Trump DOMINATES Turning Point Usa poll...

You know, I was just thinking, between the two of em they have well over a quarter million posts on here.

Yet I never really see them post anything of any meaningful substance. Nothing at all that would stimulate or even demonstrate the slightest semblance of any real interest in meaningful, functional discusion/debate.

Just dumb little fly-by pablum that really only seems to serve to promote dysfunction.
So, now this thread is about posters, not the topic in the title? Running away like Hitler Hawley?
There are so many Pubs walking-around nowadays with their heads up their a$$e$ that I, for one, don't expect anything in particular.
How can you tell when your own head is permanently stuck up your own fat ass? Do you use like a periscope?
A trumplet sounds triggered. Oh dear. :eek:
Nope... Just won't abide a well document liar.

Hell, you of all people should know that.

You've gotten awfully hateful the last few years... and I get that. It's hard not to get jaded having the same arguments for a decade.

But, even though we are political adversaries, you tell me I haven't always treated you with respect.

I don't care if we disagree... if you have an honest opinion... I'll listen to it, and argue it with you.

Or if it's just a hateful one-liner from a poster I've known for a number of years, I'll ignore it.

But Mac is a poser. Fake as a wooden nickel.

I have a deep and abiding loathing for that kind of person.

You going to try to hide Biden in the basement again?

It will be Republican tsunami of 1984 proportions.
LOL. More like the annual Red Tide. :auiqs.jpg:

Gotta a hint for you. Biden isn't gonna run again.
That's ok. Kamala Harris could beat Trump head to head...but I don't want to see her run either.

No one. I mean no but his most faithful lemmings is going to want to go back to that hot mess. :)
This represents a conundrum for conservative Republicans: They believe that Trump was a great President who was cheated out of reelection, but they also think that he may be too old to run again in 2024. DeSantis would be their first choice if it didn't appear to be disloyal to Trump.

I predict that Trump will not run in 2024, but will remain a dominant political force in the GOP that few will want to cross.
I think he already said he's running.

He said his only decision is whether to announce before or after the midterms.

I'll dig up a link.
All of a sudden Trump supporters think elections are fair and honest. no voting fraud will occur despite no justice for 2020 and RINOs winning 2022 primaries.

What is wrong with everybody?
LOL. More like the annual Red Tide. :auiqs.jpg:

Gotta a hint for you. Biden isn't gonna run again.
That's ok. Kamala Harris could beat Trump head to head...but I don't want to see her run either.

No one. I mean no but his most faithful lemmings is going to want to go back to that hot mess. :)


And I thought the collision delusion and the insurrection hoax were the worst self deceptions Democrats were capable of...

...I stand humbly corrected....

It would seem your creative fantasies know no bounds...

And I thought the collision delusion and the insurrection hoax were the worst self deceptions Democrats were capable of...

...I stand humbly corrected....

It would seem your creative fantasies know no bounds...
I repeat. No matter what your deepest and most desired wishes are, if Trump is the nominee, he loses. Spectacularly.
Stick with DeSantis. He has at least a better than average shot.

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