True Detective Returns Tonight....

BTW, the Rolling Stone reviewer of episode 4 called the young cop/vet a "war criminal" for serving in Iraq. I remember when that rag did great interviews with musicians instead of shit like that.
So by the time Caspere’s pawned watch lead to a pimp suspected of the murder, everybody needs a win. Ani leads a raid to grab the man, Ledo Amarilla, but a sniper with a machine gun sees them coming and ambushes them. What follows is a long, harsh, violent sequence in which part of a building blows up, many police officers (including the slovenly cop who saw Paul with his friend at the bar) die, an SUV crashes into a city bus and then even more civilians perish before Ledo himself is taken out. Though Ani, Ray and Paul survive, they’re all quite messed up about it afterward.

True Detective Gunfight Shootout in Season 2 Recap TVLine
So by the time Caspere’s pawned watch lead to a pimp suspected of the murder, everybody needs a win. Ani leads a raid to grab the man, Ledo Amarilla, but a sniper with a machine gun sees them coming and ambushes them. What follows is a long, harsh, violent sequence in which part of a building blows up, many police officers (including the slovenly cop who saw Paul with his friend at the bar) die, an SUV crashes into a city bus and then even more civilians perish before Ledo himself is taken out. Though Ani, Ray and Paul survive, they’re all quite messed up about it afterward.

True Detective Gunfight Shootout in Season 2 Recap TVLine

Why not just wait until Ledo came outside for a taco run and pinch him? And what in hell blew off the top of the building?
i cant remember the last time i had a copy of the rolling stone....

yea the explosion was kinda weird but hell the whole thing is weird and i am looking at ani's is either the worst hombre or just a whore blonde type hair do
okay...they raid the building cause the dude pawned that watch or had some girl pawn it..which makes no sense....i am wrong...i am not sure why they raided the building....frankie will know...


the smoking hooka...who knows

The pawned watch was a total bs false trail planted by cops acting on orders from the mayor trying to make a quick close by pinning the blame on the pimp.

The police were supposed to wait for the pimp to leave the building but when they decided to raid, they got ambushed. Probably a meth lab that blew up. I think I saw Jesse and Heisenberg fleeing right before the explosion

Again, I'd be interested in casperes secretary. She arrives shortly before he's killed and now she's visiting the movie set. Hmmm

Why whack Stan?

The land they're buying is contaminated but apparently the federal funding will pay for the remediation. They bought contaminated land for pennies. Clever.
So by the time Caspere’s pawned watch lead to a pimp suspected of the murder, everybody needs a win. Ani leads a raid to grab the man, Ledo Amarilla, but a sniper with a machine gun sees them coming and ambushes them. What follows is a long, harsh, violent sequence in which part of a building blows up, many police officers (including the slovenly cop who saw Paul with his friend at the bar) die, an SUV crashes into a city bus and then even more civilians perish before Ledo himself is taken out. Though Ani, Ray and Paul survive, they’re all quite messed up about it afterward.

True Detective Gunfight Shootout in Season 2 Recap TVLine

The pimp is a false lead, there's no way he tortured and killed Caspere then shot Vince

Who is pulling the strings to torment Frank Seymor?

Who is directing the action so the Caspere murder is solved quickly rather than accurately

Who stands to benefit?
The pimp is a false lead, there's no way he tortured and killed Caspere then shot Vince

Who is pulling the strings to torment Frank Seymor?

Who is directing the action so the Caspere murder is solved quickly rather than accurately

Who stands to benefit?

First off, bullets fired from 20' below a room will hit the ceiling of that room, nothing under it so bullets didn't cause the reaction to whatever exploded. Frank the gangster is ridiculous....I knew a couple rackets boys back in Detroit and they'd have eaten him like a grape. Mark my words...the slob cop will end up with a survivable head-wound and be back on the job by episode 6. If it were up to me, every cop on the series would lose their badge and go to prison. :eusa_eh:
How's this, Jordan Seymon decides that having a baby trumps Frank's involvement in the railroad deal. It's taking all his time and attention so she arranged to have Casperes killed and she kept Frank's $5MM
How's this, Jordan Seymon decides that having a baby trumps Frank's involvement in the railroad deal. It's taking all his time and attention so she arranged to have Casperes killed and she kept Frank's $5MM

Burning Casperes eyes out with acid is too sadistic for a woman who ain't already in a straight-jacket. The "somebody trying to get Frank back out on the streets" has to be a competitor for the land project though....somebody with a vendetta who wants him exposed to more police scrutiny and arrest.....who would that be?
How's this, Jordan Seymon decides that having a baby trumps Frank's involvement in the railroad deal. It's taking all his time and attention so she arranged to have Casperes killed and she kept Frank's $5MM

Burning Casperes eyes out with acid is too sadistic for a woman who ain't already in a straight-jacket. The "somebody trying to get Frank back out on the streets" has to be a competitor for the land project though....somebody with a vendetta who wants him exposed to more police scrutiny and arrest.....who would that be?

She didn't do it, she paid someone to do it

Why not just whack him? They killed Caspere and Stan, if they wanted Frank out of the way, he'd be gone
She didn't do it, she paid someone to do it

Why not just whack him? They killed Caspere and Stan, if they wanted Frank out of the way, he'd be gone

Whoever it is, is afraid of him enough that they know a failed hit will lead him to them. They want him desperate for money and more exposed to police attention. The wife doesn't seem that scheming and he trusts her enough to be involved with his day-to-day operation.....that's another thing...rackets boys never let their women know anything about their business.
look damn it to hell......i am watching this shit cause of i need guidance lol a lot of it....

i wonder if we will or i will understand tonights.....i am sick of watching it two or three times and still going wtf?
How's this, Jordan Seymon decides that having a baby trumps Frank's involvement in the railroad deal. It's taking all his time and attention so she arranged to have Casperes killed and she kept Frank's $5MM

Compliments on your ability to so closely follow the plot of this disappointing attempt to replicate the intriguing mood created in the initial episodes of Season One. I said the initial episodes of Season One because as soon as it became apparent that the McConaughey character was not an exotic psychopath involved in something almost supernatural it became just one more cop show with a rather mundane ending.

Season Two has so far been a continuum of cryptic conversations in dark places interrupted by occasional bursts of overdone and wholly fantastic violence.

The Vince Vaughn character is almost comical and the whole thing is increasingly tedious.

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