Trump failing to face Covid was the greatest national security blunder ever seen in American history. It dwarfs Vietnam, Iraq, & Afghanistan combined!


Feeling dominant yet? :p

I worked in Arnie's lab for some number of years. Then I worked with brain viruses like JC virus (PML).

Medicine, not politics
well, this is a political forum, and i've been a political junkie since i was 15...i read what i can about every aspect of life, including medicine, so you're dealing with a formidable foe who knows what he's talking about!
we need a provision in the law that says that every single medical official who is capable of doing the job is FORCED to be deployed out there during a pandemic

just like when America is at war, those who work for the Department of Defense don't have the privilege of opting in or out, they are told what to do and where to go
well, this is a political forum, and i've been a political junkie since i was 15...i read what i can about every aspect of life, including medicine, so you're dealing with a formidable foe who knows what he's talking about!
Okay, well, reading is good. But doing is better. Because there's a lot of misinformation in books.

So let me ask you - why the panic o er this virus in the first place? As far as a tone knee when it started, it was just another version of SARS or MERS. Which caused all of 20-some-odd deaths put together
Trump said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue with no consequence. He has done far more than that already. He caused the death of thousands by calling COVID a hoax, denigrating science, and politicizing measures like vaccines and masks that could have saved so many lives, and the consequence was he lost the presidency

Go take your meds and Trump will be the greatest thing since sliced bread!
we need a provision in the law that says that every single medical official who is capable of doing the job is FORCED to be deployed out there during a pandemic

just like when America is at war, those who work for the Department of Defense don't have the privilege of opting in or out, they are told what to do and where to go
The CDC and Dr. Fauci dropped the ball on Covid. All that bad advice was terrible for the economy and Trump was blamed for it.

Trump failing to face Covid was the greatest national security blunder ever seen in American history. It dwarfs Vietnam, Iraq, & Afghanistan combined!

You lie

Trump did everything possible as president
Trump said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue with no consequence. He has done far more than that already. He caused the death of thousands by calling COVID a hoax, denigrating science, and politicizing measures like vaccines and masks that could have saved so many lives, and the consequence was he lost the presidency

i'm right here bro...i'll DOMINATE anyone who dares debate me on this topic.

for starters, the Covid cases DOUBLED right after Trump predicted the plague would go away like a "miracle"...the miracle was 1 million people died
Would that not have happen if Trump had not made that prediction.
i'm right here bro...i'll DOMINATE anyone who dares debate me on this topic.

for starters, the Covid cases DOUBLED right after Trump predicted the plague would go away like a "miracle"...the miracle was 1 million people died

Do you know why they 'doubled'? Because the pcr tests that were given out were set to be so sensitive that a common cold would have tested positive, additionally the common flu. Then the media hyped it up to the point that every fool out there thought they were going to die and ran to get tested at any sign of the sniffles. This way they were able to insight even more panic, in addition to classifying every death supposedly 'from' covid, as opposed to 'with' covid, even though the person died of other causes. It was manufactured. But you already knew all of that, right? Since you're so 'informed'?

I laugh when I hear people still going to get tested today, why in the world are people still getting tested for it? They can't do a damn thing about it, if you're sick with anything you should stay home and away from other people. They made it a status symbol to have covid or to have gotten tested. It still hasn't gone away, yet barely any 'media' coverage of it. It was designed to do one thing, and it accomplished that goal, congrats.
Trump said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue with no consequence. He has done far more than that already. He caused the death of thousands by calling COVID a hoax, denigrating science, and politicizing measures like vaccines and masks that could have saved so many lives, and the consequence was he lost the presidency

laughing hilariously.jpg
"any other president would have solved Covid, but this wasn't any other president" - Anthony Fauci

More have died under xiden, your hero.


And who gives a fuck what that little psychopath fau chi has to say.

He should executed for crimes against humanity.
Obama was at work in the Oval Office by 8 AM. Trump didn't leave his quarters until noon. It takes time to get in make up and do your hair.
Obama had the whole Prog underworld giving him marching orders and signatures. And he even demanded more. He aged because he knew he was selling Americans out. Have you ever noticed that ghettos never change? But the areas move a few directions here and there. He was a community organizer...bwhahahah! Hey Bro!

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