Trump And The Black Sea Blitzkrieg


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
There's an old saying "War is God's way of teaching us geography.'

Maybe it's true, but geography is the least of what government school grads are unaware of (sorry to end that sentence with a preposition!).

Case in point, there are six countries that border the Black Sea, and most of said grads can neither name them, nor connect the dots that the Democrats are using in their failed attacks on Trump.

1. Russia, Turkey, and the Ukraine are three of the six.....
The Russia Collusion failed
Turns out it is Biden who had the quid pro quo with the Ukraine
Trump just announced that Turkey will stop bullying the Kurds....

2. Three the Democrats have to try to use Bulgaria, Romania, and Georgia.....

Crimea belongs to the Russian Federation.

Seems you are reduced to some extraneous comment....

Based on the level of pertinence of your post, you have all the skills necessary to be employed in valet parking at the hospital emergency room....or sitting in front of a thatched hut, poking a stick in the dirt.
There's an old saying "War is God's way of teaching us geography.'

Maybe it's true, but geography is the least of what government school grads are unaware of (sorry to end that sentence with a preposition!).

Case in point, there are six countries that border the Black Sea, and most of said grads can neither name them, nor connect the dots that the Democrats are using in their failed attacks on Trump.

1. Russia, Turkey, and the Ukraine are three of the six.....
The Russia Collusion failed
Turns out it is Biden who had the quid pro quo with the Ukraine
Trump just announced that Turkey will stop bullying the Kurds....

2. Three the Democrats have to try to use Bulgaria, Romania, and Georgia.....

Trump getting bogged down in a war with the Democrats abroad, is taking his focus and governance of this nation away from him here. Meanwhile the Democrats try to take advantage of that here as they keep him defending himself over his actions there..
"Cash-Strapped CNN Now Just Recycling Old Articles But Replacing 'Russian Collusion' With 'Ukrainian Scandal'
October 22nd, 2019

ATLANTA, GA—Strapped for cash and failing in ratings, CNN has discovered an innovative new way to cut costs: simply rerunning articles from a year or two ago and replacing the phrase "Russian collusion" with an updated term, "Ukrainian scandal."

"This is a green, Earth-friendly way to recycle news stories," said a CNN rep. "We have discovered a completely carbon-neutral way to produce indefinitely renewable outrage."

CNN technical experts simply searched their website for any article about the Russian collusion hoax and replaced all references to Russia with references to Ukraine.

Leftists have praised CNN's move, saying it is the most environmentally conscious way to report news stories. "Other news organizations are spending lots of resources and generating a ton of carbon by actually reporting on things that really happened," said one climate activist. "But CNN recycles their wild conspiracy theories every couple years, allowing us to reuse our old, beat-up sense of outrage for years to come."

CNN spokespeople say they look forward to recycling the stories with whatever new reason for impeachment they drum up well into Trump's second term."
Cash-Strapped CNN Now Just Recycling Old Articles But Replacing 'Russian Collusion' With 'Ukrainian Scandal'
Trump just announced he has given the Turks and Russia everything they ordered him to give them, and he didn't make them pay a single penny in sanctions for it.
Crimea belongs to the Russian Federation.

Seems you are reduced to some extraneous comment....

Based on the level of pertinence of your post, you have all the skills necessary to be employed in valet parking at the hospital emergency room....or sitting in front of a thatched hut, poking a stick in the dirt.
Fortunately for us Trump will contain your reality with a wall. That´s a good thing for us.
Crimea belongs to the Russian Federation.

Seems you are reduced to some extraneous comment....

Based on the level of pertinence of your post, you have all the skills necessary to be employed in valet parking at the hospital emergency room....or sitting in front of a thatched hut, poking a stick in the dirt.
Fortunately for us Trump will contain your reality with a wall. That´s a good thing for us.

"Fortunately for us Trump will contain your reality with a wall. That´s a good thing for us."

I'll bet that that is exactly the way the tiles fell out of that velvet Scrabble bag.

You should stick to Chutes 'n' Ladders.
Crimea belongs to the Russian Federation.

Seems you are reduced to some extraneous comment....

Based on the level of pertinence of your post, you have all the skills necessary to be employed in valet parking at the hospital emergency room....or sitting in front of a thatched hut, poking a stick in the dirt.
Fortunately for us Trump will contain your reality with a wall. That´s a good thing for us.

"Fortunately for us Trump will contain your reality with a wall. That´s a good thing for us."

I'll bet that that is exactly the way the tiles fell out of that velvet Scrabble bag.

You should stick to Chutes 'n' Ladders.
At least I don´t justify my raids with the will of god. ISIS does.
Crimea belongs to the Russian Federation.

Seems you are reduced to some extraneous comment....

Based on the level of pertinence of your post, you have all the skills necessary to be employed in valet parking at the hospital emergency room....or sitting in front of a thatched hut, poking a stick in the dirt.
Fortunately for us Trump will contain your reality with a wall. That´s a good thing for us.

"Fortunately for us Trump will contain your reality with a wall. That´s a good thing for us."

I'll bet that that is exactly the way the tiles fell out of that velvet Scrabble bag.

You should stick to Chutes 'n' Ladders.
At least I don´t justify my raids with the will of god. ISIS does.

You appear to post nothing withing the context of the thread to which you are aiming.

Any post on the board, it seems, would find your post just as appropriate.
Crimea belongs to the Russian Federation.

Seems you are reduced to some extraneous comment....

Based on the level of pertinence of your post, you have all the skills necessary to be employed in valet parking at the hospital emergency room....or sitting in front of a thatched hut, poking a stick in the dirt.
Fortunately for us Trump will contain your reality with a wall. That´s a good thing for us.

"Fortunately for us Trump will contain your reality with a wall. That´s a good thing for us."

I'll bet that that is exactly the way the tiles fell out of that velvet Scrabble bag.

You should stick to Chutes 'n' Ladders.
At least I don´t justify my raids with the will of god. ISIS does.

You appear to post nothing withing the context of the thread to which you are aiming.

Any post on the board, it seems, would find your post just as appropriate.
Sorry, but your thread simply lacks a context.
I don´t see anything here that justifies a thread.
Cause if it was the other way round you would nevertheless make a thread in support of your party. Don´t think, I am not aware of this.
Seems you are reduced to some extraneous comment....

Based on the level of pertinence of your post, you have all the skills necessary to be employed in valet parking at the hospital emergency room....or sitting in front of a thatched hut, poking a stick in the dirt.
Fortunately for us Trump will contain your reality with a wall. That´s a good thing for us.

"Fortunately for us Trump will contain your reality with a wall. That´s a good thing for us."

I'll bet that that is exactly the way the tiles fell out of that velvet Scrabble bag.

You should stick to Chutes 'n' Ladders.
At least I don´t justify my raids with the will of god. ISIS does.

You appear to post nothing withing the context of the thread to which you are aiming.

Any post on the board, it seems, would find your post just as appropriate.
Sorry, but your thread simply lacks a context.
I don´t see anything here that justifies a thread.
Cause if it was the other way round you would nevertheless make a thread in support of your party. Don´t think, I am not aware of this.

Here's a plan.....don't put your nonsense posts herein.
Fortunately for us Trump will contain your reality with a wall. That´s a good thing for us.

"Fortunately for us Trump will contain your reality with a wall. That´s a good thing for us."

I'll bet that that is exactly the way the tiles fell out of that velvet Scrabble bag.

You should stick to Chutes 'n' Ladders.
At least I don´t justify my raids with the will of god. ISIS does.

You appear to post nothing withing the context of the thread to which you are aiming.

Any post on the board, it seems, would find your post just as appropriate.
Sorry, but your thread simply lacks a context.
I don´t see anything here that justifies a thread.
Cause if it was the other way round you would nevertheless make a thread in support of your party. Don´t think, I am not aware of this.

Here's a plan.....don't put your nonsense posts herein.
I will discuss your plan with my staff. Will let you know about the result. On twitter.
Trump just announced he has given the Turks and Russia everything they ordered him to give them, and he didn't make them pay a single penny in sanctions for it.

Bullshit as usual from you....We got the OIL on the southern border with Jordan and he's deciding what to do with it....may give a portion to the Kurds if they behave, or keep it as a pittance of what Bush's Blunder has cost us. The Kurds are now safe, we don't have to annihilate a NATO country, the Russians didn't get shit and neither did Iran....pretty much the opposite of Barry's Blunder(s). MAGA!
Trump getting bogged down in a war with the Democrats abroad, is taking his focus and governance of this nation away from him here. Meanwhile the Democrats try to take advantage of that here as they keep him defending himself over his actions there..

You have erroneously transposed Trump and Democrats. It is the latter who are bogged down with impeachment rather than fulfilling their legislative responsibilities. But you already knew that.
Trump getting bogged down in a war with the Democrats abroad, is taking his focus and governance of this nation away from him here. Meanwhile the Democrats try to take advantage of that here as they keep him defending himself over his actions there..

You have erroneously transposed Trump and Democrats. It is the latter who are bogged down with impeachment rather than fulfilling their legislative responsibilities. But you already knew that.
They are attacking him here and there (trying to keep him off balance), and you know the cratzies are immune when it comes to policies and the economy keeping them from being popular these days. Their brainwashing agenda is keeping them relevant or at least they think so.
Trump just announced he has given the Turks and Russia everything they ordered him to give them, and he didn't make them pay a single penny in sanctions for it.

The Orange Virus is the weakest leader of our generation.

Are you really this dumb, or simply an inveterate liar????

He is a far better President than the Muslim guy....

68. “GREAT AGAIN: More Jobs than WORKERS for the First Time In US HISTORY” GREAT AGAIN: More Jobs than WORKERS for the First Time In US HISTORY | Sean Hannity

69. "Dow surges more than 150 points in sudden move after Trump reportedly gets concessions from EU to avoid a trade war"

Dow surges more than 150 points after Trump reportedly gets concessions from EU to avoid a trade war

70. "U.S. Growth Hits 4.1%, Fastest Since 2014, in Win for Trump"

Terms of Service Violation

“We are now on track to reach GDP annual growth of over 3%... Each point, by the way, means approximately $3 trillion and 10 million jobs,” @POTUS says

CBS News on Twitter

71. "Pence and other Trump enthusiasts can point to increasing macroeconomic growth. Growth rose 4.1 percent in the second quarter and is up more than 3 percent for the year. Unemployment was down to 3.9 percent in July. The S&P 500 stock index is up 6 percent since the Trump presidency, while the rest of the world's stock markets are down 6 percent. These are numbers any recent administration would boast about.

More notable are positive trends among subgroups that weren't doing so well before Trump took office. Former Obama administration chief economic adviser Jason Furman, writing for Vox, notes that in the past three years "recent wage growth ... at the low end of the wage scale" is stronger than growth among the higher-paid. Similarly, Bloomberg columnist and portfolio manager Conor Sen makes the point that job growth has been greatest among "goods-producing workers and the least-educated workers."

Has Trump Delivered on His Economic Promises?

72. “Atlanta Fed predicts 5% jump in economic growth for third quarter The central bank district estimates that GDP will increase 5 percent for the July-to-September period, according to an update posted Wednesday.

If the forecast is accurate, it will come on top of a strong 4.1 percent second quarter…” Atlanta Fed predicts 5% jump in economic growth for third quarter

73. “Economy adds more jobs than expected in August, and wage growth hits post-recession high”
Economy adds more jobs than expected in August, and wage growth hits post-recession high

But it’s not just Trump giving himself credit for the strong economy – economists are as well.

74. “But it’s not just Trump giving himself credit for the strong economy – economists are as well. CNBC called the American economy a “tremendous achievement” for Trump, highlighting that “during his time in office, the economy has achieved feats most experts thought impossible. GDP is growing at a 3-percent plus rate. The unemployment rate is near a 50-year low. Meanwhile, the stock market has jumped 27 percent amid a surge in corporate profits.”

75. “U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 49-Year Low for Third Straight Week” U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 49-Year Low for Third Straight Week

76. “President Trump let the world know at the U.N. today that he’s sticking to his vision of America-first sovereignty, rather than cede power to U.N. multilateralists — to their great dismay. Too bad for them: Mr. Trump’s approach is working.
“America will always choose independence and cooperation over global governance, control and domination,” he told world leaders at the UN General Assembly. This country “will not tell you how to live or work or worship.” But we “ask that you honor our sovereignty in return.”
…vowing to “never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable, global bureaucracy.” Globalists at U.N. Rage at Trump

77. “”Canada agrees to join U.S. and Mexico in new trade deal to replace NAFTA, say US and Canadian officials

"USMCA will give our workers, farmers, ranchers and businesses a high-standard trade agreement that will result in freer markets, fairer trade and robust economic growth in our region."

"It will strengthen the middle class and create good, well-paying jobs and new opportunities for the nearly half-billion people who call North America home," Canada agrees to join U.S. and Mexico in new trade deal to replace NAFTA, say US and Canadian officials

78. “Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump Since President Donald Trump took office, federal employment has declined by 16,000.” Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump
79. “The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released a report recently that found “the Trump Administration’s regulatory reform efforts have saved American families and businesses $23 billion in Fiscal Year 2018 by getting rid of unduly burdensome and unnecessary regulation. The findings, released by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), also reported that Federal Agencies issued 176 deregulatory actions.” This is an important report that you will hear little about from a media obsessed with palace intrigue and investigations.”
Trump Regulatory Reform Saved Taxpayers $23 Billion

80. "Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade

81. “Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December
82. "Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring"
Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. "
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

83. "Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

( - The number of people employed in the United States hit a record 157,288,000 in July, according to the employment report released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

That was up 283,000 from the 157,005,000 employed in June."

Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

84. “…Planned Parenthood announced that it would withdraw from Title X, a federal family planning program that helps poor women access birth control and other health services. As a result, the organization will lose about $60 million a year in federal funding. The decision was made in response to a new Trump administration rule which forbids Title X clinics from referring patients for abortions.” Planned Parenthood Just Lost $60M in Funding. What Does That Mean for Women?
85. “U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low”

Published: Oct 4, 2019 10:32 a.m. ET

U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low

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