Trump attorneys lack security clearance

AND........I've heard rumors.......Trump doesn't either pay these attorneys all that well, or actually stiffs them on their fees. Amazing!!

Jake, this could put Hillary in the White House!
LOL! What the hell are you smoking?
Please, oh please explain how this gets Hitlerry in the White House?
The only way she gets in the White house is if she's Melania's guest.

Trump gets impeached, Pence gets impeached, whoever is next in line asks Hillary to step in for them
WOW, what color is the sky in your world?
Things do not work that way.
And, who do you thin k is that "next in line person?"
8 year old idiot!
Trump lead lawyers lack security clearance: report

What a clown show....If that was a Democrat the Congress would be up in arms....OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!

Jim, I want to thank you for so often providing me the opportunity to step in and point out the snowflakes' / Democrats unprecedented level of 'Hypocrisy'.

So Democrats / Snowflakes are worried that members of Trump's team (specifically his lawyers) don't have the required level of Security Clearance they should / need to have.

I completely applaud their level of concern for our national security - it has taken them a helluva long time to get to this point. As they continued to demonstrate over and over, they sure didn't give a damn about national security in 2016.

At the height of the Hillary server investigation it was revealed:

Hillary had in her illegal possession, classified information so TOP SECRET that, according to Obama, 'it could not be released in any format because if it were to be it would cause grave damage to our national security'.
- She had in her possession classified information pertaining to TS programs that required her to be 'read-into' them and 'read out' once she left the State Department. That means once she was 'read out' it as ILLEGAL for her to have that information or even talk about it.

Hillary had this level of classified on an un-authorized server that was not encrypted for security reasons as required by the law and was not stored in a secure location as required by the law. At one point she allowed a small IT company - that did not have the necessary security clearances to have access to the server - to store it in their BATHROOM.

Hillary gave all kinds of people who had no security clearances access to this information and her server. These people included her own IT rep, the IT company we just mentioned, her MAID - who her aides claimed would be given access to it so she could print it out for Hillary, and may have guessed it - HER LAWYERS.

For months these clowns were walking around with information Obama, again, called 'SO CLASSIFIED it could not be released in any format because if it were to be it would cause grave damage to our national security' around with them on USB 'thumb' drives.

(I sure am glad that US AG Lynch and Comey's FBI declared that all the rules, regs, and laws that were broken did not pertain to Hillary or she and all those other people who had illegal access to all that classified could have been in trouble...)

I am so glad, finally though, that Democrats / Liberals / snowflakes are so security conscious now....

AND........I've heard rumors.......Trump doesn't either pay these attorneys all that well, or actually stiffs them on their fees. Amazing!!

Jake, this could put Hillary in the White House!
LOL! What the hell are you smoking?
Please, oh please explain how this gets Hitlerry in the White House?
The only way she gets in the White house is if she's Melania's guest.

Trump gets impeached, Pence gets impeached, whoever is next in line asks Hillary to step in for them
WOW, what color is the sky in your world?
Things do not work that way.
And, who do you thin k is that "next in line person?"
8 year old idiot!
Putting Hillary in that list of 'whose next' just proves these rants are still about Hillary and them still refusing to accept the outcome of the 2016 election.
Can you say Hillary? I knew you could.

Falling back on the Hillary issue. You better start worrying about your orange king.
Deal with it, the bitch put our country at risk to protect herself.
Giving classified material in the hands of a child molester, opening herself up for blackmail.
And, that is a FACT!.
child molester?
Ty Cobb gone,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,about time
Ty Cobb is a child molester?
Speaking of Lack of Security Clearance....

When is the FBI and DOJ going to charge Huma Abedin for sending copies of all of Hillary's e-mails, to include the really TS ones, home to her personal laptop she shared with the pedophile, which usually rested on his junk while he sexted children?
Falling back on the Hillary issue. You better start worrying about your orange king.
Deal with it, the bitch put our country at risk to protect herself.
Giving classified material in the hands of a child molester, opening herself up for blackmail.
And, that is a FACT!.
child molester?
Ty Cobb gone,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,about time
Ty Cobb is a child molester?
Ah thought you might be onot pizza gate, asshole.

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