Trump Calls On Republicans To Do Something About This Witch Hunt And They Are


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

As expected, news that Special Counsel Robert Mueller was preparing to issue the first indictments resulting from the investigation into connections between Donald Trump’s campaign and the Russian government generated … a bit of a reaction.

As most of Washington engaged in a game of Clue, trying to determine which of the Trump coterie was going to be first to pick up a golden ticket (that would be Paul Manafort), Trump produced the expected explosion of posts on Twitter.

In them, Trump picked up the ball on the Republican attempt to flip the already ludicrous GOP narrative—Hillary Clinton colluded with the Russians to steal her own emails!—and brought it to a bugged out boil.

Never seen such Republican ANGER & UNITY as I have concerning the lack of investigation on Clinton made Fake Dossier (now $12,000,000?), … the Uranium to Russia deal, the 33,000 plus deleted Emails, the Comey fix and so much more. Instead they look at phony Trump/Russia, ..."collusion," which doesn't exist. The Dems are using this terrible (and bad for our country) Witch Hunt for evil politics, but the R's … are now fighting back like never before. There is so much GUILT by Democrats/Clinton, and now the facts are pouring out. DO SOMETHING!

Trump finished off this parfait, with a cherry straight from the upside down.

Donald J. Trump


All of this "Russia" talk right when the Republicans are making their big push for historic Tax Cuts & Reform. Is this coincidental? NOT!

9:48 AM - Oct 29, 2017
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The reason Russia talk jumped sharply in the last week, is only because the Republicans were the ones doing the talking, as they launched spurious investigations into transactions that happened eight years ago. The timing of that renewed interest falling just before Mueller’s first indictment, is almost certainly not a coincidence.

Now the question is whether Trump’s followers really will “DO SOMETHING” or even worse, do nothing.

Trump was back on Monday morning, pumping the idea that paying for opposition research is a crime on par with—or worse than—conspiring with a foreign government.

Donald J. Trump


Report out that Obama Campaign paid $972,000 to Fusion GPS. The firm also got $12,400,000 (really?) from DNC. Nobody knows who OK'd!

6:37 AM - Oct 30, 2017
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Trump friend Roger Stone exploded into Twitter action at Trump’s request, calling on Trump supporters to take their rage out on reporters who dared cover the news.

Mr. Stone’s posts were littered with expletives. He said Don Lemon, the host of “CNN Tonight,” “must be confronted, humiliated, mocked and punished,” adding that he was a “buffoon.”

The result is at least a temporary suspension of Twitter privileges for Paul Manafort’s old partner.

Trump’s call to arms might literally be taken that way—as a call to arms—by the contingent of his followers that feels America is just one black helicopter away from a globalist takeover.

But the larger threat is the one that the Republicans have worked so hard to generate since Trump took office, and will undoubtedly keep on building even as the paperwork gets filed: Confusion.

Throwing up nonsense charges about Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, as well as making announcements that the Senate and House “investigations” are about to wind down, after never really winding up, is designed to prop up Trump’s contention that the whole investigation is a witch hunt.

It’s aimed at allowing Trump to take any action, even firing Mueller, and turn it from a constitutional crisis, to a one day wonder.

The biggest threat to the nation at the moment is not that the Republicans will DO SOMETHING … it’s that Trump will. He’ll pardon whoever has their name inside Mueller’s envelope, then he’ll start the ball rolling on whatever mini-massacre is required to make this whole thing go away.

And then … the Republicans will do nothing.

They’ll block any action in the House. Block any action in the Senate.

They’ll greet any demand for consequences with the same ringing silence that Jeff Flake received after his “we can’t be silent” speech.

After all, there are tax cuts to write. What’s a little thing like the fall of democracy if it brings more dollars to the top one percent?

Donald Trump calls on Republicans to DO SOMETHING about this 'witch hunt' and they are
The intel committee in the Senate is meeting today privately about Trump and his obstructionism.
SORRY SNOWFLAKES, you knew what you were getting yourselves into! :laugh2:

As expected, news that Special Counsel Robert Mueller was preparing to issue the first indictments resulting from the investigation into connections between Donald Trump’s campaign and the Russian government generated … a bit of a reaction.

As most of Washington engaged in a game of Clue, trying to determine which of the Trump coterie was going to be first to pick up a golden ticket (that would be Paul Manafort), Trump produced the expected explosion of posts on Twitter.

In them, Trump picked up the ball on the Republican attempt to flip the already ludicrous GOP narrative—Hillary Clinton colluded with the Russians to steal her own emails!—and brought it to a bugged out boil.

Never seen such Republican ANGER & UNITY as I have concerning the lack of investigation on Clinton made Fake Dossier (now $12,000,000?), … the Uranium to Russia deal, the 33,000 plus deleted Emails, the Comey fix and so much more. Instead they look at phony Trump/Russia, ..."collusion," which doesn't exist. The Dems are using this terrible (and bad for our country) Witch Hunt for evil politics, but the R's … are now fighting back like never before. There is so much GUILT by Democrats/Clinton, and now the facts are pouring out. DO SOMETHING!

Trump finished off this parfait, with a cherry straight from the upside down.

Donald J. Trump


All of this "Russia" talk right when the Republicans are making their big push for historic Tax Cuts & Reform. Is this coincidental? NOT!

9:48 AM - Oct 29, 2017
Twitter Ads info and privacy

The reason Russia talk jumped sharply in the last week, is only because the Republicans were the ones doing the talking, as they launched spurious investigations into transactions that happened eight years ago. The timing of that renewed interest falling just before Mueller’s first indictment, is almost certainly not a coincidence.

Now the question is whether Trump’s followers really will “DO SOMETHING” or even worse, do nothing.

Trump was back on Monday morning, pumping the idea that paying for opposition research is a crime on par with—or worse than—conspiring with a foreign government.

Donald J. Trump


Report out that Obama Campaign paid $972,000 to Fusion GPS. The firm also got $12,400,000 (really?) from DNC. Nobody knows who OK'd!

6:37 AM - Oct 30, 2017
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Trump friend Roger Stone exploded into Twitter action at Trump’s request, calling on Trump supporters to take their rage out on reporters who dared cover the news.

Mr. Stone’s posts were littered with expletives. He said Don Lemon, the host of “CNN Tonight,” “must be confronted, humiliated, mocked and punished,” adding that he was a “buffoon.”

The result is at least a temporary suspension of Twitter privileges for Paul Manafort’s old partner.

Trump’s call to arms might literally be taken that way—as a call to arms—by the contingent of his followers that feels America is just one black helicopter away from a globalist takeover.

But the larger threat is the one that the Republicans have worked so hard to generate since Trump took office, and will undoubtedly keep on building even as the paperwork gets filed: Confusion.

Throwing up nonsense charges about Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, as well as making announcements that the Senate and House “investigations” are about to wind down, after never really winding up, is designed to prop up Trump’s contention that the whole investigation is a witch hunt.

It’s aimed at allowing Trump to take any action, even firing Mueller, and turn it from a constitutional crisis, to a one day wonder.

The biggest threat to the nation at the moment is not that the Republicans will DO SOMETHING … it’s that Trump will. He’ll pardon whoever has their name inside Mueller’s envelope, then he’ll start the ball rolling on whatever mini-massacre is required to make this whole thing go away.

And then … the Republicans will do nothing.

They’ll block any action in the House. Block any action in the Senate.

They’ll greet any demand for consequences with the same ringing silence that Jeff Flake received after his “we can’t be silent” speech.

After all, there are tax cuts to write. What’s a little thing like the fall of democracy if it brings more dollars to the top one percent?

Donald Trump calls on Republicans to DO SOMETHING about this 'witch hunt' and they are

Trump promised to go after Hillary and then backed down.

Oh, the Pubs on Senate Intel are doing something: they are meeting privately today on how to remove Trump.

As expected, news that Special Counsel Robert Mueller was preparing to issue the first indictments resulting from the investigation into connections between Donald Trump’s campaign and the Russian government generated … a bit of a reaction.

As most of Washington engaged in a game of Clue, trying to determine which of the Trump coterie was going to be first to pick up a golden ticket (that would be Paul Manafort), Trump produced the expected explosion of posts on Twitter.

In them, Trump picked up the ball on the Republican attempt to flip the already ludicrous GOP narrative—Hillary Clinton colluded with the Russians to steal her own emails!—and brought it to a bugged out boil.

Never seen such Republican ANGER & UNITY as I have concerning the lack of investigation on Clinton made Fake Dossier (now $12,000,000?), … the Uranium to Russia deal, the 33,000 plus deleted Emails, the Comey fix and so much more. Instead they look at phony Trump/Russia, ..."collusion," which doesn't exist. The Dems are using this terrible (and bad for our country) Witch Hunt for evil politics, but the R's … are now fighting back like never before. There is so much GUILT by Democrats/Clinton, and now the facts are pouring out. DO SOMETHING!

Trump finished off this parfait, with a cherry straight from the upside down.

Donald J. Trump


All of this "Russia" talk right when the Republicans are making their big push for historic Tax Cuts & Reform. Is this coincidental? NOT!

9:48 AM - Oct 29, 2017
Twitter Ads info and privacy

The reason Russia talk jumped sharply in the last week, is only because the Republicans were the ones doing the talking, as they launched spurious investigations into transactions that happened eight years ago. The timing of that renewed interest falling just before Mueller’s first indictment, is almost certainly not a coincidence.

Now the question is whether Trump’s followers really will “DO SOMETHING” or even worse, do nothing.

Trump was back on Monday morning, pumping the idea that paying for opposition research is a crime on par with—or worse than—conspiring with a foreign government.

Donald J. Trump


Report out that Obama Campaign paid $972,000 to Fusion GPS. The firm also got $12,400,000 (really?) from DNC. Nobody knows who OK'd!

6:37 AM - Oct 30, 2017
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Trump friend Roger Stone exploded into Twitter action at Trump’s request, calling on Trump supporters to take their rage out on reporters who dared cover the news.

Mr. Stone’s posts were littered with expletives. He said Don Lemon, the host of “CNN Tonight,” “must be confronted, humiliated, mocked and punished,” adding that he was a “buffoon.”

The result is at least a temporary suspension of Twitter privileges for Paul Manafort’s old partner.

Trump’s call to arms might literally be taken that way—as a call to arms—by the contingent of his followers that feels America is just one black helicopter away from a globalist takeover.

But the larger threat is the one that the Republicans have worked so hard to generate since Trump took office, and will undoubtedly keep on building even as the paperwork gets filed: Confusion.

Throwing up nonsense charges about Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, as well as making announcements that the Senate and House “investigations” are about to wind down, after never really winding up, is designed to prop up Trump’s contention that the whole investigation is a witch hunt.

It’s aimed at allowing Trump to take any action, even firing Mueller, and turn it from a constitutional crisis, to a one day wonder.

The biggest threat to the nation at the moment is not that the Republicans will DO SOMETHING … it’s that Trump will. He’ll pardon whoever has their name inside Mueller’s envelope, then he’ll start the ball rolling on whatever mini-massacre is required to make this whole thing go away.

And then … the Republicans will do nothing.

They’ll block any action in the House. Block any action in the Senate.

They’ll greet any demand for consequences with the same ringing silence that Jeff Flake received after his “we can’t be silent” speech.

After all, there are tax cuts to write. What’s a little thing like the fall of democracy if it brings more dollars to the top one percent?

Donald Trump calls on Republicans to DO SOMETHING about this 'witch hunt' and they are

Trump promised to go after Hillary and then backed down.


Never mind, I just answered my own question.

SORRY SNOWFLAKES, you knew what you were getting yourselves into! :laugh2:
Bogus GOP probes divert from serious Russia inquiry L/
By Eric Swalwell

. Our time to act decisively and in unison is growing short. And these new, bogus investigations will only help run out the clock.

The Russian government - with its plans to attack our democracy in the next election — scored a major victory yesterday in the House of Representatives. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R- Visalia — who earlier this year recused himself from our
investigation of Russia’s meddling in 2016’s election — announced he is launching a new investigation into Hillary Clinton’s role in a long since-debunked “conspiracy” involving 2010 uranium sales to Russia. Meanwhile, House Over- sight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., and Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., announced they are launching an inquiry into the Justice Department’s decisions regarding its Clinton investigations during the 2016 campaign. These new investigations are nothing more than the latest round of smoke bombs dropped by Republicans in Congress and the White House, aimed at disrupting and discrediting criminal and congressional probes of Russia’s interference in our most sacred institution: free and fair elections. We’ve seen this effort in various iterations, from claiming former President Barack Obama had wiretapped Donald Trump, to Nunes working with the White House — the subjects of our investigation — to manufacture a phony “unmasking” narrative. Fortunately, dogged determination by Democrats in Congress - joined by a few courageous Republicans — and the work of a free press has yielded important information about Russia’s attack.
Contrary to the president’s cavalier denials, our intelligence community months ago concluded unanimously that Russia undertook a coordinated operation to interfere with our election. It took part in or abetted computer hacking, and selectively disseminated stolen, private information. It scanned voter registration systems in almost half our states. It produced fake news, and both used its own propaganda outlets and abused our social media plat- forms to disseminate those lies and sow discord and distrust in American political institutions. It’s clear that Russia did this to benefit Trump’s campaign and destabilize our electoral process. It’s growing clearer that Russia sought to coordinate directly with the Trump campaign in doing so. And our investigation and the media’s reporting have shown that the Trump family, campaign and businesses repeatedly demonstrated a willingness and eagerness to work with Russia to win the election. Sadly, Russia last year infected us with a virus that we still -have not kicked — a loss of faith in our nation’s democratic structures. Our disarray serves Putin’s global purposes. And , with 2018’s midterm election practically around the corner, the only antidote to a future at- tack is showing unity among our nation’s leaders in identifying how we were so vulnerable and who was responsible. Yet these new, plainly partisan investigations only foster disunity, only serving to sharpen Russians’ swords to attack us again.
The House and Senate Intelligence committees and Special Counsel Robert Mueller must be allowed to finish our investigations without further delay or distraction. But Congress also must be allowed to vote on HR 356, the Protecting Our Democracy Act. This bill, which I co-authored with Rep. Elijah_Cummings, D-Md. — the ranking member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform — would create an independent, bipartisan-appointed commission that can investigate Russia’s meddling free of all of this political pandering and obfuscation, and produce a report that the American people can believe and trust. ' Our bill is co-sponsored by all House Democrats, plus two Republicans: Walter Jones, R- N.C., and Justin Amash, R- Mich. It is longpast time for more of the House GOP to put country over party by supporting our effort to depoliticize this crucial investigation and place it in the hands of independent experts in national security, foreign policy and election law. “ Our time to act decisively and in unison is growing short. And these new, bogus investiga- tions will only help run out the clock.

Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Castro Valley, is the ranking member of the CIA Subcommittee of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

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