Trump...another great speech..and going straight at hilary like no other Republican could...

So he finally realized black folks vote too. I was wondering if he could figure that out.

Republicans aren't the racists...the democrats are....blacks may finally be realizing their children lose their futures after decades of voting democrat.......the party that owned their ancestors as slaves.....

He is now hitting hilary again about just seeing blacks as votes and nothing else.....

Republicans aren't racists?

So he finally realized black folks vote too. I was wondering if he could figure that out.

Republicans aren't the racists...the democrats are....blacks may finally be realizing their children lose their futures after decades of voting democrat.......the party that owned their ancestors as slaves.....

He is now hitting hilary again about just seeing blacks as votes and nothing else.....

Oddly, all those black people just don't seem to agree with you.
So he finally realized black folks vote too. I was wondering if he could figure that out.

Republicans aren't the racists...the democrats are....blacks may finally be realizing their children lose their futures after decades of voting democrat.......the party that owned their ancestors as slaves.....

He is now hitting hilary again about just seeing blacks as votes and nothing else.....

Republicans aren't racists?

I doubt a republican photoshopped that pic...
What's with the teleprompter at rallies?

Believe me ..if he keeps speaking like a robot reads, he's gonna start losing the crowds. Rally goers want to see him say something stupid like NASCAR fans hope to see a 19 car pile-up. I can tell you that.
He's really on a roll. Even the media hasn't had much to say about him lately. And that is actually saying something. Hillary is toast. If she can hide her issues till the debates.
So he finally realized black folks vote too. I was wondering if he could figure that out.

Republicans aren't the racists...the democrats are....blacks may finally be realizing their children lose their futures after decades of voting democrat.......the party that owned their ancestors as slaves.....

He is now hitting hilary again about just seeing blacks as votes and nothing else.....

Oddly, all those black people just don't seem to agree with you.

What are you like the official spokeslib for black people?
Trump is speaking now......and he is going straight at hilary and her lying.........great speech.....the Trump Train is on it's way.......

How long can the democrat minions in the media hide Trumps speeches....?

But-but-but what is Trumps help for the middle class in wages and the economy? Oh wait, he doesn't have one.

Where have you been hiding, in Siberia? How about tax cuts for starters? How about jobs? You really need to do some research.
He's still going to lose

He already lost. He just hasn't realized it yet. Or maybe he has and is trying to find an excuse to drop out.

Trump's endgame .. He wants to be a media mogul .. he never wanted to be president.

Trump’s Media Empire Takes Shape
The Republican nominee is losing the race, but he’s building his brand

Rapidly sinking in the polls and careening from blunder to blunder, Donald Trump has ordered the second major shake-up of his staff in three months. Paul Manafort, who was named campaign chairman in the previous shake-up, has failed in his attempts to domesticate Trump and help him pivot to a centrist message, and the Republican nominee has now brought in Steve Bannon, chairman of the conservative website Breitbart. By all reports, Bannon wants to “let Trump be Trump”—to rile up the right-wing base with incendiary rhetoric and launch vicious attacks on Hillary Clinton.

The consensus view among political observers—including, and perhaps especially, on the right—is that Trump’s dumpster-fire campaign has become a wildfire. “Trump Has Decided To Live in Breitbart’s Alternative Reality,” announced the conservativeWeekly Standard. On CNN, former Breitbart editor Ben Shapirocalled Trump a “turd tornado.” And Noah Rothman notes inCommentary, the flagship journal of neo-conservatism, “By bringing on Breitbart’s head, any illusion of distance between the Trump campaign and its most unwaveringly supportive blog is now gone. The Trump campaign will be said, rightly, to have embraced the voice of the racially transgressive ‘alt-right’ and self-identified ‘white nationalists.’”

But if the Trump campaign is an epic disaster, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know what he’s doing. In fact, by cementing ties with Breitbart and seeking advice from disgraced former Fox News head Roger Ailes, Trump has sent his strongest signal yet that long-held suspicions about his media-mogul aspirations are true. He’s using the election to develop an intensely loyal audience that occupies a special niche: those who think Fox News is too mainstream. Who better to help him cash in on such an effort than Bannon and Ailes?

Trump’s Media Empire Takes Shape
Did he do that thing with his thumb and forefinger like he's jerking off a teeny tiny penis?

Yeah that's pretty funny ...
All those hand gestures to make a point...
And what tiny hands they are...
Pretty feminine...

I guess from all those twitters and tweets from midnight on when he has a hot wife next
to him and he's waiting for that third boner pill to kick in.....
So he finally realized black folks vote too. I was wondering if he could figure that out.

Republicans aren't the racists...the democrats are....blacks may finally be realizing their children lose their futures after decades of voting democrat.......the party that owned their ancestors as slaves.....

He is now hitting hilary again about just seeing blacks as votes and nothing else.....

Oddly, all those black people just don't seem to agree with you.

What are you like the official spokeslib for black people?

Trump is in fourth place among black voters
ABC News/Washington Post 83% 4% 8% 2%
Fox News 85 7 — 1
Marist 89 5 3 2
NBC News/Wall Street Journal 86 0 4 1
Average 86 4 5 2
Trump Is In Fourth Place Among Black Voters
Trump is speaking now......and he is going straight at hilary and her lying.........great speech.....the Trump Train is on it's way.......

How long can the democrat minions in the media hide Trumps speeches....?

But-but-but what is Trumps help for the middle class in wages and the economy? Oh wait, he doesn't have one.

Where have you been hiding, in Siberia? How about tax cuts for starters? How about jobs? You really need to do some research.

You mean a tiny tax cut for the middle class and a huge one for the rich? How is he going to create jobs, by giving rich people more money? Didn't work for Saint Ronald.
Did you folks see the size of that crowd? Amazing that he can still draw such a large crowd after being on the stump this long now.
He's got a few of these speeches lined up. It only gets better from here. What a hell of a speech. Never head a Republican give a speech like this.
This is pretty fucking amazing. He has regrets for some of the things he's said that may have hurt people, his comments about the heartbreak and tragedy that's going on in LA. "I will not rest until children of every color in this country are fully included in the American dream" "I will never put anyone's interests ahead of yours"

Just got word he's going to LA tomorrow.
Trump is going to apologize for what he said?

That is going to take a while
Trump is speaking now......and he is going straight at hilary and her lying.........great speech.....the Trump Train is on it's way.......

How long can the democrat minions in the media hide Trumps speeches....?

But-but-but what is Trumps help for the middle class in wages and the economy? Oh wait, he doesn't have one.

Where have you been hiding, in Siberia? How about tax cuts for starters? How about jobs? You really need to do some research.

You mean a tiny tax cut for the middle class and a huge one for the rich? How is he going to create jobs, by giving rich people more money? Didn't work for Saint Ronald.

Certainly hasn't worked for Obama. Not a sinle quarter of growth above 3%. Middle Class earnings down over $4,000.00 a year.
Trump is speaking now......and he is going straight at hilary and her lying.........great speech.....the Trump Train is on it's way.......

How long can the democrat minions in the media hide Trumps speeches....?

But-but-but what is Trumps help for the middle class in wages and the economy? Oh wait, he doesn't have one.

Where have you been hiding, in Siberia? How about tax cuts for starters? How about jobs? You really need to do some research.

You mean a tiny tax cut for the middle class and a huge one for the rich? How is he going to create jobs, by giving rich people more money? Didn't work for Saint Ronald.

Certainly hasn't worked for Obama. Not a sinle quarter of growth above 3%. Middle Class earnings down over $4,000.00 a year.

Still much better than it was as your favorite president was leaving. 800,000 jobs were being lost each month. Sorry if Obama didn't clean up your mess fast enough.

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