Trump Concedes it Was the Russians... Now What?

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump accepts the U.S. intelligence community's conclusion that Russia engaged in cyber attacks affecting the U.S. presidential election and may take actions in response, his incoming chief of staff said on Sunday.

Reince Priebus said Trump believes Russia was behind the intrusions into the Democratic Party organizations, though he did not clarify whether the president-elect agreed that the hacks were directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"He accepts the fact that this particular case was entities in Russia so that's not the issue," Priebus said on "Fox News Sunday.""

Trump accepts U.S. intelligence on Russia hacking, top aide says

Trump finally... though not publicly, and by himself... admits it was the Russians that hacked the DNC. So now what? Shouldn't this change his position with Putin and Russia? Why hasn't he denounced their actions? Why hasn't he tweeted about Assange? Seriously... If his non-actions here doesn't tell you something, nothing ever will.

When an outside entity can "influence" an American election by telling the American electorate the truth...what does that say about how our own main stream media is doing it's job?

Again... I said this to someone else, whatever porn you look at on your computer, unless it is pedophilia, is legal, but would you be ok with someone hacking your computer and sharing it with your co-workers, friends, and family members?

What does that have to do with what the Clinton Camp did to Bernie Sanders? What does "porn" have to do with the Clinton Camp conspiring with people at CNN to rig the debates?

I'm sorry... are you one of those people that can't understand analogies and metaphors? Like Drax the Destroyer?

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump accepts the U.S. intelligence community's conclusion that Russia engaged in cyber attacks affecting the U.S. presidential election and may take actions in response, his incoming chief of staff said on Sunday.

Reince Priebus said Trump believes Russia was behind the intrusions into the Democratic Party organizations, though he did not clarify whether the president-elect agreed that the hacks were directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"He accepts the fact that this particular case was entities in Russia so that's not the issue," Priebus said on "Fox News Sunday.""

Trump accepts U.S. intelligence on Russia hacking, top aide says

Trump finally... though not publicly, and by himself... admits it was the Russians that hacked the DNC. So now what? Shouldn't this change his position with Putin and Russia? Why hasn't he denounced their actions? Why hasn't he tweeted about Assange? Seriously... If his non-actions here doesn't tell you something, nothing ever will.

When an outside entity can "influence" an American election by telling the American electorate the truth...what does that say about how our own main stream media is doing it's job?

Again... I said this to someone else, whatever porn you look at on your computer, unless it is pedophilia, is legal, but would you be ok with someone hacking your computer and sharing it with your co-workers, friends, and family members?

What does that have to do with what the Clinton Camp did to Bernie Sanders? What does "porn" have to do with the Clinton Camp conspiring with people at CNN to rig the debates?

I'm sorry... are you one of those people that can't understand analogies and metaphors? Like Drax the Destroyer?

You honestly want us to believe that hacking the DNC was hacking the election, really? And you want to be taken seriously?
I'm amused by this talking point that the Russians leaking DNC emails that revealed how the Clinton Camp worked in all it's sleazy glory...somehow equates with hacking the election! Nobody hacked the election...they hacked the DNC and told Americans the truth about who Hillary really is! That's why you lost.

"You?" No, I didn't lose. I supported Bernie... but again, EVERYONE has rights, and the DNC right to privacy was broken by the Russians... but you fucks don't care about rights because your candidate won. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you people? A foreign country hacked into the DNC and released their information to influence the outcome of the election. How would you like it if someone hacked into your computer and released all your dirty laundry to your co-workers, friends, and family? Would it be cool because they are just releasing the truth? Fuck no it wouldn't, you'd be pissed and looking to sue someone.
"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump accepts the U.S. intelligence community's conclusion that Russia engaged in cyber attacks affecting the U.S. presidential election and may take actions in response, his incoming chief of staff said on Sunday.

Reince Priebus said Trump believes Russia was behind the intrusions into the Democratic Party organizations, though he did not clarify whether the president-elect agreed that the hacks were directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"He accepts the fact that this particular case was entities in Russia so that's not the issue," Priebus said on "Fox News Sunday.""

Trump accepts U.S. intelligence on Russia hacking, top aide says

Trump finally... though not publicly, and by himself... admits it was the Russians that hacked the DNC. So now what? Shouldn't this change his position with Putin and Russia? Why hasn't he denounced their actions? Why hasn't he tweeted about Assange? Seriously... If his non-actions here doesn't tell you something, nothing ever will.

When an outside entity can "influence" an American election by telling the American electorate the truth...what does that say about how our own main stream media is doing it's job?

Again... I said this to someone else, whatever porn you look at on your computer, unless it is pedophilia, is legal, but would you be ok with someone hacking your computer and sharing it with your co-workers, friends, and family members?

What does that have to do with what the Clinton Camp did to Bernie Sanders? What does "porn" have to do with the Clinton Camp conspiring with people at CNN to rig the debates?

I'm sorry... are you one of those people that can't understand analogies and metaphors? Like Drax the Destroyer?

It's a poor metaphor. The Clinton Camp didn't lose because they were embarrassed by being caught watching porn...they lost because they were being politically sleazy and it was revealed to the American public.
"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump accepts the U.S. intelligence community's conclusion that Russia engaged in cyber attacks affecting the U.S. presidential election and may take actions in response, his incoming chief of staff said on Sunday.

Reince Priebus said Trump believes Russia was behind the intrusions into the Democratic Party organizations, though he did not clarify whether the president-elect agreed that the hacks were directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"He accepts the fact that this particular case was entities in Russia so that's not the issue," Priebus said on "Fox News Sunday.""

Trump accepts U.S. intelligence on Russia hacking, top aide says

Trump finally... though not publicly, and by himself... admits it was the Russians that hacked the DNC. So now what? Shouldn't this change his position with Putin and Russia? Why hasn't he denounced their actions? Why hasn't he tweeted about Assange? Seriously... If his non-actions here doesn't tell you something, nothing ever will.

When an outside entity can "influence" an American election by telling the American electorate the truth...what does that say about how our own main stream media is doing it's job?

Again... I said this to someone else, whatever porn you look at on your computer, unless it is pedophilia, is legal, but would you be ok with someone hacking your computer and sharing it with your co-workers, friends, and family members?

What does that have to do with what the Clinton Camp did to Bernie Sanders? What does "porn" have to do with the Clinton Camp conspiring with people at CNN to rig the debates?

I'm sorry... are you one of those people that can't understand analogies and metaphors? Like Drax the Destroyer?

You honestly want us to believe that hacking the DNC was hacking the election, really? And you want to be taken seriously?

Seriously dude, you just said two posts ago that there was no proof the DNC got hacked. And you want us to take YOU seriously? No one can prove the election was hacked, because it comes down to a matter of opinion... what can be said however, is that Russia hacked the DNC and released the information with the intent to influence the election.
Is the OP one of those idiot Dims who believes the vote tally was tampered with by the Russians?

I'm not a Democrat... and what does that have to do with Trump's sudden flip flop on the hacking?
You are part of the problem where by you obfuscate and muddy the waters while pretending not to claim you believe the vote was hacked. I repeat for the slow stupid and insane NO ONE hack the election. IT DID NOT HAPPEN. And the dnc was not hacked either they were scammed someone sent an email that allowed them to get their passwords. And no there is no hard evidence the Russians did it.AN OPEN SOURCE CODE available to ANYONE with an internet connection was found on the DNC servers by a firm with anti Russian bias. No intel or law enforcement ever saw this for a fact none of them were allowed to touch the server or computers.

Look numbnuts, the biggest proponent to Russia hacking the election just saw the classified evidence Friday, and he now admits it was the Russians. I don't know what else to tell you at this point. If you want to continue to be some ignorant piece of work the rest of your life... then that's your choice. Yes, being ignorant is a choice... whereas some people are just stupid.

Nobody "hacked the election". A few idiots at the DNC leaving their digital asses hanging out with their email accounts isn't hacking an election. You're the prime example of an idiot that just repeats what the lying media says over and over until you believe it yourself.
I'm amused by this talking point that the Russians leaking DNC emails that revealed how the Clinton Camp worked in all it's sleazy glory...somehow equates with hacking the election! Nobody hacked the election...they hacked the DNC and told Americans the truth about who Hillary really is! That's why you lost.

"You?" No, I didn't lose. I supported Bernie... but again, EVERYONE has rights, and the DNC right to privacy was broken by the Russians... but you fucks don't care about rights because your candidate won. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you people? A foreign country hacked into the DNC and released their information to influence the outcome of the election. How would you like it if someone hacked into your computer and released all your dirty laundry to your co-workers, friends, and family? Would it be cool because they are just releasing the truth? Fuck no it wouldn't, you'd be pissed and looking to sue someone.
So sue the Russians. And I repeat you want to be taken seriously while claiming hacking the DNC was hacking the election?
"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump accepts the U.S. intelligence community's conclusion that Russia engaged in cyber attacks affecting the U.S. presidential election and may take actions in response, his incoming chief of staff said on Sunday.

Reince Priebus said Trump believes Russia was behind the intrusions into the Democratic Party organizations, though he did not clarify whether the president-elect agreed that the hacks were directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"He accepts the fact that this particular case was entities in Russia so that's not the issue," Priebus said on "Fox News Sunday.""

Trump accepts U.S. intelligence on Russia hacking, top aide says

Trump finally... though not publicly, and by himself... admits it was the Russians that hacked the DNC. So now what? Shouldn't this change his position with Putin and Russia? Why hasn't he denounced their actions? Why hasn't he tweeted about Assange? Seriously... If his non-actions here doesn't tell you something, nothing ever will.

When an outside entity can "influence" an American election by telling the American electorate the truth...what does that say about how our own main stream media is doing it's job?

Again... I said this to someone else, whatever porn you look at on your computer, unless it is pedophilia, is legal, but would you be ok with someone hacking your computer and sharing it with your co-workers, friends, and family members?

What does that have to do with what the Clinton Camp did to Bernie Sanders? What does "porn" have to do with the Clinton Camp conspiring with people at CNN to rig the debates?

I'm sorry... are you one of those people that can't understand analogies and metaphors? Like Drax the Destroyer?

It's a poor metaphor. The Clinton Camp didn't lose because they were embarrassed by being caught watching porn...they lost because they were being politically sleazy and it was revealed to the American public.

It's the same fucking thing... but I can't say you were using sleazy political tactics... so I had to say you were using sleazy spank bank material.
When an outside entity can "influence" an American election by telling the American electorate the truth...what does that say about how our own main stream media is doing it's job?

Again... I said this to someone else, whatever porn you look at on your computer, unless it is pedophilia, is legal, but would you be ok with someone hacking your computer and sharing it with your co-workers, friends, and family members?

What does that have to do with what the Clinton Camp did to Bernie Sanders? What does "porn" have to do with the Clinton Camp conspiring with people at CNN to rig the debates?

I'm sorry... are you one of those people that can't understand analogies and metaphors? Like Drax the Destroyer?

You honestly want us to believe that hacking the DNC was hacking the election, really? And you want to be taken seriously?

Seriously dude, you just said two posts ago that there was no proof the DNC got hacked. And you want us to take YOU seriously? No one can prove the election was hacked, because it comes down to a matter of opinion... what can be said however, is that Russia hacked the DNC and released the information with the intent to influence the election.

I said the DNC may not have been hacked we will never know since a dishonest player was involved in the investigation.
Is the OP one of those idiot Dims who believes the vote tally was tampered with by the Russians?

I'm not a Democrat... and what does that have to do with Trump's sudden flip flop on the hacking?
You are part of the problem where by you obfuscate and muddy the waters while pretending not to claim you believe the vote was hacked. I repeat for the slow stupid and insane NO ONE hack the election. IT DID NOT HAPPEN. And the dnc was not hacked either they were scammed someone sent an email that allowed them to get their passwords. And no there is no hard evidence the Russians did it.AN OPEN SOURCE CODE available to ANYONE with an internet connection was found on the DNC servers by a firm with anti Russian bias. No intel or law enforcement ever saw this for a fact none of them were allowed to touch the server or computers.

Look numbnuts, the biggest proponent to Russia hacking the election just saw the classified evidence Friday, and he now admits it was the Russians. I don't know what else to tell you at this point. If you want to continue to be some ignorant piece of work the rest of your life... then that's your choice. Yes, being ignorant is a choice... whereas some people are just stupid.

Nobody "hacked the election". A few idiots at the DNC leaving their digital asses hanging out with their email accounts isn't hacking an election. You're the prime example of an idiot that just repeats what the lying media says over and over until you believe it yourself.

The lying media? You mean the fucking national intelligence agencies? You're the prime example of fucking retarded Trump supporters that deny everything anti-Trump even when Trump concedes it himself.
I'm amused by this talking point that the Russians leaking DNC emails that revealed how the Clinton Camp worked in all it's sleazy glory...somehow equates with hacking the election! Nobody hacked the election...they hacked the DNC and told Americans the truth about who Hillary really is! That's why you lost.

"You?" No, I didn't lose. I supported Bernie... but again, EVERYONE has rights, and the DNC right to privacy was broken by the Russians... but you fucks don't care about rights because your candidate won. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you people? A foreign country hacked into the DNC and released their information to influence the outcome of the election. How would you like it if someone hacked into your computer and released all your dirty laundry to your co-workers, friends, and family? Would it be cool because they are just releasing the truth? Fuck no it wouldn't, you'd be pissed and looking to sue someone.

If they hacked into my computer and told the truth about me when I was lying about who I was...then I would take a hard look at myself and ask what kind of person am I that my "dirty laundry" could hurt me! Is the Clinton Camp pissed that they were exposed? Oh yeah...they're livid. You know WHY they are livid? Because at the end of the day...they have nobody to blame but themselves! They were the ones who screwed Bernie Sanders over. It wasn't the Russians. It wasn't Donald Trump.
Again... I said this to someone else, whatever porn you look at on your computer, unless it is pedophilia, is legal, but would you be ok with someone hacking your computer and sharing it with your co-workers, friends, and family members?

What does that have to do with what the Clinton Camp did to Bernie Sanders? What does "porn" have to do with the Clinton Camp conspiring with people at CNN to rig the debates?

I'm sorry... are you one of those people that can't understand analogies and metaphors? Like Drax the Destroyer?

You honestly want us to believe that hacking the DNC was hacking the election, really? And you want to be taken seriously?

Seriously dude, you just said two posts ago that there was no proof the DNC got hacked. And you want us to take YOU seriously? No one can prove the election was hacked, because it comes down to a matter of opinion... what can be said however, is that Russia hacked the DNC and released the information with the intent to influence the election.

I said the DNC may not have been hacked we will never know since a dishonest player was involved in the investigation.

JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!! Trump admits the DNC was hacked by the Russians. WTF MORE DO YOU WANT??? How about you un-retire there Sarge, try to get a top secret clearance, and then ask to see the evidence for yourself? Did you take a bullet to the helmet or something? Quit acting so fucking stupid.
I'm amused by this talking point that the Russians leaking DNC emails that revealed how the Clinton Camp worked in all it's sleazy glory...somehow equates with hacking the election! Nobody hacked the election...they hacked the DNC and told Americans the truth about who Hillary really is! That's why you lost.

"You?" No, I didn't lose. I supported Bernie... but again, EVERYONE has rights, and the DNC right to privacy was broken by the Russians... but you fucks don't care about rights because your candidate won. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you people? A foreign country hacked into the DNC and released their information to influence the outcome of the election. How would you like it if someone hacked into your computer and released all your dirty laundry to your co-workers, friends, and family? Would it be cool because they are just releasing the truth? Fuck no it wouldn't, you'd be pissed and looking to sue someone.

If they hacked into my computer and told the truth about me when I was lying about who I was...then I would take a hard look at myself and ask what kind of person am I that my "dirty laundry" could hurt me! Is the Clinton Camp pissed that they were exposed? Oh yeah...they're livid. You know WHY they are livid? Because at the end of the day...they have nobody to blame but themselves! They were the ones who screwed Bernie Sanders over. It wasn't the Russians. It wasn't Donald Trump.

Bullshit... almost everyone has something in their life that they do or say that they don't want to be public... so don't give me this bull shit response that you wouldn't be pissed and that you would suddenly go into inner reflection. :spinner:
Is the OP one of those idiot Dims who believes the vote tally was tampered with by the Russians?

I'm not a Democrat... and what does that have to do with Trump's sudden flip flop on the hacking?
You are part of the problem where by you obfuscate and muddy the waters while pretending not to claim you believe the vote was hacked. I repeat for the slow stupid and insane NO ONE hack the election. IT DID NOT HAPPEN. And the dnc was not hacked either they were scammed someone sent an email that allowed them to get their passwords. And no there is no hard evidence the Russians did it.AN OPEN SOURCE CODE available to ANYONE with an internet connection was found on the DNC servers by a firm with anti Russian bias. No intel or law enforcement ever saw this for a fact none of them were allowed to touch the server or computers.

Look numbnuts, the biggest proponent to Russia hacking the election just saw the classified evidence Friday, and he now admits it was the Russians. I don't know what else to tell you at this point. If you want to continue to be some ignorant piece of work the rest of your life... then that's your choice. Yes, being ignorant is a choice... whereas some people are just stupid.

Nobody "hacked the election". A few idiots at the DNC leaving their digital asses hanging out with their email accounts isn't hacking an election. You're the prime example of an idiot that just repeats what the lying media says over and over until you believe it yourself.

The lying media? You mean the fucking national intelligence agencies? You're the prime example of fucking retarded Trump supporters that deny everything anti-Trump even when Trump concedes it himself.
The report was not and is not supported by 17 agencies as you and the others have claimed. Another bald faced lie.
I'm not a Democrat... and what does that have to do with Trump's sudden flip flop on the hacking?
You are part of the problem where by you obfuscate and muddy the waters while pretending not to claim you believe the vote was hacked. I repeat for the slow stupid and insane NO ONE hack the election. IT DID NOT HAPPEN. And the dnc was not hacked either they were scammed someone sent an email that allowed them to get their passwords. And no there is no hard evidence the Russians did it.AN OPEN SOURCE CODE available to ANYONE with an internet connection was found on the DNC servers by a firm with anti Russian bias. No intel or law enforcement ever saw this for a fact none of them were allowed to touch the server or computers.

Look numbnuts, the biggest proponent to Russia hacking the election just saw the classified evidence Friday, and he now admits it was the Russians. I don't know what else to tell you at this point. If you want to continue to be some ignorant piece of work the rest of your life... then that's your choice. Yes, being ignorant is a choice... whereas some people are just stupid.

Nobody "hacked the election". A few idiots at the DNC leaving their digital asses hanging out with their email accounts isn't hacking an election. You're the prime example of an idiot that just repeats what the lying media says over and over until you believe it yourself.

The lying media? You mean the fucking national intelligence agencies? You're the prime example of fucking retarded Trump supporters that deny everything anti-Trump even when Trump concedes it himself.
The report was not and is not supported by 17 agencies as you and the others have claimed. Another bald faced lie.

It's not? Ok inform me...which agencies is it not supported by? :)
What does that have to do with what the Clinton Camp did to Bernie Sanders? What does "porn" have to do with the Clinton Camp conspiring with people at CNN to rig the debates?

I'm sorry... are you one of those people that can't understand analogies and metaphors? Like Drax the Destroyer?

You honestly want us to believe that hacking the DNC was hacking the election, really? And you want to be taken seriously?

Seriously dude, you just said two posts ago that there was no proof the DNC got hacked. And you want us to take YOU seriously? No one can prove the election was hacked, because it comes down to a matter of opinion... what can be said however, is that Russia hacked the DNC and released the information with the intent to influence the election.

I said the DNC may not have been hacked we will never know since a dishonest player was involved in the investigation.

JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!! Trump admits the DNC was hacked by the Russians. WTF MORE DO YOU WANT??? How about you un-retire there Sarge, try to get a top secret clearance, and then ask to see the evidence for yourself? Did you take a bullet to the helmet or something? Quit acting so fucking stupid.

And yet hacking the DNC IS NOT HACKING THE ELECTION as you keep claiming moronically.
Is the OP one of those idiot Dims who believes the vote tally was tampered with by the Russians?

I'm not a Democrat... and what does that have to do with Trump's sudden flip flop on the hacking?
You are part of the problem where by you obfuscate and muddy the waters while pretending not to claim you believe the vote was hacked. I repeat for the slow stupid and insane NO ONE hack the election. IT DID NOT HAPPEN. And the dnc was not hacked either they were scammed someone sent an email that allowed them to get their passwords. And no there is no hard evidence the Russians did it.AN OPEN SOURCE CODE available to ANYONE with an internet connection was found on the DNC servers by a firm with anti Russian bias. No intel or law enforcement ever saw this for a fact none of them were allowed to touch the server or computers.

Look numbnuts, the biggest proponent to Russia hacking the election just saw the classified evidence Friday, and he now admits it was the Russians. I don't know what else to tell you at this point. If you want to continue to be some ignorant piece of work the rest of your life... then that's your choice. Yes, being ignorant is a choice... whereas some people are just stupid.

Nobody "hacked the election". A few idiots at the DNC leaving their digital asses hanging out with their email accounts isn't hacking an election. You're the prime example of an idiot that just repeats what the lying media says over and over until you believe it yourself.

The lying media? You mean the fucking national intelligence agencies? You're the prime example of fucking retarded Trump supporters that deny everything anti-Trump even when Trump concedes it himself.

I'm talking about using the phrase "hacking the election" instead of accurately saying the DNC had no security or common sense when it came to their own email.
You are part of the problem where by you obfuscate and muddy the waters while pretending not to claim you believe the vote was hacked. I repeat for the slow stupid and insane NO ONE hack the election. IT DID NOT HAPPEN. And the dnc was not hacked either they were scammed someone sent an email that allowed them to get their passwords. And no there is no hard evidence the Russians did it.AN OPEN SOURCE CODE available to ANYONE with an internet connection was found on the DNC servers by a firm with anti Russian bias. No intel or law enforcement ever saw this for a fact none of them were allowed to touch the server or computers.

Look numbnuts, the biggest proponent to Russia hacking the election just saw the classified evidence Friday, and he now admits it was the Russians. I don't know what else to tell you at this point. If you want to continue to be some ignorant piece of work the rest of your life... then that's your choice. Yes, being ignorant is a choice... whereas some people are just stupid.

Nobody "hacked the election". A few idiots at the DNC leaving their digital asses hanging out with their email accounts isn't hacking an election. You're the prime example of an idiot that just repeats what the lying media says over and over until you believe it yourself.

The lying media? You mean the fucking national intelligence agencies? You're the prime example of fucking retarded Trump supporters that deny everything anti-Trump even when Trump concedes it himself.
The report was not and is not supported by 17 agencies as you and the others have claimed. Another bald faced lie.

It's not? Ok inform me...which agencies is it not supported by? :)
Link where all 17 agencies support the listed report.
What does that have to do with what the Clinton Camp did to Bernie Sanders? What does "porn" have to do with the Clinton Camp conspiring with people at CNN to rig the debates?

I'm sorry... are you one of those people that can't understand analogies and metaphors? Like Drax the Destroyer?

You honestly want us to believe that hacking the DNC was hacking the election, really? And you want to be taken seriously?

Seriously dude, you just said two posts ago that there was no proof the DNC got hacked. And you want us to take YOU seriously? No one can prove the election was hacked, because it comes down to a matter of opinion... what can be said however, is that Russia hacked the DNC and released the information with the intent to influence the election.

I said the DNC may not have been hacked we will never know since a dishonest player was involved in the investigation.

JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!! Trump admits the DNC was hacked by the Russians. WTF MORE DO YOU WANT??? How about you un-retire there Sarge, try to get a top secret clearance, and then ask to see the evidence for yourself? Did you take a bullet to the helmet or something? Quit acting so fucking stupid.

WTF more do YOU want? Who cares if it was a Russian slob or a 12 year old in Jamaica? Doesn't change the fact we all learned the TRUTH about the DNC.

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