Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”
Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”

Thing is, the trumpanzees aren't interested in facts.

They believe every nugget of BS he spews.
Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”
So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.
Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”
What’s stupid is Trump supporters who continue to believe Trump’s lies.
Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”
So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.

You really look foolish when you makes these sorts of posts....
Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”
So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.

You really look foolish when you makes these sorts of posts....
No answer eh? That's what I figured. Just another WHINE from a member of the snowflake left.
Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”
So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.

You really look foolish when you makes these sorts of posts....
No answer eh? That's what I figured. Just another WHINE from a member of the snowflake left.
Odd..***looks down at screen***...I could swear there's an answer just staring right up at you.

But, to reply in kind..just another evasive, non-informative deflection from the epitome of Trump supporter.

Way to represent your kind and your class.

Yes, you are supposed to believe the truth..and you are supposed to be able to use the tools literally at your fingertips to verify and confirm the truth.

But'd have to know the truth when you see it..and you'd have to be able to be honest it about when you are wrong..and be able to admit it.

Not is it?
Oh the media. Claiming there was no meeting when everyone knows commemorative coins were minted just to honor the meeting between L'l Kim and "The Don". What do they think we are? Stupid?

Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”
So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.

You really look foolish when you makes these sorts of posts....
No answer eh? That's what I figured. Just another WHINE from a member of the snowflake left.

How about every other news outlet that is reporting the same thing that was at the same briefing?

Oh wait, you are a fucking Trump zealot so in your world they are all lying..:290968001256257790-final:
Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”
So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.

Another Trump lie. As @yashar reports, the senior WH official quoted does exist. He is Matt Pottinger and Lordy there are tapes. Donald J. Trump on Twitter

— Preet Bharara (@PreetBharara) May 26, 2018
Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”
So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.

You really look foolish when you makes these sorts of posts....
No answer eh? That's what I figured. Just another WHINE from a member of the snowflake left.
Odd..***looks down at screen***...I could swear there's an answer just staring right up at you.

But, to reply in kind..just another evasive, non-informative deflection from the epitome of Trump supporter.

Way to represent your kind and your class.

Yes, you are supposed to believe the truth..and you are supposed to be able to use the tools literally at your fingertips to verify and confirm the truth.

But'd have to know the truth when you see it..and you'd have to be able to be honest it about when you are wrong..and be able to admit it.

Not is it?
The problem is New York Times and TRUTH are 2 words that can NEVER be used in same sentence....sorry.
Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”
So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.

Another Trump lie. As @yashar reports, the senior WH official quoted does exist. He is Matt Pottinger and Lordy there are tapes. Donald J. Trump on Twitter

— Preet Bharara (@PreetBharara) May 26, 2018
Another America Hating,Trump hating clown....not to be believed. Its sad so many people are aiding the enemy....
Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”
So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.

You really look foolish when you makes these sorts of posts....
No answer eh? That's what I figured. Just another WHINE from a member of the snowflake left.
Odd..***looks down at screen***...I could swear there's an answer just staring right up at you.

But, to reply in kind..just another evasive, non-informative deflection from the epitome of Trump supporter.

Way to represent your kind and your class.

Yes, you are supposed to believe the truth..and you are supposed to be able to use the tools literally at your fingertips to verify and confirm the truth.

But'd have to know the truth when you see it..and you'd have to be able to be honest it about when you are wrong..and be able to admit it.

Not is it?
The problem is New York Times and TRUTH are 2 words that can NEVER be used in same sentence....sorry.

You truly amuse!! Tell me..can you prove the story false? Of course not! Yet, you, a Trump ass-licker, dare to comment on the truth!

Even most of the Trump base know that he's a liar--they just don't care. But actually believe!!!

Oh..too funny!
Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”
So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.

Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”
So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.

You really look foolish when you makes these sorts of posts....
No answer eh? That's what I figured. Just another WHINE from a member of the snowflake left.
Odd..***looks down at screen***...I could swear there's an answer just staring right up at you.

But, to reply in kind..just another evasive, non-informative deflection from the epitome of Trump supporter.

Way to represent your kind and your class.

Yes, you are supposed to believe the truth..and you are supposed to be able to use the tools literally at your fingertips to verify and confirm the truth.

But'd have to know the truth when you see it..and you'd have to be able to be honest it about when you are wrong..and be able to admit it.

Not is it?
The problem is New York Times and TRUTH are 2 words that can NEVER be used in same sentence....sorry.

Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”
So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.

Another Trump lie. As @yashar reports, the senior WH official quoted does exist. He is Matt Pottinger and Lordy there are tapes. Donald J. Trump on Twitter

— Preet Bharara (@PreetBharara) May 26, 2018
Another America Hating,Trump hating clown....not to be believed. Its sad so many people are aiding the enemy....


I wonder how long it'll be before you realize what a fucking moron you are.

Next time, read the story before you post.
So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.

You really look foolish when you makes these sorts of posts....
No answer eh? That's what I figured. Just another WHINE from a member of the snowflake left.
Odd..***looks down at screen***...I could swear there's an answer just staring right up at you.

But, to reply in kind..just another evasive, non-informative deflection from the epitome of Trump supporter.

Way to represent your kind and your class.

Yes, you are supposed to believe the truth..and you are supposed to be able to use the tools literally at your fingertips to verify and confirm the truth.

But'd have to know the truth when you see it..and you'd have to be able to be honest it about when you are wrong..and be able to admit it.

Not is it?
The problem is New York Times and TRUTH are 2 words that can NEVER be used in same sentence....sorry.

You truly amuse!! Tell me..can you prove the story false? Of course not! Yet, you, a Trump ass-licker, dare to comment on the truth!

Even most of the Trump base know that he's a liar--they just don't care. But actually believe!!!

Oh..too funny!
Oh I don't care. I just refuse to listen to a KNOWN lying media outlet who has had to backtrack and has outright LIED about President Trump since he started running for President. They are the enemy.
Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”
So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.

So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.

You really look foolish when you makes these sorts of posts....
No answer eh? That's what I figured. Just another WHINE from a member of the snowflake left.
Odd..***looks down at screen***...I could swear there's an answer just staring right up at you.

But, to reply in kind..just another evasive, non-informative deflection from the epitome of Trump supporter.

Way to represent your kind and your class.

Yes, you are supposed to believe the truth..and you are supposed to be able to use the tools literally at your fingertips to verify and confirm the truth.

But'd have to know the truth when you see it..and you'd have to be able to be honest it about when you are wrong..and be able to admit it.

Not is it?
The problem is New York Times and TRUTH are 2 words that can NEVER be used in same sentence....sorry.

Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”
So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.

Another Trump lie. As @yashar reports, the senior WH official quoted does exist. He is Matt Pottinger and Lordy there are tapes. Donald J. Trump on Twitter

— Preet Bharara (@PreetBharara) May 26, 2018
Another America Hating,Trump hating clown....not to be believed. Its sad so many people are aiding the enemy....


I wonder how long it'll be before you realize what a fucking moron you are.

Next time, read the story before you post.

My candidate won. Yours LOST,AFTER rigging the primaries,the debates AND the general election! Yeah I am the moron....LMAO

You really look foolish when you makes these sorts of posts....
No answer eh? That's what I figured. Just another WHINE from a member of the snowflake left.
Odd..***looks down at screen***...I could swear there's an answer just staring right up at you.

But, to reply in kind..just another evasive, non-informative deflection from the epitome of Trump supporter.

Way to represent your kind and your class.

Yes, you are supposed to believe the truth..and you are supposed to be able to use the tools literally at your fingertips to verify and confirm the truth.

But'd have to know the truth when you see it..and you'd have to be able to be honest it about when you are wrong..and be able to admit it.

Not is it?
The problem is New York Times and TRUTH are 2 words that can NEVER be used in same sentence....sorry.

You truly amuse!! Tell me..can you prove the story false? Of course not! Yet, you, a Trump ass-licker, dare to comment on the truth!

Even most of the Trump base know that he's a liar--they just don't care. But actually believe!!!

Oh..too funny!
Oh I don't care. I just refuse to listen to a KNOWN lying media outlet who has had to backtrack and has outright LIED about President Trump since he started running for President. They are the enemy.
Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”
So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.


You really look foolish when you makes these sorts of posts....
No answer eh? That's what I figured. Just another WHINE from a member of the snowflake left.
Odd..***looks down at screen***...I could swear there's an answer just staring right up at you.

But, to reply in kind..just another evasive, non-informative deflection from the epitome of Trump supporter.

Way to represent your kind and your class.

Yes, you are supposed to believe the truth..and you are supposed to be able to use the tools literally at your fingertips to verify and confirm the truth.

But'd have to know the truth when you see it..and you'd have to be able to be honest it about when you are wrong..and be able to admit it.

Not is it?
The problem is New York Times and TRUTH are 2 words that can NEVER be used in same sentence....sorry.

Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”
So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.

Another Trump lie. As @yashar reports, the senior WH official quoted does exist. He is Matt Pottinger and Lordy there are tapes. Donald J. Trump on Twitter

— Preet Bharara (@PreetBharara) May 26, 2018
Another America Hating,Trump hating clown....not to be believed. Its sad so many people are aiding the enemy....


I wonder how long it'll be before you realize what a fucking moron you are.

Next time, read the story before you post.

My candidate won. Yours LOST,AFTER rigging the primaries,the debates AND the general election! Yeah I am the moron....LMAO


We already know that you don't care about truth, Nazi-boi. You're the perfect Trump voter.

And I didn't vote for Hillary.

You really look foolish when you makes these sorts of posts....
No answer eh? That's what I figured. Just another WHINE from a member of the snowflake left.
Odd..***looks down at screen***...I could swear there's an answer just staring right up at you.

But, to reply in kind..just another evasive, non-informative deflection from the epitome of Trump supporter.

Way to represent your kind and your class.

Yes, you are supposed to believe the truth..and you are supposed to be able to use the tools literally at your fingertips to verify and confirm the truth.

But'd have to know the truth when you see it..and you'd have to be able to be honest it about when you are wrong..and be able to admit it.

Not is it?
The problem is New York Times and TRUTH are 2 words that can NEVER be used in same sentence....sorry.

You truly amuse!! Tell me..can you prove the story false? Of course not! Yet, you, a Trump ass-licker, dare to comment on the truth!

Even most of the Trump base know that he's a liar--they just don't care. But actually believe!!!

Oh..too funny!
Oh I don't care. I just refuse to listen to a KNOWN lying media outlet who has had to backtrack and has outright LIED about President Trump since he started running for President. They are the enemy.
Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”
So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.


You really look foolish when you makes these sorts of posts....
No answer eh? That's what I figured. Just another WHINE from a member of the snowflake left.
Odd..***looks down at screen***...I could swear there's an answer just staring right up at you.

But, to reply in kind..just another evasive, non-informative deflection from the epitome of Trump supporter.

Way to represent your kind and your class.

Yes, you are supposed to believe the truth..and you are supposed to be able to use the tools literally at your fingertips to verify and confirm the truth.

But'd have to know the truth when you see it..and you'd have to be able to be honest it about when you are wrong..and be able to admit it.

Not is it?
The problem is New York Times and TRUTH are 2 words that can NEVER be used in same sentence....sorry.

Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”
So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.

Another Trump lie. As @yashar reports, the senior WH official quoted does exist. He is Matt Pottinger and Lordy there are tapes. Donald J. Trump on Twitter

— Preet Bharara (@PreetBharara) May 26, 2018
Another America Hating,Trump hating clown....not to be believed. Its sad so many people are aiding the enemy....


I wonder how long it'll be before you realize what a fucking moron you are.

Next time, read the story before you post.

My candidate won. Yours LOST,AFTER rigging the primaries,the debates AND the general election! Yeah I am the moron....LMAO
Ironic that Trump talks about patriotism when that nasty fuking son of a b!tch had five defferments over bone fuking spurs and said he liked people that weren't captured during America's wars.
You know, the captured who were tortured, starved and murdered. Trump doesn't like them.

People who admire this thing are as awful as he is.

You really look foolish when you makes these sorts of posts....
No answer eh? That's what I figured. Just another WHINE from a member of the snowflake left.
Odd..***looks down at screen***...I could swear there's an answer just staring right up at you.

But, to reply in kind..just another evasive, non-informative deflection from the epitome of Trump supporter.

Way to represent your kind and your class.

Yes, you are supposed to believe the truth..and you are supposed to be able to use the tools literally at your fingertips to verify and confirm the truth.

But'd have to know the truth when you see it..and you'd have to be able to be honest it about when you are wrong..and be able to admit it.

Not is it?
The problem is New York Times and TRUTH are 2 words that can NEVER be used in same sentence....sorry.

You truly amuse!! Tell me..can you prove the story false? Of course not! Yet, you, a Trump ass-licker, dare to comment on the truth!

Even most of the Trump base know that he's a liar--they just don't care. But actually believe!!!

Oh..too funny!
Oh I don't care. I just refuse to listen to a KNOWN lying media outlet who has had to backtrack and has outright LIED about President Trump since he started running for President. They are the enemy.
Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”
So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.


You really look foolish when you makes these sorts of posts....
No answer eh? That's what I figured. Just another WHINE from a member of the snowflake left.
Odd..***looks down at screen***...I could swear there's an answer just staring right up at you.

But, to reply in kind..just another evasive, non-informative deflection from the epitome of Trump supporter.

Way to represent your kind and your class.

Yes, you are supposed to believe the truth..and you are supposed to be able to use the tools literally at your fingertips to verify and confirm the truth.

But'd have to know the truth when you see it..and you'd have to be able to be honest it about when you are wrong..and be able to admit it.

Not is it?
The problem is New York Times and TRUTH are 2 words that can NEVER be used in same sentence....sorry.

Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”
So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.

Another Trump lie. As @yashar reports, the senior WH official quoted does exist. He is Matt Pottinger and Lordy there are tapes. Donald J. Trump on Twitter

— Preet Bharara (@PreetBharara) May 26, 2018
Another America Hating,Trump hating clown....not to be believed. Its sad so many people are aiding the enemy....


I wonder how long it'll be before you realize what a fucking moron you are.

Next time, read the story before you post.

My candidate won. Yours LOST,AFTER rigging the primaries,the debates AND the general election! Yeah I am the moron....LMAO

Yes...Yes you are. Somehow..your ilk still believe that winning elections excuses have this fantasy that everyone..even a life long Republican like butt hurt about Trump winning.

It really is sad..I guess. You could just have read the OP..and STFU--would have saved yourself the humiliation.,
No answer eh? That's what I figured. Just another WHINE from a member of the snowflake left.
Odd..***looks down at screen***...I could swear there's an answer just staring right up at you.

But, to reply in kind..just another evasive, non-informative deflection from the epitome of Trump supporter.

Way to represent your kind and your class.

Yes, you are supposed to believe the truth..and you are supposed to be able to use the tools literally at your fingertips to verify and confirm the truth.

But'd have to know the truth when you see it..and you'd have to be able to be honest it about when you are wrong..and be able to admit it.

Not is it?
The problem is New York Times and TRUTH are 2 words that can NEVER be used in same sentence....sorry.

You truly amuse!! Tell me..can you prove the story false? Of course not! Yet, you, a Trump ass-licker, dare to comment on the truth!

Even most of the Trump base know that he's a liar--they just don't care. But actually believe!!!

Oh..too funny!
Oh I don't care. I just refuse to listen to a KNOWN lying media outlet who has had to backtrack and has outright LIED about President Trump since he started running for President. They are the enemy.
Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”
So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.

No answer eh? That's what I figured. Just another WHINE from a member of the snowflake left.
Odd..***looks down at screen***...I could swear there's an answer just staring right up at you.

But, to reply in kind..just another evasive, non-informative deflection from the epitome of Trump supporter.

Way to represent your kind and your class.

Yes, you are supposed to believe the truth..and you are supposed to be able to use the tools literally at your fingertips to verify and confirm the truth.

But'd have to know the truth when you see it..and you'd have to be able to be honest it about when you are wrong..and be able to admit it.

Not is it?
The problem is New York Times and TRUTH are 2 words that can NEVER be used in same sentence....sorry.

So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.

Another Trump lie. As @yashar reports, the senior WH official quoted does exist. He is Matt Pottinger and Lordy there are tapes. Donald J. Trump on Twitter

— Preet Bharara (@PreetBharara) May 26, 2018
Another America Hating,Trump hating clown....not to be believed. Its sad so many people are aiding the enemy....


I wonder how long it'll be before you realize what a fucking moron you are.

Next time, read the story before you post.

My candidate won. Yours LOST,AFTER rigging the primaries,the debates AND the general election! Yeah I am the moron....LMAO


We already know that you don't care about truth, Nazi-boi. You're the perfect Trump voter.

And I didn't vote for Hillary.
YOU think the NYT tells the truth. That's hilarious. I just don't give a shit. Does it effect my life? NOPE! Does it effect my wife,kids,parents,community,county,state or people? NOPE! So I could care less. This is just MORE whining from the crybabies that can't get over that they LOST and if I didn't care for the truth I would have voted for Cankles.
No answer eh? That's what I figured. Just another WHINE from a member of the snowflake left.
Odd..***looks down at screen***...I could swear there's an answer just staring right up at you.

But, to reply in kind..just another evasive, non-informative deflection from the epitome of Trump supporter.

Way to represent your kind and your class.

Yes, you are supposed to believe the truth..and you are supposed to be able to use the tools literally at your fingertips to verify and confirm the truth.

But'd have to know the truth when you see it..and you'd have to be able to be honest it about when you are wrong..and be able to admit it.

Not is it?
The problem is New York Times and TRUTH are 2 words that can NEVER be used in same sentence....sorry.

You truly amuse!! Tell me..can you prove the story false? Of course not! Yet, you, a Trump ass-licker, dare to comment on the truth!

Even most of the Trump base know that he's a liar--they just don't care. But actually believe!!!

Oh..too funny!
Oh I don't care. I just refuse to listen to a KNOWN lying media outlet who has had to backtrack and has outright LIED about President Trump since he started running for President. They are the enemy.
Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”
So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.

No answer eh? That's what I figured. Just another WHINE from a member of the snowflake left.
Odd..***looks down at screen***...I could swear there's an answer just staring right up at you.

But, to reply in kind..just another evasive, non-informative deflection from the epitome of Trump supporter.

Way to represent your kind and your class.

Yes, you are supposed to believe the truth..and you are supposed to be able to use the tools literally at your fingertips to verify and confirm the truth.

But'd have to know the truth when you see it..and you'd have to be able to be honest it about when you are wrong..and be able to admit it.

Not is it?
The problem is New York Times and TRUTH are 2 words that can NEVER be used in same sentence....sorry.

So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.

Another Trump lie. As @yashar reports, the senior WH official quoted does exist. He is Matt Pottinger and Lordy there are tapes. Donald J. Trump on Twitter

— Preet Bharara (@PreetBharara) May 26, 2018
Another America Hating,Trump hating clown....not to be believed. Its sad so many people are aiding the enemy....


I wonder how long it'll be before you realize what a fucking moron you are.

Next time, read the story before you post.

My candidate won. Yours LOST,AFTER rigging the primaries,the debates AND the general election! Yeah I am the moron....LMAO
Ironic that Trump talks about patriotism when that nasty fuking son of a b!tch had five defferments over bone fuking spurs and said he liked people that weren't captured during America's wars.
You know, the captured who were tortured, starved and murdered. Trump doesn't like them.

People who admire this thing are as awful as he is.
So fighting in a war is a requirement to be patriotic? That's bullshit as usual. Obama didn't fight either but you never complained about him HATING our military. Trump didn't fight and LOVES our military yet you whine every chance you get. You as a republican is a joke...must be a Flake/McCain/Romney republican...the kind we are purging finally. McCain was also a traitor who got men KILLED so....fuck him.
No answer eh? That's what I figured. Just another WHINE from a member of the snowflake left.
Odd..***looks down at screen***...I could swear there's an answer just staring right up at you.

But, to reply in kind..just another evasive, non-informative deflection from the epitome of Trump supporter.

Way to represent your kind and your class.

Yes, you are supposed to believe the truth..and you are supposed to be able to use the tools literally at your fingertips to verify and confirm the truth.

But'd have to know the truth when you see it..and you'd have to be able to be honest it about when you are wrong..and be able to admit it.

Not is it?
The problem is New York Times and TRUTH are 2 words that can NEVER be used in same sentence....sorry.

You truly amuse!! Tell me..can you prove the story false? Of course not! Yet, you, a Trump ass-licker, dare to comment on the truth!

Even most of the Trump base know that he's a liar--they just don't care. But actually believe!!!

Oh..too funny!
Oh I don't care. I just refuse to listen to a KNOWN lying media outlet who has had to backtrack and has outright LIED about President Trump since he started running for President. They are the enemy.
Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

How stupid is this...Trump accuses NYT of lying and making up an informant..when the info in question was revealed in public, to a room full of reporters. Yet, Trump says that the official who revealed said information does not even exist!!

This man..our President...doubles down on's like he's just making it up as he goes in the knowledge that none of his devotees will matter how egregious the error:

"President Trump falsely accused The New York Times on Saturday of making up a source in an article about North Korea, even though the source was in fact a senior White House official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House briefing room.

The president was referring to an article about the on-again, off-again summit meeting between Mr. Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, which Mr. Trump had canceled Thursday.

The article, headlined, “Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled,” said that the United States was “back in touch with North Korea” and that the meeting might yet happen.

Mr. Trump posted on Twitter to denounce part of the article, which reported in the 10th paragraph that “a senior White House official told reporters that even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.”

@nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018
It is not clear whether the president was simply unaware of the actions of his own senior staff or if he knowingly ignored the truth. The source of that sentence was a White House official who held a briefing on Thursday afternoon in the White House briefing room that was attended by about 50 reporters, with about 200 or so more on a conference call.

Reporters often request such briefings to be on the record, which would allow the official to be named. But, in this case, the rules of the briefing imposed by the White House required that the official be referred to only as a “senior White House official.” The Times is continuing to abide by that agreement."

In the course of the briefing, the official was asked about the possibility that the summit meeting could be held on June 12, despite the president’s decision to cancel it a day earlier. The discussion was prompted by earlier statements from the president suggesting that the meeting might still happen.

The official noted that “there’s really not a lot of time — we’ve lost quite a bit of time that we would need” to prepare for the summit meeting.

“June 12 is in 10 minutes,” the official said.

On Friday, White House officials took pains to demonstrate that it was still possible to hold the meeting. Mr. Trump himself said Friday morning that he was hopeful again that there might still be a meeting on June 12 with the North Koreans.

“They very much want to do it,” the president told reporters. “We’d like to do it. We’ll see what happens.”
So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.

No answer eh? That's what I figured. Just another WHINE from a member of the snowflake left.
Odd..***looks down at screen***...I could swear there's an answer just staring right up at you.

But, to reply in kind..just another evasive, non-informative deflection from the epitome of Trump supporter.

Way to represent your kind and your class.

Yes, you are supposed to believe the truth..and you are supposed to be able to use the tools literally at your fingertips to verify and confirm the truth.

But'd have to know the truth when you see it..and you'd have to be able to be honest it about when you are wrong..and be able to admit it.

Not is it?
The problem is New York Times and TRUTH are 2 words that can NEVER be used in same sentence....sorry.

So we are supposed to believe the NYT that the NYT didn't lie.....mmk gotcha.

Another Trump lie. As @yashar reports, the senior WH official quoted does exist. He is Matt Pottinger and Lordy there are tapes. Donald J. Trump on Twitter

— Preet Bharara (@PreetBharara) May 26, 2018
Another America Hating,Trump hating clown....not to be believed. Its sad so many people are aiding the enemy....


I wonder how long it'll be before you realize what a fucking moron you are.

Next time, read the story before you post.

My candidate won. Yours LOST,AFTER rigging the primaries,the debates AND the general election! Yeah I am the moron....LMAO

Yes...Yes you are. Somehow..your ilk still believe that winning elections excuses have this fantasy that everyone..even a life long Republican like butt hurt about Trump winning.

It really is sad..I guess. You could just have read the OP..and STFU--would have saved yourself the humiliation.,
Oh I am not humiliated. Its humiliating that idiots still believe what the enemy tells them. Its sad it really is.

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