Trump calls on Omar to resign over remarks condemned as anti semtic

Mullah omar is ridiculous and should be ousted after her one two-year term. Should ALL muslims be smeared with her tarry brush, or just somali ones.
Clearly to your mind anyone who criticizes a Muslim is a "garden variety anti Muslim bigot" as you demonstrated in trying to excuse Omar's vile anti semitic statements by suggesting she was being victimized by anti Muslim bigots.

As for your statement: "You do realize antisemitism is prevalent across non Muslim communitees in the US dont you, but you offer nothing to indicate it is more prevalent among American Muslims." You are conceding my claim that Muslims are intolerant of other religions and cultures, the very point you had wanted to argue against.

I'll have to assume your reason is presently impaired.

I concede antisemitism is prevalent among all our cultures, unlike you, I am not insisting it is just or mostly a Muslim thing nor is it a problem with all Muslims. In varying parts of the world, Christians are highly intolerant, Buddhists are highly intolerant, and Hindu's are highly intolerant. Pick your poison. If you want to claim Muslim Americans are more intolerant than other American demographics then prove it. You have yet to do that other than a pathetic attempt to bring up Nation of Islam, which barely represents any American Muslims.

What is it you want from Omar? She apologized. Seems sincere enough but I think no apology will satisfy you because you don't want a Muslim in office. Am I correct?

Trump Calls On Rep. Ilhan Omar To Resign Over Remarks Criticized As Anti-Semitic

She apologized. What more do you want from her? How about waiting and seeing what she does in office? There's a lot of dog whistles.

And we should not be preventing people from legitimately criticizing Israel's policies OR taking a more pro-Palestinian stand. It is their right.
You manage to pack so much bullshit into every post, it's hard to know where to start a response. First, no honest intelligent person will deny that anti semitism is especially widespread among Muslims, and that in recent times in has grown in Europe as the Muslim populations of Europe have increased, and anti semitism within the Democratic Party has grown as the number of Muslims who support that Party has increased.

Again, by being an apologist for anti semitism, you become guilty of anti semitism. Omar did not apologize for her anti semitic statements. She merely apologized for not realizing how hurtful they would be to Jews. And this only after she was condemned by the leadership of the Democratic Party and amid calls for her to be removed from the House foreign relations committee. Again, she made no apology for her anti semitic statements or for being an anti semite,and by trying to distract from her anti semitism and the anti semitism of the community she identifies with, you are embracing her anti semitism.

Finally, don't try to say her vile anti semitism is a product of Israel's policies. This woman is clearly so ignorant and bigoted that she is incapable of rationally evaluating Israel's policies and she seems only capable of hating Jews whether here in the US where she claims they are buying the government, an age old anti semitic trope, or whether they are in Israel where she hates them for not being Muslims. You disgrace yourself in post after post by trying to defend her vile anti semitism by portraying her as the victim of your mythical Islamophobia.
Thank you, again, for offering us a stellar example of anti Islamic bigotry. You can wipe the froth off your chin.
How about this for Muslim intolerance, your girlfriend completely out of context asked Eliot Abrams, a Jew, if he would commit genocide if it would benefit the US? I'm sure you believe anti muslim bigotry forced her to try to get a Jew to justify the Nazi Holocaust.

My girlfriend? She is just another elected official...that is what you, in your knee jerk hatred of all things Muslim, don’t seem to understand.

As to the genocide...maybe this was what she was referring to:

Ilhan Omar confronts Elliott Abrams over human rights
More of your self righteous bullshit in defense of anti semitsm. Over and over she asks him about genocide although there was no genocide in Central America, and she even accuses him of supporting genocide in Central America, which of course is a lie.

“Yes or no,” continued Omar, “would you support an armed faction within Venezuela that engages in war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide if you believed they were serving U.S. interests as you did in El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua?”

It is hard to believe you are stupid enough to not see falsely accusing a Jew of endorsing genocide as an anti semitic attack, so it must be your judgement is impaired by your own bigotry.
I concede antisemitism is prevalent among all our cultures, unlike you, I am not insisting it is just or mostly a Muslim thing nor is it a problem with all Muslims. In varying parts of the world, Christians are highly intolerant, Buddhists are highly intolerant, and Hindu's are highly intolerant. Pick your poison. If you want to claim Muslim Americans are more intolerant than other American demographics then prove it. You have yet to do that other than a pathetic attempt to bring up Nation of Islam, which barely represents any American Muslims.

What is it you want from Omar? She apologized. Seems sincere enough but I think no apology will satisfy you because you don't want a Muslim in office. Am I correct?

Trump Calls On Rep. Ilhan Omar To Resign Over Remarks Criticized As Anti-Semitic

She apologized. What more do you want from her? How about waiting and seeing what she does in office? There's a lot of dog whistles.

And we should not be preventing people from legitimately criticizing Israel's policies OR taking a more pro-Palestinian stand. It is their right.
You manage to pack so much bullshit into every post, it's hard to know where to start a response. First, no honest intelligent person will deny that anti semitism is especially widespread among Muslims, and that in recent times in has grown in Europe as the Muslim populations of Europe have increased, and anti semitism within the Democratic Party has grown as the number of Muslims who support that Party has increased.

Again, by being an apologist for anti semitism, you become guilty of anti semitism. Omar did not apologize for her anti semitic statements. She merely apologized for not realizing how hurtful they would be to Jews. And this only after she was condemned by the leadership of the Democratic Party and amid calls for her to be removed from the House foreign relations committee. Again, she made no apology for her anti semitic statements or for being an anti semite,and by trying to distract from her anti semitism and the anti semitism of the community she identifies with, you are embracing her anti semitism.

Finally, don't try to say her vile anti semitism is a product of Israel's policies. This woman is clearly so ignorant and bigoted that she is incapable of rationally evaluating Israel's policies and she seems only capable of hating Jews whether here in the US where she claims they are buying the government, an age old anti semitic trope, or whether they are in Israel where she hates them for not being Muslims. You disgrace yourself in post after post by trying to defend her vile anti semitism by portraying her as the victim of your mythical Islamophobia.
Thank you, again, for offering us a stellar example of anti Islamic bigotry. You can wipe the froth off your chin.
How about this for Muslim intolerance, your girlfriend completely out of context asked Eliot Abrams, a Jew, if he would commit genocide if it would benefit the US? I'm sure you believe anti muslim bigotry forced her to try to get a Jew to justify the Nazi Holocaust.

My girlfriend? She is just another elected official...that is what you, in your knee jerk hatred of all things Muslim, don’t seem to understand.

As to the genocide...maybe this was what she was referring to:

Ilhan Omar confronts Elliott Abrams over human rights
More of your self righteous bullshit in defense of anti semitsm. Over and over she asks him about genocide although there was no genocide in Central America, and she even accuses him of supporting genocide in Central America, which of course is a lie.

“Yes or no,” continued Omar, “would you support an armed faction within Venezuela that engages in war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide if you believed they were serving U.S. interests as you did in El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua?”

It is hard to believe you are stupid enough to not see falsely accusing a Jew of endorsing genocide as an anti semitic attack, so it must be your judgement is impaired by your own bigotry.

Genocide is an over used word and I agree it s misused. However, you were not referencing this but rather the Holocaust in your statement.

You also seem to forget that Jews are people, human beings and as such are as good and as evil as any other human beings. That means that like any human being, ya, they can endorse, justify or make excuses for genocide. There are some here along with all kinds of other people have no issue with Myanmar’s genocide of the Rohinga.

Her statements in this, while grossly exaggerating genocide are certainly not antisemitic.
Just down the line and makes good logic , oh that's right because it's true.

You manage to pack so much bullshit into every post, it's hard to know where to start a response. First, no honest intelligent person will deny that anti semitism is especially widespread among Muslims, and that in recent times in has grown in Europe as the Muslim populations of Europe have increased, and anti semitism within the Democratic Party has grown as the number of Muslims who support that Party has increased.

Again, by being an apologist for anti semitism, you become guilty of anti semitism. Omar did not apologize for her anti semitic statements. She merely apologized for not realizing how hurtful they would be to Jews. And this only after she was condemned by the leadership of the Democratic Party and amid calls for her to be removed from the House foreign relations committee. Again, she made no apology for her anti semitic statements or for being an anti semite,and by trying to distract from her anti semitism and the anti semitism of the community she identifies with, you are embracing her anti semitism.

Finally, don't try to say her vile anti semitism is a product of Israel's policies. This woman is clearly so ignorant and bigoted that she is incapable of rationally evaluating Israel's policies and she seems only capable of hating Jews whether here in the US where she claims they are buying the government, an age old anti semitic trope, or whether they are in Israel where she hates them for not being Muslims. You disgrace yourself in post after post by trying to defend her vile anti semitism by portraying her as the victim of your mythical Islamophobia.
Thank you, again, for offering us a stellar example of anti Islamic bigotry. You can wipe the froth off your chin.
How about this for Muslim intolerance, your girlfriend completely out of context asked Eliot Abrams, a Jew, if he would commit genocide if it would benefit the US? I'm sure you believe anti muslim bigotry forced her to try to get a Jew to justify the Nazi Holocaust.

My girlfriend? She is just another elected official...that is what you, in your knee jerk hatred of all things Muslim, don’t seem to understand.

As to the genocide...maybe this was what she was referring to:

Ilhan Omar confronts Elliott Abrams over human rights
More of your self righteous bullshit in defense of anti semitsm. Over and over she asks him about genocide although there was no genocide in Central America, and she even accuses him of supporting genocide in Central America, which of course is a lie.

“Yes or no,” continued Omar, “would you support an armed faction within Venezuela that engages in war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide if you believed they were serving U.S. interests as you did in El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua?”

It is hard to believe you are stupid enough to not see falsely accusing a Jew of endorsing genocide as an anti semitic attack, so it must be your judgement is impaired by your own bigotry.

Genocide is an over used word and I agree it s misused. However, you were not referencing this but rather the Holocaust in your statement.

You also seem to forget that Jews are people, human beings and as such are as good and as evil as any other human beings. That means that like any human being, ya, they can endorse, justify or make excuses for genocide. There are some here along with all kinds of other people have no issue with Myanmar’s genocide of the Rohinga.

Her statements in this, while grossly exaggerating genocide are certainly not antisemitic.
You continue to be so full of shit. There was no exaggeration. There was no genocide in Central America and there is no reason to expect a genocide in Venezuela, so why use the word over and over again and why accuse of Jew of supporting genocide. Even as bigoted as you obviously are, you must know that Holocaust denial and resentment of sympathy for Jews because of the Holocaust is strong element of Muslim anti semitism, and there can be no other reason for her to talk about genocide when there was none and to accuse a Jew of supporting genocide when there was none other than to denigrate the horror of the Holocaust and try to justify the Holocaust by suggesting he would do exactly what Hitler did for nationalistic reasons. Shame on you for continuing to defend her vile anti semitic slurs.
Israel is a rogue terrorist state the whole world recognized their crimes and thanks to the Zionist lobby we pay them and they fu k right in the ass....besides trumps government who else like Israel? No one.
What Countries Support Israel? - Blurtit
You are just factually wrong, though you probably don't care. If your posts were half as bright as they were hate filled and angry you would have probably not made such an erroneous claim.

And yeah, Ilhan Omar needs to go back to work for Louie Farrakhan churning out anti Jewish
garbage and leave Congress alone. We don't need such a backwards religious zealot there.
Nobody buys Israel's propaganda anymore except the evangelicals in the US , that do support the Zionists to speed up the return of jesus... most countries condemn Israelis Crimes qnd the US comes in to rescue with its Veto. No one else gives billions to Israel of charity money instead of giving to the thousands of veterans who are dying on the streets. Israel got the US by the balls and that's a fact.

Your kind of sickness is best allowed to breathe freely outside the USA.
Thank you, again, for offering us a stellar example of anti Islamic bigotry. You can wipe the froth off your chin.
How about this for Muslim intolerance, your girlfriend completely out of context asked Eliot Abrams, a Jew, if he would commit genocide if it would benefit the US? I'm sure you believe anti muslim bigotry forced her to try to get a Jew to justify the Nazi Holocaust.

My girlfriend? She is just another elected official...that is what you, in your knee jerk hatred of all things Muslim, don’t seem to understand.

As to the genocide...maybe this was what she was referring to:

Ilhan Omar confronts Elliott Abrams over human rights
More of your self righteous bullshit in defense of anti semitsm. Over and over she asks him about genocide although there was no genocide in Central America, and she even accuses him of supporting genocide in Central America, which of course is a lie.

“Yes or no,” continued Omar, “would you support an armed faction within Venezuela that engages in war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide if you believed they were serving U.S. interests as you did in El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua?”

It is hard to believe you are stupid enough to not see falsely accusing a Jew of endorsing genocide as an anti semitic attack, so it must be your judgement is impaired by your own bigotry.

Genocide is an over used word and I agree it s misused. However, you were not referencing this but rather the Holocaust in your statement.

You also seem to forget that Jews are people, human beings and as such are as good and as evil as any other human beings. That means that like any human being, ya, they can endorse, justify or make excuses for genocide. There are some here along with all kinds of other people have no issue with Myanmar’s genocide of the Rohinga.

Her statements in this, while grossly exaggerating genocide are certainly not antisemitic.
You continue to be so full of shit. There was no exaggeration. There was no genocide in Central America and there is no reason to expect a genocide in Venezuela, so why use the word over and over again and why accuse of Jew of supporting genocide. Even as bigoted as you obviously are, you must know that Holocaust denial and resentment of sympathy for Jews because of the Holocaust is strong element of Muslim anti semitism, and there can be no other reason for her to talk about genocide when there was none and to accuse a Jew of supporting genocide when there was none other than to denigrate the horror of the Holocaust and try to justify the Holocaust by suggesting he would do exactly what Hitler did for nationalistic reasons. Shame on you for continuing to defend her vile anti semitic slurs.
People mususe genocide all the time, just look at the posts here. I doubt there is anything she can do right since she is a muslim and you hate them.
I wonder what they are indoctrinating the kids in the elementary schools. . . .


It has long been an incubator for Leftist programming and indoctrination.

That helps explain where and why and how we are in so much crap.

Leftists have stolen our students for 30 years.
You also seem to forget that Jews are people, human beings and as such are as good and as evil as any other human beings. That means that like any human being, ya, they can endorse, justify or make excuses for genocide.
A pretty disgusting statement.
You are lying. The article does not say AIPAC donated any money to politicians.
I said they (their members), donate money to superpacs. Stop playing word games, asshole.
No, you said Omar was right to accuse AIPAC of buying votes in Congress, and clearly it does not. Now you say there is something wrong with American Jews making political donations on their own. Why do you only object to Jews making political donations? The polls show that about 70% of Americans support Israel over the Palestinians, and since Jews only make up a tiny percent of the American population, certainly most of the political donations on behalf of good US Israel relations are made by non Jews, so why do you single out Jews for criticism?
I wonder what they are indoctrinating the kids in the elementary schools. . . .


It has long been an incubator for Leftist programming and indoctrination.

That helps explain where and why and how we are in so much crap.

Leftists have stolen our students for 30 years.

Yeah, I know.

I would have my kid bring his home, and we would go over that;

. . and I would always have him tell me what they made them watch on the corporate and CIA sponsored CHANNEL ONE NEWS.

Most folks don't know that is where Mr. Cooper did his CIA training;

How about this for Muslim intolerance, your girlfriend completely out of context asked Eliot Abrams, a Jew, if he would commit genocide if it would benefit the US? I'm sure you believe anti muslim bigotry forced her to try to get a Jew to justify the Nazi Holocaust.

My girlfriend? She is just another elected official...that is what you, in your knee jerk hatred of all things Muslim, don’t seem to understand.

As to the genocide...maybe this was what she was referring to:

Ilhan Omar confronts Elliott Abrams over human rights
More of your self righteous bullshit in defense of anti semitsm. Over and over she asks him about genocide although there was no genocide in Central America, and she even accuses him of supporting genocide in Central America, which of course is a lie.

“Yes or no,” continued Omar, “would you support an armed faction within Venezuela that engages in war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide if you believed they were serving U.S. interests as you did in El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua?”

It is hard to believe you are stupid enough to not see falsely accusing a Jew of endorsing genocide as an anti semitic attack, so it must be your judgement is impaired by your own bigotry.

Genocide is an over used word and I agree it s misused. However, you were not referencing this but rather the Holocaust in your statement.

You also seem to forget that Jews are people, human beings and as such are as good and as evil as any other human beings. That means that like any human being, ya, they can endorse, justify or make excuses for genocide. There are some here along with all kinds of other people have no issue with Myanmar’s genocide of the Rohinga.

Her statements in this, while grossly exaggerating genocide are certainly not antisemitic.
You continue to be so full of shit. There was no exaggeration. There was no genocide in Central America and there is no reason to expect a genocide in Venezuela, so why use the word over and over again and why accuse of Jew of supporting genocide. Even as bigoted as you obviously are, you must know that Holocaust denial and resentment of sympathy for Jews because of the Holocaust is strong element of Muslim anti semitism, and there can be no other reason for her to talk about genocide when there was none and to accuse a Jew of supporting genocide when there was none other than to denigrate the horror of the Holocaust and try to justify the Holocaust by suggesting he would do exactly what Hitler did for nationalistic reasons. Shame on you for continuing to defend her vile anti semitic slurs.
People mususe genocide all the time, just look at the posts here. I doubt there is anything she can do right since she is a muslim and you hate them.
Again you try to make this vile, ignorant bigot the victim. Have you no shame? You seem to be arguing she is too stupid and ignorant to know what the word, genocide, means or that she is too stupid or ignorant to know what happened in Central American or what is likely to happen in Venezuela, but her determined effort accuse a Jew of genocide when the Nazi genocide is such a large part Muslim anti semitism and there was nothing like genocide in either Central America or Venezuela would convince any honest intelligent person she was referring to the Holocaust. I don't hate Muslims, I hate bigots like you are Omar.
No, you said Omar was right to accuse AIPAC of buying votes in Congress, and clearly it does not. Now you say there is something wrong with American Jews making political donations on their own. Why do you only object to Jews making political donations? The polls show that about 70% of Americans support Israel over the Palestinians, and since Jews only make up a tiny percent of the American population, certainly most of the political donations on behalf of good US Israel relations are made by non Jews, so why do you single out Jews for criticism?
I didn't say anything about Jews, so fuck you! AIPAC is a pro-Israeli lobby group. WTF do you think they do with their money? Buy hockey tickets?
No, you said Omar was right to accuse AIPAC of buying votes in Congress, and clearly it does not. Now you say there is something wrong with American Jews making political donations on their own. Why do you only object to Jews making political donations? The polls show that about 70% of Americans support Israel over the Palestinians, and since Jews only make up a tiny percent of the American population, certainly most of the political donations on behalf of good US Israel relations are made by non Jews, so why do you single out Jews for criticism?
I didn't say anything about Jews, so fuck you! AIPAC is a pro-Israeli lobby group. WTF do you think they do with their money? Buy hockey tickets?
The fact is AIPAC makes no political endorsements and or political donations.

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