trump Appointee Arrested In Connection With Capitol Riot

Reported this morning. Posted as a follow-along to the OP's already posted news feed:

"State Department aide appointed by Trump stormed the Capitol, beat police with a riot shield, FBI says"
March 5, 2021 at 5:55 a.m. EST
"Police officers, veterans and even a former FBI employee have been arrested for allegedly storming the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. Now, federal investigators have added a Trump administration official to the growing list of defendants facing charges in the deadly riot.

On Thursday, the FBI arrested a political appointee of former president Donald Trump, according to a criminal complaint, marking the first member of the administration arrested in connection with the insurrection. Politico first reported the arrest.

Federal agents arrested Federico G. Klein, 42, a former State Department aide, on multiple felony charges related to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, according to a criminal complaint……..”
So this guy pretended to be a Trump appointee all this time; only to reveal himself as an ANTIFA operative??

These communist Dems will stop at nothing to trick Republicans

Frederico is just a dumb, young hothead.

He's also an appointee of trump. He has worked with trump since 2016.

He's also a traitor to our nation who was involved in a riot and insurrection on our capitol.

I hope the fullest extent of our laws are imposed on him.
Who would have thunk it, Trump's entire administration was a who's who of grifters and criminals.

The only people more corrupt than even Trump's administration, is Congress.
We should have arrested them a LONG time ago, like when they lied about WMD in Iraq, illegally funded the Contras, over turned the democracy in Egypt, murdered Qaddafi, started a civil war in Syria, illegally imposed economic sanctions against Iran, the War on Drugs, 3 Strikes, etc.
Frederico is just a dumb, young hothead.

He's also an appointee of trump. He has worked with trump since 2016.

He's also a traitor to our nation who was involved in a riot and insurrection on our capitol.

I hope the fullest extent of our laws are imposed on him.

The greatest traitors to this country are IN Congress.
It is a good thing to remind Congress once in awhile who they are supposed to be working for, even though I disagree completely about any election suspicions.
The fact the demonstrators were wrong changes nothing.
They have a right to be heard and seen.
It was a good thing over all.
This is interesting. A person who trump appointed to the state department has been arrested in connection to the capitol riot and insurrection.

The charges have not been released yet. I hope we will know what he is charged with soon.

I have yet to find anything that would indicate that Trump even knew this guys name, much less appointed him to anything. Normally the president doesn't appoint mid level aids, they are usually appointed by other political appointees in senior positions.

This is interesting. A person who trump appointed to the state department has been arrested in connection to the capitol riot and insurrection.

The charges have not been released yet. I hope we will know what he is charged with soon.

I have yet to find anything that would indicate that Trump even knew this guys name, much less appointed him to anything. Normally the president doesn't appoint mid level aids, they are usually appointed by other political appointees in senior positions.

Exactly. Department heads would assign the lower level managers and such. TDS running rampant.
They also tried to impeach Trump under false accusations. You can't believe any of these fools on the left and or the corrupt judicial system.

Yes sir!
Their credibility has been shot as a result of 4 years of constant soft coups against Trump. Then they had to steal an election to get him out of power!!!

And their whole narrative with having troops around DC, is falling apart. This article explains it well.

As Insurrection Narrative Crumbles, Democrats Cling To It More Desperately Than Ever

Do you know what happened on March 4 when it came to violence from right-wing extremists? The same thing that happened on January 20: absolutely nothing. There were no attempted attacks on the Capitol, state capitols, or any other government institution. There was violent crime registered that day in Washington D.C. but none of it was political violence by those whom media outlets warned posed such a grave danger that Congress has to be closed and militarization of Washington extended indefinitely.

This is interesting. A person who trump appointed to the state department has been arrested in connection to the capitol riot and insurrection.

The charges have not been released yet. I hope we will know what he is charged with soon.

I have yet to find anything that would indicate that Trump even knew this guys name, much less appointed him to anything. Normally the president doesn't appoint mid level aids, they are usually appointed by other political appointees in senior positions.

If you did find evidence that they were buddies would you even care? Be honest
When are they going to try to prove there was an insurrection? Propaganda.
This is interesting. A person who trump appointed to the state department has been arrested in connection to the capitol riot and insurrection.

The charges have not been released yet. I hope we will know what he is charged with soon.

I have yet to find anything that would indicate that Trump even knew this guys name, much less appointed him to anything. Normally the president doesn't appoint mid level aids, they are usually appointed by other political appointees in senior positions.

If you did find evidence that they were buddies would you even care? Be honest
Why do you think anyone should care?
This is interesting. A person who trump appointed to the state department has been arrested in connection to the capitol riot and insurrection.

The charges have not been released yet. I hope we will know what he is charged with soon.

I have yet to find anything that would indicate that Trump even knew this guys name, much less appointed him to anything. Normally the president doesn't appoint mid level aids, they are usually appointed by other political appointees in senior positions.

If you did find evidence that they were buddies would you even care? Be honest
Why do you think anyone should care?
I don’t really concern myself with wanting other people to care about things. That’s up to them and not something I can control
Reported this morning. Posted as a follow-along to the OP's already posted news feed:

"State Department aide appointed by Trump stormed the Capitol, beat police with a riot shield, FBI says"
March 5, 2021 at 5:55 a.m. EST
"Police officers, veterans and even a former FBI employee have been arrested for allegedly storming the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. Now, federal investigators have added a Trump administration official to the growing list of defendants facing charges in the deadly riot.

On Thursday, the FBI arrested a political appointee of former president Donald Trump, according to a criminal complaint, marking the first member of the administration arrested in connection with the insurrection. Politico first reported the arrest.

Federal agents arrested Federico G. Klein, 42, a former State Department aide, on multiple felony charges related to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, according to a criminal complaint……..”
So this guy pretended to be a Trump appointee all this time; only to reveal himself as an ANTIFA operative??

These communist Dems will stop at nothing to trick Republicans

Gullible wing nuts are easily tricked, all it takes is one fat, lying, orange, grifter from NYC.
Dotard made it look easy.
As Insurrection Narrative Crumbles, Democrats Cling To It More Desperately Than Ever

Ummm, nope.
It is not 'crumbling' per the Glen Greenwald article the poster "Thoth" links us to.

Greenwald attempts to build a case for "no insurrection" because subsequent anticipated events ....the storming of the 50 state capitols, a disruption of the January 20th Inauguration, and QAnon's March 4th fantasy.....never happened. Therefore, it couldn't have been an Insurrection January 6th.

He writes about Collins, a journalist with NBC News, suggesting Collins who had been reporting on the lead-up to the non-event events noted above as a 'cult leader' (?!)

"This is how apocalyptic cult leaders always function. When the end of the world did not materialize on January 6, Collins insisted that January 20 was the day of the violent reckoning. When nothing happened on that day, he moved the Doomsday Date to March 4. The flock cannot remain in a state of confusion for too long about why the world has not ended as promised by the prophet, so a new date must quickly be provided with an explanation for why this is serious business this time.

He describes the Times as uselessly warning about attacks that never came. But ignoring the real world reality that the Times was 'reporting' what the authorities had publicly stated

So, if poster 'Thoth' wishes to argue that because Glen Greenwald, a right-wing blogger, writes that non-riots on subsequent days means there was none on January 6th.....well, I personally, struggle to find that persuasive.

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