Trump 2020


Looking forward to Season 2


The more Liberal tears the better for America.
If this is all the Dems have , Trump is a shoe in for 2020,

the question is..

When will Hillary announce shes running ?


I am looking forward for the fight between the Commie Bernie idiots and the more "moderate*" Democrats. No matter which faction wins the other will be pissed.

* A moderate Democrat is still bat shit crazy.
President Trump hints at US Military discipline for impeachment hoax asset Vindman

President Trump hints at US Military discipline for impeachment hoax asset Vindman


theepochtimes report:: President Donald Trump suggested that the military will likely look at disciplinary action against impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who was recently dismissed from the National Security Council (NSC) last week. “That’s going to be up to the military, we’ll have to see, but if you look at what happened, they’re going to certainly, I would imagine, take a look at that,” Trump told reporters at the White House after he was asked about further steps that might be taken. Trump had previously said the “military can handle him.”
In another comment, the president said Vindman was sent to “a much different location,” likely referring to his new job at the Pentagon. “The military can handle him any way they want,” he told reporters, adding that “General Milley has him now. I congratulate General Milley,” referring to Army Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
It's looking like things won't be turning out to well for impeachment hoax asset Lt. Col. Vindman, as President Trump is hinting that the US Military is looking into disciplinary actions to use against impeachment hoax asset Lt. Col. Vindman. It's known to be a no no while in US Military uniform to show political bias or political affiliation, but Vindman went beyond this while in uniform trying to coup an acting President because Democrats hate President Trump.
Really when it comes to the actions of Lt. Col. Vindman and what he was part of while in the uniform, there should only be two places of discipline for Vindman to face...Those are Leavenworth or Camp Delta at Guantanamo Bay. Actually anyone who receives a Federal paycheck who were behind and involved in the impeachment hoax should all face US Military justice.
Democrats might regret this, AG Barr to testify before House Judiciary Committee next month

Democrats might regret this, AG Barr to testify before House Judiciary Committee next month


yahoo reports: Attorney General William Barr has accepted an invitation to testify to the House Judiciary Committee next month, ending a year-long standoff that began when the panel first demanded his testimony in the aftermath of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. The arrangement comes as Democrats have demanded answers about Barr's apparent intervention in the sentencing of President Donald Trump’s longtime ally Roger Stone, who was convicted last year on charges that he lied to congressional investigators and threatened a witness.
Hours after Trump railed against Justice Department prosecutors for recommending a seven- to nine-year sentence for Stone, DOJ rebuked its own team and issued a revised recommendation calling for a lighter sentence. The four prosecutors assigned to Stone’s case abruptly withdrew on Tuesday. On Wednesday morning, Trump hailed Barr for "taking charge" of the matter, confirming suggestions that it was the attorney general himself who intervened.
This may spell blowback for House Democrats, as House Judiciary Committee members have invited AG Barr to testify before the House Judiciary Committee. This invite for AG Barr to testify from House Democrats in front of the House Judiciary Committee comes after Democrats have become infuriated over the reduce sentencing for Roger Stone, who once was part of the Trump campaign...After several Mueller team prosecutors resigned from the case against Roger Stone in the last 24 hours.
The testimony takes place during interesting timing, because US Attorney Durham happens to have a criminal investigation currently into the origins of the Russia probe...And this criminal investigation is expected to end as soon as early spring. Convenient timing for AG Barr's testimony to the House Judiciary next month, and this AG Barr testimony could be immediate blowback for the Democrat establishment. The House Judiciary probably wasn't expecting AG Barr to accept the invite so quickly.
He took a career decision. If the coup had worked, he'd have been one of the Joint Chiefs. But, the coup failed so ...

If this is all the Dems have , Trump is a shoe in for 2020,

the question is..

When will Hillary announce shes running ?


I am looking forward for the fight between the Commie Bernie idiots and the more "moderate*" Democrats. No matter which faction wins the other will be pissed.

* A moderate Democrat is still bat shit crazy.

there's not much Dumbocrats can do about it but drink their sorrows away ?

Did I just hear Elizabeth Warren giver her final statement...and she chooses this: "Trans particular trans women of color..are at risk"?

At risk of what?? Using too much make up??
What the hell makes a person running for an national election choose trans-women of color the final thing you say??

Because they only back sick freaks?
In the 50s, during the 2nd Red Scare, the exact same things were being said by the same extremist people. It started in 1946 when the Corporate Raiders discovered that Truman wouldn't cater to their every whims. And then continued all the way until Eisenhower had the Justice Department to look into the mess. There were over 100,000 people that was hurt when the real problem was more like 27. In the beginning, it was real but it got way out of hand before the party that was doing it finally came to it's senses.

But you will notice it's called the 2nd Red Scare. Almost the same thing happened but it was the other party starting in 1917 and running into the 1920s. Actually, it was pretty much the same ideological people but the two parties hadn't flipped. There was a huge scare when Lenin and his bunch won the Russian Revolution in 1917. Yes, there was a commie under every rug. And Socialists were all Communists. Finally, the Democrats had enough of this from their own party and ended it. But not before thousands of lives were ruined.

We have been in a 3rd Red Scare. Although it's still a Commie Socialist Bastard under every rug, what makes it run much longer is that the Radical Red Scarers have gained power. The Party of the Rump is using it to get even more power and to try and hang onto that power longer than they should. But, as always in America, America is starting to come to it's senses.

Bernie is NOT a Communists or a Socialist. He's a Social Democrat on par with many of the Scandinavian Countries that are highly successful. Yah, I know, you Party of the Rumpers are going to tell us all about how bad it is in those countries but you should note that there is a immigration from America to those countries, not the other way around. Even Rump has stated that he would welcome Immigration from those countries just not many take him up on his offer. Bernie and Warren are both Social Democrats. You Rumpsters keep saying that Social Democracy was founded by Karl Marx. In reality, it was founded by Eduard Bernstein and was in start contrast against the Marx teachings. While Marx wanted no Capitalism or Privately owned anything (everything is owned by the People as a whole) Bernstein promoted Capitalism but supported social programs. The first Social Democratic Countries all came about at about the same time and that was right around 1871. Today, countries like Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Germany, the Labour Party of Britain and almost every other western European Country is based on Social Democracy. The ones that aren't are the ones that get in serious trouble like Greece.

So when you and others are spewing "Commie" and "Socialist" you are just doing the 3rd red scare for exactly the same reasons and that is to give yourselves more power than others when you don't deserve it. And like the 1st and 2nd Red Scare, it's a lie.

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