Trump administration expels 60 Russian officers, shuts Seattle consulate in response to attack on fo


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Trump administration expels 60 Russian officers, shuts Seattle consulate in response to attack on former spy in Britain

Is this the Monday surprise that's supposed to divert attention from Stormy? That being said, I'm all in favor of this...smash the Trump/Putin bromance.

"The Trump administration on Monday ordered the expulsion of 60 Russian intelligence and diplomatic officers in New York and Washington and the closure of the Russian Consulate in Seattle, joining European allies in retaliation for the poisoning of a former Russian spy in Britain.

Twelve Russian diplomats at the United Nations in New York and 48 at the Russian Embassy in Washington face expulsion by the U.S. government for what senior administration officials described as covert intelligence operations that undermine U.S. national security.

The U.S. government also ordered the Russian Consulate in Seattle closed by April 2. Senior administration officials said they believe it has served as a key outpost in Russia’s intelligence operations, in part because of its proximity to a U.S. submarine base as well as Boeing manufacturing facilities.

Monday’s actions were in response to the March 4 nerve-agent attack in Salisbury, England, which was blamed on Russia and critically injured a former spy, Sergei Skripal, and his daughter Yulia. The show of solidarity was especially notable because Britain’s plan to leave the European Union has strained relations with many of the country’s neighbors."

The U.S. move came in coordination with 14 European nations, which almost simultaneously announced the expulsion of Russian diplomats on Monday in a broad attempt to disrupt the Kremlin’s intelligence network across Europe.

“We remain critical of the actions of the Russian government,” European Council President Donald Tusk said as he announced the actions by 14 European Union countries to expel Russian diplomats. “Additional measures, including further expulsions within the common E.U. framework, are not to be excluded in the coming days and weeks.”

Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Finland, Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine and Canada all announced that they would expel diplomats or intelligence agents, and at least two additional E.U. countries were expected to follow on Monday.

In all, at least 28 Russians were being expelled from E.U. nations, along with 13 from Ukraine and four from Canada. Each E.U. country kicked out four diplomats at most, suggesting that the measures were intended more to send a symbolic message than as a fundamental attempt to wipe out Russia’s intelligence network across Europe.

Separately, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, whose country is not a member of the E.U., also said his country would kick out 13 Russian diplomats.

Taken together, the expulsions were an unusually wide-ranging expression of solidarity against Russia following the attack. The E.U. and the United States also coordinated economic sanctions against Russia after the Kremlin annexed Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula in 2014, but subsequent actions have been more piecemeal."
Trump administration expels 60 Russian officers, shuts Seattle consulate in response to attack on former spy in Britain

Is this the Monday surprise that's supposed to divert attention from Stormy? That being said, I'm all in favor of this...smash the Trump/Putin bromance.

"The Trump administration on Monday ordered the expulsion of 60 Russian intelligence and diplomatic officers in New York and Washington and the closure of the Russian Consulate in Seattle, joining European allies in retaliation for the poisoning of a former Russian spy in Britain.

Twelve Russian diplomats at the United Nations in New York and 48 at the Russian Embassy in Washington face expulsion by the U.S. government for what senior administration officials described as covert intelligence operations that undermine U.S. national security.

The U.S. government also ordered the Russian Consulate in Seattle closed by April 2. Senior administration officials said they believe it has served as a key outpost in Russia’s intelligence operations, in part because of its proximity to a U.S. submarine base as well as Boeing manufacturing facilities.

Monday’s actions were in response to the March 4 nerve-agent attack in Salisbury, England, which was blamed on Russia and critically injured a former spy, Sergei Skripal, and his daughter Yulia. The show of solidarity was especially notable because Britain’s plan to leave the European Union has strained relations with many of the country’s neighbors."

The U.S. move came in coordination with 14 European nations, which almost simultaneously announced the expulsion of Russian diplomats on Monday in a broad attempt to disrupt the Kremlin’s intelligence network across Europe.

“We remain critical of the actions of the Russian government,” European Council President Donald Tusk said as he announced the actions by 14 European Union countries to expel Russian diplomats. “Additional measures, including further expulsions within the common E.U. framework, are not to be excluded in the coming days and weeks.”

Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Finland, Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine and Canada all announced that they would expel diplomats or intelligence agents, and at least two additional E.U. countries were expected to follow on Monday.

In all, at least 28 Russians were being expelled from E.U. nations, along with 13 from Ukraine and four from Canada. Each E.U. country kicked out four diplomats at most, suggesting that the measures were intended more to send a symbolic message than as a fundamental attempt to wipe out Russia’s intelligence network across Europe.

Separately, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, whose country is not a member of the E.U., also said his country would kick out 13 Russian diplomats.

Taken together, the expulsions were an unusually wide-ranging expression of solidarity against Russia following the attack. The E.U. and the United States also coordinated economic sanctions against Russia after the Kremlin annexed Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula in 2014, but subsequent actions have been more piecemeal."
But you've been claiming Putin was "Blackmailing Trump". Looks like whatever Putin was blackmailing trump with turned out to another LIB bullshit lie!
Trump administration expels 60 Russian officers, shuts Seattle consulate in response to attack on former spy in Britain

Is this the Monday surprise that's supposed to divert attention from Stormy? That being said, I'm all in favor of this...smash the Trump/Putin bromance.

"The Trump administration on Monday ordered the expulsion of 60 Russian intelligence and diplomatic officers in New York and Washington and the closure of the Russian Consulate in Seattle, joining European allies in retaliation for the poisoning of a former Russian spy in Britain.

Twelve Russian diplomats at the United Nations in New York and 48 at the Russian Embassy in Washington face expulsion by the U.S. government for what senior administration officials described as covert intelligence operations that undermine U.S. national security.

The U.S. government also ordered the Russian Consulate in Seattle closed by April 2. Senior administration officials said they believe it has served as a key outpost in Russia’s intelligence operations, in part because of its proximity to a U.S. submarine base as well as Boeing manufacturing facilities.

Monday’s actions were in response to the March 4 nerve-agent attack in Salisbury, England, which was blamed on Russia and critically injured a former spy, Sergei Skripal, and his daughter Yulia. The show of solidarity was especially notable because Britain’s plan to leave the European Union has strained relations with many of the country’s neighbors."

The U.S. move came in coordination with 14 European nations, which almost simultaneously announced the expulsion of Russian diplomats on Monday in a broad attempt to disrupt the Kremlin’s intelligence network across Europe.

“We remain critical of the actions of the Russian government,” European Council President Donald Tusk said as he announced the actions by 14 European Union countries to expel Russian diplomats. “Additional measures, including further expulsions within the common E.U. framework, are not to be excluded in the coming days and weeks.”

Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Finland, Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine and Canada all announced that they would expel diplomats or intelligence agents, and at least two additional E.U. countries were expected to follow on Monday.

In all, at least 28 Russians were being expelled from E.U. nations, along with 13 from Ukraine and four from Canada. Each E.U. country kicked out four diplomats at most, suggesting that the measures were intended more to send a symbolic message than as a fundamental attempt to wipe out Russia’s intelligence network across Europe.

Separately, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, whose country is not a member of the E.U., also said his country would kick out 13 Russian diplomats.

Taken together, the expulsions were an unusually wide-ranging expression of solidarity against Russia following the attack. The E.U. and the United States also coordinated economic sanctions against Russia after the Kremlin annexed Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula in 2014, but subsequent actions have been more piecemeal."
But you've been claiming Putin was "Blackmailing Trump". Looks like whatever Putin was blackmailing trump with turned out to another LIB bullshit lie!
Are you high? I've never said any of the things you just attributed to me..I challenge you to look to look through my posts and find one example? I thought not.
Stupid knee-jerk shit. I'm not a lib, idiot.
I do think Putin uses Trump as he wills...and that Trump laps it up.
Trump administration expels 60 Russian officers, shuts Seattle consulate in response to attack on former spy in Britain

Is this the Monday surprise that's supposed to divert attention from Stormy? That being said, I'm all in favor of this...smash the Trump/Putin bromance.

"The Trump administration on Monday ordered the expulsion of 60 Russian intelligence and diplomatic officers in New York and Washington and the closure of the Russian Consulate in Seattle, joining European allies in retaliation for the poisoning of a former Russian spy in Britain.

Twelve Russian diplomats at the United Nations in New York and 48 at the Russian Embassy in Washington face expulsion by the U.S. government for what senior administration officials described as covert intelligence operations that undermine U.S. national security.

The U.S. government also ordered the Russian Consulate in Seattle closed by April 2. Senior administration officials said they believe it has served as a key outpost in Russia’s intelligence operations, in part because of its proximity to a U.S. submarine base as well as Boeing manufacturing facilities.

Monday’s actions were in response to the March 4 nerve-agent attack in Salisbury, England, which was blamed on Russia and critically injured a former spy, Sergei Skripal, and his daughter Yulia. The show of solidarity was especially notable because Britain’s plan to leave the European Union has strained relations with many of the country’s neighbors."

The U.S. move came in coordination with 14 European nations, which almost simultaneously announced the expulsion of Russian diplomats on Monday in a broad attempt to disrupt the Kremlin’s intelligence network across Europe.

“We remain critical of the actions of the Russian government,” European Council President Donald Tusk said as he announced the actions by 14 European Union countries to expel Russian diplomats. “Additional measures, including further expulsions within the common E.U. framework, are not to be excluded in the coming days and weeks.”

Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Finland, Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine and Canada all announced that they would expel diplomats or intelligence agents, and at least two additional E.U. countries were expected to follow on Monday.

In all, at least 28 Russians were being expelled from E.U. nations, along with 13 from Ukraine and four from Canada. Each E.U. country kicked out four diplomats at most, suggesting that the measures were intended more to send a symbolic message than as a fundamental attempt to wipe out Russia’s intelligence network across Europe.

Separately, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, whose country is not a member of the E.U., also said his country would kick out 13 Russian diplomats.

Taken together, the expulsions were an unusually wide-ranging expression of solidarity against Russia following the attack. The E.U. and the United States also coordinated economic sanctions against Russia after the Kremlin annexed Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula in 2014, but subsequent actions have been more piecemeal."
But you've been claiming Putin was "Blackmailing Trump". Looks like whatever Putin was blackmailing trump with turned out to another LIB bullshit lie!
Are you high? I've never said any of the things you just attributed to me..I challenge you to look to look through my posts and find one example? I thought not.
Stupid knee-jerk shit. I'm not a lib, idiot.
I do think Putin uses Trump as he wills...and that Trump laps it up.
And now you are going to site anything that Putin has done to influence Trump right asshole?
Did Putin stop President Trump from sending a bunch of cruise missiles to destroy a russian airfield in Syria?
Has Putin used his blackmail over President Trump to stop from kicking a bunch of Russian spies out of the US???????
The whole 'Putin blackmailing President Trump' LIB fever dream has turned into a big fried egg on your face and the LIB MSM.
Trump administration expels 60 Russian officers, shuts Seattle consulate in response to attack on former spy in Britain

Is this the Monday surprise that's supposed to divert attention from Stormy? That being said, I'm all in favor of this...smash the Trump/Putin bromance.

"The Trump administration on Monday ordered the expulsion of 60 Russian intelligence and diplomatic officers in New York and Washington and the closure of the Russian Consulate in Seattle, joining European allies in retaliation for the poisoning of a former Russian spy in Britain.

Twelve Russian diplomats at the United Nations in New York and 48 at the Russian Embassy in Washington face expulsion by the U.S. government for what senior administration officials described as covert intelligence operations that undermine U.S. national security.

The U.S. government also ordered the Russian Consulate in Seattle closed by April 2. Senior administration officials said they believe it has served as a key outpost in Russia’s intelligence operations, in part because of its proximity to a U.S. submarine base as well as Boeing manufacturing facilities.

Monday’s actions were in response to the March 4 nerve-agent attack in Salisbury, England, which was blamed on Russia and critically injured a former spy, Sergei Skripal, and his daughter Yulia. The show of solidarity was especially notable because Britain’s plan to leave the European Union has strained relations with many of the country’s neighbors."

The U.S. move came in coordination with 14 European nations, which almost simultaneously announced the expulsion of Russian diplomats on Monday in a broad attempt to disrupt the Kremlin’s intelligence network across Europe.

“We remain critical of the actions of the Russian government,” European Council President Donald Tusk said as he announced the actions by 14 European Union countries to expel Russian diplomats. “Additional measures, including further expulsions within the common E.U. framework, are not to be excluded in the coming days and weeks.”

Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Finland, Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine and Canada all announced that they would expel diplomats or intelligence agents, and at least two additional E.U. countries were expected to follow on Monday.

In all, at least 28 Russians were being expelled from E.U. nations, along with 13 from Ukraine and four from Canada. Each E.U. country kicked out four diplomats at most, suggesting that the measures were intended more to send a symbolic message than as a fundamental attempt to wipe out Russia’s intelligence network across Europe.

Separately, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, whose country is not a member of the E.U., also said his country would kick out 13 Russian diplomats.

Taken together, the expulsions were an unusually wide-ranging expression of solidarity against Russia following the attack. The E.U. and the United States also coordinated economic sanctions against Russia after the Kremlin annexed Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula in 2014, but subsequent actions have been more piecemeal."
But you've been claiming Putin was "Blackmailing Trump". Looks like whatever Putin was blackmailing trump with turned out to another LIB bullshit lie!
Are you high? I've never said any of the things you just attributed to me..I challenge you to look to look through my posts and find one example? I thought not.
Stupid knee-jerk shit. I'm not a lib, idiot.
I do think Putin uses Trump as he wills...and that Trump laps it up.
And now you are going to site anything that Putin has done to influence Trump right asshole?
Did Putin stop President Trump from sending a bunch of cruise missiles to destroy a russian airfield in Syria?
Has Putin used his blackmail over President Trump to stop from kicking a bunch of Russian spies out of the US???????
The whole 'Putin blackmailing President Trump' LIB fever dream has turned into a big fried egg on your face and the LIB MSM.
Wow! You're just stuck on stupid, aren't you? Once again, now try to understand, I never said anything about blackmail, that seems to be your fixation. I think Putin has the same kind of hold over Trump that Stalin had over FDR. Not that you would know what I was talking about, right?

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