Trump Fails As Food Stamps, Welfare and Medicaid Applications Tumble

Every liberals nightmare: Less demand for free stuff.

Welfare: Earlier this month, the government reported that enrollment in food stamps plunged by nearly 600,000 in one month. Is this part of a broader trend toward greater self-reliance?

Welfare: Earlier this month, the government reported that enrollment in food stamps plunged by nearly 600,000 in one month. Is this part of a broader trend toward greater self-reliance?

The Department of Agriculture, which runs the food stamp program — officially called Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — reports that enrollment in January was 40.7 million, the lowest it's been since May 2010.

In the months since President Trump has been in office, the number of people collecting food stamps plunged by nearly 2 million.

The same is true for welfare. Enrollment in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program dropped 12% last year, to reach 2.3 million.

Better still, the number of workers on Social Security Disability Insurance was down to 8.6 million in March — a decline of more than 100,000 since January 2017, and the lowest level since February 2012.

Food Stamps, Disability, Welfare, Medicaid Enrollment Plunges,
If this disappoints liberals, then why did Obama make such a great economy?

Which economy is better?

The one Obama handed Trump?

or the one Bush and the GOP handed Obama?

He did? Lowest number of working people since the 1970's, more people on government assistance then even during the Great Depression, the slowest "recovery" ever recorded, only president to not see 3% GDP growth ever? Your definition of success is ludicrous.
Success to him is one party rule and everybody else gets fucked
Bush's Great Recession increased food stamp usage 100%, are you gonna say the Great Bush Recession was a good thing? :cuckoo:
He was just another career politician making progressive shit stains dependent
I remember when he was elected the Right were saying how CON$ervative he was, now that CON$ervoFascism has failed, as it ALWAYS does, suddenly Bush is a progressive. :cuckoo:
as president he was extremely Progressive...
Till Obama came along he was the king of spending other people's money...
Nope Reagan holds that crown, but Tramp is on course to pass St Ronnie.
The shit stain that is Obama outspent all others combined before him

Reagan added $1.86 trillion, a 186 percent increase from the $998 billion debt at the end of Carter's last budget.
Bush added $5.849 trillion, a 101 percent increase from the $5.8 trillion debt at the end of Clinton's last budget.
Obama added $8.588 trillion, a 74 percent increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget.
Under your hero the obummer companies were fleeing this country. Trump is bringing them back.

Number of jobs lost to foreign competition up since Trump’s election: report
An analysis of Labor Department data by the labor coalition Good Jobs Nation found that more than 93,000 U.S. jobs have been eliminated since Trump's election due to foreign trade.

That's roughly on par with the previous five years, which saw an average of 87,500 jobs per year eliminated.

The coalition's analysis also found that the number of jobs outsourced by federal contractors has actually risen since Trump was elected. Since November 2016, some of the biggest federal contractors have offshored some 10,269 jobs, making up 11 percent of trade-related layoffs, compared to 4 percent in the previous five years.
Obamma was incredibly corrupt, And he gave the Iranians billions... For nothing in return
Obama didn't GIVE the Iranian billions.

He returned Iranian money held since Carter.

Who doesn't know that?
Only a fucking fool would give anything to the Iranians
Under your hero the obummer companies were fleeing this country. Trump is bringing them back.

Number of jobs lost to foreign competition up since Trump’s election: report
An analysis of Labor Department data by the labor coalition Good Jobs Nation found that more than 93,000 U.S. jobs have been eliminated since Trump's election due to foreign trade.

That's roughly on par with the previous five years, which saw an average of 87,500 jobs per year eliminated.

The coalition's analysis also found that the number of jobs outsourced by federal contractors has actually risen since Trump was elected. Since November 2016, some of the biggest federal contractors have offshored some 10,269 jobs, making up 11 percent of trade-related layoffs, compared to 4 percent in the previous five years.
Obamma was incredibly corrupt, And he gave the Iranians billions... For nothing in return
Obama gave back Iran's OWN money, but lying scum like you knew that already.
He was just another career politician making progressive shit stains dependent
I remember when he was elected the Right were saying how CON$ervative he was, now that CON$ervoFascism has failed, as it ALWAYS does, suddenly Bush is a progressive. :cuckoo:
as president he was extremely Progressive...
Till Obama came along he was the king of spending other people's money...
Nope Reagan holds that crown, but Tramp is on course to pass St Ronnie.
The shit stain that is Obama outspent all others combined before him

Reagan added $1.86 trillion, a 186 percent increase from the $998 billion debt at the end of Carter's last budget.
Bush added $5.849 trillion, a 101 percent increase from the $5.8 trillion debt at the end of Clinton's last budget.
Obama added $8.588 trillion, a 74 percent increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget.
na... Obama made everyone else before him look like amateurs when it comes to spending other people's money
Under your hero the obummer companies were fleeing this country. Trump is bringing them back.

Number of jobs lost to foreign competition up since Trump’s election: report
An analysis of Labor Department data by the labor coalition Good Jobs Nation found that more than 93,000 U.S. jobs have been eliminated since Trump's election due to foreign trade.

That's roughly on par with the previous five years, which saw an average of 87,500 jobs per year eliminated.

The coalition's analysis also found that the number of jobs outsourced by federal contractors has actually risen since Trump was elected. Since November 2016, some of the biggest federal contractors have offshored some 10,269 jobs, making up 11 percent of trade-related layoffs, compared to 4 percent in the previous five years.
Obamma was incredibly corrupt, And he gave the Iranians billions... For nothing in return
Obama gave back Iran's OWN money, but lying scum like you knew that already.
It was not Iran's money... It was blood money
Under your hero the obummer companies were fleeing this country. Trump is bringing them back.

Number of jobs lost to foreign competition up since Trump’s election: report
An analysis of Labor Department data by the labor coalition Good Jobs Nation found that more than 93,000 U.S. jobs have been eliminated since Trump's election due to foreign trade.

That's roughly on par with the previous five years, which saw an average of 87,500 jobs per year eliminated.

The coalition's analysis also found that the number of jobs outsourced by federal contractors has actually risen since Trump was elected. Since November 2016, some of the biggest federal contractors have offshored some 10,269 jobs, making up 11 percent of trade-related layoffs, compared to 4 percent in the previous five years.
Obamma was incredibly corrupt, And he gave the Iranians billions... For nothing in return
Obama gave back Iran's OWN money, but lying scum like you knew that already.

Money they had LOST when they kidnapped our people and held them for over a year. I don't recall a Court Judgment giving them back the lost money. Do you have a link to one? Furthermore the hostages had more right to that money because they DID have a Court Judgment and they have yet to be paid.
Under your hero the obummer companies were fleeing this country. Trump is bringing them back.

Number of jobs lost to foreign competition up since Trump’s election: report
An analysis of Labor Department data by the labor coalition Good Jobs Nation found that more than 93,000 U.S. jobs have been eliminated since Trump's election due to foreign trade.

That's roughly on par with the previous five years, which saw an average of 87,500 jobs per year eliminated.

The coalition's analysis also found that the number of jobs outsourced by federal contractors has actually risen since Trump was elected. Since November 2016, some of the biggest federal contractors have offshored some 10,269 jobs, making up 11 percent of trade-related layoffs, compared to 4 percent in the previous five years.
Obamma was incredibly corrupt, And he gave the Iranians billions... For nothing in return
Obama gave back Iran's OWN money, but lying scum like you knew that already.

Money they had LOST when they kidnapped our people and held them for over a year. I don't recall a Court Judgment giving them back the lost money. Do you have a link to one? Furthermore the hostages had more right to that money because they DID have a Court Judgment and they have yet to be paid.
That is why globalism is for the fucking foolish
Lowest number of working people since the 1970's
Obama left with a record number of people working, 152 million up from 142 million when he started.

Bullpoo. There were more Americans having to work multiple low paying jobs thanks to obummer policies that made companies cut back on full time work thanks to obummer care. If you weren't so damned blind it would almost be funny to watch you flail around.
I don't recall a Court Judgment giving them back the lost money. Do you have a link to one?
Funny how the Right mocks everyone else as "low-information" voters when they know absolutely nothing!!!

U.S. to pay Iran $1.7 billion in legal settlement - CNNPolitics

The U.S. State Department announced the government had agreed to pay Iran $1.7 billion to settle a case related to the sale of military equipment prior to the Iranian revolution, according to a statement issued on Sunday.
Iran had set up a $400 million trust fund for such purchases, which was frozen along with diplomatic relations in 1979. In settling the claim, which had been tied up at the Hague Tribunal since 1981, the U.S. is returning the money in the fund along with "a roughly $1.3 billion compromise on the interest," the statement said.
Only a stupid Moon Bat would think that less welfare is a bad thing.
Only a heartless POS CON$ervoFascist would think people starving is a good thing.

You are confused Moon Bat.

If these welfare queens wouldn't vote for Democrats that have failed Left economic policies then there would be plenty of jobs and no excuse to be taking money from other people.

For instance, these welfare queens voted for that failure Obama that increased poverty, decreased family income, increased income disparity and had dismal economic growth.

They fuck themselves by voting in Left Wing assholes with terrible failed economic polices so it is their own fucking fault.

You don't create prosperity by taking money away from the people that earned and giving it away to the people that didn't earn it. That is stupid economics, isn't it?
Lowest number of working people since the 1970's
Obama left with a record number of people working, 152 million up from 142 million when he started.
Bullpoo. There were more Americans having to work multiple low paying jobs thanks to obummer policies that made companies cut back on full time work thanks to obummer care. If you weren't so damned blind it would almost be funny to watch you flail around.
Don't you ever get tired of lying????
In March 2010 when the PPACA was signed there were 9,233,000 working PT who wanted FT work, and 5,776,000 when Obama left. A DECREASE of nearly 3.5 million!!!!!
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Only a stupid Moon Bat would think that less welfare is a bad thing.
Only a heartless POS CON$ervoFascist would think people starving is a good thing.

You are confused Moon Bat.

If these welfare queens wouldn't vote for Democrats that have failed Left economic policies then there would be plenty of jobs and no excuse to be taking money from other people.

For instance, these welfare queens voted for that failure Obama that increased poverty, decreased family income, increased income disparity and had dismal economic growth.

They fuck themselves by voting in Left Wing assholes with terrible failed economic polices so it is their own fucking fault.

You don't create prosperity by taking money away from the people that earned and giving it away to the people that didn't earn it. That is stupid economics, isn't it?
Nothing but GOP hate radio talking points mindlessly parroted by "skulls of mush."
Only a stupid Moon Bat would think that less welfare is a bad thing.
Only a heartless POS CON$ervoFascist would think people starving is a good thing.
Giving people things helps nobody
Freeloaders do not make the world go around
The Moon Bats think welfare queens are real America instead of the scum of America.
CON$ervoFascists are the scum of the Earth!!!
Only a stupid Moon Bat would think that less welfare is a bad thing.
Only a heartless POS CON$ervoFascist would think people starving is a good thing.

You are confused Moon Bat.

If these welfare queens wouldn't vote for Democrats that have failed Left economic policies then there would be plenty of jobs and no excuse to be taking money from other people.

For instance, these welfare queens voted for that failure Obama that increased poverty, decreased family income, increased income disparity and had dismal economic growth.

They fuck themselves by voting in Left Wing assholes with terrible failed economic polices so it is their own fucking fault.

You don't create prosperity by taking money away from the people that earned and giving it away to the people that didn't earn it. That is stupid economics, isn't it?
Nothing but GOP hate radio talking points mindlessly parroted by "skulls of mush."

You are confused Moon Bat.

I am not a Republican because at the end of the day they are Democrat Light.

However, Left economics have failed all over the world, even bankrupting countries.

You stupid filthy ass Moon Bats want to turn the US into a welfare state socialist shithole and that is despicable.

At least Trump is improving the economy and is reducing the welfare rolls and only you asshole Moon Bats don't like it.

You need to get down on your knees and thank god that he is the President and not that asshole Crooked Hillary who would have continued with the failures of Obama.
Every liberals nightmare: Less demand for free stuff.

Welfare: Earlier this month, the government reported that enrollment in food stamps plunged by nearly 600,000 in one month. Is this part of a broader trend toward greater self-reliance?

Welfare: Earlier this month, the government reported that enrollment in food stamps plunged by nearly 600,000 in one month. Is this part of a broader trend toward greater self-reliance?

The Department of Agriculture, which runs the food stamp program — officially called Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — reports that enrollment in January was 40.7 million, the lowest it's been since May 2010.

In the months since President Trump has been in office, the number of people collecting food stamps plunged by nearly 2 million.

The same is true for welfare. Enrollment in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program dropped 12% last year, to reach 2.3 million.

Better still, the number of workers on Social Security Disability Insurance was down to 8.6 million in March — a decline of more than 100,000 since January 2017, and the lowest level since February 2012.

Food Stamps, Disability, Welfare, Medicaid Enrollment Plunges,

The economy's going better, more people have jobs. Nothing to do with Trump, it was a trend that was going to happen even if a monkey got elected to the White House.

you misspelled when

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