CDZ True or false, government dictating to private organizations is fascist.

Ain't no wealthy successful peop[e that didn't suffer and crash and burn.. UNLESS -- the entire Daddy/Mommy estate just fell into their lap.. You're just jealous of how successful he ended up...

To be a liberal requires one to live in an alternate reality. Trump has been hugely successful in business. One has to be in delusional denial to believe otherwise.

He actually pulled it off in one of the hardest ways.. Didn't create widgets, or another "app".. He boosted the value of his OWN NAME... Earns a fortune every year letting others pay for putting his name on stuff.. You can't create another name as a brand that easily.. Maybe the Hiltons could buy other hotel chains -- if Paris tarnished the name enough LOL,

I've worked with these types. They brag about how they recovered from imminent doom.. Maybe more proud of rebounding from flops than what they accomplished recently....
All the Democrats want to 'regulate' business, especially when those businesses are reaping huge profits. Campaign $$$$ is the name of the game for them. They cannot hope to match Trump's campaign donations. Democrats want to limit campaign donations to Trump....They will try to use every faux 'law' to do so. Be ready....
There could not be a clearer or more obvious example of the absolute need for effective, efficient regulation than the Meltdown of 2008.

Unfortunately, one side of our political spectrum has been completely mal-informed on this topic, and they simply don't know what happened.

They have been conned. Effective regulation is not a bane to capitalism. It is absolutely critical component of capitalism.

They don't know that, either.
Reminder, this is the "Clean Debate Zone".

True. Fascism permits private ownership, but not necessarily private management.
I think that’s a cheap and generalized way of defining fascism. You could then apply that to all laws and regulations implemented by a government. I see the right doing the same thing to left by calling them socialists.
Reminder, this is the "Clean Debate Zone".
True. Fascism permits private ownership, but not necessarily private management.
I think that’s a cheap and generalized way of defining fascism. You could then apply that to all laws and regulations implemented by a government. I see the right doing the same thing to left by calling them socialists.
Hyperbole and binary thinking, that's where we are right now.
All the Democrats want to 'regulate' business, especially when those businesses are reaping huge profits. Campaign $$$$ is the name of the game for them. They cannot hope to match Trump's campaign donations. Democrats want to limit campaign donations to Trump....They will try to use every faux 'law' to do so. Be ready....
The Right has had a pretty big movement about regulating companies like Facebook. Tucker talks about it regularly on his show
Depends on what is being dictated. There are certain rules that are the responsibility of the government to dictate to all . Just because it is a private organization doesn't mean their building doesn't have to meet fire code. What specifically are you referring to?
Actually, no- dictating is not a granted power- there are 13 only.
There could not be a clearer or more obvious example of the absolute need for effective, efficient regulation than the Meltdown of 2008.

Unfortunately, one side of our political spectrum has been completely mal-informed on this topic, and they simply don't know what happened.

They have been conned. Effective regulation is not a bane to capitalism. It is absolutely critical component of capitalism.

They don't know that, either.
So you believe lack of government regulation caused the real estate and banking crisis of 2008? Were not misguided Federal policies and mismanaged Federal home loan programs at least part of the cause of the collapse?
All the Democrats want to 'regulate' business, especially when those businesses are reaping huge profits. Campaign $$$$ is the name of the game for them. They cannot hope to match Trump's campaign donations. Democrats want to limit campaign donations to Trump....They will try to use every faux 'law' to do so. Be ready....
The Right has had a pretty big movement about regulating companies like Facebook. Tucker talks about it regularly on his show

The right only says that, if they're going to receive legal protections as a "platform", then they should actually behave as one.
How about dictating how much a private property owner is allowed to charge for the use of his property?
As a landlord? The market usually determines that. I know you know that, but give me an example of dictating what can be charged. Thanks

Sure. Rent control.
I see. That usually means ghetto apartments to me. As a past landlord I only dealt in real rental values, which of course were far away from this situation. Lol
I see. That usually means ghetto apartments to me. As a past landlord I only dealt in real rental values, which of course were far away from this situation. Lol

Well, maybe they're "ghetto apartments" because the actual owner of the property is unable to invest more in them due to the limited income they are permitted to derive.

I believe in freedom. I believe that free people should be able to charge as much as they can get for the use of their OWN property. The founding fathers are rolling in their graves over rent control, and other far-left policies.
So you believe lack of government regulation caused the real estate and banking crisis of 2008? Were not misguided Federal policies and mismanaged Federal home loan programs at least part of the cause of the collapse?
I assume they played some role, but it was small compared to the absolute farce that was being played out in derivatives markets.

Alan Greenspan himself -- after refusing to increase reglation with CLTC Chairman Brooksley Born all but BEGGING him to -- admitted to Congress that he screwed up, admitting that indeed markets are NOT self correcting, particularly as securities become more complex and opaque.

It was the Wild West for banks, investment banks, mortgage companies, insurance companies (particularly AIG) even the freaking ratings agencies, who assigned AAA ( freaking Treasury-level) ratings to shitbag bonds because they could get away with it for higher fees.

And THAT'S why proper regulation is an absolutely requisite component of capitalism.
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Classic Mussolini type fascism is the division of risk and profit. Profit stays private, and risk becomes public.

If by "profit stays private" you mean that government elites get their cuts along with their elitist friends in industry, protected by said government, then I agree.
I see. That usually means ghetto apartments to me. As a past landlord I only dealt in real rental values, which of course were far away from this situation. Lol

Well, maybe they're "ghetto apartments" because the actual owner of the property is unable to invest more in them due to the limited income they are permitted to derive.

I believe in freedom. I believe that free people should be able to charge as much as they can get for the use of their OWN property. The founding fathers are rolling in their graves over rent control, and other far-left policies.
I'm with you man. I'd be a pissed landlord to if I hoped to break even on a shit hole, hoping I don't get shot there.
Depends on what is being dictated. There are certain rules that are the responsibility of the government to dictate to all . Just because it is a private organization doesn't mean their building doesn't have to meet fire code. What specifically are you referring to?
Actually, no- dictating is not a granted power- there are 13 only.

You think providing rules to allow those powers to be enforced is somehow disallowed? How absurd
And THAT'S why proper regulation is an absolutely requisite component of capitalism.

I have no problem with regulation, but I DO have a problem with the federal government being in the home-mortgage business, as well as the student-loan business. I take it that, aside from the military, you've never seen a government program that you didn't love.
And THAT'S why proper regulation is an absolutely requisite component of capitalism.

I have no problem with regulation, but I DO have a problem with the federal government being in the home-mortgage business, as well as the student-loan business. I take it that, aside from the military, you've never seen a government program that you didn't love.
Take whatever you'd like. I answered your question and provided specifics.

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