Trump A.E. (After-Earth)


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Sep 22, 2013
This TrumpUSA sci-fi adventure-tale was inspired by the universe-governance film Titan A.E.

I'm going to use storytelling spirit to keep myself optimistic about TrumpUSA, so when years later people ask, "Your father was a working-man during Reaganomics, and you were a working-man during Trumponomics, so how did you keep faith?" I can say, "With great stories!"



Earth astronauts landed on Venus after NASA received an intelligence-signal of a greeting from the planet, motivating humanity to send a delegation to investigate. The human astronauts met a race of aliens on Venus who were led shockingly enough by an African-American man named Cornel. 'Emperor Cornel' (as the aliens on Venus referred to him) was in charge of bringing 'idealism and spirit' to the sentient beings on the planet. Cornel was a Yale University professor of linguistics who was abducted by the aliens about 15 years ago and brought to Venus to be the 'human Messiah.'


Emperor Cornel explained to the human astronauts that the Venutians sent a 'distress signal' to Earth in the hope that Earth astronauts would arrive on Venus to help the Venutians with a terrible problem. Venus was being plagued by a nefarious territorialism-war between two predatory 'species' of super-stealthy and seemingly 'intelligent' creatures. One species was comprised of large dragon-like insectisoid venomous prowlers whose blood was composed of corrosive acid (making it dangerous to pierce them). The other species was comprised of large-toothed and metal-helmeted 'pure predators' who wielded lethal claws and lasers. Cornel told the Earth astronauts the dragon-insectisoids were nicknamed the Leviathans, and the clawed-laser predators were nicknamed the Blood-Hunters.


The Leviathans and the Blood-Hunters could both sense fear, making it incredibly dangerous to approach them with any martial intentions. However, Cornel and the Venutians hoped the Earth astronauts would bring with them the necessary advanced gear and weaponry and civilized acumen to help the Venutians deal with the Leviathans and the Blood-Hunters. Cornel further explained that the Leviathans used their corrosive-acid (which they could also spew from their mouths) to burn out the eyes of their adversaries, and the Blood-Hunters used their claws and lasers to devastate the stomachs of their adversaries. The human astronauts agreed to use their own laser-weapons, night-vision sensors, and smoke-grenades (which they brought with them in case of military emergencies!) to chase away the Leviathans and Blood-Hunters into their own realm of 'competition.' President Trump back on Earth referred to this 'rescue-mission' as a pure 'Capitalism-Based Yoga War.'



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