Trump edges out McCain in Rasmussen poll

McCain should retire, get lost and stop embarrassing the country. Even if he was a hero several decades ago it does not give him right to do whatever he wants now and for the rest of his life.

BTW, he's as much of a Republican as I am the Queen of England.
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I love it! The media and the Beltway insiders will be needing Extra Strength Immodium AD.


Poll Trump over McCain 52 -51 among Republicans Washington Examiner

Gotta love how rightwingers are always duped by their disinformation sources.

Just go to the original report for the facts;

McCain vs. Trump GOP Voters Choose - Rasmussen Reports

When Trump entered the GOP race in mid-June, 55% of Republicans expressed a favorable opinion of him, including 11% with a Very Favorable one.

T-Rump has actually dropped amongst GOP voters from 55 to 52! :eek:

But the cherry on the top is right here;

Among all likely voters, it’s a different story, largely because Democrats have an overwhelmingly negative opinion of Trump. Thirty-four percent (34%) of Likely U.S. Voters view Trump favorably, while 64% have an unfavorable opinion of him.

I love it! The media and the Beltway insiders will be needing Extra Strength Immodium AD.


Poll Trump over McCain 52 -51 among Republicans Washington Examiner

Gotta love how rightwingers are always duped by their disinformation sources.

Just go to the original report for the facts;

McCain vs. Trump GOP Voters Choose - Rasmussen Reports

When Trump entered the GOP race in mid-June, 55% of Republicans expressed a favorable opinion of him, including 11% with a Very Favorable one.

T-Rump has actually dropped amongst GOP voters from 55 to 52! :eek:

But the cherry on the top is right here;

Among all likely voters, it’s a different story, largely because Democrats have an overwhelmingly negative opinion of Trump. Thirty-four percent (34%) of Likely U.S. Voters view Trump favorably, while 64% have an unfavorable opinion of him.


Well fucking DUH!

Democrats think unfavorably of him. Oh tell me tell me it isn't so.

And for crying out loud Trump will never make it to the general but he's doing a hell of a lot of good stomping on the inside the beltway pompous assholes like McCain.

Oh fucking pardon me. That war hero asshole McCain.
I love it! The media and the Beltway insiders will be needing Extra Strength Immodium AD.


Poll Trump over McCain 52 -51 among Republicans Washington Examiner

Gotta love how rightwingers are always duped by their disinformation sources.

Just go to the original report for the facts;

McCain vs. Trump GOP Voters Choose - Rasmussen Reports

When Trump entered the GOP race in mid-June, 55% of Republicans expressed a favorable opinion of him, including 11% with a Very Favorable one.

T-Rump has actually dropped amongst GOP voters from 55 to 52! :eek:

But the cherry on the top is right here;

Among all likely voters, it’s a different story, largely because Democrats have an overwhelmingly negative opinion of Trump. Thirty-four percent (34%) of Likely U.S. Voters view Trump favorably, while 64% have an unfavorable opinion of him.


Well fucking DUH!

Democrats think unfavorably of him. Oh tell me tell me it isn't so.

And for crying out loud Trump will never make it to the general but he's doing a hell of a lot of good stomping on the inside the beltway pompous assholes like McCain.

Oh fucking pardon me. That war hero asshole McCain.

T-Rump barely manages to hold onto GOP voters and loses badly amongst conservative independents.

But don't let those facts get in the way of your adoration of your false idol.

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