Trump champions vaccines....

Make the deal with Hillary to fork over the Russian-authored 'dossier'? Not the question you were going to ask / asked? Too was the more appropriate one to ask, snowflake.
Democrats are allowed to collude with foreign spies. Democrats are to dumb to know what's going on. They literally support a guy who bangs Chinese spies to this day and can't get rid of him because China won't let them.
The cycle continues. Today's "real republican" is always tomorrow's RINO. The GOP's race to the bottom never ends.

If trump is such a powerful cult leader and all his supporters are brainwashed boot lickers, then why don't they all get the vaxx like their orange messiah tells them to get?

Trump is clever by promoting the vaccine.He knows 99 out of a 100 of his supporters wont take the killshot no matter what he says, he also knows that the left hate trump and they will do the opposite of what he says everytime so if he says take it,they say fuck that asshole,Im not going to take that shot.:up:

My how people forget,they dont remember how trump said MANY times last year that the hydroxychroquine needed to be distributed worldwide and that natural therapies were a cure all for the virus. The trump supporters,they understand the vaccine he is talking about is the hydroxychroquine. Its just the Biden lovers that are deadbrain and dont get that. my how people forget how trump mentioned many times thay hydroxychroquine needed to be distriubted worldwide.:cuckoo:

the sheep around here dont get it that when trump talks about the vaccine,he is talking about hydroxychroquine. Most trump supporters,99 out of a 100 understand that is what he is talking about .How one seems to somehow forget that Trump said MANY times in his speeches last year that the hydroxchroquine needed to be distributed around the world and that natural therapy remedies were a cure all for the virus.:uhoh3::cuckoo: Its only the Dumbass Biden lovers who dont understand that he speaks in code like that.
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My how the sheep forget on trumps words about hydroxchroquine and natural therapies. :uhoh3:

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