Trump administration wants to limit citizenship to invaders who need welfare

the right is always saying if you want to be it the right way and we have no even that aint good enough?....dam dean may be right about the right...
the right is always saying if you want to be it the right way and we have no even that aint good enough?....dam dean may be right about the right...
You want MORE freeloaders here? Jeez....Democrats don't care if the invaders are on the taxpayers dime they just want the votes cost be damned.
Secure our Border, end Illegal Immigration once and for all. It's what most Americans want.
the right is always saying if you want to be it the right way and we have no even that aint good enough?....dam dean may be right about the right...

1. dean is never right.

2. Let's clarify the Republican stance:

Legal or illegal, if you come here with a gimme gimme attitude, you are going to be disappointed. We are a working country again and expect our citizens to carry their own weight....
the right is always saying if you want to be it the right way and we have no even that aint good enough?....dam dean may be right about the right...
You want MORE freeloaders here? Jeez....Democrats don't care if the invaders are on the taxpayers dime they just want the votes cost be damned.
how many times have we seen righties,right here in these threads,say they are not against LEGAL immigrants? many times have they pointed out to the pro illegal people that there is a difference between ILLEGAL ones and LEGAL ones? those that did it the right way are also asswipes?.....make up your fucking minds...
the right is always saying if you want to be it the right way and we have no even that aint good enough?....dam dean may be right about the right...

1. dean is never right.

2. Let's clarify the Republican stance:

Legal or illegal, if you come here with a gimme gimme attitude, you are going to be disappointed. We are a working country again and expect our citizens to carry their own weight....
oh another the legals get stuck in the same tent as the illegals....some of you people go with whatever way the wind blows...
the right is always saying if you want to be it the right way and we have no even that aint good enough?....dam dean may be right about the right...

1. dean is never right.

2. Let's clarify the Republican stance:

Legal or illegal, if you come here with a gimme gimme attitude, you are going to be disappointed. We are a working country again and expect our citizens to carry their own weight....
oh another the legals get stuck in the same tent as the illegals....some of you people go with whatever way the wind blows...

First off>>> No one said, "Come here legally and there will be no problems".
Legal immigrants are expected to work also, just like the rest of us, and not sponge off the citizens. No problem.
To Illegals: no work, no welfare, no more shoving your kids across the border. You are not citizens of this country and do not belong here. Countries have borders for a reason. You are the reason....
Stephen Miller’s next target: Legal immigrants

Good! Got enough US citizens that need help already,if you can't take care of yourself then you don't belong here.

I totally agree.

It used to be that anyone coming here had to have a sponsor. Someone who would have a place for you to live and provide all you needed.

Now we have people coming here and going on welfare and Medicaid.

They should only allow folks with a skill who can contribute to this nation in the door.

We have more than enough people in this country and more than enough freeloaders. We sure as hell don't need more.
the right is always saying if you want to be it the right way and we have no even that aint good enough?....dam dean may be right about the right...

1. dean is never right.

2. Let's clarify the Republican stance:

Legal or illegal, if you come here with a gimme gimme attitude, you are going to be disappointed. We are a working country again and expect our citizens to carry their own weight....
oh another the legals get stuck in the same tent as the illegals....some of you people go with whatever way the wind blows...

First off>>> No one said, "Come here legally and there will be no problems".
Legal immigrants are expected to work also, just like the rest of us, and not sponge off the citizens. No problem.
To Illegals: no work, no welfare, no more shoving your kids across the border. You are not citizens of this country and do not belong here. Countries have borders for a reason. You are the reason....
the problems meaning we wont have any problems with you being sure you knew what i was talking about....and many legals work and pay sure you knew that too....and im the reason?....
Secure our Borders, end Illegal Immigration once and for all. Problems solved. You're welcome.
the right is always saying if you want to be it the right way and we have no even that aint good enough?....dam dean may be right about the right...
Well first, it's NBC, I'm not sure I believe the article.
But it's about limiting citizenship for people who are using welfare.
And it's not like it's a new policy
Using some public benefits like Social Security Insurance has already hindered immigrants from obtaining legal status in the past.

I'd like to know more about it before rendering an opinion. I really don't trust the networks to talk about the right or republican policies.
the right is always saying if you want to be it the right way and we have no even that aint good enough?....dam dean may be right about the right...
Well first, it's NBC, I'm not sure I believe the article.
But it's about limiting citizenship for people who are using welfare.
And it's not like it's a new policy
Using some public benefits like Social Security Insurance has already hindered immigrants from obtaining legal status in the past.

I'd like to know more about it before rendering an opinion. I really don't trust the networks to talk about the right or republican policies.
ok....i was just commenting about what was said in many a thread about legals vs illegals....
the right is always saying if you want to be it the right way and we have no even that aint good enough?....dam dean may be right about the right...
Well first, it's NBC, I'm not sure I believe the article.
But it's about limiting citizenship for people who are using welfare.
And it's not like it's a new policy
Using some public benefits like Social Security Insurance has already hindered immigrants from obtaining legal status in the past.

I'd like to know more about it before rendering an opinion. I really don't trust the networks to talk about the right or republican policies.
ok....i was just commenting about what was said in many a thread about legals vs illegals....
No you were correct in that. We do want legals coming.
I think this may have to do with the stupid lottery policy as well. We need to bring people in based on merit. Like Indians for IT or professional jobs......instead of poor people who get on government assistance. Again this isn't new.......but I don't really see the details in the story. Need more info...but if you come legally I have no issue with it, but I think economic conditions should be considered.
the right is always saying if you want to be it the right way and we have no even that aint good enough?....dam dean may be right about the right...
You want MORE freeloaders here? Jeez....Democrats don't care if the invaders are on the taxpayers dime they just want the votes cost be damned.
how many times have we seen righties,right here in these threads,say they are not against LEGAL immigrants? many times have they pointed out to the pro illegal people that there is a difference between ILLEGAL ones and LEGAL ones? those that did it the right way are also asswipes?.....make up your fucking minds...

I've said repeatedly that if they having nothing to offer America they shouldnt be allowed in.
We have way to many yard mowers already thanks.
the right is always saying if you want to be it the right way and we have no even that aint good enough?....dam dean may be right about the right...
Well first, it's NBC, I'm not sure I believe the article.
But it's about limiting citizenship for people who are using welfare.
And it's not like it's a new policy
Using some public benefits like Social Security Insurance has already hindered immigrants from obtaining legal status in the past.

I'd like to know more about it before rendering an opinion. I really don't trust the networks to talk about the right or republican policies.
ok....i was just commenting about what was said in many a thread about legals vs illegals....
No you were correct in that. We do want legals coming.
I think this may have to do with the stupid lottery policy as well. We need to bring people in based on merit. Like Indians for IT or professional jobs......instead of poor people who get on government assistance. Again this isn't new.......but I don't really see the details in the story. Need more info...but if you come legally I have no issue with it, but I think economic conditions should be considered.
i agree....
the right is always saying if you want to be it the right way and we have no even that aint good enough?....dam dean may be right about the right...
You want MORE freeloaders here? Jeez....Democrats don't care if the invaders are on the taxpayers dime they just want the votes cost be damned.
how many times have we seen righties,right here in these threads,say they are not against LEGAL immigrants? many times have they pointed out to the pro illegal people that there is a difference between ILLEGAL ones and LEGAL ones? those that did it the right way are also asswipes?.....make up your fucking minds...

I've said repeatedly that if they having nothing to offer America they shouldnt be allowed in.
We have way to many yard mowers already thanks.
well many in those threads never specify like that....its just do it legally and we have no problems with you....if not,we do....
the right is always saying if you want to be it the right way and we have no even that aint good enough?....dam dean may be right about the right...
You want MORE freeloaders here? Jeez....Democrats don't care if the invaders are on the taxpayers dime they just want the votes cost be damned.
how many times have we seen righties,right here in these threads,say they are not against LEGAL immigrants? many times have they pointed out to the pro illegal people that there is a difference between ILLEGAL ones and LEGAL ones? those that did it the right way are also asswipes?.....make up your fucking minds...

I've said repeatedly that if they having nothing to offer America they shouldnt be allowed in.
We have way to many yard mowers already thanks.
well many in those threads never specify like that....its just do it legally and we have no problems with you....if not,we do....
WEll I cant speak for everyone, but that is the gist of it. It's my position as well. This topic really hasn't been brought up or addressed.
I want the immigrant who is most grateful to us, for allowing their immigration here.... those who will love America the most! :D


39When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is—that she is a sinner.”

40Jesus answered him, “Simon, I have something to tell you.”

“Tell me, teacher,” he said.

41“Two people owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii,c and the other fifty. 42Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he forgave the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?”

43Simon replied, “I suppose the one who had the bigger debt forgiven.”

“You have judged correctly,” Jesus said.

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