to spend his days leisurely calling friends, binging cable news, golfing with a rotating cast of partners and basking in standing ovations whenever he arrives for dinner on Mar-a-Lago’s outdoor patio. One person close to the ex-president said he’s become “unreachable” to anyone outside his limited circle of loyal aides, longtime friends and die-hard political allies.​
That's about to change. According to three people familiar with the planning, Trump will soon begin vetting candidates at Mar-a-Lago who are eager to fulfill his promise to exact vengeance upon incumbent Republicans who’ve scorned him, and to ensure every open GOP seat in the 2022 midterms has a MAGA-approved contender vying for it.​
Earlier this week, Trump met with his former campaign manager Brad Parscale to discuss online fundraising components to support his efforts and how he can utilize social media despite his ban from popular websites like Twitter. Trump also met with House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), and his eldest son Don Jr. earlier this week.​
“We are in the process of putting together a more formal schedule for candidates who want to come get his endorsement,” said senior Trump adviser Jason Miller, noting that Trump’s meetings so far have been limited to golf friends, Mar-a-Lago members and “folks with the ability to contact him themselves.”​

If Trump is so reviled, why wouldn't his snub of Ms. Haley be a feather in her cap as she seeks votes from leftists in her possible 2024 run?

Sounds like he would be doing her a solid, no?
Haley knows she has your support locked down. She could stand on 5th Avenue and murder someone and not lose one vote.

Her or biden? Who you voting for?
Doesn't appear that Miss Lindsey's kum ba yah trip to West Palm did a bit of good. Donnie's Revenge Tour is about to begin. We warned you in 2015 that Donald would destroy the Republican Party. We were not mistaken.

For weeks now, Trump has rejected meetings with everyone from former South Carolina governor and 2024 hopeful Nikki Haley to House and Senate GOP candidates vying for his ear — preferring to spend his days leisurely calling friends, binging cable news, golfing with a rotating cast of partners and basking in standing ovations whenever he arrives for dinner on Mar-a-Lago’s outdoor patio. One person close to the ex-president said he’s become “unreachable” to anyone outside his limited circle of loyal aides, longtime friends and die-hard political allies.​
That's about to change. According to three people familiar with the planning, Trump will soon begin vetting candidates at Mar-a-Lago who are eager to fulfill his promise to exact vengeance upon incumbent Republicans who’ve scorned him, and to ensure every open GOP seat in the 2022 midterms has a MAGA-approved contender vying for it.​
Earlier this week, Trump met with his former campaign manager Brad Parscale to discuss online fundraising components to support his efforts and how he can utilize social media despite his ban from popular websites like Twitter. Trump also met with House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), and his eldest son Don Jr. earlier this week.​
“We are in the process of putting together a more formal schedule for candidates who want to come get his endorsement,” said senior Trump adviser Jason Miller, noting that Trump’s meetings so far have been limited to golf friends, Mar-a-Lago members and “folks with the ability to contact him themselves.”​

If Trump is so reviled, why wouldn't his snub of Ms. Haley be a feather in her cap as she seeks votes from leftists in her possible 2024 run?

Sounds like he would be doing her a solid, no?
Haley knows she has your support locked down. She could stand on 5th Avenue and murder someone and not lose one vote.

Her or biden? Who you voting for?

If Rump ain't on the ticket - Many if not most of his minions will sit it out.

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